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Ci sono dei momenti in cui non dubitiamo della importanza della parrocchia e neppure del suo valore missionario. Nelle grandi celebrazioni liturgiche, nei riti di passaggio, anche tradizionali, della Prima Eucaristia e delle Cresime,... more
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      CatecheticsItinerarylong life christian learning
Travel was a crucial element of ancient Egyptian culture. An extensive traffic system by land and by water already existed as early as the Old Kingdom, including various means of transport that did not fundamentally change right through... more
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      ArchaeologyMobility/MobilitiesMedieval StudiesPilgrimage
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      History of the Polish-Lithuanian CommonwealthItineraryHistory of Grand Duchy of Lithuania In the XVI-XVIII C.
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      Historia del ArteItineraryMujeres
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      Art HistoryHistory of ArtEnviromental StudiesItinerary
W niniejszym artykule autor chciałby przedstawić funkcjonowanie tzw. korespondencji pośpiesznej w państwie krzyżackim w I połowie XV stulecia. Szczególnym obszarem zainteresowania są trasy, którymi poruszali się kurierzy pocztowi oraz... more
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      HistoryMedieval HistoryTeutonic KnightsItinerary
Itinerarium Sigismuni regis imperatorisque (1382-1437); itineraria Mariae (1382-1395) et Barbarae reginarum (1405-1438) consortum Sigismundi regis imperatorisque, nec non Elizabeth reginae (1382-1386), relictae Ludovici I regis.
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval HungaryItinerary
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Berikut itinerary paket umroh plus Turki 13 hari bersama Denatour travel umroh Jakarta. Info lebih lanjut hub 021 98913140 / 085210056475. Umroh plus Turki promo, Executive, VIP. Harga belum termasuk airport tax handling dan perlengkapan... more
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      Travel & TourismTravelItineraryTravelling
Στο βιβλίο, που εκδίδεται από τη Δημόσια Κεντρική Ιστορική Βιβλιοθήκη Χίου' Κοραής', δημοσιεύεται το πρώτο μέρος από ένα χειρόγραφο της Συλλογής Φιλίππου Αργέντη. To χειρόγραφο φέρει τον τίτλο '“Breve Discorso e Ipografia dell’ Isole... more
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      ItineraryMedieval and Post-medieval Aegean ArchaeologyChios during the Ottoman ruleEuropean Travellers
This is the cumulative doctoral thesis of Dr. Daniel Zwick based on five peer-reviewed articles and a main part, which is monographic in character (although this thesis is not officially a monographic thesis). The doctoral project was... more
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      Maritime ArchaeologyCrusadesBaltic Sea Region StudiesMedieval Archaeology
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      Travel WritingOttoman HistoryOttoman StudiesOttoman Empire
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      Roman HistoryRoman HistoriographyLate Antique and Byzantine HistoryOttoman History
Units of distance and speed of travel in the second half of the sixteenth century in the light of Blaise de Vigenère’s treatise The article is an analysis of transport routes published in La description du Royaume de Poloigne by Blaise... more
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      Historical GeographyPostal HistoryHistory of Space TravelCultural Historical Geography
The paper deals with the repeatedly emphasized pre-eminence of waterways over land connections for movement from prehistory to early modern times. Much of the research assesses bodies of water as the main transport mode and therefore... more
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      Frederick I BarbarossaItineraryLothar III.Wegeforschung
RESUMEN Dentro del universo de las denomina-das religiones minoritarias de Canarias, podemos encontrar hoy algunas de raíz africana llegadas en su mayoría a través de distintos procesos migratorios. Las religiones afrocubanas se han ido... more
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      ItineraryConversión ReligiosaEstudios TransnacionalesReligiones Afrocubanas
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      Cultural HeritageItineraryTourism itineraries
Since the conquest of Goa in 1510 and Malacca the following year, the Portuguese began to establish a trade Empire in Asia. The high demand for Asian goods, such as spices, tea, silks, cottons, porcelains and other luxury items, combined... more
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      GeographyMaps and SocietyVietnamHistorical maps
In: Konfluenzen. Jahrbuch der Abteillung Protestantische Theologie Sibiu (ISSN 1582‐8484 ) 16/17, 2017 (publ. 2018), 73-85

open access on  http://www.editura.ubbcluj.ro/bd/ebooks/pdf/2188.pdf
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      ClassicsRoman HistoryPilgrimageLate Antiquity
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      BiographyItineraryHeinrich Schliemann
“CiTiEs (Ciudades: Tiempo + Espacio)” pretende generar un proyecto de innovación docente para la educación del patrimonio cultural de la ciudad, centrado en itinerarios didácticos para Madrid (2019-2020) y adaptado al alumnado de diversas... more
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      Cultural HeritageDidacticsPatrimonio CulturalItinerary
This study is part of the valorisation of local mangoes and the endogenous perception of associated cultivation practices. This study was carried out between March and June 2020, in the Noun and Lékié Divisions, in eleven (11) villages... more
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The Military Expedition of Krzysztof Radziwiłł „Perkūnas” to Livonia in the Winter of 1579 The article presents the Lithuanian expedition carried out in Livonia in the winter of 1579. On the basis of the itinerary [itinerarium] and... more
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      CartographyStrategy (Military Science)Polish HistoryHistory of Cartography
En 1859, l'imminent politicien et entrepreneur montréalais James Ferrier rentra d'un voyage familial en Orient avec une imposante collection d'artéfacts, aujourd'hui conservée par le musée Redpath de l'Université McGill à Montréal. Cette... more
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      Ancient HistoryEgyptologyTheologyCultural Heritage
Wege und Herrschaft hängen unmittelbar zusammen. Dies gilt ganz besonders für das mittelalterliche Reisekönigtum, dessen Grundlage eine funktionierende Verkehrsinfrastruktur war. Mit verschiedenen Methoden der Mediävistik, Archäologie und... more
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      ItineraryHeinrich SchliemannSchliemann
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      Diplomatic HistoryEarly Modern History17th-Century StudiesHistory of Hungary
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Wege und Herrschaft hängen unmittelbar zusammen. Dies gilt ganz besonders für das mittelalterliche Reisekönigtum, dessen Grundlage eine funktionierende Verkehrsinfrastruktur war. Mit verschiedenen Methoden der Mediävistik, Archäologie und... more
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Itineraries in the Middle Ages are usually composed for kings or other rulers. However, in the fifteenth century the time comes, when there is material enough to create an itinerary for a non-sovereign personality. Jan Filipec, bishop of... more
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This small study examines the mobility of spiritual elites at the beginning of the High Middle Ages, using Thietmar of Merseburg as an example. In his chronicle, he names a large number of places of residence and dates, which make it... more
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The fundamental goal of the project presented in this document is related to the lack of academic attention that City Museums have had and the insipience of their resort to the World Wide Web: to present a proposal for a digital platform... more
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      Public ArtCity MuseumsItineraryDigital Platform
The article offers a concise topographical and archaeological examination of the sites between Derna and Cyrene that Claude Le Maire, French consul in Tripoli de Barbarie, mentions in a record about his travels in Cyrenaica (1705-6),... more
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      GeographyClassical ArchaeologyMiddle East & North AfricaNorth Africa Studies
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      CommunicationHistoriographyManuscript StudiesWriting
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      Military HistoryBiographyItineraryRákóczi's War of Independence in Hungary (1703-1711)
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      History of SilesiaItineraryLate Medieval Bohemia and Central EuropeUpper Silesia
jadwal kegiatan selama perjalanan wisata
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This article attempts through the reading of the two Itinerarium of the imperial period, the Itinerarium Antonini Augusti and the Itinerarium Burdigalense , the case of the identification of settlements mentioned in the Itinerarium, with... more
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      Thracian HistoryVia EgnatiaHistory of ancient ThraceThracian provinces of the Roman Empire
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      Medieval HistoryEarly Modern HistoryCroatian HistorySerbian history
U članku se objavljuju prva povijesna i književnopovijesna analiza te transliteracija kasnosrednjovjekovnoga teksta ot er(u)s(o)l(i)ma i groba b(o)žiê čt(enie) koji je zapisan u Vinodolskom zborniku (Zagreb: Arhiv HAZU, sign. III a 15).... more
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      PilgrimageManuscript StudiesCroatian HistoryHistory of Croatian Literature
The history of art has been engaged with mobility for centuries. The study of movement, with its limits and potential, is a founding principle of the discipline. Fascination with, and rejection of, movement lies at the core of much of its... more
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      Early Modern EuropeTransportationMediterraneanHistory of Art
Dos místicos relativamente contemporáneos: Etty Hillesum y Benjamín González Buelta; dos estilos, dos contextos y una coincidencia establecida desde sus experiencias espirituales, en profunda conexión con la realidad, en medio de la vida... more
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      AnthropologySpiritualityAcademic WritingMysticism
Jornada de el-rei D. João IV a Caldas da Rainha, Peniche, Óbidos, Alcobaça e Nazaré em 1645
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      Portuguese HistoryPortuguese Modern HistoryItineraryCaldas da Rainha
Itineraries as Sources of Knowledge about Strategic and Operational Thought during the Reign of Stefan Batory The article presents military itineraries, i.e. planned descriptions of the routes of troops. Such sources constitute the... more
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      Military HistoryCartographyMilitary ScienceDoctrine (Military Science)
British historians have, for some time, been interested in using royal charters and chronicles to establish royal itineraries. The first lists to be drawn up, citing the dates and the successive halts of the king and/or his chancery were... more
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      Medieval HistoryGovernmentItineraryAnglo Norman and Angevin England
La guida Itinerari Italiae realizzata nel 1600 da Franz Schott in Anversa è stata una fortunata pubblicazione che ha visto la sua riedizione per oltre 150 anni. Fu compilata in tre libri in occasione del Giubileo di quell’anno in lingua... more
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      SeicentoItineraryViaggiatori stranieri in ItaliaDisegno, rappresentazione, teoria e storia della rappresentazione
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      Travel WritingTravel LiteratureItineraries (Medieval History)Travel