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Travels into the post-Galician space in German-language literature and journalism after 1989 are based primarily on an established literary canon and in most cases resemble each other. Karl Emil Franzos, Joseph Roth, and Bruno Schulz are... more
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      LiteratureMnemonicsHistory and MemoryUkrainian Studies
The Pages narrates the story of Joseph Roth and his 1924 novel, Die Rebellion, about a street organ player who lost his leg in the First World War. Hugo Hamilton’s new novel is one more version of a fictionalized biography or BioFiction,... more
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      Joseph RothHistorical FictionHugo HamiltonBiographical Fiction
Joseph Roth’s novel Hiob contains countless references to the cultural universe of Orthodox Judaism. Its protagonist, Mendel Singer, is explicitly described from the very beginning as a pious observant Jew, teacher of Holy Scriptures.... more
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      German-Jewish literatureRabbinicsJoseph RothHistorical Development of Halakhah
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      HistoryGerman LiteratureLiteratureGerman-Jewish literature
This article attempts to explore the intimate yet complicated friendship between Stefan Zweig and Joseph Roth through their exchange of letters. Their personal correspondence has always been regarded as a valuable resource for... more
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      Austrian LiteratureJoseph RothStefan Zweig19th- and 20th-century German and Austrian literature
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      German StudiesGerman LiteratureJewish StudiesTranslation Studies
רוח בספיר
המכללה האקדמית ספיר, המחלקה ללימודים רב-תחומיים
18 במרץ 2014
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      Hebrew LiteratureJoseph RothTrickster
The aim of this international doctoral conference is to reflect on the concepts of estrangement, alienation, lack of orientation, disorientation and the loss of a stable identity understood as cultural phenomena related to historical... more
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      Cultural StudiesJoseph RothSlavic StudiesGermanic Studies
This article focuses on the place that Galicia occupies in the writings of the Jewish author and essayist Yehoshua Radler-Feldman (Rebb Binyomin, 1880-1957), who was one of the main figures in the binational Zionist movements and... more
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      Jewish StudiesJewish HistoryHabsburg StudiesOttoman Empire
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      Joseph RothKarl Emil FranzosJewish AssimilationGalizien
La novela es un género eminentemente moderno, pero tiene la vocación de perdurar, de formar parte del relato de nuestras vidas. Nunca la literatura había gozado de una ventaja tan grande como esta democrática proximidad entre sus... more
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      Mark TwainJoseph RothPio BarojaBlasco Ibáñez
Les œuvres présentées ici ont en commun d’installer leur fiction dans un cadre historique précis, celui des dernières années de l’Empire austro-hongrois que ces quatre écrivains ont eux-mêmes vécues. Cela signifie d’une part que leurs... more
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      Central European StudiesJoseph RothCentral and Eastern EuropeJaroslav Hasek
Joseph Roth was a wanderer. Born in a Galizian shtetl, in the periphery of the Danube Monarchy, he went to Vienna, Berlin, and Paris, became socialist, monarchist, European, cosmopolitan. And yet remained East European Jew. Relentlessly... more
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      Robert MusilGeorg SimmelHans BlumenbergJoseph Roth
Irony's Antics marks a major intervention into the underexplored role of the comic and its relationship to irony in German letters. Combining theoretical breadth with close textual analysis, Erica Weitzman shows how irony, a key term for... more
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      Critical TheoryGerman LiteratureAestheticsComedy
“The Ends of an Empire: Pier Antonio Quarantotti Gambini’s Il cavallo Tripoli and Joseph Roth’s Radetzkymarsch.” Comparative Literature Studies. 25.2 (May 2015): 349-78.
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      Italian StudiesItalian Literature20th Century Italian LiteratureJoseph Roth
This article focuses on the significance of Joseph Roth's relationship, during the 1920s, with his editor at the "Frankfurter Zeitung", Benno Reifenberg, in shaping his approach to his work. Using evidence from Roth's letters, journalism,... more
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      German LiteratureJournalism HistoryAustrian LiteratureJoseph Roth
Rezension zu: Christine Magerski, Imperiale Welten. Literatur und politische Theorie am Beispiel  Habsburg (Weilerswist: Velbrück Wissenschaft, 2018)
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      Robert MusilJoseph RothHerfried Münklerpostimperial narratives
Joseph Roth (Brody, 1894-París, 1939) viaja a la Unión Soviética en julio de 1926 como reportero del diario burgués liberal Frankfurter Zeitung (FZ). En aquellos momentos Roth era un prestigioso periodista que además había iniciado su... more
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      Joseph RothPeriodismoRusiaViajeros
Joseph Roth’s "Job" (1930) tells the story of shtetl Jews from Volhynia and their journey to America during World War I. The novel focuses on two fundamental relations: that of the father and son, and that of the believer and God. Roth... more
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      Philosophy Of ReligionPhilosophical AnthropologyLiteratureHermeneutics
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      Comparative LiteratureJoseph RothExile LiteratureSoseki Natsume
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      German LiteratureGender and SexualityHabsburg StudiesAustrian Literature
Ce mémoire condense deux ans de travail consacrés aux écrivains autrichiens : Arthur Schnitzler, Stefan Zweig et Joseph Roth. J'ai tenté dans ces pages de comprendre, à travers leur littérature, leur attachement à l'Empire... more
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      Habsburg StudiesCultural History of Central EuropeJoseph RothHistoire des idées et de la pensée
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      HistoryComparative LiteratureComparative PoliticsPolitical Science
A cura di Danilo Breschi, Antonella Ercolani, Antonio Macchia Ci sono date che fanno da spartiacque. Una di queste è il 1918. “Tramonto” è la parola che più connota quell’anno fatidico, soprattutto se associata all’antichissima forma di... more
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      European HistoryGerman HistoryContemporary HistoryModernization
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      Comparative LiteratureReception StudiesTranslation StudiesItalian Studies
In der kleinen mährischen Bezirksstadt W. spielt fast der ganze 1. Teil von Joseph Roths Radetzkymarsch. Auf dem Balkon hört der Bezirkshauptmann Trotta Johann Strauß' Radetzkymarsch und andere Militärmärsche. In der Forschung ist man der... more
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      German StudiesGerman LiteratureHabsburg StudiesCzech Literature
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      Joseph RothWeimar CinemaFilm Criticism
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      History of IdeasWorld War IContemporary LiteratureJoseph Roth
Joseph Roth staje się aktualny jak każdy geniusz, który w swojej epoce nie szedł za mainstreamem nowoczesności, tylko pod jej prąd, w dodatku z etykietą nostalgika. Nowoczesność starzeje się szybciej niż wierność tradycji. O tym, jakiej... more
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      Habsburg StudiesJewish LiteratureJoseph RothGalician Literature
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      Joseph RothFeuilleton
La actualidad del pensamiento y obra del escritor austriaco Joseph Roth no se limita a ese contexto histórico y cultural tan caótico como resulta ser aquel de la primera mitad del siglo XX. En el año 2009 hemos recordado los primeros 70... more
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      Martin HeideggerJoseph Roth
The 2016 Annual Convention of the Leibniz Graduate School at the Herder Institute for Historical Research on East Central Europe. Date: 8-9 December 2016 // Location: Lecture Hall, Gisonenweg 5-7, 35037 Marburg In arguments about the... more
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      Eastern European StudiesRussian StudiesSouthern EuropeMigration
This article examines three of Joseph Roth’s feuilletons in the context of the intersecting discourses of anthropology, medicine, and politics in post– World War I Europe. Specifically, the article connects Roth’s description of the... more
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      Plastic SurgeryPhilosophical AnthropologyPolitics and LiteraturePhysiognomy
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      Creative WritingCultural StudiesWorld LiteraturesComparative Literature
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      Jorge Luis BorgesWalter BenjaminFranz KafkaFernando Pessoa
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      Habsburg StudiesAustrian LiteratureHungarian LiteratureJoseph Roth
21 ottobre 2020: La figura di Giobbe nell'esegesi talmudica e medievale. 26 ottobre 2020: Dina, Eliu e il leviatano. Figure e tematiche giobbiche nella letteratura rabbinica. 9 dicembre 2020: Joseph Roth e la ricezione del Libro di Giobbe... more
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      Yiddish LiteratureJewish StudiesTalmudGerman-Jewish literature
Colloque International "Les démocraties européennes à l'épreuve de la dictature (1919-1939) : Critique & réflexion démocratiques dans les espaces publics", Strasbourg, juin 2019. Il s'agit d'une réflexion consacrée à une sélection... more
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      European StudiesGerman StudiesFascismDictatorships
Lors du Colloque International "Les relations culturelles européennes au sein du Triangle de Weimar", qui eut lieu à l’Institut d’Études Germaniques de l’université de Wrocław du 17-19 septembre, nous avons présenté une contribution... more
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      European StudiesGerman StudiesFrench HistoryPolish Studies
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      Joseph Rothmarc Chagallabraham goldfadenspettacolo yiddish
Providing the literary and philosophical comparative context of Petr Guber’s short story “Job Dulder (A Variation on the Old Theme)” (1923), the essay analyses a pre-Holocaust literary treatment of the Book of Job, enacting the collision... more
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      Russian StudiesRussian LiteratureJewish StudiesSoviet History
Borrowing from Svetlana Boym's concept of “reflective nostalgia,” this article advances a specific understanding of nostalgia in Joseph Roth's late literary work, conceptualizing it not in a psychological or political sense, but as a... more
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      German LiteratureNarratologyStorytellingLiterary Theory