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      Economic HistoryEarly Modern HistoryBalkan StudiesBalkan History
This paper deals with the ships which were sunk in the wider zone of the Belgrade aquatorium during April War 1941. Ships were sunk in the Danube, Sava and Kolubara river by the crews of the River Military Flotilla of the Kingdom of... more
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      HistoryMilitary HistoryWar StudiesYugoslavia
У лето 1862. године први државни пароброд Кнежевине Србије је под заповедништвом поморског капетана Божа Радоничића из Доброте, у Боки Которској, Дунавом допловио до Кусјака, у близини Прахова. Већ само име Делиград, које је пароброд... more
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      Maritime HistoryBalkan StudiesBalkan HistoryInland Navigation
У општим тежњама за унапређење пловидбе Дунавом, два београдска предузећа – „Иван Милутиновић“ – ПИМ и Југословенско речно бродарство– ЈРБ, паралелно су радила на разматрању увођења система потискивања у своју технологију транспорта.... more
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      Serbian history20th CenturyShipbuildingShip Design
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      Economic HistoryFood HistoryHistory of transportationSocial and Political History
После неколико неуспелих покушаја да своје бродарство подигне на ниво паробродарства, Кнежевина Србија је 1862. године купила свој први пароброд. Од Друштва за паробродску пловидбу „Аустријски Лојд“, у Галацу купљен је девет година стари... more
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      Serbian historyHistory of NavigationDanube RiverDanube region
At the VIII Congress of historians of medicine "800 years of Serbian medicine", held at the Chamber of the Serbian Medical Society in Belgrade, Gordana Karović has presented the work "Contribution to the work of doctors in a Hospital fund... more
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      History of MedicineSerbian historySerbiaСрпска историја (Serbian History)
Özet İnsanların suya olan gereksinimlerinden dolayı insanlığın tatlı su kaynakları etrafında yeşermiş olduğu, kültür ve medeniyetin akarsu havzalarında ortaya çıktığı görüşü belirgin bir genellemedir. Bu bağlamda akarsulara çağlar boyu... more
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      PhrygiaClassics: Ancient History and ArchaeologyMeandering RiverMeandering River Floodplains
In the summer of 1862, the first state owned steamship of the Principality of Serbia has sailed to Kusjak near Prahovo by the Danube river, under the command of the captain Božo Radončić of Dobrota, the Bay of Kotor. Its very name,... more
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      Maritime HistoryBalkan StudiesBalkan HistoryYugoslavia
This paper argues that historians have all but ignored the study of rivers and their impact on the development of human society. Apart from a somewhat terse acknowledgment of the importance of rivers in the development of ancient... more
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      Maritime HistoryWorld HistoryTransportationRivers
With the organisation of the Scientific symposium "History of Navigation through Iron Gate Gorge" Museum of Science and Technology - Belgrade marked the 120th anniversary of the ceremonial opening of the Sip Canal, the most important... more
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      Serbian historySerbiaHistory of NavigationDanube River
Тhe First Royal Serbian Privileged Shipping Company was founded in Belgrade, on August 25, 1891. The first steamship of the Company was Mačva, built in Italy, in the machine shop of Nicolò Odero in Sestri Ponente near Genova. Mačva... more
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      Serbian historyHistory of NavigationDanube RiverDanube navigation
In the Collection of the River Navigation of the Museum of Science and Technology - Belgrade, there are a certain number of well-preserved, typologically and chronologically diverse items from the Danube riverbed, about which basic... more
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      RiversByzantine ArchaeologyUnderwater ArchaeologyAncient anchors and mooring
At the International Scientific Symposium BELGRADE 1521-1867 Gordana Karović presented the paper „The establishment of steamships in the Principality of Serbia“. На међународном научном симпозијуму БЕОГРАД 1521-1867 Гордана каровић је... more
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      Inland NavigationSerbian historyHistory of Belgrade19th Century (History)
The Anonymous "Periplus Ponti Euxini" (AnPPE) lists some fifty rivers along the northern coast of Anatolia, eight of which are said to be navigable. The author of the AnPPE drew his information – which is supported by archaeological,... more
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      Historical GeographyHellenistic and Roman Asia MinorHistory and Archaeology of Asia MinorArrian of Nicomedia
Out of the twelve steamships of the Serbian Shipping Company, Takovo is the only one that managed to evoid being captured or damaged during the entire World War I and to return freely with its crew to its homeland after the end of the... more
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      Military HistorySerbian historyFirst World WarLower Danube
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      Venice and the VenetoDucato di MilanoHistory of WaterHistory of river navigation
At the time of the existence and operation of the Shipping union of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes there were no laws on general health insurance, so in the Kingdom of SHS health insurance for individual population groups was organised... more
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      Modern HistoryCultural HistoryHistory of MedicineSerbian history
Лик и стваралаштво Шапчанина Младена Ст. Ђуричића могу се анализирати на много нивоа који на први поглед јесу различити, али су у суштини дубоко испреплетени. Нит која их повезује је Ђуричићева љубав према сировом и суровом, а опет тако... more
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      Cultural HistorySerbian history20th CenturySerbian Literature
Прво краљевско српско повлашћено бродарско друштвo основано je у Београду 25. августа 1891. године. Први брод Друштвa био је пароброд Мачва, изграђен у Италији, у машинској радионици Николе Одера, у месту Сестри Поненте (Sestri Ponente)... more
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      Serbian historyHistory of BelgradeHistory of NavigationDanube River
This paper gives a short overview of problems with preserving ten historical ships that are set for cultural property of the Republic of Serbia. A short history of each of these vessels is also given in this paper. У тексту се анализира... more
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      Cultural HeritageIndustrial ArchaeologyShippingSerbian history
The character and the opus of the Šabac-born Mladen St. Đuričić can be analysed on many levels that look different at a first glance, but essentially, they are deeply intertwined. The link that ties them is Đuričić’s love of raw and... more
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      Cultural HistorySerbian historySerbian LiteratureHistory of Navigation
The Boyana/Bojana/Buna River, which is about 41 km long and flows through Albania and Montenegro before emptying into the Adriatic Sea, was an important source of income for the people of the region in the Ottoman Empire during the Abdul... more
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      Environmental HistoryRiversBalkansAbdulhamid II
Upon the completion of the regulation works, despite the fact that the waterway was marked and that there was a signal station system and numerous rulebooks, until the construction of the hydropower plant “Djerdap I”, navigation through... more
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      YugoslaviaSerbian historyLower DanubeHistory of Navigation
Construction of the Celilo Canal was one of a long series of federally-funded blows against tradition, independence to follow ancestral ways, and the reverence indigenous people had for this sacred site since time immemorial. “Progress”... more
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      Native American StudiesNative American (History)Hydroelectric damsColumbia River History
Within the general efforts to improve the Danube navigation, two Belgrade companies Ivan Milutinović Company and Yugoslav River Shipping worked in parallel on introducing the pushing system into their transportation technology. Thanks to... more
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      ShippingSerbian history20th CenturyShipbuilding
У Збирци речног бродарства Музеја науке и технике - Београд налази се известан број добро очуваних, типолошки и хронолошки разноврсних експоната из дунавског корита, о којима се у овом тексту дају основни подаци.
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      RiversByzantine ArchaeologyUnderwater ArchaeologyAncient anchors and mooring
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      Late AntiquityAncient TopographyViae Publicae RomanaeHistory of river navigation
"Kosmaj", first tug boat in the Yugoslav river shipping was a reconstructed tow boat. The reconstruction was made in Shipyard "Tito" in Belgrade during 1960 and finished in spring of 1961. In this article a short history of this ship is... more
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      YugoslaviaShippingSerbian historyShipbuilding
After the WWI larger number of men from the Bay of Kotor entered the river service of the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes with headquarters in Belgrade. Those were sailors with experience, but also the ones who just finished the... more
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      Serbian history20th CenturyMontenegroSerbia
Before 1539, highway improvement in England and Wales (other than the clearance of illegal obstructions) was achieved only by crown licence following a satisfactory inquisition ad quod damnum. Magna Carta chapter 39 recorded that ‘that no... more
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      Legal HistoryEuropean Legal HistoryEminent DomainHistory of Roads
Rivers in North Africa were of limited help to ancient agriculture; they are abundant at times when the rains are sufficient for most crops, and often insufficient when irrigation is most needed. They were used for irrigation and were... more
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      Classical ArchaeologyNorth Africa StudiesLandscape ArchaeologyFluvial Geomorphology
In the eve of World War I, Serbian Shipping Company (SSC) had 12 steamships. Those steamships constituted the major part of Serbian trading and passenger fleet, while the Kingdom of Serbia did not have its military fleet. Being aware of... more
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      Military HistoryWar StudiesSerbianSerbian history
Este trabajo analiza la estructura y regulación del transporte fluvial por la hidrovía del Paraná y la forma en que el usufructo de la concesión del servicio de dragado y balizamiento ha sido licitado, otorgado y renovado desde 1995 hasta... more
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      RegulationLighthousesDredgingDredging impacts and management
The fifth conference of the European Network of River Museums was held from 25-28. September 2018 at the Museum of Science and Technology - Belgrade. Colleagues from museums in Austria, Hungary, Germany, Poland, Romania and Serbia... more
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      Inland NavigationMuseumsInland WaterwaysHistory of river navigation
After the end of the First World War, the passenger steamship of the Austrian Danube Shipping Company Taussig, war loot of the Serbian Army, was handed over to the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes. As part of the new state’s fleet,... more
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      HistoryRomanian HistorySerbian historyHistory of Navigation
Waterways have been key factors in the development of societies from prehistoric times to nowadays, particularly due to their role as vectors for cultural interactions, material exchange, and transmission of knowledge. The fluidity of... more
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      Human GeographyMaritime ArchaeologyHistorical LinguisticsMaritime History
По завршетку регулационих радова и поред обележеног пловног пута, система сигналних станица и бројних правилника, пловидба кроз Ђердап је све до изградње хидроелектране „Ђердап I“ била дозвољена само под условом да њеним спровођењем... more
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      YugoslaviaSerbian historyLower DanubeHistory of Navigation
Interview with Gordana Karović, conducted by journalist Aleksandra Mijalković, about the preserved historical ships in Serbia.
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      Serbian history20th CenturyProtection of cultural heritageSerbia
The paper gives a brief history of navigation on the rivers in the Principality and the Kingdom of Serbia, as well as participation of the sailors from the Bay of Kotor in the creation of the Serbian river shipping. Special attention is... more
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      Serbian history19th Century (History)MontenegroHistory of Navigation
Тhe paper gives a brief overview of the events that led to the sinking of a number of Allied vessels at the Iron Gate section of the Danube waters during war years 1914 and 1915. Focus is on those vessels whose remains can be still... more
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      HistoryFirst World WarUnderwater Cultural HeritageHistory of Navigation
A brief post on house boats on the Wabash River in Terre Haute, IN 1890-1935
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      Midwest (U.S. history)American Nineteenth CenturyHistory of river navigation
This discussion paper examines evidence of a widespread and significant developments in the structure of weirs, affecting river navigation in England around the start of the fourteenth century. Dendrochronological evidence reveals... more
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      Climate ChangeRiver EngineeringLate Medieval English HistoryHistory of river navigation
The company Ivan Milutinovic-PIM from Belgrade has donated the steam towboat Župa, built in 1913, to the Museum of Science and Technology Belgrade in July 2015.
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      Museum StudiesIndustrial HeritageSerbiaHistory of Navigation
In the eve of World War I, Serbian Shipping Company (SSC) had 12 steamships. Those steamships constituted the major part of Serbian trading and passenger fleet, while the Kingdom of Serbia did not have its military fleet. Being aware of... more
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      HistoryMilitary HistoryWar StudiesSerbian