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In “Yuletide Terror and Other Holiday Horrors”, columnist Frederick Meekins focused upon the growing war against Christmas and other traditional holidays. In “Return Of The Yuletide Terror & Other Holiday Horrors”, he proves that this... more
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      LiberalismConservatismCulture WarsCommentary
O presente trabalho analisa como o discurso do politicamente correto foi construído ao longo dos tempos e a maneira como os movimentos sociais, principalmente, o têm usado para combater as discriminações que são visualizadas nas peças... more
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      Social MovementsPublicidade E PropagandaPolitical Correctness
In three studies we examined lay definitions of cultural appropriation in U.S. community and college student samples. In a fourth study we examined correlates of perceptions of cultural appropriation. Using community and undergraduate... more
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      Social JusticeActivismPolitical OrientationPolitical Correctness
A Facebook note on issues of free speech and social anxiety.
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      Free SpeechPolitical Language and Political CorrectnessParanoiaRumours, Panic and Paranoia
Trying to understand contemporary populism throughout the lens of Arendt can help us recognise general challenges of modern society that have not disappeared from the stage of post-war European and American history; yet, it would be a... more
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      European StudiesPolitical PhilosophyRace and RacismFascism
This article is a brief response to Ramsey E. Ramsey's essay 'Letters on the hermeneutic education of dwelling' published in Empedocles (6: 1, pp. 77–90). While it sees Ramsey's defense of the lecture as a necessary articulation of the... more
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Transgenderism is a religious belief (ideology) and enforcement of it by the State violates the First Amendment. The First Amendment of the Constitution of the United States of America. The attempt to force a transgender ideology upon... more
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      Medical SciencesAnthropologySecular HumanismReligion and Politics
Der Beitrag untersucht Fragen rund um Möglichkeiten, Sprache nicht nur als Kommunikationsmedium, sondern auch als Mittel der Gewalt zu verwenden.
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      Philosophy Of LanguageViolenceKulturgeschichteSprache und Identität
In what ways is comedy subversive? This vital new book critically considers the importance of comedy in challenging and redefining our relations to race and racism through the lens of political correctness. By viewing comedy as both a... more
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      Television StudiesComedyCritical Race StudiesRace and Racism
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      Political SociologyPolitical EconomyMoral PsychologyPolitical Theory
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      SitcomsSeinfeldPolitical CorrectnessCultural cringe
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      Political Language and Political CorrectnessPolitical CorrectnessPolitiquement CorrectLexical Borrowings
This papers discusses the pro and contra agrumens of gender-fair language.
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      Gender Fair LanguagePolitical CorrectnessGeneric masculine
From "Language in the Trump Era: Scandals and Emergencies," eds. Janet McIntosh and Norma Mendoza-Denton, Cambridge University Press, 2020.
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      American PoliticsLinguistic AnthropologyLanguage and GenderLanguage and Ideology
Corroborating contemporary biographers report that Jesus of Nazareth was born of a virgin, changed water to wine, made the blind see, healed the lame, raised the dead, walked on water, calmed a violent storm, fed 5,000 people with five... more
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      Discourse AnalysisPolitical Extremism/Radicalism/PopulismPolitical CorrectnessExtreme and Far Right
A review of a classical book by conservative Swiss philosopher Hermann Lübbe, called Political Moralism. It is very timely again and was re-published in 2019.
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      Political CorrectnessMoralism and Realism In Political PhilosophyHermann LübbeEthics of democratic conviction
Professors across the U.S. are adapting to an environment in which a "politically incorrect" word or turn of phrase has the power to derail a career.
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      Film StudiesFilm TheoryLiteratureLiterature and cinema
In this article, I approach the controversy over ‘political correctness’ (PC) in terms of three questions: a socio-historical question, a theoretical question and a political question as follows. (1) Why this apparently increasing focus... more
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      Discourse AnalysisCultural StudiesPoliticsDialectic
Translation of fiction is a highly demanding task since it should not only transfer the meaning with its lexical entities from one language into another but it should also convey the conciseness and terseness of structure as well as the... more
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      Translation StudiesPolitical CorrectnessTranslation and Cultural Encounter,politics of Translation,translation and MultilinguaismPOLITICALLY CORRECT LANGUAGE
Examines the three strategies that fuels political correctness (plausibility) in our Culture. The paper refutes that cultural phenomena and shows how it is dangerous to our Culture.
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      Catholic TheologySatanPolitical CorrectnessPlausibility
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      ChristianitySelf and IdentitySustainable DevelopmentIdentity (Culture)
Die Ideen der Wissenschaft und der freien Wissenschaft verweisen aufeinander. Sie sind auf normative Voraussetzungen und epistemische Hoffnungen gegründet, die durch Wissenschaftsfreiheit im Sinne eines negativen Abwehrrechts nicht... more
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      Political CorrectnessWissenschaftsfreiheitMeinungsfreiheitCancel Culture
Wer die Freiheit der Wissenschaft beschneidet, der behindert den Anspruch auf Wahrheit, welche die wissenschaftliche Tätigkeit als solche charakterisiert. Ein solcher Zusammenhang zwischen epistemischer Offenheit und wissenschaftlichem... more
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      John Stuart MillPolitical CorrectnessRobert K. MertonWissenschaftsfreiheit
Masterarbeit zur Fragestellung, wie in einem ethnologischen Museum ohne Rassismus gesprochen werden kann.
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      MuseumPost-ColonialismEthnologyMuseum Ethnography
This paper provides a historical account of the ‘pickup artists’ (PUA) phenomenon, tracing the origins back to the early 1970s when more liberal attitudes towards sexuality were on the rise in the West. Today PUA advice not only includes... more
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      HeterosexualityFeminismSexuality And CultureDating
An Examination of the Origins and Nature of Cultural Marxism in Traditional Marxism
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      MulticulturalismMarxismFrankfurt SchoolOrthodox Christianity
From "Language in the Trump Era: Scandals and Emergencies," eds. Janet McIntosh and Norma Mendoza-Denton, Cambridge University Press, 2020.
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      Discourse AnalysisLinguistic AnthropologyLanguage and GenderPolitical communication
This open letter details how I lost my job, my dignity, and about $5,000 in unpaid wages for using the word "hood" in a CCNY classroom.  And I was quoting the department chair!
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      Film StudiesFilm TheoryFilm AnalysisFilm Genre
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      ReligionEnglish GrammarAnthropomorphismUniversal grammar
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      Michel HouellebecqSlavoj ŽižekPolitical Correctness
The article is an attempt to reflect on the phenomenon of "political turn" in literary studies, postcolonial theory as an example and some of its applications in the Polish literary theory, for any damage and the benefits they bring to... more
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      Postcolonial StudiesPolish LiteraturePolish StudiesTheory of literature
En los últimos dos años, el escritor canadiense y profesor de Psicología en la Universidad de Toronto Jordan B. Peterson (Edmonton, Canadá, 1962) ha construido un discurso firme y a contracorriente sobre cuestiones controvertidas del... more
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      Language and IdeologyIdeologyFree SpeechFreedom of Speech
English has many words that speakers sometimes use in a broad, genus way and sometimes in a narrow, species way. The context allows listeners to know which sense is intended. Sometimes one of the meanings derives from a technical word.... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsTwitterPolitical Language and Political CorrectnessOrdinary Language Philosophy
"This is just a call for sanity. I am a left-leaning progressive. I am an ally to progressive causes. But I can certainly tell you this: one does not sway hearts and souls through the policing of language, the policing of thoughts, the... more
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      Freedom of SpeechPolitical CorrectnessCanadian UniversitiesUniversity Campuses
Critics have raised their eyebrows at the work of Boondocks creator McGruder repeatedly accusing him of making a mockery of the legacies of Rosa Parks and Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. (Associated Press, 2006). They have questioned his... more
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      Critical TheoryCultural StudiesMedia StudiesTelevision Studies
Introductory courses dealing with sex, gender and sexuality are usually quite biased, going as far as to deny the reality of biology. Drawing on the Catholic tradition (Aquinas), this article presents an accessible argument aimed at... more
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      Discourse AnalysisReligionComparative ReligionHistory
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      Critical TheoryDiscourse AnalysisSocial MovementsLatin American Studies
Πώς θα είναι άραγε το θεατρο μετά την πανδημία; Πόσο θα το επηρεάσει η οικονομική κρίση; Ποιοι παράγοντες θα διαμορφώσουν τη φυσιογνωμία του; Αυτά και πολλά άλλα ερωτήματα απασχολούν το άρθρο αυτό στην προσπάθειά του να χαρτογραφήση την... more
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      Critical TheoryTheatre TheoryPolitical CorrectnessΘέατρο
Dans cette étude qui traite du traduire et du discours politiquement (in)correct, nous nous intéressons aux expressions « politiquement correctes » qui sont à privilégier, selon les recommandations comprises dans le Glossaire du langage«... more
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      Political Language and Political CorrectnessTranslationLegal translation studiesPolitical Correctness
Hermeneutic circle and (im)possibility of political correctness: terminological problem in researches of religious history Usage of terms in the field of religious history is being analyzed. It is claimed that terminological problem in... more
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      ReligionChristianityHistory of ReligionHistoriography
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      Philosophy Of LanguageLanguages and LinguisticsOpen AccessLiberalism
This article is about artistic freedom of speech and censorship. It compares sadistic and misogynistic elements of (uncensored) Surrealism (from Hans Bellmer's dolls and pornographic photographs, to Giacometti's 'Woman with Her Throat... more
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      CensorshipSurrealismGeorges BatailleLouise Bourgeois
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      Australian PoliticsCorporatismPolitical CorrectnessPublic Policy
This article examines how racism and nationalism flourish in participatory media spaces by analyzing user comments and images posted on the reddit community r/ImGoingToHellForThis in the week following widespread news coverage of the... more
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      Participatory MediaDigital MediaVisual CultureRace and Racism
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      Thomas HobbesLiberalism and TolerationFreedom of SpeechPolitical Correctness
In today’s politically correct (PC) world, everything is under review for potential offensiveness. While I find such witch hunts of offensiveness offensive, I would like to offer a brief argument of why the game of chess may come under... more
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      CensorshipHumorHumor/SatireSatire & Irony
A number of U.S. universities are embroiled in debates over the longtime commemoration and valorization of white supremacy through the campus landscape. Recognizing place naming as a legitimate political arena, activists have called... more
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      Critical TheoryLandscape ArchitectureRace and RacismHistory and Memory
This paper offers an unorthodox appraisal of empirical research bearing on the question of the low representation of women in philosophy. It contends that fashionable views in the profession concerning implicit bias and stereotype threat... more
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      PhilosophyPhilosophy of MindPhilosophy of Cognitive SciencePolitical Language and Political Correctness