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      National IdentityPuerto RicoLatin American CinemaPuerto Rican Culture
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      Film StudiesBrazilian CinemaBrazilian MusicRoad Movies
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    • Road Movies
Because film, as a form, is appropriate for the depiction of the past, film may have influenced Magris's nostalgia for the Habsburg Empire.
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      Film StudiesMultilingualismLiterature and cinemaHabsburg Studies
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      Latin American StudiesLatin American CinemaRoad MoviesLatin American Film and Cultural Production
The promotional image for The Dressmaker (Jocelyn Moorhouse 2015) is a long-shot of the central character, Tilly, adorned in 1950s Dior-styled couture, standing poised to conquer rural Australia with her Singer sewing machine at her feet.... more
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      Feminist TheoryFeminist film theoryTeenagersAustralian film
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      Film StudiesFilm CriticismRoad MoviesWim Wenders
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      Film GenreGenre TheoryRoad MoviesPopular Music in Film
A detailed history and analysis of the film Hard Core Logo (1996) by Bruce McDonald, this book considers the film in relation to Canadian cinema and music, the road movie, and the study of masculinity. Part of the Canadian Cinema series... more
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      Canadian StudiesPopular Music StudiesPopular MusicMasculinity Studies
Se puede consultar a partir de la página 589, del tomo en PDF: http://www.cebusal.es/download/publicaciones/libro-cihalcep-web.pdf Esta ponencia interpretará "El puente" (Bardem, 1977) desde la óptica literaria, explicitando la... more
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      Spanish LiteratureTourism StudiesSpanish StudiesSpanish
The media is a very powerful medium. It does not only entertain us in every possible way, through the radio, the TV, newspaper, magazines, and the movies but can also influence the viewer immensely and has done so throughout many decades.... more
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      Gender StudiesMedia StudiesRoad MoviesThelma and Louise
《五朵金花》(王家乙,1959)通常被作为少数民族题材的喜剧与音乐风光电影探讨,本文探究其如何将社会主义背景下的性别解放与民族平等主题编织进公路叙事。将《五朵金花》作为“公路电影”研究不仅可以挑战此类型的西方中心框架,也会赋予影片新的解读视角,如位于电影核心的“社会主义道路”的时间与空间隐喻。在此过程中,民间文化尤其是民歌及当时尚属新奇的彩色摄影呈现的乐观性暗示了其社会主义现实主义风格。除了影片叙事中的旅途及社会主义的象征性“旅途”,《五朵金花》本身跨越多个国家的旅途也使其在... more
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      Women's StudiesFilm StudiesChinese StudiesEthnicity
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      Chinese CinemaEthnicitySocialist FeminismSocialist Realism
This article identifies a particular subgenre of the road narrative, the transgender road narrative, analyzing the film _Transamerica_ and the novel Nevada as representative examples. The first part draws on transgender studies... more
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      Transgender StudiesTheories of Gender and TransgenderEnvironmental HumanitiesEnvironmental Literature
Most movies pre-2000 focused on feminine stereotypes conceived within the confined ambit of societal constructs. It is only with the millennium that scriptwriters became bolder in their conception of femininity. Directors and women... more
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      Hindi CinemaConstructions of femininityTravelRoad Movies
Abstract: The paper begins with a survey of theoretical approaches to the literary genre that lays the ground for examining the conceptual and thematic diversification of the road movie during the 1960s. An outline of the exemplary... more
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      Film StudiesGenre TheoryAuteur TheoryFilm Auteurs
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      Stanley CavellCinematic TimeRoad MoviesEuropean road movie
Despite its association with social criticism, the road movie genre frequently privi- leges a western, male subjectivity and presents unquestioningly his right to travel into the other’s space. The films of Tony Gatlif frequently depict... more
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      Film StudiesFilm TheoryFrench CinemaEuropean Cinema
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Review of the book 'Drive: Journeys through Film, Cities and Landscapes', by Iain Borden. Reaktion Books, 2012. 230 pages. Paperback.
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      Film StudiesMobility/MobilitiesFilm HistoryFilm and Media Studies
The goal of this presentation is to show part of the results of the author’s Master’s dissertation conducted at the Trinity Centre for Literary and Cultural Translation in 2020. This study builds on the work developed by Professor Michael... more
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      Translation StudiesFilm StudiesFilm AnalysisBrazilian Studies
King Corn and Fast Food Nation have mainstreamed an entertaining but critical view of the fast food industry. The theory of defamiliarization, the genre of environmental film, and environmental rhetoric (comic vs. melodramatic modes)... more
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      HumanitiesFood SafetyFilm StudiesFilm Theory
"Prendre la route quand on est une femme : la représentation des femmes dans les road movies, de Thelma et Louise (Ridley Scott, 1991) à Mad Max : Fury Road (Georges Miller, 2015)". Communication lors de la journée d'étude des Masters sur... more
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      Cultural StudiesFilm StudiesFilm GenreWomen and Gender Studies
This draft paper explores the prevalence of landscape narratives in art and cinema containing post-apocalyptic futures, bushranger mythology and vigilantism, with a focus on the type of masculinity reflected within these contexts. I will... more
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      Masculinity StudiesAustralian HistoryDystopian FictionMasculinity and Gender Studies
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      Gilles DeleuzeWalter BenjaminAutomobileNomadism
This essay surveys the theme of the journey to Alaska as a quest in American cinema. The films Into the Wild (Sean Penn, 2007) and the documentary Grizzly Man (Werner Herzog, 2005) are my primary focus. However, the discussion ranges over... more
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      Creative WritingAmerican LiteratureAmerican HistoryCultural Studies
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      CinemaCinema StudiesRoad Movies
Die Berlinale leistete in diesem Jahr eine verstärkte Annäherung zwischen Film und Kunst – mit Streifen wie The Future von der Performancekünstlerin Miranda July, Dirty Eyes des Konzeptkünstlers Lawrence Weiner oder The Host and the Cloud... more
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      Documentary (Film Studies)Road MoviesSantiago SierraKonzeptkunst
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      Visual CultureIntermediality1960s (U.S. history)1960s
Il contributo analizza la rappresentazione dello spazio americano, e del movimento attraverso lo spazio, in "Strada a doppia corsia" ("Two-Lane Blacktop", Monte Hellman, 1971), e considera quel film come un caso del tutto particolare di... more
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      Film AnalysisCinematic SpaceFilm GenreAmerican Cinema
This extract provided by Edinburgh University Press includes the full introduction, the table of contents, and a link to the book's page on the EUP website. Abstract: Over the past two decades road cinema has become an increasingly... more
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      European CinemaTransnational CinemaRoad MoviesFrench and Francophone cinema
[book review] The Latin American (Counter-) Road Movie and Ambivalent Modernity (Nadia Lie, 2017, New York: Palgrave Macmillan). Secuencias. Revista de historia del cine. N47 "La vocación mainstream: fenómenos y pantallas", pp. 105-106.
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      Film StudiesLatin American CinemaRoad Movies
"Représentations de la wilderness dans les road movies féminins de l’Ouest américain : de la figure de la femme sauvage à la quête de la Terre Promise." Intervention pour la journée d'étude "Images et usages de la wilderness au Canada et... more
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      Gender StudiesFilm StudiesFilm GenreAmerican West
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      Gilles DeleuzeBeat GenerationCinemaLiteratura
A number of works have touched upon the issue of a road journey of ordinary people who “travel for travel’s sake” or take the road to redefine community or themselves. But what happens when two gay males are on the road? An American... more
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      American StudiesAmerican StudiesFilm StudiesQueer Cinema
Autobiographical Notes and Sketches
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      AnthropologySelf and IdentityArchitectureBecoming an Artist--who becomes one, how, why, under what circumstances, at what costs
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      Film GenreGenderMedia Spectacle studies - Douglas Kellner, Guy Debord.Road Movies
El presente artículo es un acercamiento al análisis cinematográfico por medio de la mística, mediante una analogía entre el road movie o películas del camino, con el misterio de lo Sagrado, para saber si existe un paralelismo entre ellos.
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Pour plusieurs créateurs, la route se présente comme une structure favorisant le rassemblement des images, que celles-ci soient fixes ou mouvantes, tangibles ou intérieures. L’essai Vers l’infini en défilement : prendre la route... more
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      Video ArtRoad Moviesroad photography
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      MarketingMarketing ManagementCritical MarketingRoad Movies
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      Human GeographyGender StudiesMedia and Cultural StudiesFilm Studies
Des États-Unis à l'Argentine, de la Colombie à l'Iran, il n'est de cinématographie au monde qui ne fasse la part belle au voyage, que celui-ci représente un élément scénaristique ou la notion de franchissement des frontières... more
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      Film StudiesStanley KubrickCinema StudiesClint Eastwood
Fort du succès critique et commercial de Drugstore Cowboy (1989) et My Own Private Idaho (1991), Gus Van Sant s'attelle à l'adaptation de Even Cowgirls Get The Blues (1993), roman tardif de la beat Generation, mouvement littéraire et... more
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      Beat GenerationWalt WhitmanWilliam S. BurroughsTom Robbins
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      Cinema StudiesRoad MoviesFilm Studies, Landscape in Cinema, Narratology in Cinema
The article examines how Death Proof (Tarantino, 2007) subverts both gender and genre by mixing several genres (the slasher, the car movie, the buddy movie) generally considered to be male, either at the diegetic level (e.g. the main... more
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      PsychologyGender StudiesFilm StudiesFilm Genre
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      Film Theory and PracticeNarratologyRoad MoviesEuropean road movie
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      Gender StudiesAvant-Garde CinemaMasculinitiesArt and Independent Cinema
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      Literature and cinemaRoad MoviesLittérature Française
Ouvert à tou·te·s (masterant·e·s, doctorant·e·s, chercheur·e·s de toutes disciplines), ce séminaire entend fédérer un ensemble de travaux se proposant d’étudier les films ou les cinémas dits « de genre », tout en réfléchissant aux... more
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      Cultural StudiesMedia and Cultural StudiesFeminist TheoryFilm Genre