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      BibliographyRussian linguisticsQuantitative linguisticsOpen Access Books in Linguistics
This paper aims at critically addressing the issue of intellectual property in the biomedical and health fields, focusing on the equitable and rapid distribution of anti-COVID-19 vaccines on a global scale. The main allegation is not new:... more
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      VaccinesPatentsOpen scienceForex Trading Systems
The evolution of Covid-19 in India has generated biomedical crises and various crises in teaching and learning processes. The lack of consistency in taking classes, the unsystematic methods of assessing the students, the mockery of the... more
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      SociologyCultural StudiesHumanitiesTeacher Education
It helped me a lot to read this book and I am uploading it because I can hardly find it on the internet, so here it is. Greetings
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      English BooksOpen Access Books in LinguisticsTheory and practice in English Language Teaching and LearningPractice Books
Numa sociedade inserida em dinâmicas excludentes e naturalizadas, assumir a empatia como motivação para a pesquisa, tendo a prática investigativa como uma atitude política, configura-se um efetivo atrevimento. É essa a Linguística... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsLanguage and IdeologyApplied LinguisticsNew Literacy Studies (Education)
Tratat de farmacologie pentru medicina dentara
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      Medical SociologyEarth SciencesMedical SciencesInternal Medicine (General Medicine)
This study is the first wide-scope morpho-syntactic comparative study of North-Eastern Neo-Aramaic dialects to date. Given the historical depth of Aramaic (almost 3 millennia) and the geographic span of the modern dialects, coming in... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsHistorical LinguisticsSemitic languagesDialectology
Semantics: A Coursebook, SECOND EDITION
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    • Open Access Books in Linguistics
ከአሜን በሻገር
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    • Open Access Books in Linguistics
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      Slavic LinguisticsMorphology (Languages And Linguistics)Russian linguisticsWord Classes
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      German LanguageSyntaxHPSGComplex Predicates
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      Umberto EcoBook ReviewsBooksOpen Access Books in Linguistics
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    • Open Access Books in Linguistics
atelier méthodologique CIRD Conakry 17 mars 2022
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      African StudiesOpen AccessOpen Access PublishingOpen Access Books in Linguistics
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      LexicologyAssyriologyTextilesHistory of Textiles
This book introduces formal grammar theories that play a role in current linguistic theorizing (Phrase Structure Grammar, Transformational Grammar/Government & Binding, Minimalism, Generalized Phrase Structure Grammar, Lexical Functional... more
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      German StudiesLanguages and LinguisticsComputational LinguisticsGerman Language
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      Open Access Books in LinguisticsPRESUPUESTO MAESTRO EJEMPLO EXCEL
The aim of this project is to found parks of displaced cross-stones in those villages of the Republics of Armenia and Artsakh where the former Azerbaijanian inhabitants have destroyed the medieval Armenian cemeteries, using the tombstones... more
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      Art HistoryArmenian StudiesOpen Access PublishingArmenian History
One of the most challenging tasks for language instructors is finding effective ways to determine what and how much their students are actually learning. Instructors need to think carefully about what kinds of knowledge their tests allow... more
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      Research methods in applied linguisticsE-booksOpen Access Books in Linguistics
This paper describes my personal motivation for trying to establish Open Access book series. It contains an analysis of the financial aspects of academic careers in some European countries, with a special focus on Germany and concludes... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsOpen AccessOpen Access PublishingLinguistics
The monograph presents an algorithmic grammar of Russian verbal morphology and accentuation. 30 years after its original publication (print only), it is now available in a revised edition (print and pdf).
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      Russian LanguageSlavic LinguisticsMorphology (Languages And Linguistics)Russian linguistics
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      LexicologyHistorical LinguisticsDialectologyDialects of English
Let us suppose that you are a research linguist, tormented by some doubts and questions about the state of your profession, and not constrained by having to repeat a catechism of "known truths" to Linguistics 101 students, and not worried... more
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      EngineeringDiscourse AnalysisHistory of LinguisticsRhetoric (Languages and Linguistics)
This volume contains the complete collection of published and unpublished work on German grammar by Tilman N. Höhle. It consists of two parts. The first part is Topologische Felder, a book-length manuscript that was written in 1983 but... more
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      German StudiesLanguages and LinguisticsPhonologyGermanic linguistics
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    • Open Access Books in Linguistics
The study sought to examine the effect of the board of directors' characteristics on financial distress among Ghanaian listed banks. It seeks to address the conflicting findings in board characteristics and financial distress from the... more
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      AccountingManagement AccountingPublic sector accountingOpen Access Books in Linguistics
The Delhi Declaration on Open Access, pronounced on 14th February 2018, becomes another instance of solidarity of the researchers in Global South in making open access (OA) to scholarly literature a popular choice in the dissemination of... more
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      Open AccessOpen Access PublishingOpen ResearchOpen Source/Open Access and Libraries
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      Open AccessOpen Access PublishingScholarly CommunicationOpen Source/Open Access and Libraries
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      SociologyCultural StudiesHumanitiesTeacher Education
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      Digital LibrariesDigital HumanitiesOpen AccessOpen Access Publishing
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      Web 2.0Medical InformaticsOpen AccessHealth Informatics
Download/Open Review at: http://langsci-press.org/catalog/book/25 This book introduces formal grammar theories that play a role in current linguistics or contributed tools that are relevant for current linguistic theorizing (Phrase... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsLanguage AcquisitionPsycholinguisticsGerman Language
A common challenge faced by members of the Association of Portuguese Language Universities (AULP) and by other higher education institutions around the world is providing access to up-to-date and relevant academic literature. In an age... more
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      LanguagesHealth Professional EducationHigher EducationOpen Access
This book is a contribution to the general discussion of the question whether argument structure constructions should be treated with reference to phrasal patterns as suggested by Goldberg (1995, 2006); Culicover and Jackendoff (2005) and... more
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      English languageGerman LanguageSyntaxEnglish Grammar
Dear honorable guests, ladies, gentlemen and, assalam o alaikum and good morning. On behalf of the Linguistic Association of Pakistan and the Institute of Languages, University of the Punjab, I would like to declare that the 2 nd... more
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      History of LinguisticsRhetoric (Languages and Linguistics)Anthropological LinguisticsDiachronic Linguistics (Or Historical Linguistics)
The study focused on the relationship between job satisfaction and library staff conducted at Biliran Province State University Library and BIPSU Biliran Campus Library. There are four objectives to guide the study, two questions to... more
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      Modern HistoryLibrary and Information StudiesOpen Access Books in Linguistics
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    • Open Access Books in Linguistics
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      Digital HumanitiesOpen AccessOpen Access PublishingOpen Source/Open Access and Libraries
Every linguist of the world would agree that children learn best if they are taught in their mother tongues. Nevertheless, it is extremely challenging to carry out this task when there is no such infrastructure to do so. Pakistan has... more
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      History of LinguisticsRhetoric (Languages and Linguistics)Anthropological LinguisticsDiachronic Linguistics (Or Historical Linguistics)
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    • Open Access Books in Linguistics
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    • Open Access Books in Linguistics
Aimed at the individual academic, this guide will enable you to make informed and purposeful decisions around licensing your work in line with international open access principles. Based on the framework of open content licensing – a... more
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      Digital LibrariesDigital HumanitiesOpen AccessOpen Access Publishing
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      LiteratureOpen AccessOpen Access PublishingOpen Source/Open Access and Libraries
"The book de­scribes a large frag­ment of Ger­man in terms of the HPSG paradime. On a broad em­pir­i­cal basis it de­vel­ops a for­mal­ly ex­plic­it the­o­ry with spe­cial em­pha­sis on var­i­ous word-​or­der phe­nom­e­na: the... more
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      German LanguageSyntaxFormal syntaxHPSG
Dedicated to all those who selflessly organised the safe retreat of Kesab Armenians during the events of March 2014, saved them from extermination and heroically protected their right to return to their birthplace The booklet presents the... more
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      Armenian StudiesOpen AccessOpen Access PublishingSyrian Studies
La cultura è importante, specie in tempo di pandemia. Ma quale cultura? Quella per pochi, sempre più costosa e indisponibile se non su piattaforme digitali? La sfida delle biblioteche? Diventare spazi per il bene comune, non magazzini... more
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      EducationHumanitiesAdult EducationTeacher Education
Open Science is a practice of science and a movement to make scientific research, data and dissemination accessible to all levels of an inquiring society under terms that enable the reuse, redistribution and replicability of the research... more
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      Digital HumanitiesOpen AccessOpen Access PublishingOpen Source Software
The book can be downloaded from my webpage. See URL. "This book introduces formal grammar theories that play a role in current linguistics or contributed tools that are relevant for current linguistic theorizing (Phrase Structure... more
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      German StudiesLanguages and LinguisticsLanguage AcquisitionComputational Linguistics
This book in­tro­duces for­mal gram­mar the­o­ries that play a role in cur­rent lin­guis­tics or con­tribut­ed tools that are rel­e­vant for cur­rent lin­guis­tic the­o­riz­ing (Phrase Struc­ture Gram­mar, Trans­for­ma­tion­al... more
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      German LanguageSyntaxMinimalismConstruction Grammar