Merit system
Recent papers in Merit system
Salah satu upaya guna memitigasi berbagai persoalan ASN adalah dengan menerapkan merit sistem sebagai sebuah kebijakan dalam manajemen Aparatur Sipil Negara (ASN). Merit sistem dimaknai sebagai kebijakan dan manajemen ASN yang... more
Cosa significa esattamente merito? Questa parola seducente mantiene ciò che promette? Oppure è una parola ambigua? Grattando la superficie, il merito mostra la sua vera natura: quella di una ideologia che sta trasformando la scuola,... more
Il saggio analizza criticamente l’attuazione del principio del concorso pubblico, previsto dall’art. 97, comma 4, della Costituzione italiana. In particolare, dopo avere dato conto della progressiva emersione del principio nel periodo... more
To improve performance, organizational leaders employ a host of methods; merit pay and incentive pay are two such methods. However, both terms are often used interchangeably, causing confusion. The purpose of this short paper is to... more
(from back of the book) In this study Charles Raith II fills a gap in Reformation-era scholarship by analyzing Calvin’s teaching on works and reward in light of medieval theological developments surrounding the doctrine of merit. While... more
While achieving economic growth and development are dependent on the performance of the bureaucracy, there is a growing inability in Pakistan to objectively evaluate this performance of the civil service. This disconnect between the... more
Oι καταστατικοί χάρτες του ελληνικού κρατιδίου της τρίτης δεκαετίας του 19ου αιώνα περιλαμβάνονταν μεταξύ των πρώτων συνταγματικών κειμένων παγκοσμίως, στα οποία οριζόταν ρητώς η πρόταξη των αξιοκρατικών κριτηρίων για τη στελέχωση του... more
As the newly formed Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (BARMM) is at its critical juncture of establishing its foundation, hiring competent civil servants is one of its crucial tasks. The aim of the paper is to theorize a... more
MA thesis, University of Texas at Austin, Asian Studies, 2000. This thesis consists of a critical edition and translation of the Tibetan version of the Caityapradakṣiṇa Gāthā. It is based upon six versions of the text found in the various... more
Özet Osmanlı yönetim anlayışında ‘sadakat’ ve ‘liyakat’ çok önemli bir yere sahiptir. Çalışmada siyaset, sadakat ve liyakatin sözlük ve ıstılah anlamları açıklanmakta ayrıca siyasetnâme ve ıslahatnâmelerdeki yorumlar... more
L'introduzione al volume La democrazia del merito (2016).
Pulse compression technique is most widely used in radar and communication areas. Its implementation requires an optimized and dedicated hardware. The real time implementation places several constraints such as area occupied, power... more
Présentation: Le bouddhisme dit " theravāda " ou " des anciens " est considéré par ses fidèles comme le plus proche de la tradition primitive. En Asie, on le trouve principalement aujourd'hui au Sri Lanka, en Birmanie, en Thaïlande, en... more
The paper analyses the development of the merit system and its effectiveness in the administrations of the Western Balkan countries. The origins and benefit of the merit system are described in the article. The basic hypothesis is that in... more
1. Introdução. 2. Natureza jurídica da função pública. Princípios informadores da função pública e suas conseqüências sobre a atuação do agente público, o regime jurídico da função pública. 3. Princípio da neutralidade (Administração... more
Second part of texts dealing with the building and offering of sand stupas in Laos and Thailand. This part includes: 1) the translation of three texts about banners; 2) an overview of data collected about the ritual and the texts; 3)... more
Looking at the ontology of love through the lens of social structuring, we can sense that its meaning is relational to a factor of achievement. The positioning of love as a factor with a tradable currency, instead of an inherent, given... more
Extant literature informs that the modern state requires a civil service whose performance is accurately measured, evaluated and subsequently rewarded (or punished). In this paper we use Pakistan as a case study of a country in which the... more
Intervento sul blog di «ParadoXa Forum» (15 giugno 2017) per criticare le ideologie meritocratiche. Contenuti: merito e democrazia; la grazia del merito; la prudenza del merito; meriti e demeriti del mercato; false meritocrazie e... more
En 1958, el sociólogo británico Michael Young acuñó el término “meritocracia”, inicialmente de forma peyorativa en su libro “The Rise of Meritocracy”. En la actualidad, dicho concepto ha volcado en un sentido completamente diferente,... more
Communication lors du colloque "La fabrication des élites en France et en Chine (XVIIe-XXIe siècles)"
École Normale Supérieure de Lyon-Institut Français de l’Éducation Lyon, 8, 9 et 10 octobre 2014
École Normale Supérieure de Lyon-Institut Français de l’Éducation Lyon, 8, 9 et 10 octobre 2014
Liyakat ilkesi Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Anayasası’nda devlet memuru kanununda belirtilmiştir. Kanunlarımızda liyakat ilkesinin bulunması kamu kurumlarında liyakat ilkesinin tam anlamıyla uygulama alanına geçirilmesine olanak sağlayamadığı... more
Mucho se ha escrito en los últimos años acerca de la creciente desconfianza de la ciudadanía ante la ciencia actual, la objetividad, la verdad, la evidencia y los hechos. Se ha escrito acerca de la posverdad, de la progresiva desaparición... more
This article aims to study meritorious deeds in Buddhism in 2 aspects : 1) its definition, meritorious deeds, and its factors, and 2) meritorious deeds and their results in the Vimānavatthu. The results are: Puñña or meritorious deeds... more
The paper analyses the development of the merit system and its effectiveness in the administrations of the Western Balkan countries. First, the development of the merit concept is described; its origin and genesis, as well as the positive... more
En el presente trabajo nos proponemos, de forma breve, poner de manifiesto la vinculación originaria entre el ideario liberal subyacente a las distintas constituciones mexicanas y una prístina idea de profesionalización del servicio... more
En el presente trabajo nos proponemos, de forma breve, poner de manifiesto la vinculación originaria entre el ideario liberal subyacente a las distintas constituciones mexicanas y una prístina idea de profesionalización del servicio... more
In analyzing the causes of the crisis, it is necessary to take into account certain specific features characteristic for Croatia, compared with the most of other post-communist countries. This is primarily related to the peculiarities of... more
This empirical research explores a role that the quality of teaching and students’ competence play in shaping students’ views about the upward mobility opportunities in their higher education institutions. It is often understood that the... more
Michael Young, a British Sociologist, and Labor Party activist coined the term meritocracy in his book The Rise of the Meritocracy 1870-2033 An Essay on Education and Equality (1958) to vilify the growing assertion of the aristocratic... more