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Para tratarmos da pensarmos sobre a nossa historicidade atual com base na  “experiencia do tempo”, pretendemos refletir neste artigo refletimos sobre uma das principais hipoteses relacionadas  sobre as atuais formas atuais de... more
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      PhilosophyMartin HeideggerTheory of HistoryHistory of Historiography
Sumário e Prefácio do livro.
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      Internet StudiesInternet & SocietyJean-François LyotardPresentism
The book is based on a two-day-workshop, organized by Philip Ursprung and Mechtild Widrich that was centered around the topic of "presence" and took place at Cabaret Voltaire in February 2013. Besides the editors, scientists and... more
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      Critical TheoryAestheticsArchitectureArt Theory
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      PhilologyLiteraturePresenceTheory of literature
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      ReligionGerman StudiesComparative LiteratureMythology
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      BaseballBaseball History & AmericaSportAesthetics of Sport
Para tratarmos da nossa historicidade com base na “experiência do tempo”, neste artigo refletimos sobre uma das principais hipóteses relacionadas às formas atuais de temporalização: o Presentismo de François Hartog. Essa sintomatologia do... more
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      Martin HeideggerTheory of HistoryHistory of HistoriographyPresentism
Die Stoßrichtung von Gadamers Antwort auf den Historismus bleibt in der Forschung ein umstrittenes Thema: Während seine philosophische Hermeneutik einerseits beschuldigt wird, lediglich die Aporien des Historismus zu radikalisieren, sehen... more
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      HistoryPhilosophyResearch Methods and MethodologyResearch Methodology
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      Critical TheoryHermeneuticsLiterary TheoryMartin Heidegger
This study investigates viewing experiences that came with the introduction of cinema. Merging (film) history with aesthetic theory, this dissertation entails historically informed theoretical reconstructions of viewing experiences... more
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      Jean-Luc NancyEarly CinemaCinema of AttractionsPresence
ARAUJO, V. L.. A aula como desafio à experiência da história. In: Marcia de Almeida Gonçalvez; Ana Maria Monteiro; Luís Reznik; Helenice Rocha GONÇALVES, Marcia de Almeida; MONTEIRO, Ana Maria; REZNIK, Luís; > ROCHA, Helenice. (Org.).... more
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      Philosophy of HistoryTheory of HistoryHistory of HistoriographyBrazilian Historiography
El artículo explora las reflexiones en torno a los presentismos y la historia del tiempo presente como telón de fondo del quehacer actual de los historiadores. Aborda las principales tesis de François Hartog y Hans Ulrich Gumbrecht sobre... more
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      HistoriographyTheory of HistoryHistory of HistoriographyHistoriografía
Hans Ulrich Gumbrecht legt in diesem Herbst 2020 nicht nur eine Monogra-phie zu dem französischen Aufklärer Denis Diderot vor, 1 sondern auch eine neue Übersetzung eines Klassikers der spanischen Literatur, der im deut-schen Sprachraum... more
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      Arthur SchopenhauerBaltasar GraciánHans U. GumbrechtHans Ulrich Gumbrecht
This text on the keyword “mood” offers an attempt to de- fine that category in the context of poetics. Though the term itself frequently appeared in discussions of literature in the eras of Romanticism and Symbolism, its meaning was then... more
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      AestheticsLiterary TheoryPoetologyHans U. Gumbrecht
Thus, it is our aim to think about the conditions of possibility of the linguistic turn, which took shape some centuries earlier, namely the broad perception of the “growing acceleration of transformations within time,” inherent to... more
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      Intellectual HistoryPhilosophy of HistoryTheory of HistoryHistory of Historiography
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      Jean-Luc NancyFilm-PhilosophyEarly CinemaHans U. Gumbrecht
Resumen El ensayo analiza la relación de Koselleck con las categorías sociopolíticas ligadas a la nueva tempo-ralidad de los últimos decenios, particularmente la memoria negativa. Koselleck fue un teórico reco-nocido de la modernidad y es... more
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      Reinhart KoselleckHistoria ConceptualMemoriaIdentidades Colectivas
Breve análise da obra recente de Hans Ulrich Gumbrecht
(disponível também em http://formadevida.org/recensoes/55-livros-de-hans-ulrich-gumbrecht)
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      Contemporary HistoryMoods (Stimmung)Hans U. GumbrechtHans Ulrich Gumbrecht
This is my afterword to my translation of H.U. Gumbrecht's book Production of Presence. What Meaning Cannot Convey.
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      AestheticsPresenceHans U. Gumbrecht
In the following paper, which had its origin in a seminar delivered in 2019 by prof. Hans Ulrich Gumbrecht, I will argue how the topos of bragging in Occitan gab songs is closer to the aforementioned professor's notion of a presence... more
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      Occitan LiteratureMedieval Occitan LiteratureHistory of the TroubadoursOccitan Language
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      Luiz Costa LimaFrançois HartogHans U. GumbrechtRegimes De Historicidade
Der Bereich, in dem das Problem von Authentizität und Wiederholung seit Jahrhunderten diskutiert wird – engagiert, aggressiv, bis hin zur kriegerischen Auseinandersetzung – ist der Streit um das Abendmahl. Die Frage, wie die Einmaligkeit... more
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      Theatre StudiesTheologyPerformance StudiesLiturgy
Anacronismo, memoria y latencia, que en el pasado fueron expulsados hasta los márgenes del discurso historiográfico, pueden ser de gran utilidad para comprender la historia que se abre tras la crisis de la modernidad. La obra de Koselleck... more
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      HistoriographyReinhart KoselleckEstheticsEstética Y Política
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      AestheticsDeconstructionJacques DerridaHans U. Gumbrecht
A partir da obra de Gumbrecht, mas não somente dela, pretendemos sinalizar as aproximações passíveis de serem feitas entre a teoria das materialidades e os estudos sobre o esporte. Em outras palavras, como investigar o esporte adotando... more
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      MaterialitiesCorpoMaterialidades Da ComunicaçãoHans U. Gumbrecht
Interfacing Harold Bloom's 'The Western Canon' as a point of departure, elaboration and criticism, with the ideas put forward by Nietzsche and the Czech novelist Milan Kundera, I here attempted to steer the question of canonicity away... more
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      Creative WritingCritical TheoryHistoryWorld Literatures
Este artigo é dedicado à análise da paisagem sonora das canções da cantora canadense Grimes, que utiliza predominantemente aparelhos eletrónicos e digitais. Estes equipamentos possibilitam que, nos seus shows, a paisagem sonora seja toda... more
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      Materialidades Da ComunicaçãoMúsica PopularHans U. GumbrechtPaisagem Sonora
Despite the spatial limitations of their narratives (especially in Joyce’s case), both of these authors framed their characters with a distinct, and sometimes complicated, view of the world beyond the borders of their immediate... more
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      European HistoryEuropean StudiesIrish StudiesComparative Literature
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      Jean-Luc NancyFilm-PhilosophyEarly CinemaHans U. Gumbrecht
Artigo para a RelevO -- Especial Crítica Literária
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      Philosophy of ArtLiterary TheoryMaterialismMaterialities
It seems perhaps paradoxical to read – and even more so to write – on a topic Experiencing the Everyday. Aren't experience and rational contemplation located at the opposite ends on the spectrum of modes of behavior? We can experience the... more
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      Everyday Life StudiesMartin HeideggerJacques RancièreSociology of Everyday Life
Este trabalho contrapõe o conceito de jogo a certa vertente da arte contemporânea, discutindo dois tipos distintos de experiências estéticas, tendo como metáfora de análise uma propaganda da Nike divulgada por ocasião da abertura da Copa... more
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      AestheticsContemporary ArtHans U. GumbrechtPaul Zumthor
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      PresenceKulturwissenschaftKulturwissenschaftenMoods (Stimmung)
Pensar uma erótica da arte literária, o apelo ao corpo no texto, o signo tensor versus o signo semiótico, o desnudamento do literário no corpo exposto de Diadorim-Deodorina, o sexo da tartaruga no poema de D.H.Lawrence, a relação da... more
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      Georges BatailleJoão Guimarães RosaClarice LispectorJean-François Lyotard
In this paper, the so-called Crisis of Representation is discussed as a hallmark of Western Theatre and Modernity. The key hypothesis of overcoming such a crisis is investigated through the emergence of a performative turn, in which... more
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      Theatre StudiesPresencePerformative TurnHans U. Gumbrecht
Conversation about my forthcoming translation into Ukrainian of Gumbrecht's book Production of Presence. What Meaning Cannot Convey (Stanford UP: Stanford, 2004).
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      HermeneuticsPresenceHans U. GumbrechtHans Ulrich Gumbrecht
Este ensayo analiza el origen y la fundamentación del concepto de latencia en relación con los trabajos de Husserl acerca de la constitución originaria de la temporalidad. Intenta mostrar que el concepto de latencia, lejos de ser un... more
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      Gilles DeleuzeEdmund HusserlSigmund FreudReinhart Koselleck
Publicada na Revista de História da Biblioteca Nacional de Novembro de 2012
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      Comparative LiteratureLiterary CriticismTeoría PolíticaHistoria Contemporánea
Presented for Prof. Hans Ulrich Gumbrecht seminar on Troubadour Poetry, this reading of Peires Vidal "Ajostar e lassar" raises five points: the absence of irony and other tropes in medieval literature, the religious dimension of the... more
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      Medieval LiteratureMedieval French LiteratureMedieval StudiesHistory of the Troubadours
With reference to the increasing self-reflection of the way we read now, this paper opts for three different—yet associated—modes of a textual reading from whose point of view philological questions could be posed: interpretation,... more
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      PhilologyReadingTheory of literatureHans U. Gumbrecht
Discutimos sintomatologías relacionadas con una ruptura entre el tiempo historicista-moderno, por lo general encontrado en el siglo xix, y un “cronotopo” o “régimen de historicidad” emergente, sustancialmente distinto. Después de leer... more
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      Martin HeideggerTheory of HistoryHistory of HistoriographyHeidegger and Technology
A pretensão maior da obra de Hans Gumbrecht é virar a substancialidade do Ser contra a tese da universalidade da interpretação. O autor parte de uma crítica ao paradigma sujeito/objeto e concentra seus estudos no que ele nomeia de campo... more
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      Hans U. GumbrechtProdução de presença
Wo liegen die Gemeinsamkeiten zwischen dem lutherischen Gedanken der Realpräsenz und aktuellen tanzwissenschaftlichen Positionen? Was verbindet das Extra-Calvinisticum der reformierten Theologie mit dem zeitgenössischen Tanz? – Der... more
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      ChristianityCultural StudiesArt HistoryPerforming Arts
Presence and philosophical aesthetics in Pascal Mercier’s novel Perlmanns Schweigen The Swiss author Pascal Mercier, which is the pen name of the philosopher Peter Bieri, made his debut as a novelist with the ‘thriller of consciousness’... more
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      German LiteraturePhilosophyAestheticsLanguages and Linguistics
O artigo investiga como as palavras mídia e história são empregadas dentro dos textos teóricos da Teoria Alemã das Mídias. Afirma-se que problemas, soluções, metodologias e pressupostos teóricos encontrados dispersos em vários autores... more
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      Media TheoryFriedrich KittlerRaymond WilliamsMedia Philosophy
O projeto da transformação social está sendo pressionado pelo "atualismo"-a noção de que todas as mudanças se fazem dentro do sistema e o mundo se divide em "atualizados" e "obsoletos". Por que a esquerda está perdendo este debate? As... more
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      PresentismHistoriografiaHistoriografíaFrançois Hartog
RESUMO: Os road movies Corrida Sem Fim (Monte Hellman, 1971) e Viagem a Darjeeling (Wes Anderson, 2007) são concebidos em temporalidades distintas, mas apresentam características narrativas próximas: personagens solitários e perdidos, sem... more
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      Film StudiesRoad MoviesHans U. Gumbrecht
Before shooting his only movie Limite (1931), Mário Peixto went to England (1926-1927), where he wrote a journal until today not released as a book. I intend to present this little known material together with photos from his... more
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      Intellectual HistoryCultural HistoryQueer StudiesQueer Theory
Se trata de desplegar, a partir del concepto de materialismo en Marx y su recepción en la historia reciente de cierta tradición académica occidental, los conceptos de Tecnopolítica y Tecnopoética. * * * The text intends to unfold, from... more
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      Critical TheoryPhilosophyAestheticsPolitical Philosophy
This is an attempt at recovering Marx’s subterranean influence in the theoretical developments of the “Materialities of Communication” colloquium. It is argued that the colloquium “Materialities of Communication”, in revisiting the... more
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      PhilosophyAestheticsMarxismPhilosophy of Art