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The German state permitted about one million refugees to enter Germany in 2015–2016, although many were subsequently denied refugee status. Germany adopted an ‘integration’ and ‘welcome’ politics, an important, if imperfect, model for a... more
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      Immigration and German CultureImmigration And Integration In EuropeImmigration in GermanyGender and Immigration
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      Brazilian StudiesImmigration and German CultureTransnational HistoryCinema Studies
A German Immigrant's Tale-The Huning-Fergusson Family Correspondence By Tina Boyer Researchers and historians have pointed to a remarkable era surrounding German immigrant Franz Huning from Albuquerque, New Mexico. He and his... more
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      Immigration and German Culture19th Century German HistoryGerman to English translation
(Contact author for info) Images of covered women, together with stories of honor killings and forced marriages, continue to retain their currency in media representations of Islam. Moving beyond staid stereotypes, Gender and Violence in... more
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      European StudiesGerman StudiesGender StudiesCritical European Studies
Comparative Politics in a Globalized World 2015
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      ImmigrationImmigration and German Cultureimmigration, multiculturalism in Great Britain
In-depth study of Brazil in Children and Young adult literature from the mid-18th century to the mid-20th century. The examined texts are French, German and English, from the end of the 19th century on we also some have Portuguese... more
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      American LiteratureBritish LiteratureComparative LiteratureFrench Literature
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      Cultural HistoryCultural StudiesGerman HistoryItalian Studies
Este livro é fruto da dissertação de Mestrado em História de Carlos Eduardo Piassini, defendida em 2016 pelo Programa de Pós-Graduação em História da Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, e trata da participação política de um grupo de... more
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      Political ParticipationBrazilian HistoryPolitical SciencePolitics
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      Yiddish LiteratureImmigration and German CultureCultural History of RussiaYiddish Studies
This essay introduces the Arabic lexical field in German rap lyrics. The topic is understudied in the German scholarly literature and there are only a handful of articles that explore Arabic influences in urban German. Hip-hop music... more
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      German StudiesArabic LiteratureDialectologyArabic Language and Linguistics
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      German StudiesJewish StudiesFilm StudiesImmigration and German Culture
Resumo: o objetivo do artigo é refletir as perspectivas culturais, artísticas e religiosas dos alemães Estanislau Schaette (1872-196?) e Hermann Schiefelbein (1885-1933), radicados no Brasil, na primeira metade do século XX. A pesquisa... more
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      Cultural HistoryUrban HistoryImmigration and German CultureImigration
Na última década um ritual ganhou notoriedade durante as celebrações de Natal no Vale do Itajaí. Esta celebração, de origem “alemã”, tem como personagem principal o Pelznickel, um presenteador que premia os bons e ameaça de punir as... more
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      German StudiesImmigrationRitualImmigration Studies
Social media has long been a powerful tool for marginalized individuals to connect and form communities. Yet the digital tools used to facilitate these modes of communication, including the hashtag, can also be overpowered by misuse from... more
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      Social JusticeImmigration and German CultureSocial MediaMigration Studies
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      Business HistoryImmigration and German CultureWorking-Class History
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      Immigration and German CultureTexas HistoryTexas
La “idea de Europa” se ha visto modificada en los últimos tiempos a través de algunas representaciones de corte revisionista que, además de re-formular aspectos de esa “idea”, ofrecen visiones sobre qué ha constituido paralelamente el... more
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      Immigration and German CultureEuropaTV SeriesMitos
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      Tourism StudiesImmigration and German CultureMigration StudiesSex Work
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      Business HistoryImmigration and German CultureGlobal History
What does it mean to be German, or to some extent, of German-descent, in Brazil nowadays? In Brazilian society today, there is a social scale: the whiter one is, the greater one’s social status. That means there is a positive... more
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      Cultural HistoryBrazilian StudiesImmigrationImmigration and German Culture
Friedrich Wyneken, a major figure in 19th century Lutheranism, is forced to analyze his religious identity as German Methodists claim that they are the true heirs of Luther's Reformation.
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      Immigration and German CultureSecond Great AwakeningGerman Immigration - USMethodist Church history
German immigrants in the 19th century settled a “belt” of territory that stretched from Galveston and Houston on the east to Kerrville, Mason, and Hondo in the west, from the coastal plain in the south to the semiarid Hill Country in the... more
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      Immigration and German CultureTexas HistoryTexas Hill Country
After the Nazi defeat in WWII, East and West Germany were separated-with West Germany controlled by Western democracies (US, Britain, France) and East Germany under the USSR. The difference in the governance and prosperity of the two... more
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      German HistoryImmigration and German CultureGerman Literature and CultureGerman Politics
O governo imperial brasileiro, a partir da metade do século XIX, mudou sua posição de neutralidade nas questões atinentes aos vizinhos platinos. A ameaça representada pelos objetivos expansionistas de Juan Manuel de Rosas, Governador de... more
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      ImmigrationWar StudiesBrazilian HistoryImmigration and German Culture
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      German LiteratureImmigration and German Culture19th Century German HistoryTranslation
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      MulticulturalismNeo-FascismImmigration and German CultureIntra-European Migration
A historiografia da imigração alemã ao Brasil pouco conhece sobre as estruturas que animavam a vida social dos teuto-brasileiros no período pré-imigratório. Por conseguinte, a americanização dos teuto-brasileiros é considerada unicamente... more
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      Immigration and German CultureForest HistoryCapital socialGerman Immigration - Brazil
Article on the notion of "Heimat" in an era of globalization. Are both compatible? Analysis of the notion "plural Heimat", coined by the Swiss author Hugo Loetscher.
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      German LiteratureMulticulturalismGlobalizationTransnationalism
Open Access Publication: https://www.palgrave.com/gp/book/9783030277895 Abstract: This book explores the interrelation between diversity in migrants’ internal relations and their experience of inequality in local and global contexts.... more
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      Race and RacismIranian StudiesImmigration and German CultureMigration Studies
This chapter presents an analysis of how migrants were represented in the Turkish media after the historic , cultural, and socioeconomic development of the labour migration that started in the 1960s from Turkey to Germany. In this... more
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      Television StudiesLabor MigrationImmigration and German CultureMigration Studies
Este artigo problematiza o processo de constituição do roteiro turístico Rota Romântica ao longo do trajeto de catorze municípios de colonização alemã na região nordeste do estado do Rio Grande do Sul. Busca compreender o modo pelo qual... more
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      Tourism StudiesTourism MarketingEthnographySocial and Cultural Anthropology
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      Cultural StudiesIndonesian CultureImmigration and German CultureGerman Literature and Culture
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      HistoryImmigration and German CultureHistória do Mercado Público de Porto Alegre
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      Comparative HistoryImmigrationBrazilian HistoryAtlantic World
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      Business HistoryImmigration and German CultureWorking Class History
A short but significant episode in the debate over Lutheran identity in America. Friedrich Schmidt, with the help of the Pennsylvania Synod, began a German-language Lutheran newspaper, in August 1838. His paper was the first, nor the... more
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      LutheranismImmigration and German CultureGerman Immigration - USLutheran Theology
The publication Objects Before and After the Wall unfurls from TIER Berlin's synonymous collaboration with Tlaxcala 3. Over the course of 2019, and culminating on November 9th at the 2nd International Encounter of Objects and Walls, TIER... more
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      Contemporary ArtImmigration and German CultureEast German Literature and CultureVietnamese diaspora
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      European integrationImmigration and German CultureGermanyGermany and Immigrants
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      Immigration and German CultureProtestantismSecond Great AwakeningGerman Immigration - US
Immigration has increased over the last 50 years, particularly in OECD member countries. During the last quarter-century, the number of international migrants has nearly doubled to more than 240 million. Increased mobility means that the... more
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      ImmigrationImmigration StudiesImmigration and German CultureImmigration History
Książka Wanat choć zahacza o politykę, napisana jest jednak z perspektywy jej pozornego marginesu. Oto do głosu dochodzą dzisiejsi zwykli-niezwykli mieszkańcy Niemiec, migranci ze wszystkich stron świata, podstarzali buntownicy,... more
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      Immigration and German CulturePolish LiteratureGerman-Polish Relations
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      German StudiesSecond Language AcquisitionGerman LanguageImmigration and German Culture
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      Immigration and German CultureSyriaGerman PoliticsGermany
La médiation artistique entre la France et l’Allemagne évolue en fonction du contexte socio-politique. Ainsi, à la fin du XVIIIe siècle et dans la première moitié du XIXe, de nombreux Allemands viennent s’installer en France. Parmi eux,... more
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      ImmigrationImmigration and German CultureBeethovenFranz Liszt
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      Cultural StudiesGerman StudiesMulticulturalismHumanities