Logic circuits
Recent papers in Logic circuits
This paper describes a system capable of generating schematic diagrams for gate-level digital logic circuits given only their net-list descriptions in the VHSIC (Very High Speed Integrated Circuit) Hardware Description Language (VHDL). A... more
Intrinsic evolution in evolvable hardware research has hitherto been limited to using standard electronic components as the media for problem solving. However, recently it has been argued that because such components are human designed... more
In low power circuit design, reversible computing has become one of the most efficient and prominent techniques in recent years. In this paper, reversible Arithmetic and Logic Unit (ALU) is designed to show its major implications on the... more
This paper presents a new Design for Testability (DFT) technique for Current-Mode Logic (CML) circuits. This new technique, with little overhead, using built-in detectors, monitors all gate output swings and flags all abnormal voltage... more
This paper presents a new operation (exorlink) and an algorithm to minimize Exclusive-OR Sum-of-Products expressions (ESOP's) for multiple valued input, two valued output, incompletely specified functions. Exorlink is a more powerful... more
This paper proposes a new transistor topology to design gates required by Null Convention Logic for low voltage operation. The new topology enables implement all functionalities required by this design style. Extensive simulation results... more
This paper presents a new approach for automatically pipelining sequential circuits. The approach repeatedly extracts a computation from the critical path, moves it into a new stage, then uses speculation to generate a stream of values... more
In this poster, we propose four new heterogeneous programmable logic blocks (PLBs) consisting of a combination of various sizes of look up tables (LUTs), multiplexers (MUXes), and logic gates. We demonstrate that these PLBs offer... more
Recent trends in CMOS technology and scaling of devices clearly indicate that leakage power in digital circuits would be crucial and largely depend on the sub-threshold currents. Minimizing leakage, by power gating logic circuits using... more
Quantum gates which are represented by unitary matrices have potentials to implement reversible logic circuits. Y and y+ gates are two well known quantum gates which are used to synthesize the reversible logic circuits. In this paper we... more
This paper presents an artificial intelligence based solution, proposed to solve electromagnetic interference problems between high voltage power lines and nearby metallic pipelines, for different construction geometries. The presented... more
Compiling high-level hardware languages can produce circuits containing combinational cycles that can never be sensitized. Such circuits do have well-defined functional behavior, but wreak havoc with most logic synthesis and timing tools,... more
This paper introduces a new reduced swing logic style called dynamic current mode logic (DyCML) that reduces both gate and interconnect power dissipation. DyCML circuits combine the advantages of MOS current mode logic (MCML) circuits... more
Motivated by emerging battery-operated applications that demand intensive computation in portable environments, techniques are investigated which reduce power consumption in CMOS digital circuits while maintaining coniputational... more
A signed binary (SB) addition circuit is presented that always produces an even parity representation of the sum word. The novelty of this design is that no extra check bits are generated or used. The redundancy inherent in a SB... more
Elimination of the p-MOS transistor from the pass gate network significantly reduces the parasitic capacitances associated with each node in the circuit, thus, the operation speed is typically higher as compared to the CMOS counterpart.... more
NBTI has been a major aging mechanism for advanced CMOS technology and PBTI is also looming as a big concern. This work first proposes a compact on-chip sensor design that tracks both NBTI and PBTI for both logic and SRAM circuits.... more
We have developed a 16-bit VLSI circuit for division and square-root operations used extensively in digital signal applications. The circuit uses the nonrestoring method to obtain quotient (root) bits. The quotient (root) value in each... more
DSerent fast Fourier transform (FFT) algorithms for hardware implementation have been considered. We propose an implementation whereby two radix-N1'2 passes are carried out in parallel and in which each N1'2-point transform is carried out... more
The pressure of fundamental limits on classical computation and the promise of exponential speedups from quantum effects have recently brought quantum circuits [10] to the attention of the Electronic Design Automation community . We... more
A BiCMOS logic circuit applicable to sub-2-V digital circuits has been developed for the first time. A transiently saturated full-swing BiCMOS (TS-FS-BiCMOS) logic circuit operates twice as fast as CMOS at 1.5-V supply. A newly developed... more
In this paper, CMOS evolution and their fundamental and practical limitations are briefly reviewed, and the working principles, performance, and fabrication of single-electron transistors (SETs) are addressed in detail. Some of the unique... more
A Boolean relation can specify some types of flexibility of a combinational circuit that cannot be expressed with don't cares. Several problems in logic synthesis, such as Boolean decomposition or multilevel minimization, can be modeled... more
Test pattern generation is a challenging problem that has an exponential complexity that is aggravated with the continuos increase in circuits size. This paper deals with automatic test pattern generation (ATPG) for combinational... more
Quantum gates which are represented by unitary matrices have potentials to implement reversible logic circuits. Y and y+ gates are two well known quantum gates which are used to synthesize the reversible logic circuits. In this paper we... more
Interfas entre las compuertas logicas TTL y CMOS
This paper demonstrates how fault simulation of building blocks found in data-path architectures can be performed extremely efficiently and accurately by taking advantage of their simple functional models and structural regularity. This... more
In the sub-65 nm CMOS technologies, subthreshold and gate dielectric leakage currents need to be simultaneously suppressed for effective energy reduction. New low-leakage circuit techniques based on multi-threshold-voltage (multi-V t )... more
Dual-rail encoding, return-to-spacer protocol, and hazard-free logic can be used to resist power analysis attacks by making energy consumed per clock cycle independent of processed data. Standard dual-rail logic uses a protocol with a... more
Reversible logic is the basis for several emerging technologies such as quantum computing, optical computing, or DNA computing and has further applications in domains like low-power design and nanotechnologies. However, current methods... more
This paper deals with the practical application of the newly developed stochastic watt-hour meter. The limit of its precision is analyzed theoretically, via simulation, and experimentally. The precision of 0.0062% is achieved in the... more
This paper extends our original proposal to use Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) to design combinational logic circuits in which a binary representation was adopted. In this case, we study the impact of the representation adopted. For... more
This paper presents a resource-constrained scheduling scheme and a latency-constrained scheduling scheme that minimize power consumption for the case when the resources operate at multiple voltages. The resource-constrained scheduling... more
A 3.8-11s 257-mW CMOS 16 X 16-b multiplier with a supply voltage of 4 V is described. A complementary pass-transistor logic (CPL) is proposed and applied to almost the entire critical path. The CPL consists of complementary... more
As the CMOS manufacturing process scales down into the ultra deep sub-micron regime, the leakage current becomes an increasingly more important consideration in VLSI circuit design. In this paper, a high speed and noise immune domino... more
In this paper, CMOS evolution and their fundamental and practical limitations are briefly reviewed, and the working principles, performance, and fabrication of single-electron transistors (SETs) are addressed in detail. Some of the unique... more
Elimination of the p-MOS transistor from the pass gate network significantly reduces the parasitic capacitances associated with each node in the circuit, thus, the operation speed is typically higher as compared to the CMOS counterpart.... more