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Ci si riferisce, qui, a un corpus di lettere scritte da Timpanaro jr. al filosofo Girolamo De Liguori; l'arco temporale si distende quasi per un trentennio, dal '70 al '99, e abbraccia riferimenti a vicende culturali e politico-civili, a... more
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    •   13  
      GramsciGramsci and Cultural HegemonyEugenio GarinSebastiano Timpanaro
The goals of this text briefly refers to the following problems: a) can analysis of a theoretical enterprise of Robert W. Cox be evaluated as eclectic? b) Could Cox´s work be structured in a manner inconsistent with a critical... more
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      Critical TheoryInternational RelationsInternational Relations TheoryNeo-Grammarians
Presentazione grafica realizzata per supporto alla lezione intitolata "Introduzione alla vita e al pensiero di Antonio Gramsci", tenuta in occasione della co-gestione al liceo scientifico Leonardo da Vinci (Milano, a.s. 2017-2018) e... more
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      Political PhilosophyCommunismGramsciAntonio Gramsci
An ethno-historical perspective on the popular magic in Sardinia.
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      ReligionComparative ReligionMythology And FolkloreEthnohistory
Bu çalışma, neo-Gramsciyen ve neo-Coxiyen hegemonya kavra-mının çatışma analizi ve çözümü ile barış bilimi alanlarında teorik an-lamdaçatışma modellerinde uygulanmasını amaçlamaktadır. Hege-monya teorileri, uluslararası sistemde... more
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      Neo-GramscianismHegemonyaCoxian TheoryNeo gramsican Perspectives
Gramsci's 'modern Prince' has often been interpreted in relation to his theory of political parties. According to this reading, Gramsci was constrained by carceral censorship to use this Machiavellian metaphor as a 'codeword'. This... more
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      Political PhilosophyPolitical TheoryMarxismItalian Studies
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      International RelationsCounterhegemonyNeo-GramsciHak Asasi Petani
Lo scontro egemonico tra Gramsci e Gentile attraverso la lettura di Marx.
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      PhilosophyPolitical PhilosophyMarxismIdealism
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      MarxismPhilosophy of Karl MarxGramsciHistorical Materialism
Antonio Gramsci's notion of " passive revolution " has often been understood as a distinctive historical narrative, political concept, or theory of state formation. This article proposes to consider it instead as a " heuristic formula "... more
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      Political PhilosophyPolitical TheoryMarxismItalian (European History)
Sentiment analysis that will be performed on this research using a laptop product review datasets derived from the amazon.com web site. Because the currently the results of the laptop product reviews are provided online, it is easy to... more
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      Neo-GramscianismChi SquareNaive BayesChi-Square
Between 2009 and 2013, the research group known as ‘State Project Europe’ based at the Institute for Social Research in Frankfurt and at Marburg University investigated the Europeanisation of migration policies.1 The inquiry focused on... more
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      Critical TheoryBorder StudiesCritical European StudiesEuropean Union
Gramsci’s sojourn in the capital of the world revolution in 1922-3 had a profound impact upon both his personal and political lives, constituting a fundamental ‘turning point’ in his maturation as a person and political leader. Drawing... more
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      Political PhilosophyPolitical TheoryMarxismMarxist Economics
ENGLISH During his political militancy, Antonio Gramsci had to face a nationalist movement on the rise, which found expression in the Italian Nationalist Association (Associazione nazionalista italiana – ANI), born in 1910 and existed... more
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      Italian StudiesNationalismNational IdentityNationalism And State Building
Toma-se como indagação central deste texto: quais as aproximações e dissemelhanças entre Antonio Gramsci e Robert W. Cox? No mesmo diapasão da advertência inicial já enunciada, a hipótese norteadora deste texto sustenta que as... more
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      Critical TheoryInternational RelationsInternational Relations TheoryInternational Political Economy
Sosyal bilimlerin farklı disiplinlerinde kullanılan 'eleştiri' kavramı birbiriyletümüyle örtüşmeyen farklı anlamları kapsar. Örneğin eleştiri, edebiyat alamndayazılı bir metnin yazılış amacını felsefî bir çerçevede temellendirme... more
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      Critical TheoryInternational RelationsInternational Relations TheoryGramsci
O objetivo deste artigo é discutir uma eventual coerência ou ecletismo da teoria crítica das Relações Internacionais conforme a abordagem de Robert W. Cox no tocante a suas aproximações com o realismo e o liberalismo. No tocante à... more
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    •   27  
      Critical TheoryInternational RelationsInternational Relations TheoryCritical Realism
Bu çalışma, neo-Gramşiyan ve Neo-Coxiyen hegemonya kavramının çatışma analizi ve çözümü ile barış bilimi alanlarında teorik anlamda çatışma modellerinde uygulanmasını amaçlamaktadır. Hegemonya teorileri, uluslararası sistemde barışçıl... more
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      GramsciNeo-GramscianismHegemonyaNeo gramsican Perspectives
Os objetivos da pesquisa proposta são: a) investigar a existência de um eventual ecletismo na teoria crítica das relações internacionais enunciada por Robert W. Cox que permita, inclusive, entender uma hipotética aproximação com uma... more
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      Critical TheoryInternational RelationsInternational Relations TheoryGramsci
Esta resenha aponta virtudes e vicissitudes referentes a um livro dedicado ao tema de Gramsci e as Relações Internacionais. This review points virtues and vicissitudes related to a book dedicated to the theme of Gramsci and International... more
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      GramsciAntonio GramsciGramsci and Cultural HegemonyGlobal Politicaleconomy, Neogramscian Approcah to Ir
Con el título LA FORMACION DE LOS INTE­LECTUALES publicamos, en realidad, una selección de textos de Antonio Gramscí dados a la luz por Editori Riuniti, de Roma, en una antología de los trabajos teóricos y políticos del autor. Esta... more
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      SociologyPolitical PhilosophyPolitical TheoryHistory of Political Thought
Nel 1991 diversi intellettuali del PCI che erano contrari al suo scioglimento, aderirono alla Rifondazione Comunista e si impegnarono a preservare l'eredità gramsciana da letture e interpretazioni moderate-riformiste funzionali alla... more
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      MarxismAnalytical MarxismGramsciMarxism (Political Science)
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      Political TheoryPostcolonial StudiesPoststructuralismRanciere
Resenha do último livro de um dos mais importantes estudiosos de Gramsci do Brasil, Edmundo Fernandes Dias.
Review of the last book of one of the most important Gramsci scholars from Brazil, Edmundo Fernandes Dias.
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      Gender StudiesGenderGramsciHegemony
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      MarxismPoliticsLouis AlthusserMarxist theory
Öz Bu makalede, ABD'nin İran'a uyguladığı yaptırımların, 2000'lerde İran-Türkiye ekonomik işbirliğine ne şekilde etki ettiği, Neo-Gramsciyen Kuram çerçevesinde çözümlenmeye çalışılmıştır. Bu makale, ekonomik ve matematik çözümlemeler... more
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      Turkish and Middle East StudiesTurkish Foreign PolicyTurco-Iranian WorldTurkey - Iran relations
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    • Neo-Gramsci
Διάλεξη του κ. Angelo D’ Orsi, Καθηγητή Ιστορίας της Πολιτικής Σκέψης στο Τμήμα Ιστορίας του Πανεπιστήμιου του Τορίνο με θέμα: Antonio Gramsci, Il pensatore italiano più studiato nel mondo. Η διάλεξη θα πραγματοποιηθεί (στην ιταλική) την... more
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      GramsciAntonio GramsciGramsci and Cultural HegemonyNeo-Gramscianism
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      Armenian HistoryArmenian CultureModern Armenian HistoryAntonio Gramsci
La historia de las interpretaciones de Gramsci está atravesada por un motivo recurrente, casi subterráneo, que ha tomado diferentes direcciones (unas veces a la "derecha", otras a la "izquierda") y a menudo se ha intentado afirmar una... more
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      Antonio GramsciGramsci and Cultural HegemonyScience and education in GramsciNeo-Gramsci
Os objetivos do texto são: a) discutir sumariamente fatos da Primeira Guerra Mundial e respectivas análises de Antonio Gramsci, focando particularmente a neutralidade italiana do início do conflito, a intervenção italiana, a Revolução... more
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      War StudiesWorld War IGramsciAntonio Gramsci
Certificate of Partecipation in the International Webinar "Gandhi and Gramsci", organised by Raffles University Neemrana in collaboration with Swadhyaya Sahachkara (Circle for Creative Co-Learning), RAYS Global Foundation, USA, and... more
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      GramsciAntonio GramsciGramsci and Cultural HegemonyGandhian theory
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    • Neo-Gramsci
Il movimento comunista rivoluzionario annovera tra i suoi nemici peggiori, con i borghesi i capitalisti i padroni, e con i funzionari e giannizzeri delle varie gerarchie, i "pensatori" e gli "intellettuali" indiscriminati, esponenti della... more
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      Cultural StudiesCultural TheoryCultureFuturism
Antonio Gramsci dedicou boa parte de sua obra fragmentária ao esforço de extrair da análise empiricamente fundamentada da formação histórica e social do território italiano elementos que o ajudassem a formular concepções estratégicas... more
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    •   8  
      GramsciAntonio GramsciGramsci and Cultural HegemonyNeo-Gramscianism
Ci si riferisce, qui, a un corpus di lettere scritte da Timpanaro jr. al filosofo Girolamo De Liguori; l'arco temporale si distende quasi per un trentennio, dal '70 al '99, e abbraccia riferimenti a vicende... more
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      GramsciGramsci and Cultural HegemonyEugenio GarinSebastiano Timpanaro
Our goal in this article is presenting a comprehension between the concepts of structure that figure in the works by the American political scientist Kenneth Waltz, and that of one of his major critics, the Canadian historian and also... more
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      HegemonyStructural realismGramsci and Cultural HegemonyIR Theory
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      MarxismCommunismGramsciAntonio Gramsci