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The Republic of Austria is privileged to discuss and move forward to the international community the recurring issues of the proliferation of SALW in the Americas and the legal question of LGBT people’s status and rights. Austria will... more
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      European UnionGeneral AssemblySmall Arms and light weaponsLGBT rights
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      United NationsGeneral AssemblyDemocratic GovernanceDiplomatic Relations
Résumé La fameuse note de Hans Corell sur l’exploitation des ressources naturelles du Sahara est devenue, en l’espace de quelques années, la doxa « juridique » pour un certain nombre d’acteurs internationaux (Etats, ONG, etc.). Mais ce... more
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      European LawInternational LawHuman RightsSovereignty
This paper analyzes four completed missions as case studies to determine the successes and failures of peacekeeping operations. The case studies are: The United Nations Transition Assistance Group in Namibia (UNTAG) from 1989 to 1990, The... more
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      International RelationsInternational LawHuman RightsInternational Politics
This extended essay discusses the effects of the Arab-Israeli Conflict, the creation of the State of Israel, the roll of the United Nations in this conflict, the Partition-Plan Proposal given by the General Assembly and its repercussion... more
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      International RelationsInternational StudiesIsrael StudiesPolitical Science
The ICJ’s advisory opinion on the legal consequences of the separation of the Chagos Archipelago from Mauritius in 1965, prior to Mauritian independence, is a significant development in a long-running transnational legal process. The UK’s... more
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      International LawPublic International LawDecolonizationGeneral Assembly
The language of values is in fashion nowadays. Global values are often employed, either as elements of a coherent theory or simply as rhetorical tools, by some of the most influential politicians of our age. However, despite all this... more
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      History of IdeasInternational LawHuman ValuesUnited Nations
Does the 2013 United Nations (UN) Arms Trade Treaty (ATT) represent what Costa Rica's UN Ambassador called a nascent ‘Spirit of New York’ – a change in the rules of the arms control game in favor of humanitarianism and human rights? Or... more
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      International RelationsPeace and Conflict StudiesGlobalizationInternational Law
The chambers of commerce and industry are professional organizations that are committed to revealing the entrepreneurial characteristics of the private sector that offer predetermined services to their members. The legal status of these... more
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      General AssemblyBoard of DirectorsChambers of CommerceChambers of industry
SUMARIO: I. Introducción.— II. La competencia de la Corte Internacional de Justicia en su función consultiva.— III. La consulta formulada por la Asamblea General de las Naciones Unidas. La presentación de Argentina.— IV. Reflexiones sobre... more
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      United NationsGibraltarInternational Court of JusticeMalvinas
La controversia de Gibraltar tiene en las Naciones Unidas su marco internacional de referencia. Concebido como un caso de descolonización, su proceso es supervisado por la Asamblea General de la ONU (AG, en adelante), mediante una de sus... more
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      European StudiesInternational RelationsInternational LawUnited Nations
Boris Krivokapic: ON ROLE AN PERSPECTIVE OF THE UNITED NATIONS IN THE 21st CENTURY - S u m m a r y - The paper deals with the place and role of the United Nations in the 2st century and, in this regard, the possible directions of the... more
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      International LawUnited NationsPublic International LawInternational Court of Justice
On 21 December 2016 the General Assembly took an unprecedented initiative, by deciding, despite Syria’s opposition, to establish an International, Impartial and Independent Mechanism (IIIM) to assist in the investigation and prosecution... more
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      International LawInternational Criminal LawUnited NationsGeneral Assembly
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      TheologyCatalan LanguageHagiographyRamon Llull
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      History of IdeasInternational LawHuman ValuesUnited Nations
According to the UN Charter all the resolutions of the SC are juridical decisions and all member states must follow this in accordance with the international norms of law. Sanctions and resolutions are very important in maintaining the... more
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      Security CouncilUN CharterGeneral Assemblyveto right
Introductory speech to the 47th General Assembly of
EU Peripheral and Maritime Regions’ Conference (CPMR)
by Gaetano Armao
Vice-President of Region Sicily - Vice-President of CPMR Island Commission
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      General AssemblyCPMR
Introductory speech to the 47th General Assembly of
EU Peripheral and Maritime Regions’ Conference (CPMR)
by Gaetano ArmaoVice-President of Region Sicily - Vice-President of CPMR Island Commission
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      General AssemblyCPMR
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      General AssemblyReal TimeRadiofrequencyElectro Magnetic
This paper describes the simulation and design of an exponential matching transmission line for the connection of a 50-Ω generator to a 100-Ω Half Impulse Radiating Antenna (HIRA).
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      Frequency-domain analysisGeneral AssemblyMathematical ModelTransmission Line
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      LiteracyInstitutional TheoryManuscript StudiesMedieval Church History
Resumen El crimen de agresión fue incluido como uno de los crímenes de competencia de la Corte Penal Internacional en el Estatuto de Roma, si bien en la actualidad la Corte no ejerce aún la competencia sobre el mismo. La definición del... more
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      International LawInternational Criminal LawInternational Criminal CourtCrime Of Aggression
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      Signal ProcessingGlobal Positioning SystemIonosphereGeneral Assembly
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      Human EvolutionVirtual RealityHuman BodyGeneral Assembly
El presente artículo estudia la cuestión de las fuentes del derecho internacional. Entre ellas, y de manera particular, se analiza la costumbre como fuente del derecho y su evolución desde el ius gentium clásico hasta las modernas formas... more
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      Sources of LawInternational Customs LawGeneral AssemblyFuentes
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      Broadband NetworksGeneral AssemblyBroadband Wireless AccessWireless access
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      SociologyPolitical SociologyMiddle East StudiesHuman Rights
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      Israel/PalestineUnited NationsPalestineGeneral Assembly
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      Microstrip AntennasCancerCancer treatmentGeneral Assembly
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      Mobile CommunicationMagnetic fieldMobile telephonyGeneral Assembly
Since the demise of the USSR in 1991, the five Central Asian republics have joined a number of international organisations, most notably the UN. However, while their membership in this organisation is often taken for granted and used by... more
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      International RelationsInternational Relations TheoryUnited NationsEnglish School
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      Broadband NetworksGeneral AssemblyBroadband Wireless AccessWireless access
The ionosphere is a layer in the Earth's atmosphere where free electrons exist in sufficient numbers to affect the propagation of electromagnetic waves especially the Global Positioning System (GPS) signals. The study of the Total... more
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      Plasma PhysicsAstrophysical PlasmaElectromagnetic InterferenceGlobal Positioning System
The Responsibility to Protect is the acknowledgement by the international community of States that the current modes of international law cannot solve-let alone palliate-the question of mass atrocities. The Responsibility to Protect is a... more
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      Civil WarUnited NationsRelational Contract TheoryDiplomacy
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      Impulse RadioGeneral AssemblyBit Error RateLow Power
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      CancerGeneral AssemblyRat BrainCreatine Kinase
As the United Nations (UN) Human Rights Council (‘the Council’) celebrates it tenth anniversary in 2016, this policy paper aims to provide an overview of the institutional issues relating to its status as a subsidiary body within the UN... more
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      Human RightsUnited NationsSecurity CouncilHuman rights council
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      Spectral analysisGeneral AssemblyElectric FieldsWave Equation
This paper evaluates reconfigurable specification of the fractal tree antenna. Fractal tree antenna fed by a 50 ohms round coax from its middle. Making PIN-diodes on or off state, the characteristic of antenna changes and it results... more
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      General AssemblyRadiation PatternResonant Frequency
Many models have been proposed to represent diffraction effects on the propagation of radio waves over irregular terrain in the VHF and UHF bands. Predictions from these models have been compared with results from associated... more
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      Communication TechnologyStandard DeviationGeneral AssemblyPrediction Model
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      Traveling wave tubeGeneral AssemblyRadio FrequencyAnalytical Model
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    • General Assembly
Working paper for General Assembly third committee, representing the Plurinational state of Bolivia. The paper addresses Migration & Human Rights, and Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice systems in a changing world.
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      Bolivian studiesUnited NationsBoliviaBolivian migration
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      Millimeter Wave AntennasRF and Microwave SystemsMicrowave ImagingGeneral Assembly
A Assembleia Geral das Nações Unidas é um dos principais órgãos da ONU. Tradicionalmente, cabe ao Brasil abrir a sua reunião anual. Frente às drásticas mudanças que ocorrem na política externa brasileira, decidimos escrever o discurso que... more
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      Brazilian StudiesUnited NationsBrazilian PoliticsBrazilian Foreign policy
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      Atmospheric ModelingIonosphereLightningGeneral Assembly
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      Electromagnetic ScatteringComputer ModelGeneral AssemblyMultiple Scattering
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      International RelationsInternational StudiesInternational LawInternational Human Rights Law
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      General AssemblyOPTIMIZATION TECHNIQUEElectric Conductivity
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      Higher Order ThinkingGeneral AssemblyHigher order statisticsFeature Extraction