Microsoft Visual Studio
Recent papers in Microsoft Visual Studio
آموزش سی شارپ از مبتدی تا حرفه ای
Contains the main programms with his
own classes, you just need to design
the shape of your "Tic Tac Toe" game
own classes, you just need to design
the shape of your "Tic Tac Toe" game
Nowadays, the industry of events has become a core life part, which has resulted in rising many event planning companies. Each event varies in its nature and purpose. Thus, people feel confused to select the best for their demands,... more
capstone project final report
ETL Project given by the University of Pisa conducted in a team of 3 people. We worked hard on this laboratory project to develop a Data Warehouse and explore it using SQL. Therefore we deployed a Cube and explored it with MDX before... more
Cambiando ahora el tema de métodos cerrados o abiertos dentro de los métodos de resolución de ecuaciones lineales, ahora realizamos un programa que resuelve un sistema de ecuaciones recurriendo al proceso iterativo, en el cual... more
Ransomware is malicious software that encrypts files and then asks for a ransom to be paid for their return. This type of malware has been present since 2004 and became more widespread with the advent of cryptocurrencies, since they made... more
buku yang penulis angkat adalah buku yang membahas tentang Pemrograman MFC pada program Microsoft Visual Studio C++. Yang dimaksud tema dari judul yang diangkat yaitu proses untuk mengemplementasikan urutan langkah untuk menyelesaikan... more
Basics Telecommunications For Beginners
Perangkat komputer digunakan dalam seluruh aspek di dunia bisnis. Penggunaan komputer di dunia bisnis meningkatkan produktivitas dan menyediakan hasil yang hanya mungkin tercapai bila menggunakan komputer. Dunia bisnis menggunakan... more
This research paper describes the automated toll collection system for toll gate based on RFID technology. Most of the toll collection systems commonly used in Myanmar is manual transaction. Nowadays, streams of traffic are... more
Kemacetan di Indonesia dari tahun ke tahun semakin meningkat hal itu disebabkan karena terus bertambahnya volume kendaraan sementara ruas jalan tidak bertambah. Salah satu titik yang rawan terhadap kondisi kemacetan adalah... more
utilizacion de herencia en visual studio
ADO merupakan singkatan dari Active X Data Object yang dipakai untuk mengaskes data dalam suatu database seperti SQL Server, MS Access, Oracle ataupu file seperti file MS Excel. Didalam teknologi.NET, ADO classic berkembang menjadi... more
Regression testing is very important for the delivery of high quality product. It helps to simulate a suite of critical test cases periodically and helps to identify if introduction of any new features or any source code change has... more
ADO.NET adalah teknologi akses data dari Microsoft .Net Framework. Yang menyediakan komunikasi antara sistem relasional dan non-relasional melalui seperangkat komponen. ADO.NET terdiri dari serangkaian Objek yang mengekspos layanan akses... more
View online version here: Most students of coding languages will tell you that C# is one of their favorites... more
C# basics, entity framework
Olah Data Supplier dengan Visual Studio
Mengolah Data Master Barang
Pemrograman I (NET)
Listing program dan output untuk praktikum Algoritma, tampilan CMD
Penyandang disabilitas merupakan kelompok minoritas terbesar di dunia yang memerlukan perhatian lebih guna memperoleh kesamaan derajat di lingkungan masyarakat sekitar. Seiring dengan berkembangnya zaman menjadikan alat bantu gerak yang... more
El objetivo de esta práctica es implementar un control manual digital de potencia, que permita variar la potencia entregada a una lámpara incandescente, de las siguientes dos formas: a) Mediante software embebido en el microcontrolador,... more
This research paper describes the about of social network for various fields. Social networking is the grouping of individuals into specific groups. Social networking is possible in person, especially in the workplace, universities,... more
The present work shows that the analysis of performance using an Integrated development environment framework. The recent world moves towards digitalization for every activity in daily life as well as research. This work shows digitalize... more
Microsoft Guida alla programmazione con Visual Basic 5 (editor edizione italiana)
Editor of the Italian edition 'Microsoft Visual Basic 5 programming guide'. (Microsoft programming series)
Editor of the Italian edition 'Microsoft Visual Basic 5 programming guide'. (Microsoft programming series)