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    • Letteratura
As a Jew, Kafka received nothing in inheritance from his father. Nevertheless, throughout his œuvre, subtly, remnants of Jewish words can be deciphered. Hence, the question at the heart of this book: what remains when what’s left is a... more
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      PhilosophyLiteratureWalter BenjaminFranz Kafka
When it becomes difficult or impossible to live on the surface of the globe, the only solution is digging. We propose to track the avatars of the digging animal, upstream and downstream of Kafka’s famous short story, in some literary... more
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      Franz KafkaGlobal SouthExtractivismAPELA (Association pour l'étude des littératures africaines)
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      HumanitiesArtNarrativeLiteratura brasileira
RESUMO: Este artigo tem por objetivo estudar o significado de Corumba nos poemas do livro Poemas Concebidos Sem Pecado (1937), de Manoel de Barros, tendo por referencial teorico Bachelard, em Poetica do Espaco , e as nocoes basicas sobre... more
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      HumanitiesArtPoetryLiteratura brasileira
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      ArtShort story (Literature)Crítica literáriaTeoria da literatura
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      Islamic PhilosophyIslamic StudiesIslamic Political ThoughtLeo Strauss
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    • History
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    • Art
Les 7 et 8 février 2025 (14h-18h CET), l'association les Têtes Imaginaires (revue Fantasy Art and Studies) organise une journée d'études en ligne consacrée à la non-violence en Fantasy. L'appel à communications est ouvert jusqu'au 31... more
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      Fantasy (Film Studies)Fantasy LiteratureScience Fiction and FantasyFantasy Fiction
'On Some Fragments of Trás-os-Montes, a Film by António Reis and Margarida Cordeiro' is a chapter in the Routledge book Rethinking the City: Reconfiguration and Fragmentation, edited by Maria Filomena Molder, Nélio Conceição, and Nuno... more
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      SociologyPhilosophyFilm StudiesFilm Analysis
Kitaba filologiya üzrə fəlsəfə doktoru Məsiağa Məhəmmədinin müxtəlif illərdə fars, rus və türk dillərindən etdiyi tərcümələr – şeir və nəsr nümunələri, məqalə və müsahibələr daxil edilmişdir. Dünya ədəbiyyatı ilə maraqlanan bütün... more
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      Franz KafkaVladimir NabokovNizar QabbaniDünya Edebiyatı
Una cita sobre Kafka de nuestro libro Cuerpo y símbolo nos permite pensar la división del sujeto y la búsqueda actual del sentido de la incógnita de la vida en un contexto favorable: un contexto de solidaridad, de cooperación, de amor,... more
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In «Dialoghi Mediterranei», 69, settembre 2024, ISSN: 2384-9010

Il saggio affronta con taglio filosofico il carteggio tra Franz Kafka e Felice Bauer, concentrandosi sul concetto di "inter-scrittura".
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      HermeneuticsPhilosophy of LiteratureWalter BenjaminFranz Kafka
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      LiteratureLiterary CriticismWalter BenjaminFranz Kafka
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The American literary scholar Eric Santner is one of the most influential intellectuals of his generation since he succeeds in numerous publications to link the globally diagnosed spread of the predominance of economic conditions of... more
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      Cultural StudiesPsychoanalysisGerman StudiesPolitical Philosophy
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      Computer History1980s CultureRetro Computing
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      HistoryUrban HistoryNationalismCzech
Si tota (auto)biografia és una Ficció, què ens hi aboca? A partir del pes de les ombres, s'escomenten diferents aproximacions (modulacions), que articulen materials tan diversos com David Lynch, Nietzsche, Beckett, l'antropòleg Michael... more
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      Samuel BeckettFriedrich NietzschePierre BourdieuDavid Lynch
I define the dream effect as the result of the combination of all literary devices which serve to make a fictional dream appear as oneirically plausible. In four case studies, I will show how the dream effect can act as a semiotic marker... more
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      Cultural StudiesGerman StudiesComparative LiteratureFilm Studies
Die paulinischen Briefe waren schon immer Gegenstand philosophischer Auseinandersetzungen. Gerade in den letzten Jahren erfährt die Paulus-Lektüre jedoch ein auffällig politisches Revival: Diese Debatte, vertreten durch Autoren wie Alain... more
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      Eschatology and ApocalypticismGiorgio AgambenAlain BadiouApostle Paul and the Pauline Letters
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Reportage in the Manner of Tiziano Terzani's "Goodnight, Mister Lenin" and the Epiphanies of Places In this paper, Gloria Politi embarks upon an analysis of Goodnight, Mister Lenin seen as an interpretation of the genre of reportage in... more
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Artículos Origen y trabajo de la técnica Raúl Antelo 7-33 Gestos de Kafka: Para una filosofía de la interpretación literaria Washington Morales Maciel 35-69 Archivo Benjamin, Tzara y los rayogramas de Man Ray Ricardo Ibarlucía 73-87... more
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      AestheticsPhotographyCreativityPhilosophy of Art
Library survey of Carmen Borbély, Erika Mihálycsa, Petronia Petrar (eds.), Temporalities of Modernism, Milano, Ledizioni, 2022.
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      James JoyceSamuel BeckettModernist Literature (Literary Modernism)Franz Kafka
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hacia una biblioteca del exilio en Colombia
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      Literatura Del ExilioExilio
La escritura de Kafka: minada, enigmática, onírica. Un juego cultural ominoso, cotidiano, desgarrador. Este ensayo interpreta (entrando en el círculo inagotable de las lecturas kafkianas) el carácter refractario de su obra: el fracaso, la... more
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      HumanitiesArtFranz KafkaJudaísmo
Nota 7: [...] Chegando ao escritório de Kafka com uma dessas séries de fotos, declarei em tom de regozijo: -­‐ Por algumas coroas, podemos nos fotografar sob todos os ângulos. Esse aparelho é um Conhece-­‐te a ti mesmo mecânico. [Ao que... more
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      Filosofia da LiteraturaFilosofia
Me interesa hacer una comparación sucinta entre dos textos coetáneos de estos dos escritores. Por un lado, está "Informe para una academia" ("Ein Bericht für eine Akademie") de Kafka, este texto se publicó en Un médico rural y otros... more
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      Franz KafkaLiteratura LatinoamericanaLiteratura argentinaLiteratura Hispanoamericana
Se trata de la presentación del dossier acerca de Franz Kafka en su centenario luctuoso. Este dossier se publicó en Cuadernos Fronterizos, año 20, núm. 60 (enero-abril, 2024), pp. 26-27.
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      Franz KafkaLiteratura y poesía moderna y posmoderna
Le Sirene, presenza ricorrente nella letteratura occidentale fin dalla prima antichità, e i significati del loro canto.
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In this article, I look at the question of how the law continually refounds itself in relationship to the material world by borrowing from that materiality a sense of its own tangibility (which it otherwise does not have) even as it in... more
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Resumen A cien años del fallecimiento de Franz Kafka (1883-1924), este artículo estudia el valor de su obra para la tradicional discusión filosófica acerca de la naturaleza de la interpretación literaria. Particularmente, la tesis... more
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      AestheticsLiteratureFranz KafkaLiterary Interpretation
Alejandro Jodorowsky
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    • Cuento
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      HumanitiesArtFranz KafkaConstrucción
Los textos aquí compilados rastrean distintas formas de lo inútil, pero también diversas trampas a las que una consideración superficial nos podría conducir. La maquinaria capitalista es hábil en generar falsas crisis, símiles de... more
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      FilosofíaPsicoanálisisPensamiento CríticoPsicoanálisis Lacaniano
Expression in aphoristic form. György Kurtág’s ‘Kafka-Fragmente’ Op. 24 György Kurtág (born 1926)—a master of musical aphorism is probably the most important Hungarian living composer. In relation to the musical form he is widely... more
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      Franz KafkaMusical ExpressionGyörgy KurtágFragments and Aphorisms
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      LawEconomicsNatural LawFranz Kafka
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      LawEconomicsNatural LawFranz Kafka
Artigo/capítulo publicado no livro 'Vida em tempos sombrios: narrativas de Franz Kafka' (2024), organizado por Elcio Loureiro Cornelsen e Ewerton Martins Ribeiro e publicado pela Faculdade de Letras da UFMG
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      Franz KafkaAporiaMigração
Le geste indécent de Gilberte à Tansonville, avec la Felix culprit d'HCE à Phoenix Park et les images obscènes composant le livre du juge de Kafka, composent le rébus de l'Europe aux anciens parapets.
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      James JoyceGeopoliticsFranz KafkaMarcel Proust
L'idea di progresso, che ha caratterizzato la civiltà occidentale per secoli, era sostenuta da una tonalità emotiva complessa-un senso di sicurezza associato alla fiducia nella ragione e all'aspettativa futura-che oggi appare... more
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      JurisprudencePolitical PhilosophyNatural LawLegal Philosophy
Geografia prawna to kształtujący się od lat 80. XX wieku interdyscyplinarny nurt badawczy tworzony głównie przez prawników oraz geografów społecznych i kulturowych. Ten kierunek, będący odpowiedzią na tzw. zwrot przestrzenny w... more
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      Sociology of LawLegal Geography
Tralerighe libri Libri come pietre d'angolo Leggere Kafka è un'avventura impegnativa: dalla prima riga ci costringe a interrogare il testo, che resta sempre enigmatico e sfuggente. Kafka "ha preso tutte le misure possibili contro... more
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    • Franz Kafka
Odradek? Was evoziert dieser Name nach einem ersten, flüchtigen Blick auf den Titel der großformatigen Fotografie 'Odradek, Taboritska, Prag, 18. Juni 1994' des kanadische Künstlers Jeff Wall? Steht er für eine konkrete Person,... more
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      Franz KafkaJeff WallDDC
Throughout art and banality, literature alone stands as the most honored one. One cannot simply tell when one will eventually encounter a profound and authentic story, or if not, one of the superb pieces of media example that inherently... more
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      Creative WritingAlienation in LiteraturePhilosophy of Dehumanization
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      PhilosophyHumanitiesArtFranz Kafka