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      GeographyClimate ChangeClimate Change AdaptationPacific Oceania
The question of the unity of geography is nearly as old as the discipline itself. Especially in German-speaking geography the relationship between physical and human geography has always been a matter of concern. While the idea of... more
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      GeographyHuman GeographyHuman-Environment RelationsSocial Network Analysis (SNA)
In diesem Artikel geht es um Relevanz und Stellung der Fachdidaktik innerhalb der deutschsprachigen Geographie. Der Beitrag umfasst zwei Teile: Der erste Teil ist eine disziplinhistorische und -politische Würdigung der Fachdidaktik... more
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      GeographieWissenschaftsforschungSoziale NetzwerkanalyseFachdidaktik
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      GeographyCartographyClassicsGreek Literature
Cours d'introduction aux principes de la sémiologie graphique en cartographie :
-Introduction et définition
-La construction cartographique
-De la donnée à la représentation
-Les 6 Variables visuelles
-Critiques de cartes
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      CARTOGRAPHIEGeographieCartographie NumériqueGeographic Information Systems (GIS)
siehe Details auch in https://uni-koeln.academia.edu/ManfredBundschuh in meinen Kapiteln über Ur-und Frühgeschichte und Geowissenschaften please see details also in https://uni-koeln.academia.edu/ManfredBundschuh in my chapters... more
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La Commune Urbaine d‟Antananarivo (CUA) fait partie intégrante de la plus importante agglomération de population de Madagascar. Elle est aussi la capitale de la Grande île. Elle compte 10% de la population malgache et ses habitants... more
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    • Geographie
The entry begins with a definition of geography and with a description of what the discipline shares with the other social sciences and what makes it distinctive among them. Terminological clarifications are provided with regard to the... more
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      Critical TheoryDiscourse AnalysisLandscape EcologySociology
Support de cours (révision 2014) à destination des étudiants de Master 1 "Initiation" en Géographie, de l'Université Bordeaux-Montaigne afin de les aider dans la réalisation de leurs travaux. Le logiciel utilisé pour ce cours est MapInfo.
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أطروحة دكتوراه تعالج إشكالية تيارات النقل بين المدن والأرياف بإقليم فلعة السراغنة
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      GeographieDéveloppement DurableDéveloppement Territorialالنقل
"Les recompositions territoriales sont à l'ordre du jour à l'échelle planétaire, au Sud comme au Nord. Il s’agit d'une part, d’une vague sans précédent de décentralisations et de redécoupages municipaux et régionaux associés ; et d'autre... more
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      Political SociologyGeographyHuman GeographyCultural Geography
Zusammenfassung: Um das Jahr 300 v. Chr. verfasste der griechische Autor Hekataios von Abdera eine Schrift über das sagenhafte Volk der Hyperboreer im hohen Norden Europas. Das nur noch in Fragmenten auf uns gekommene Werk beinhaltete... more
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      EthnographyAncient GeographyHerodotusCelts
Deutschsprachige Lehrbücher der Geographie werden innerhalb der Arbeit einer Diskursanalyse unterzogen, um die geschlechterspezifischen Wissensordnungen, theoretischen Relationen und Diskursverläufe nachzuzeichnen. Die Verknüpfung von... more
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      GeographyGender StudiesGeographieDiskursanalyse
Simandan D (2005) "Pragmatic Scepticism and the Possibilities of Knowledge" Timisoara, Editura Universitatii de Vest/West University Press, 256 pp. This book distiled my own way of understanding the relation between epistemology,... more
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      Critical TheoryDiscourse AnalysisSociologyCultural Studies
L'article montre la dimension géo-stratégique de la région et la nécessité de créer et de consolider la région
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      Développement régionalGeographie
La communication montre la définition de l'urbain en Tunisie et relève les difficultés de définition et de mesure de l'urbain.
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      TunisieGeographieVilleGéographie Urbaine
Simandan D (2005) "New Ways in Geography" Timisoara, Editura Universitatii de Vest/ West University Press, 230 pp. The first part of the volume - "Old Ways" - addresses the question whether geography as we know it is worth keeping. The... more
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      Critical TheoryDiscourse AnalysisSociologySocial Theory
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      Espace publicGeographieEspace Urbain
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      GeographyHuman GeographyUrban GeographyRegional Geography
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      GeographyHuman GeographyCultural GeographyGeographie
Oui, qu’il aille se faire foutre. Le néolibéralisme craint. On n’en a pas besoin.
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      French LiteraturePhilosophy Of LanguageFrench HistoryTranslation Studies
This paper argues that, in order to take place, space and scale more seriously in the study of our discipline, we have to complement the pervasive understanding of geography as a tradition of thought or an extended conversation with an... more
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      Critical TheoryEnvironmental EngineeringSociologySocial Theory
Based on her own research and on that of her colleagues, equally archaeogeographers, the author wishes to outline the position and ideas of a new discipline, Archaeogeography, by showing its originality in relation to agrarian and rural... more
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      Landscape ArchaeologyLandscape HistoryGeographieHistoire Rurale
Conceptualizing Territories By Frédéric GIRAUT The social use of the term “territory” has tended to proliferate in the context of globalization. French-language geography has also indulged an immoderate use of the concept. The apparent... more
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      Critical TheoryHistorySociologyCultural Studies
Conceptualizing Territories By Frédéric GIRAUT The social use of the term “territory” has tended to proliferate in the context of globalization. French-language geography has also indulged an immoderate use of the concept. The apparent... more
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      Critical TheoryHistorySociologyCultural Studies
The single most important statement that can be made with regard to the logical status of human and physical geographical reasoning is that it belongs to the class of non-monotonic reasoning. In other words, geographical reasoning is... more
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      Critical TheoryEnvironmental EngineeringIntellectual HistoryLandscape Ecology
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      CommunicationGame studiesPopular CultureSociologie
Weltweit ist eine Konjunktur der Refeudalisierung zu verzeichnen: Milliardäre werden Staatspräsidenten, der Luxuskonsum steigt ebenso dramatisch an wie soziale Ungleichheiten und es entsteht eine Kultur politischer und sozio-ökonomischer... more
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      Latin American StudiesAmerican StudiesSocial SciencesLatin American and Caribbean History
This paper crosses the borders of human geography to bring back two related bodies of work from experimental psychology that investigate, in an unusual and refreshingly precise way, long-standing human geographical concerns with... more
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      Critical TheoryLandscape EcologySociologyCultural Studies
it's a document that talks about the determinants of people's health. we have the physical determinants and the human determinants.
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Communication faite au IIème Colloque du Département de Géographie, Faculté des Lettres & des Sciences Humaines de Sousse "Une géographie au temps du monde : Postures intellectuelles pour la géographie tunisienne", Sousse, 1-3 mars 2001.... more
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Demonic geography is an approach to practicing human geography that operates from the premise that there are no such immaterial entities as 'souls', 'spirits', 'minds', integrated, stable 'selves', or conscious 'free will'. This paper... more
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      Critical TheoryDiscourse AnalysisReligionComparative Religion
The paper shows how error statistical theory can be deployed to grasp the deeper epistemic logic of the peer-review process. The intent is to provide the readers with a novel lens through which to make sense of the practices of academic... more
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      Discourse AnalysisSociologyGeographyHuman Geography
Cours de Terminale L
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      HistoryEuropean HistoryGeographyEuropean Studies
"Le nombre de plus en plus élevé de villes moyennes en Afrique nécessite de développer une analyse du phénomène urbain qui ne soit subordonnée ni à l’étude des métropoles ni à celle des communautés, lesquelles ont fait les beaux jours des... more
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      SociologyEnvironmental SociologyEconomic SociologyPolitical Sociology
Urban mobilities are produced through different relations, interactions and materialities. Different combinations of these factors lead to different mobilities, some of which are more sustainable than others. Moreover, mobilities are... more
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      Critical TheoryTransportation EngineeringSociologyGeography
Auch als reich bebilderter Vortrag buchbar! Sprechen Sie mich gerne an. Verschwundene Dörfer, untergegangene Siedlungen, verlassene Orte – in der Krisenzeit des Spätmittelalters entstanden zahllose Wüstungen. Ganze 40 000 sollen es... more
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      GeographyCultural GeographyLate Middle AgesMedieval Studies
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      GeographyHistorical GeographyCartographyGreek Literature
During Mussolini’s fascist regime, the Atlante internazionale del Touring Club Italiano published in Milan (1927-1938) and too in Barcelona (1930-1935), and widely recognised far beyond the borders of Italy, included among its plates two... more
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      LanguagesGeographyHuman GeographyCultural Geography
En 1664 le procureur général du Parlement de Rouen déclare à propos de son ressort que "les sept bailliages et sièges présidiaux dont est composée toute notre justice en ladite province (sont) chacun divisé en quatre vicomtés et chaque... more
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      JusticeFranceXVII centuryGeographie
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      SociologyEnvironmental SociologyEconomic SociologyPolitical Sociology
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      Social TheorySocial GeographyPolitical TheoryAnarchism
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Le texte analyse le rapport entre le développement socio-économique et l'urbanisation en Tunisie depuis l'indépendance (Texte en arabe)
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      UrbanisationTunisieGeographieGeographie Urbaine
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      CommunicationGame studiesTechnocultureEthnography
— Pour les insulaires de la Méditerranée, la mer est considérée comme une rupture entre deux terres lointaines et donc deux cultures différentes. L'avènement de l'économie moderne avec le dévelop-pement du tourisme n'a pas effacé les... more
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      GeographyTourism StudiesTOURISMETunisia
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D’où viennent les continents ? Loin de reposer sur des faits de nature, le découpage du monde en continents est le résultat d’une construction pluriséculaire. Il s’agit aussi d’une invention européenne aujourd’hui contestée pour son... more
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      GeographieHistoire De La Géographie
After three decades of demographic decline, Swiss cities have registered a new period of growth since 2000. One of the explanations of this trend reversal is the construction in the frame of urban regeneration projects of dwellings... more
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      SociologyGeographyHuman GeographyUrban Geography
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