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      ApocalypticismSocial MediaRight-Wing MovementsGünther Anders
Vertaling van een korte reflectie die is opgenomen in Günther Anders' Die Antiquiertheit des Menschen Bd. II: Über die Zerstörung des Lebens im Zeitalter der dritten industriellen Revolution.
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      Death & Dying (Thanatology)Anthropology of DeathPhilosophy of DeathGünther Anders
I want to try and read Günther Anders in a new context, not atomic war, but dangerous climate change, or, what has been called—incorrectly—the Anthropocene. What happens if we switch out the word “atom” for “climate” in his texts? What... more
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      Critical TheoryPhilosophyTechnologyClimate Change
Recién publicada en la revista "Anuario Filosófico" mi reseña a un libro extraordinario sobre Günther Anders.
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      FilosofíaTecnologiaGünther AndersReseña de libro
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      PhilosophyImaginaciónGünther AndersRazón Práctica
In «Areté. International Journal of Philosophy, Human and Social Sciences», vol. 8, 2023, pp. 223-247, ISSN: 2531- 6249. This essay tries to articulate a reflection on the limit from a metaphysical point of view, bringing out the... more
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      MetaphysicsPlatoMartin HeideggerMarcel Proust
In Mechane», 6/2023, Mimesis, Milano-Udine 2023, pp. 111-123, ISBN: 9791222312811. The essay attempts to articulate a reflection on the language-technique relationship, focusing in particular on the negative influence that technique... more
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      Philosophy Of LanguagePhilosophy of TechnologyMartin HeideggerTheoretical Philosophy
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      Karl MarxGünther AndersEdward Bernays
IT: Il presente contributo si propone di individuare i tratti essenziali di una metafisica della natura nel pensiero di Ernst Jünger. Nella prima parte, il saggio esamina la metafisica dell'Operaio di Jünger elaborata in "Der Arbeiter",... more
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      MetaphysicsOntologyPhilosophy of TechnologyErnst Jünger
O presente artigo pretende apresentar, a partir da filosofia de Günther Anders, a mudança de nosso estatuto metafísico com o advento do antropoceno, o qual borrou os contornos que distinguiam a história natural e a história humana, em... more
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      Günther AndersCatástrofes
Rezension zur Edition von Günther Anders, "Die Totenpost", hg. von Alexander Knopf (Wallstein 2022)
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      German StudiesDeath StudiesWalter BenjaminLiterature and Philosophy
This article is placed within the framework of the role of images of contemporary wars, and in particular addresses the “elective affinities” between the theses of the philosopher Günther Anders and the visual artist Harun Farocki. The... more
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      War StudiesGunther AndersHarun FarockiH. Farocki
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      AestheticsArt History
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      Critical TheoryEducational TechnologyInquiry Based LearningEducational Psychology
In response to the catastrophes of the twentieth century, contemporary writers were often led to revolutionize inherited forms of philosophical presentation. And now, in an age of Anthropocene extinction, such experiments have become... more
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      Critical TheoryAestheticsGeorges Didi-HubermanEcology
ENGLISH: This work sets out to study the conception of philosophy and the method of exaggeration presented by Günther Anders in his two volume work The Obsolescence of Man (1956-1980). If as its subject-matter, the core of the work is the... more
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      Gunther AndersGünther Anders
Viviamo in un’epoca in cui l’idea di potenza è aborrita, identificata al male e alla violenza. Potenza e dominio costituiscono il cuore del mondo di ieri, contro il quale le istanze radicali del no- stro tempo lottano per far valere una... more
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      European StudiesGlobalizationFriedrich NietzscheNietzsche
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    • Humanities
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      HumanitiesArtProphetsPolitical Language
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      Guy DebordIvan IllichCapitalismMax Stirner
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      Hannah ArendtGünther Anders
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      PhilosophyPhilosophy of TechnologyPhilosophical AnthropologyErnst Jünger
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The aim of the paper is to examine the ontological relationship between war and peace in Heidegger's thought of technology. Through the analyses of some passages of Overcoming metaphysics and Geschichte des Seins, it tries to show how, in... more
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      PhilosophyPeace and Conflict StudiesWar StudiesMartin Heidegger
Arturo Andrés Roig (1922-2012) introduces in the text Teoría y crítica del pensamiento latinoamericano (Theory and criticism of Latin American thought) of 1981 the neologism sujetividad in opposition to the term subjetividad... more
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      History of PhilosophyArturo Andrés RoigFilosofía Iberoamericana
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      PhilosophyHumanitiesSilenceGunther Anders
In questo contributo intendiamo delineare alcuni tratti fisiognomici del Dasein heideggeriano in re-lazione all’interpretazione sloterdijkiana della nozione di Lichtung. Tenendo conto del fatto che – in forza del domandare ontologico... more
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      Political PhilosophyMartin HeideggerSpace and Time (Philosophy)Theoretical Philosophy
Étude d'histoire de l'art pour un sujet singulier et particulièrement inscrit dans son siècle, traité au regard d'apports littéraire, philosophique, psychologique et psychanalytique. Mémoire de fin d'étude de Master 2 d'histoire de l'art... more
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      SculptureSymbolism (Art History)XIXe siècle
In diesem Aufsatz werden die Methoden und Konzepte von Günther Anders‘ Technikphilosophie auf das Phänomen der Digitalisierung angewandt, um so das Potenzial des andersschen Denkens für eine kritische Phänomenologie der digitalen... more
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      Critical TheoryPhilosophy of TechnologyPhenomenologyGunther Anders
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      Philosophy of TechnologyGünther Anders
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      Philosophy of TechnologyGünther Anders
Hannah Arendt distingue les diverses "choses" fabriquées par l'homme selon leur durée. Les produits de consommation sont les choses les plus éphémères ("transitoires") qui soient, viennent ensuite les actions humaines "conservées par la... more
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    • Hannah Arendt
Bu sunumda günümüz dünyasında politik felsefenin anlamına ilişkin bir değerlendirme sunmayı deniyoruz. Politik felsefenin odaklanabileceği problemler ve üstlenebileceği girişimler bakımından büyük bir zenginlik taşıdığını not etmek... more
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      Jean-Luc NancyBernard StieglerCoexistenceTeknik
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      Gunther AndersGünther Anders
Beginning with Jacob Taubes and Günther Anders on eschatology, apocalypse and political theology, including Saint Paul and Frankfurt School critical theory along with bombs and power plants (energy/climate), this essay parallels a... more
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      GnosticismPhilosophy of TechnologyPolitical TheoryEschatology and Apocalypticism
Dans cet article, nous examinons l'hypothèse selon laquelle la conception de la technique se transforme dans la pensée allemande après la Première Guerre mondiale, en particulier en ce qui concerne la relation entre la technique et... more
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      Critical TheoryCritical Theory of TechnologyFascismWalter Benjamin
Broschüre zum Günther Anders-Preis für kritisches Denken 2022 an Joseph Vogl.
Kostenlos beim Verlag erhältlich unter https://www.chbeck.de/dries-beck-kapitalismus-ressentiment/product/35578552.
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      CapitalismGunther AndersGünther AndersKapitalismuskritik
El presente artículo trata de inscribir el fenómeno de la técnica en el marco de una antropología filosófica que nos permita aproximarnos a una comprensión del momento histórico del siglo XX. Para ello se analiza en primer lugar la noción... more
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      AnthropologyPhilosophy of TechnologyFilosofíaAntropología filosófica
In light of the nuclear threat and the catastrophic effects of human-induced climate change, Günther Anders’ mid-20th century analysis of humanity’s “apocalyptic blindness” takes on renewed resonance. This thesis deals with Anders’... more
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      Apocalypse TheoryGunther AndersGünther Anders
Die Literatur über Hannah Arendt boomt gerade; so sieht es auch die Autorin des vorliegenden Buches (S. 11) und hat damit sicher recht. 1 Warum al
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      Walter BenjaminMartin HeideggerKarl JaspersHannah Arendt
RESUMO Explosões atômicas e radiações - os grandes temores da Guerra Fria repropostos com frequência pela literatura e pelo cinema - são temas deste ensaio inspirado pela leitura de Burning conscience (1989; [1961]), coletânea de cartas... more
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    • Revista Brasileira de Literatura Comparada
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      EpistemologyViolencePolitical SciencePower
The article advances a rereading of H. Arendt's views on history and storytelling highlighting the support they offer to both her theory of 'factual context' and to her standing against teleology, historical determinism and philosophy of... more
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      HistoryPolitical TheoryStorytellingHannah Arendt
La conferenza s'incentra sulla connessione tra le immagini del totalitarismo e l'analfabetismo emotivo in Günther Anders
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      German StudiesGerman LiteratureAestheticsGuenther Anders
Nel presente articolo si analizzerà come, a fronte del paradigma transumanista che opera per una progressiva inclusione dell’uomo nel suo stesso processo di ‘miglioramento’ del mondo, è sempre più pressante la domanda sulla dinamica tra... more
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The volume I like Rodin collects four studies on the French sculptor Auguste Rodin, which interested four scholars from the German-speaking world during the 20th Century: Rudolf Kassner (1873-1959), Rainer Maria Rilke (1875-1926) Georg... more
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      German LiteratureAestheticsGeorg SimmelRilke
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      HumanitiesArtProphetsPolitical Language
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      Brazilian StudiesEschatology and ApocalypticismUneven and Combined DevelopmentGünther Anders
Lettere sull'umanismo. Presentazione del volume "Aut Aut" di Anders (a cura di M. Latini e V. Rasini), Udine, 7 maggio 2023, Udine
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      Guenther AndersGunther AndersGünther Anders