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      SociologyRace and RacismSocial ProblemsCultural Theory
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      SociologyCivic EngagementFraternities and sororitiesStudent Life
Summary report of the 2009/2010 AFA/EBI Fraternity/Sorority Assessment.
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    • Fraternities and sororities
Fraternities and sororities commonly organize themed social functions. Unfortunately, many of these functions have themes that are racially or sexually derogatory. The belief is that these themes are “just for fun” and there isn’t any... more
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      Social JusticeCollege student developmentFraternities and sororitiesFraternity and Sorority Life
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      Higher EducationCollege student developmentFraternities and sororitiesStudent Life
Fraternities and sororities promote the ideals of scholarship, leadership, service, and friendship. Little or no research, however, has demonstrated that college students who join fraternal organizations actually grow in these areas as a... more
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      College student leadership and involvementFraternities and sororitiesGender difference in academic performance
Although both the military and fraternities have been theorized to be characterized by norms and attitudes that serve to legitimize violence against women, no previous work has examined the potential similarity and differences in... more
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      Military ScienceGender StudiesGenderGender Equality
Conferência para lideranças pastorais sobre a nova encíclica do Papa Francisco.
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      Fraternities and sororitiesFraternityFraternity and Sorority LifePapa Francisco
Fraternity members are exposed to developmental opportunities through service, leadership, and involvement, guided by organizational values. The purpose of this study was to learn more about how members interpret their experiences in... more
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      Civic EngagementFraternities and sororitiesStudent LifeUndergraduate Education
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      Fraternities and sororitiesBlack Greek Lettered Organizations
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      Dueling and Codes of HonorFraternities and sororitiesFraternity and Sorority Life
Istorijski tokovi na području Boke i Primorja
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      Military HistoryCultural HistoryMedieval HistoryEarly Modern History
Arguably, fraternities and sororities are the most noticeable symbols of college social life. Dr. Fran Becque, a fraternity history scholar states, “Nationally, fraternity or sorority members are the largest and most visible value-based... more
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      Fraternities and sororitiesFraternity and Sorority LifeFraternidade Teológica Latino-americanaFraternal
Fraternal organizations hold a storied place in the Western world. Sometimes romanticized and occasionally framed as malevolent and controlling forces, fraternal organizations are often thought to influence, if not rule, the social order... more
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      Race and RacismRace and EthnicityFraternities and sororitiesBGLO
Il legame sororale nell'Eneide. L'uso degli aggettivi per connotarlo.
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      Latin LiteratureLanguages and LinguisticsLiterary StylisticsLatin Language and Literature
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      CitizenshipFraternities and sororities
With over 60 collective years of serving the fraternal movement as fraternity/sorority members, chapter advisors, fraternity/sorority life advisors, and (inter)national fraternal leaders, we approached writing about the experiences of... more
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      Higher EducationCollege student developmentStudent AffairsFraternities and sororities
After the author of Genesis postulates a universal flood that eliminates all evil people from the world, he has now to explain how come that the world in which all readers live is as full of evil and violence as it had been before the... more
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      TrinityKnights TemplarThe Royal SocietyCurses
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      Black Studies Or African American StudiesEducationStudent EngagementStudent Affairs
An article about the necessity for secrecy in initiatory ritual. First published in Philalethes magazine. Vol. 63, №2 · Spring 2010.
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      Initiation Practices (Anthropology)SecrecyFreemasonryResearch into Freemasonry
Il poema virgiliano presenta una caratteristica singolare: ciascuna delle due vittime più illustri dei fata eneadici, Didone e Turno, ha una sorella che vorrebbe esserle compagna di viaggio verso l’ultima meta; ma il destino non lo... more
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      ClassicsLatin LiteratureVergilAeneid
The author summarises the results of his search for parallels between the Armenian epic “Sasna cṙer” (“Daredevils of Sassoun”) and the Mahābhārata. The comparative study has revealed considerable similarity in the "ethnographic... more
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      FolkloreArmenian StudiesArmenian CultureMahabharata
В статье суммированы результаты сравнительного исследования армянского эпоса о «неистовых сасунцах» («Sasna cṙer» = «Давид Сасунский») и «Махабхараты». Выявлено значительное сходство их этнографического субстрата, пре-жде всего... more
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      Armenian StudiesSanskrit language and literatureArmenian CultureEpic poetry
The study examines how the TFM Girls Instagram account, along with its followers, shapes and maintains dominant discourses of masculinity. Mixed-method analyses revealed that women were depicted more in bikinis, posed in overtly sexually... more
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      Masculinity StudiesDigital MediaMasculinitySocial Media
En atención al desafío de la hermandad, propuesto por el papa Francisco en Fratelli Tutti, esta obra -en la que participan 35 biblistas de América Latina y Europa-, aborda la temática, en primer lugar, desde los grandes corpus literarios... more
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      Fraternities and sororitiesFraternity and Sorority LifeSagrada Escritura NT - Hermenéutica bíblicaTeología biblíca
The purpose of this study was to compare the experiences of students residing in on-campus housing with those of students residing in fraternity/sorority housing, specifically to explore the differences in academic success, alcohol use,... more
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      Alcohol StudiesStudent EngagementAssessment in Higher EducationCollege student development
Содержание выпуска Специальный выпуск журнала «Свет Христов просвещает всех: Альманах Свято-Филаретовского института» составлен по материалам конференции «Православные братства в дореволюционной России: приоритеты деятельности»,... more
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      Church HistoryRussian OrthodoxyEcumenical dialoguesFraternities and sororities
Der farbentragende Student mit Band und Mütze galt im deutschsprachigen Raum bis in die erste Hälfte des vorigen Jahrhunderts als idealtypische Verkörperung des akademischen Lebens, wobei die Anzahl jener Studierender, die sich keiner... more
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      HistoryJewish StudiesHistory of MedicineHistory of Science
When Johan Maurits of Nassau, Governor-General of Dutch Brazil (1630-54), sent out expeditions against the maroons of Palmares, he was informed by his intelligence officers that the inhabitants followed the “Portuguese religion,” that... more
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      ReligionChristianityHistoryCultural History
Sister and Brother Outsiders: The Experiences of Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Members of Historically Black Fraternities and Sororities Authors: Natalie T. J. Tindall, Nikita Harris, Reynaldo Anderson, Matthew Hughey Research indicates... more
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      Fraternities and sororitiesHistorically Black SororitiesBGLO
This study explored the relationship between potential time commitments of fraternity and sorority members and academic performance. A secondary analysis of data collected using the Fraternity/Sorority Experience Survey revealed... more
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      Higher EducationStudent EngagementAcademic PerformanceFraternities and sororities
The purpose of this study was to determine if undergraduate fraternity and sorority members who serve as chapter officers report different experiences and gains compared to non-officers. The researchers sampled 3,008 fraternity members... more
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      Student EngagementLeadership DevelopmentFraternities and sororitiesYouth and alcohol use
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      Needs AssessmentFraternities and sororitiesGap and Training Need analysis, Talent management and Human Capital
Although law prohibits race-based exclusion in college sororities and fraternities in the United States, racial segregation prevails. As a result, nonwhite membership in white Greek-letter organizations (WGLOs) is often hailed as a... more
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      SociologyRace and EthnicityFraternities and sororities
Selado em 06.01.2014 - ano R+C 3367
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      EcologyFraternities and sororitiesAmorc
Brotherhood and a chance to belong: Lived experiences of gay fraternity men in a college community. In J. W. Koschoreck & A. K. Tooms (Eds.), Sexuality matters: Paradigms and policies for educational leaders (pp. 221-254). Lanham, MD:... more
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      EducationHigher EducationGender and SexualityGay And Lesbian Studies
How did an organization founded to empower women in institutions of higher learning end up as a place where the most narrowly conservative female gender roles are encourage and performed? By looking at Kappa Alpha Theta, the first Greek... more
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      Cultural StudiesPerformance StudiesFraternities and sororitiesGreek Life
Between the 1920's and 1990, pledging historically Black fraternities and sororities was a mode of cultural expression that became more violent over time (Kimbrough, 2003). The pledge process often consisted of walking in lines, dressing... more
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      Fraternities and sororitiesHazingFraternity and Sorority LifeBlack Greek Lettered Organizations
Intervento di Paride Braibanti al Webinar della Società Italiana di Promozione della Salute: "Scuola, salute, servizi, territorio", mercoledì 7 Aprile, ore 20-22. Se, come taluno autorevolmente suggerisce, il 2021-2022 dovrà essere un... more
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      Health PsychologyHealth PromotionFraternities and sororitiesHealth promoting schools
Che cosa significa, oggi, essere fratelli? Essere fratelli, spiega il teologo Grillo, non è questione di "sentimenti da provare", ma di "fatti da riconoscere". Lo è proprio a causa del fatto che sospettiamo di ogni comunità, che limita... more
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      ReligionSocial PsychologyEthicsEducation
This study examined how stereotypes among alumnae members of historically Black sororities affected their experiences as both undergraduate and graduate members. This research contributes to the literature on skin color bias and to the... more
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      Race and RacismRace and EthnicityFraternities and sororitiesBGLO
Colleges are rape-prone cultures with high rates of sexual victimization. Fraternities' and sororities' relationships with sexual assault are consistent themes in literature focusing on sexual violence among college students. Previous... more
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      GenderSexual AssaultFraternities and sororities
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      Cultural HistoryMedieval HistoryMaritime HistoryUrban History
Do LGBQ fraternity and sorority members experience similar benefits as their heterosexual peers? This session answers this question by presenting recent research on the educational gains of LGBQ fraternity and sorority members. As a... more
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      Equity and Social Justice in Higher EducationLGBT Issues in higher educationFraternities and sororities
La fraternité a été introduite dans la devise républicaine française en 1848 et, bien souvent, l'historiographie en fait une fille de la Révolution de 1789. Ce travail s'efforce de franchir cette barrière chronologique, pour restituer... more
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      French RevolutionSolidarityFraternities and sororitiesSolidarités Familiales
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      BibliographyHistory of UniversitiesStudentsFraternities and sororities
RESUMO: questões relativas ao uso e posse de terras são abordadas nesta pesquisa tendo, como foco de interesse, certas doações realizadas pelo Estado ou por proprietários particulares, em vista da construção de templos e outras... more
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      History of ReligionReligious StudiesFraternities and sororitiesPolsky
Zur Feier des 10. Gründungstages der Heiligenkreuzer Studentenverbindung Sanctottensis widmen sich ausgewiesene Forscher und Nachwuchstalente Themen der Studentika und der theologischen Wissenschaftsgeschichte. Besondere Betonung finden... more
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      HeraldryBible TranslationsCisterciansCeremony, Ritual and Performance
This article argues that Pinkster should be understood as an Atlantic Creole festival in a Dutch-American context, rather than a Dutch-African festival in an American context. It claims that the syncretic character of Pinkster did not... more
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      Cultural StudiesBlack Studies Or African American StudiesAfrican StudiesFolklore
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      Higher EducationStudent EngagementFraternities and sororities