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به قلم عبدالمجید شرفی و ترجمه عبدالله ناصری طاهری
در دو فصل و 216 صفحه توسط انتشارات کویر وارد بازار کتاب شد و در اختیار استادان و پژوهشگران قرار گرفت
Author: Abdul Majid Sharfi
Translation: Abdullah Naseri Taheri
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      Islamic StudiesIslamic HistoryIslamMaghreb
Before the Arabs conquered northwest Africa in the seventh century, Ramzi Rouighi asserts, there were no Berbers. There were Moors (Mauri), Mauretanians, Africans, and many tribes and tribal federations such as the Leuathae or Musulami;... more
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      Middle East StudiesMiddle East & North AfricaNorth Africa StudiesTranslation and Ideology
بينما كان تميم بن المعز بن باديس (454-501/1062-1108) منشغلا في محاولة ترميم النفوذ الصنهاجي المنهار على إثر هزيمة حيدران (443/1052)، كان الناصر بن علناس (454-481/1062-1088-89) صاحب قلعة بني حماد في عنفوان قوته إذ لم يتضرر حكمه بعدُ من... more
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      HistoryMedieval Maghreb history
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      Tunisian HistoryTunisiaMedieval Maghreb historyTunisie
REGARDS SUR LE MAGHREB POLITIQUE AVANT L’ARRIVEE DE L’ISLAM Grigori Lazarev, 2020 Ce texte est extrait d’un livre en cours de publication « Populations et Territoires du Maghreb, VI°-XI° siècle » (Publication Association Al Idrissi et... more
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      Medieval Maghreb historyHistoire Sociale Du Maghreb MédiévalMaghreb Archeology
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      Medieval Maghreb historyScience and ColonialismOuarglaMedieval Algeria
LES ṢANHĀJA DU MAGHREB CENTRAL AU X°-XI° SIECLE Article du numéro de la revue Al Irfan sur les Imazighen (Instituto Hispano Lusitano) en cours de parution, 2020 Cet article étudie l’ascension au pouvoir de la lignée Telkata des Sanhaja,... more
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      Medieval Maghreb historyFatimid StudiesZiridsOmeyas
Durant l’époque médiévale, de nombreux Berbères du Sud tunisien embrassèrent l’ibadisme. Cette particularité religieuse conduisit les historiens arabes à les considérer comme des rebelles et les géographes à railler leurs coutumes. Cette... more
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      North Africa StudiesTunisian HistoryFatimidsAghlabids
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      HistoryIntellectual HistoryHistoriographyHistory of Science
Bilal Sarr (éd.), Alborán, Poblamiento e intercambios en la zonas costeras de al-Andalus y el Magreb, Granada, Alhulia, 2018, p. 269-286.
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      HistoryIslamic HistoryMedieval Maghreb historyHistory of Maghrib and Andalus
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      Medieval rural settlementMedieval Maghreb historyIslamization and Arabization
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      Maghreb studiesAlgeriaMedieval Maghreb historyAlgérie
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      Arabic LiteratureIslamic StudiesFatimidsMaghreb studies
هذا نص عقيدة الفصول الجامعة والحدود المانعة في أصول المعرفة بالله تعالى لأبي العباس الغبريني المشهور بكتابه عنوان الدراية فيمن عرف من العلماء بالمائة السابعة ببجاية المتوفى سنة 704 هـ/1305م.
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      TheologyHistorical TheologyKalam (Islamic Theology)Ilm al-Kalam
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      HistoryIslamic LawRural HistoryIslamic History
The Almohad (1120-1269) displaced the Almoravid dynasty (1040-1147) as the rulers of the Maghreb and Andalusia in 1147 and created the largest Berber kingdom in history. They conquered the first indigenous rulers of the Maghreb by... more
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval StudiesMedieval SpainMedieval Maghreb history
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      HistoryIslamic StudiesIslamic HistoryMaghreb studies
Monthly international webinar.
Link on demand at : libyemedievale@gmail.com
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      Medieval Maghreb historyArabic/Persian Manuscripts, codicology, Islamic philosophy, early Islamic history and thoughtsLibyan StudiesTripolitania
El propósito de este trabajo es analizar qué elementos del arte islámico occidental fueron utilizados por vez primera durante la época almorávide, o fueron ampliamente desarrollados por esta dinastía bereber, y cómo evoluciona su uso... more
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      Al-AndalusMaghreb studiesAl Andalus (Islamic History)Al-Andalus archaeology
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      Al-AndalusBerber studiesMedieval Maghreb historyAlmohads
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      Late Antique and Byzantine HistoryMedieval HistoryMedieval StudiesCrusades
This article deals with a fatwà drawn from the collection of legal cases (Nawāzil) of the Cordoban Maliki jurist Ibn al-˘hjj al-Tujıbı (d. 529/1134). The fatwà, which we present in Spanish translation, sheds new light on the process... more
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      TheologyKalam (Islamic Theology)Al-AndalusIlm al-Kalam
يناقش المقال العديد من الأسماء القيروانية في محاولة لاثبات أشعريتها من عدمها، ويرصد الاشاعرة الأوائل بالقيراوان.
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      Medieval HistoryHistory of ReligionKalam (Islamic Theology)Islamic History
The presence of Italian communities in the Alboran Sea has never been undertaken from a comprehensive point of view. As a consequence, the present study deals with the contacts, strategies and settling of Genoese, Pisans, Venetians and... more
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      Economic HistoryInternational RelationsMedieval HistoryItalian (European History)
The study of medieval Libya in the 21st century.
An international monthly Webinar dedicated to the questions of Sources, Analyses and Projects. Arabic and English.
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      HistoriographyMedieval Islamic HistoryMedieval Maghreb historymedieval Libya
Le terme « Berbère », qui désigne la population du Maghreb au moment de la conquête islamique, renvoie à l’idée du caractère autochtone de cette dernière. Cette altérité coexiste cependant dans les textes avec la revendication du... more
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      Middle East & North AfricaNorth Africa StudiesMedieval IslamIslamic Studies
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      Mediterranean StudiesShippingMaghreb studiesMedieval Spain
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval StudiesMedieval SpainMedieval Maghreb history
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      TheologyNorth Africa StudiesIslamic StudiesMedieval Maghreb history
chapter in *Vitality and Dynamism: Interstitial Dialogues of Language, Politics, and Religion in Morocco’s Literary Tradition*. Ed. Salma Kristin Bratt et al. Leiden University Press, 2014.
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      Moroccan StudiesAfrican LiteratureIslamic StudiesFrancophone Literature
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval SicilyMedieval Islamic HistoryIslamic and Norman Sicily
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      Medieval Maghreb historyHistoire RuraleHistoire Sociale Du Maghreb MédiévalPeuplement Et Territoires Au Maghreb Médiéval
Depuis vingt ans, la recherche sur l’histoire des peuples sahariens connaît un renouveau discret mais remarquable. L’impensé ancien d’un Sahara prémoderne réduit à une frontière entre l’Afrique du Nord et l’Afrique Équatoriale recule en... more
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      Saharan ArchaeologyMaghreb studiesMedieval Maghreb historyWestern Sahara
Mapping of schismatic groups in the Ibadi Maghrib (9th-12th centuries). Ibadi chronicles offer a lot of information about the various schismatic groups that have opposed the Wahbi Ibadis, who remained faithful to the Rustamid imams and... more
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      Islamic StudiesTunisian HistoryMaghreb studiesLibya
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      Medieval Maghreb historymedieval Libya
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      Medieval Iberian HistoryIslamic StudiesIslamic HistoryMaghreb studies
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      Islamic ArchaeologyIberian StudiesMedieval Iberian HistoryAl-Andalus
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      Islamic LawIslamic StudiesIslamic HistoryMedieval Islamic History
Ibn Hilāl al-Sijilmāsī, jurisconsulte du Tafilalt, et son contemporain al-Maghīlī du Touat sont des figures importantes de savants oasiens du IXe/XVe siècle. Le second est connu pour avoir initié une violente polémique au sujet des... more
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      History of the JewsJewish-Muslim RelationsMaghreb studiesIslam and Judaism
The current work realizes a historic approach to the region of Western Africa that is traditionally designated Bilād al-Sūdān (“Country of Black People”). This wide region, which dues to the present regions of Sahara, Mauritania, Mali... more
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      GhanaMedieval Maghreb historyKitāb Al-Masālik Wa-l-mamālikAl-Bakri
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      Medieval Maghreb historySaharaIslamic art and architecture
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      Islamic ArchaeologyMedieval HistoryArchitectural HistoryMedieval Archaeology
Les bœufs peuvent servir comme monture ou animaux de bât, leur chair peut être consommée et leur peau utilisée de différentes manières. Mais ce que renseigne l’étude des textes théoriques mālikites c’est à la fois l’usage des bovins dans... more
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      Maghreb studiesMaghrebMedieval Maghreb historyHistory of Maghrib and Andalus
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      Medieval HistoryIslamic Contemporary StudiesMedieval ArchaeologyIslamic Studies
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      Al-AndalusMedieval Maghreb historyIslamizationIslamization and Arabization
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      Islamic ArchaeologyVernacular ArchitectureMaghreb studiesAlgeria
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      Maghreb studiesMedieval Maghreb historyHistoire Sociale Du Maghreb MédiévalPeuplement Et Territoires Au Maghreb Médiéval
Libya Islamica’s scope encompasses the different historical, geographical and cultural aspects within the borders of “modern-day Libya”, from the Islamic conquest (1st/7th c.) until the establishment of the Ottoman rule (10th/16th c.).... more
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      Medieval Maghreb historyLibyan Studiesmedieval Libya
Attending to the profound entanglement of knowledge production and polit- ical contexts, the present study hopes to contribute to recent theories raised in the field on classical adab and adab anthology. Through examining al-Dhakhīra’s... more
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      Arabic Prose LiteratureMedieval Iberian HistoryAl-AndalusClassical Arabic Prose Literature