Recent papers in Neo-Gramsci
Thomas Pogge and Amartya Sen claimed that the Adam Smith and Malthus’s measurements of poverty and famine are problematic. The poverty diagnosis described by classical development theorists’ neglect the possibility of the consumption... more
Globalisasi membawa implikasi sangat besar dalam masyarakat. Ide-ide globalisasi membawa arah perkembangan masyarakat ke dalam sebuah pemahaman dan kesadaran umum terhadap konsepsi tentang masyarakat yang makin berkembang. Masyarakat... more
Mengapa penguasakapitalis/oligarkpemimpin agama kaya raya sedangkan buruh dan petani miskin? Karl Marx menjelaskan bahwa fenomena tersebut terjadi karena adanya hubungan supra struktur-infra struktur yang tidak adil demi mempertahankan... more
Egemonia dopo Gramsci (6): L’egemonia all’ombra del “post” a cura di Fabio Frosini, Marco Gatto e Giacomo Tarascio Urbino, 8-10 maggio 2024 Con il sostegno del fondo per manifestazioni di rilevante interesse scientifico dell’Università... more
The ongoing sanctions against the Russian Federation by Western states led by the United States with a view to hamper the Putin administration’s capability to rule through suppressing oil and commodity prices and limiting Russia’s trade... more
Up to the present time, the life of peasant community enjoys not much changes: burdened with poverty, suffers, dependence and frequently be the victim of social injustice. The globalization current is indicated with profit hunting of the... more
WTO telah mencantumkan secara eksplisit pengaturan mengenai lingkungan hidup dalam Pasal XX ayat (b) dan (g) GATT. Aturan tersebut merupakan ide dari negara maju dan dimaksudkan untuk penegakkan hukum lingkungan agar fungsi lingkungan... more
Kami sedang menunggu versi ChatGPT yang lebih canggih, tetapi versi 4 hari ini dapat merangkum analisis teoretis yang sudah tersebar luas dan komprehensif dengan baik. Menguji kemampuannya, berikut adalah rangkumannya tentang teori... more
Dünya düzeni sürekli olarak bir değişim ve dönüşüm halindedir. Tarihsel açıdan bakıldığında yükselen güçlerin hegemonik düzeni değiştirme amacı olmuştur. 1940'lı yıllardan sonra Amerika Birleşik Devletleri, inşa edilen hegemonyanın ana... more
Uluslararası İlişkiler (Uİ) disiplininde “birincil birimler” olarak devletler arası rekabetten söz edilmesi, vaka-yı âdîye’den sayılır. Farklı yaklaşımlar, bu rekabetin kaynağının, ya anarşik konumlanmaların bulunduğu bir “uluslararası... more
Karya seni visual "Guernica" karya Pablo Picasso (1937) menjadi pusat perhatian dalam penelitian ini yang bertujuan untuk menyelidiki konsep Marxis tentang kekerasan dan perang yang tercermin dalam lukisan tersebut. Dengan pendekatan... more
This article tries to answer how the studies of MNCs-INGOs consolidated in the discipline of international relations. By using library research method and qualitative data analysis, it is found that the studies of MNCs-INGOs are possible... more
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis transformasi gerakan Occupy Wall Street (Kuasai Wall Street) dari gerakan sosial lokal di Amerika Serikat menjadi gerakan sosial global. Gerakan ini pertama kali berawal di Amerika Serikat pada... more
- by Andina Ayu
This research attempts to understand the role of the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC) in carrying out the Zero Hunger program in Haiti. Compared to the other countries in Latin America and the Caribbean, Haiti is... more
Osmanlı istihbarat sistemi özellikle kuruluş döneminde askeri faaliyetler içinde konumlandırılmıştır. Günümüzden bakıldığında istihbarat oluşumunda sistematik olmayan yöntemlerin kullanıldığı söylenebilir. Bu hususların yanı sıra askeri... more
Buku ini mengupas transformasi konglomerat Indonesia, khususnya aktivitas ekonomi dan relasi politik mereka dalam dua dekade terakhir. Dalam trajektorinya, para konglomerat—juga disebut dengan pengusaha besar swasta, kelompok bisnis, dan... more
Konflik di pabrik semen di Rembang muncul sebagai hasil dari keputusan kebijakan yang mendukung korporasi sebagai pemilik modal dan pemerintah sebagai mitra, dengan tujuan menciptakan lapangan kerja baru dan meningkatkan Pendapatan Asli
The text proposes to answer summarily the following question: how is it possible to counter summarily two readings on Gramsci in the field of International Relations, that confined to the traditional approaches of Political Science and... more
The drive to achieve economic effectiveness in Japan led to the formation of a class structure based on division of labor where men were expected to work in public sphere while women were expected to take care of household affairs. This... more
Due to historical developments and the works of theorists such as Francis Fukuyama, predominant political-economic literature has claimed that the combination of a “free market economy” and “liberal democracy built on equal rights”... more
Artikel ini mengkaji penyelesaian sengketa perdagangan Organisasi Perdagangan Dunia (WTO) antara Indonesia dan Amerika Serikat pada isu hortikultura pada tahun 2018. Amerika Serikat melaporkan Indonesia ke Dispute Settlement Body (DSB)... more
The article shows the reading of Gramsci offered by Portantiero, a reading that not only enhances aspects of Gramsci's work on which later critics will dwell extensively, but also connects them, subterraneously, without making it... more
Rezim internasional terbentuk oleh organisasi internasional di bawahWashington Consensus. Organisasi internasional seperti World TradeOrganization (WTO) mengakomodasi kepentingan negara-negara maju. WTO membuat aturan main perdagangan... more
Saat ini kita tiba di zaman dimana sebuah cengkraman dan pengawasan seolah-olah adalah sebuah kebebasan. Kita tidak menyadari bagaimana kehidupan kita diserahkan secara cuma-cuma pada para kapitalis. Berbagai unicorn seolah-olah... more
Texto y contexto(s) Hay textos que escamotean la pretensión de quien contribuyó a parirlos, así como existen prólogos e introitos que se resisten a ser mero preludio o puerta de entrada al material que los motorizó, para cobrar vida,... more
Siyasi, Sosyal ve Kültürel Yönleriyle TÜRKİYE ve RUSYA 5
- by Osman KÖSE
- Russia, Türkiye, Rusya
Abtract: The global food regime has failed and led to a food crisis. However, food regime can transform from time to time in order to dominatethe food system globally. The current food regime is also known as the corporate food regime. In... more
The development of globalization occurs in various fields of human life, starting from the fields of education, social, economic and also government. Several factors have contributed to globalization, including excess corporate capital,... more
Ghilarza Summer School SCUOLA INTERNAZIONALE DI STUDI GRAMSCIANI BANDO 2023 La Ghilarza Summer School - Scuola internazionale di studi gramsciani bandisce 15 posti per la partecipazione a un corso di alta formazione sul pensiero di... more