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The 2nd Global African Indigenous and Derived Religions Conference provided a platform for scholars of African Indigenous Religions and African-derived religions to critically appraise the status, nature and role of global African... more
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      Comparative ReligionAfrican StudiesAfrican PhilosophyHistory of Religion
“Power is war, the continuation of war by other means”: Foucault’s reversal of Clausewitz’s formula has become a staple of critical theory — but it remains highly problematic on a conceptual level. Elaborated during Foucault’s 1976... more
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      Critical TheoryDiscourse AnalysisSociologyCultural Studies
This chapter draws a trajectory from the "end of history" triumphalism to a global trend of democratic backsliding, culminating with a wave of nationalist populism that has swept across Europe and the United States. Fukuyama's evolving... more
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      Political PhilosophyPolitics of RecognitionPolandPolitics of Identity
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      Political SociologyGerman StudiesComparative PoliticsHistorical Sociology
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      Gender StudiesFeminist TheoryIdentity (Culture)Identity politics
A pesquisa procurou demonstrar, inicialmente, os limites do uso do lugar de fala e, posteriormente, como esse uso e esses limites afetam a atuação política da esquerda, dos movimentos sociais de esquerda. O caráter do trabalho é teórico,... more
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      Movimentos sociaisPolitics of IdentityFilosofia PoliticaIdentidades Políticas
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In the present thesis, I approach some aspects of the History of Goa, since the Constitutional Monarchy until the foundation of “Estado Novo”, viewed by its intellectual elites. The paths and standings of these elites were built in the... more
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      Intellectual HistoryCultural HistoryRepublicanismHistory of India
Thailand adalah sebuah negara monarki di Mainland Asia berpenduduk mayoritas etnis Thai beragama Budha dan sebagian kecil etnis Melayu beragama Islam. Pada umumnya, Melayu Muslim di Thailand tinggal di wilayah selatan atau eks Kesultanan... more
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      Cultural PolicySocial MovementSoutheast Asian PoliticsMalay Language
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      NationalismRegionalismTransylvaniaPolitics of Identity
Bu makalede yazarın 1960’larda Ankara’da geçen çocukluk yıllarındaki gözlemlerinden hareketle Türkiye modernleşmesinin o yıllardaki siyasi, kültürel ve toplumsal cinsiyet boyutları incelenerek, bu dönüşümün ürünü olan yaşam biçimlerinin... more
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      ModernizationTurkeyAkpPolitics of Identity
At the heart of the debates surrounding Irish and Welsh nationalism and national self-determination are essential questions on the respective Irish and Welsh national identities, on what really sets Ireland and Wales apart from their... more
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      Celtic StudiesConstructivismLanguage Planning and PolicyCeltic Linguistics
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      NationalismCitizenshipHungaryPolitics of Identity
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      Participatory DemocracyRadical DemocracyPolitics of DifferencePolitics of Identity
Los estudios poscoloniales de origen anglófono y el pensamiento decolonial de origen latinoamericano, en sus convergencias y diferencias, han provisto recursos para la renovación de la teoría crítica con horizontes emancipadores, al poner... more
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      Critical TheoryPostcolonial StudiesIdentity politicsAnarchist Studies
This is the second of a two-part Opinion Piece/article I published in Indonesia's leading English-language daily, The Jakarta Post (TJP), to celebrate Indonesia's National Awakening Day (Hari Kebangkitan Nasional) on 21 May last. It was... more
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      HistoryFolkloreIndonesian HistoryLiterature
Bu makalede, Gezi Parkı olayları sırasında ve sonrasında Türkiye’deki performatif protesto eylemleri ve bu bağlamda performans sanatçılarının rolü üzerinde duracağım. Butler’ın “performativite” anlayışı aracılığıyla, Gezi’nin... more
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      Theatre StudiesPerformance StudiesSocial RepresentationsPerformance Art
ABSTRACT Within the scope of this thesis, it was questioned whether the Labor and Justice Platform, conceptualized as Muslim-Left, adopted a politics beyond the politics of identity. In this context, first of all, it was emphasized that... more
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      Social MovementsIslamismNew social movementsPolitics of Identity
This article discusses how identity is narrated in the arena of power struggles in the context of electoral democracy. Narration of identity tends to be strenghten in various political events, including elections of regional heads. To... more
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      PopulismPolitics of Identity
Germany is home to the largest community of Anatolian Alevis outside of Turkey. Alevis migrated to Germany first as laborers and later also as political refugees. In the late 1980s, around the same time as Alevis in Turkey, they started... more
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      ReligionMulticulturalismPolitics of RecognitionDiaspora Studies
This article asks why middle-class Israeli seculars have recently begun to engage with Jewish religiosity. We use the case of the Jewish New Age (JNA) as an example of the middle class’s turn from a nationalised to a spiritualised version... more
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      Sociology of the Middle ClassesJudaismNew Age spiritualityIsrael
Eyes Re-Cast is a catalogue essay that accompanied Savi Sawarkar's solo exhibition at Rabindra Bhawan, Lalit Kala Akademi, New Delhi in 2008. It takes up the politics of representation in Savi's paintings and the manner in which he... more
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      Caste and UntouchabilityModern and Contemporary Indian ArtCurationPolitics of Identity
20. yüzyılın başlarında ulusçu düşüncenin eyleme dönüşmesiyle yeni bir dünya düzeni kurulmuştur. Bu yeni düzende, tarihe şekil veren büyük imparatorluklar yerlerini kendi içlerinden çıkan ulus-devletlere bırakmak zorunda kalmıştır. Yüzyıl... more
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      HistoryPolitical SociologyEthnic StudiesRussian Studies
Ce livre de synthèse offre un panorama des forces agissantes autour du concept coaxial de « Choc des civilisations ». C’est une analyse et mise en perspective des trois grandes tendances qui débattent, collaborent et s’affrontent au sein... more
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      American PoliticsComparative PoliticsPolitical EconomyPolitical Philosophy
Brazil experienced, in June of 2013, the largest popular demonstrations in its recent history —an event that has been called the June Journeys. In this paper, we briefly address briefly the processes of spatial diffusion and dispersion... more
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      Social MovementsBrazilPolitics of IdentityJune Journeys
A Third Culture Kid (TCK) is a person who has spent a significant part of his or her developmental years outside the parents’ culture. Although elements from each culture are assimilated into the TCK’s life experience, the sense of... more
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      CosmopolitanismMigration StudiesSocial belongingTransnational migration
Fruits d’une ethnographie de cinq mois réalisée en collaboration avec des organismes inuit et autochtones de la ville d’Ottawa, cette thèse de maîtrise s’attache à analyser la diversité et la complexité des expériences urbaines telles que... more
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      Indigenous StudiesIndigenous or Aboriginal StudiesUrban AnthropologyAuthenticity
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      NationalismRegionalismInterwar RomaniaPolitics of Identity
Auf Basis jüngster Forschungen untersucht das Tel Aviver Jahrbuch die Kontexte und Beweggründe, die unterschiedliche Gruppen von Deutschen zu verschiedenen Zeiten nach Palästina und Israel brachten. Die Autoren analysieren zu diesem Zweck... more
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      Identity (Culture)Identity politicsDiaspora StudiesGerman Literature and Culture
The solemn presentation by Patriarch Bartholomew of Constantinople of the so-called tomos, or a decree of autocephaly, for the Ukrainian Orthodox Church to newly elected Ukrainian primate Metropolitan Epiphanius in Istanbul on January 7,... more
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      Political SciencePolitics of UkraineUkrainePolitics of Identity
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      TurkeyFranceStereotypingPolitics of Identity
Critical theory with emancipatory aims today to find a source of regeneration in ordinary cultures, and in particular, in TV series. Certain series can play a role in reinventing critical theories, drawing on the tradition of the... more
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      Critical TheoryTelevision StudiesPolitical TheoryCritical Thinking
1 A Book by Another Name Would Also be Legible: the Limits of the Bibliography of African American Cookbooks The Book Club of California Quarterly, editor, Antiquarian book scholar, Donald Lindgren —Winter 2020 Scott Alves Barton, PhD In... more
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      HistoryGender StudiesFoodways (Anthropology)Black/African Diaspora
This paper focuses on the socio-political and economic issues involved in the production of oil producing and non-oil producing communities as categories of identification in Nigeria. Using Ilaje people of Ondo State as a case, this... more
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      Politics of IdentityPolitical economy of oil in Nigeria
Draft Report of the project
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      Critical TheoryPolitical ScienceModernizationPolitics of Recognition
This essay focuses on political implications of Derrida’s messianicité as a form of Marrano messianism: a universal vision of community “out of joints” which, despite its disjointedness and inner separation, nonetheless addresses itself... more
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      Jacques DerridaPolitical TheologyModern Jewish PhilosophyModern Jewish Thought
What do Malaysians understand by the term, "intellectual"? Is the intellectual in the Malaysian context undefined, or insignificant? Do Malaysians see the need for intellec-tuals? Answers to these questions reflect the extant to which... more
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      GeopoliticsPost-ColonialismPolitics of knowledge productionPolitics of Identity
A short paper, from a feminist perspective, covering the production of representational narrative space in Daphne Marlatt's novel, Ana Historic. Exploring space (both narrative and physical) in relation to the female body, identity, and... more
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      Fiction WritingGender StudiesSelf and IdentityWomen's Studies
A presente Tese de Doutorado investiga algumas das relações entre arte, política e movimentos sociais que permeiam nosso presente, partindo de uma constelação insurgente composta por exposições, ações, trabalhos de arte e de ativismo... more
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      Collective ActionJacques RancièreAesthetics and PoliticsJacques Ranciere
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      Cultural StudiesPhilosophyCultural SociologyCultural Policy
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      MulticulturalismDiscourse of multiculturalismPolitics of Identity
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      PoliticsNationalismNorth East IndiaPolitics of Identity
This presentation provides the rationale for and an overview of an exploratory guide, in which there is a discussion of specific post-disciplinary perspectives for (un)thinking current modes of research into praxes that co-construct a... more
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      Critical PedagogyFigurational SociologyDecolonializationDecolonial Thought
Minangk@u is wide& knownfor its matrilineal system. One of the matrili11wl values is the man (sumando;l'uhat positioned as marginal. Sumando is a stranger in his wife's family, as shown in the traditional proverb saying like ushes on the... more
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    • Politics of Identity
This essay provides a detailed and critical analysis of Rawls' notions of respect and self-respect from the vantage point of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. It demonstrates that Rawls' empirical and normative claims concerning... more
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      Political ScienceJohn RawlsIsraeli PoliticsPolitical Studies
This essay critiques the postcolonial posture towards human rights and queer activism and the failure of postcolonial studies in recognizing the essential work done towards social freedom and emancipation by the human rights movement in... more
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      Queer StudiesHuman RightsPostcolonial StudiesPopular Culture and Religious Studies
جنگ سرد فقط رقابت، تنش و کشمکش‌های سیاسی و ژئوپلیتیکی بین بلوک شرق (اتحاد جماهیر شوروی و دولت‌های اقماری‌اش) و بلوک غرب (ایالات متحده و متحدان ناتو) بعد از جنگ جهانی دوم در اروپا نبود؛ خاورمیانه یکی از میدان‌ها بود. صهیونیسم به سازمانی... more
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      Identity (Culture)Memory StudiesRefugeesPolitics of Memory
Thailand adalah sebuah negara monarki di Mainland Asia berpenduduk mayoritas etnis Thai beragama Budha dan sebagian kecil etnis Melayu beragama Islam. Pada umumnya, Melayu Muslim di Thailand tinggal di wilayah selatan atau eks Kesultanan... more
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      Southeast Asian StudiesCulture and PoliticsMalay StudiesPolitics of Identity
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      John RawlsIsraeli PoliticsThe Politics of Identity, the Politics of Recognition, MulticulturalismRespect
The study gives an overview of the constructions of Transylvania and their relations during the interwar period. It presents the distance as well as the closeness to Transylvania and the process of establishing the boundaries of... more
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