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The present chapter aims to address the role and meaning of public policy in Turkish private international law. It also elaborates on general practice of Turkish courts in application of public policy to a number of issues, including... more
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      Private International LawPrivate International Family LawEnforcement and Recognition of Foreign Judgments and Arbitral AwardsPrivate International Law (Conflict of Laws)
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      Private International LawEnforcement and Recognition of Foreign Judgments and Arbitral AwardsJurisdiction and Enforcement of Foreign JudgmentsInternational Civil Procedure
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      Private International LawConflict of LawsPrivate International Law (Conflict of Laws)
В статье анализируется применение норм международного частного права в юридической практике Республики Сингапур. Рассматривается место норм международного частного права в правовой системе Сингапура и их влияние на правоприменительную... more
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      Private International LawSingapore lawCommon LawChoice of Law
Οι υποθέσεις γονικής μέριμνας καταλαμβάνουν περιορισμένης έ-κτασης τμήμα της συνολικής θεματικής για την αναγνώριση και εκτέ-λεση αλλοδαπών αποφάσεων. Στο πεδίο της προσωπικής κατάστασης έρχονται τρίτες σε συχνότητα εμφάνισης, ύστερα από... more
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      Family LawPrivate International LawPrivate International Family LawConflict of Laws
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      Public Health LawDeathDeath StudiesHuman Rights Law
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      Global GovernanceLegal HistoryPrivate International LawNatural Law
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      Private International LawInternational Civil ProcedureInternational private lawBrussels I Regulation
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      Private International LawPrivate International Law (Conflict of Laws)Conflict of Laws (Private International Law)
The gradual introduction of a globalized marked, the mass tourism, the enactment of the four EU freedoms, and, above all, the general utilisation of e-commerce, have resulted in a rapidly growing number of cross-border contracts and thus... more
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      ContractsContract LawPrivate International LawConflicts of Law
Nella realtà economica e sociale si sono affermate nuove e controverse pratiche di condivisione, che offrono a chiunque la possibilità di ricercare o mettere a disposizione beni o servizi sul mercato, a prescindere dalla natura... more
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      International LawPrivate International LawConflicts of LawCollaborative Consumption
Due to the increasing practice of international child abduction, the Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction was published in 1980, and duly incorporated into the Brazilian legal system, with the purpose to... more
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      International LawPrivate International LawPrivate International Family LawChildren's Rights
Παρατηρήσεις στην ΑΠ 767/2019 Εκτέλεση βάσει αμερικανικής απόφασης που κηρύχθηκε εκτελεστή• η αλλοδαπή απόφαση έχει απωλέσει την ισχύ της μετά την κήρυξή της ως εκτελεστής στην Ελλάδα. Δεν ακυρώνονται αναδρομικά οι έννομες... more
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      Private International LawCivil ProcedureConflict of LawsEnforcement and Recognition of Foreign Judgments and Arbitral Awards
The donation in p.i.l. is an old problem in particular for the characterization and the current situation in certain EU Member States. This article briefly analyzes the relationship between the donation with Rome I Regulation and the... more
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      Civil LawItalian StudiesPrivate International LawConflicts of Law
Chapter in Peter Stone and Youseph Farah (eds) Research Handbook on EU Private International Law, Elgar, 2015. Co-authored with Liz Heffernan.
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      PrivacyEU LawDefamation LawConflict of Laws
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      Conflict of LawsInternational Commercial LitigationInternational Civil ProcedureAnti Suit Injunction
The need for cross-border cooperation in family matters in the European Union was identified and politically expressed already in the 1990s. The first legislative act adopted in this field was the Brussels II Regulation of 2000. It... more
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      European LawFamily LawPrivate International LawConflicts of Law
We can conclude that non-state rules may include both lex mercatoria, i.e. the law of international merchants, which is not perceived in any uniform way, and currently perhaps also selected rules of EU law, provided that no legal... more
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      International RelationsInternational LawLaw of evidenceCourts
Analyse der EuGH-Entscheidung C-281/15 "Sahyouni" und mögliche Interpretationen - "Anerkennung" einer im EU-Ausland stattgefundenen Privatscheidung nach islamischem Recht und Anwendungsbereich der Rom III-VO Interpretation of the CJEU... more
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      European LawPrivate International LawPrivate International Family LawEU Law
Summary The international transfer of seat is confronted to a lack of regulation at the national, communautary and international levels. Far from being a benign operation, the migration of seat entails important and burdensome... more
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      Private International LawInternational Business LawDroit International PrivePrivate International Law (Conflict of Laws)
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    • Private International Law (Conflict of Laws)
Il presente scritto analizza la categoria delle «disposizioni alle quali non è per- messo derogare convenzionalmente» a cui fa riferimento l’art. 3, comma 3, del regolamento «Roma I» come limite al principio di autonomia delle parti che... more
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      Private International LawChoice of Law in International Contracts: Some Fundamental Conflict of Laws IssuesInternational ContractsPrivate International Law (Conflict of Laws)
Comments on the draft E.U. Regulation on jurisdiction and choice-of-law on matters of succession (see now E.U. Regulation 650/2012) (in Greek)
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      Succession LawPrivate International LawEuropean Union LawConflict of Laws
Reasonable accommodations, a concept first introduced in the United States in the context of religious employment discrimination, is an established right for persons with disabilities under both international and EU law. The question... more
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      Comparative LawInternational LawHuman RightsGender and Sexuality
ABSTRAKT SK: Cieľom tohto odborného článku je predstaviť inštitút lex rei sitae a jeho miesto v slovenskom medzinárodnom práve súkromnom. Na začiatku vo všeobecnosti začleňuje lex rei sitae do kontextu slovenského medzinárodného práva... more
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      International LawPrivate International LawInternational law (public and private)Private International Law (Conflict of Laws)
The seat of arbitration seems to be one of the most important issues to be agreed within an arbitration agreement. It directly influences a number of issues: arbitrability, determination of the governing law, whether substantive or... more
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      Civil LawInternational RelationsInternational LawInternational Arbitration
The Encyclopedia of Private International Law quite simply represents the definitive reference work in the field. Bringing together 195 authors from 57 countries the Encyclopedia sheds light on the current state of Private International... more
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      Comparative LawPrivate International LawConflicts of LawInternational law (public and private)
يهدف هذا المقال إلى إبراز دور المحكمة العليا الأمريكية في حل مشكلة تنازع القوانين من خلال دراسة إحكامها في هذا المجال وما تركته من أثر على الكيفية التي يتم بها فض تنازع القوانين بواسطة المحاكم الأمريكية سواء كنا بصدد المحاكم الفيدرالية أو... more
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      American Legal and Constitutional HistoryComparative Private LawU.S. constitutional lawChoice of Law
International treaties therefore have priority over provisions of domestic origin (domestic lex arbitri). This mainly concerns two conventions, namely the New York Convention (1958) and the European Convention on International Commercial... more
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      International RelationsInternational BusinessInternational LawInternational Arbitration
The European Succession Regulation is a landmark in the field of EU private international law. It unifies the conflicts of laws, jurisdiction and recognition of foreign judgements, and of some other legal instruments in the field of... more
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      Succession LawJurisdiction and Enforcement of Foreign JudgmentsPrivate International Law (Conflict of Laws)EU 650/2012 Regulation
This Article explores the coexistence and dissimilarities of the external and internal functions of domicile of natural persons from both a comparative and Louisiana law perspective. The historical foundations of these connections are... more
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      Civil LawPrivate International LawConflicts of LawPrivate International Family Law
The internet is increasingly becoming an area of concern due to its borderless location. This results in jurisdictional issues when torts are committed online. My paper seeks to address this concern and provide a brief synopsis of how... more
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      State Responsibility in International LawPrivate International Law (Conflict of Laws)
Книгата предоставя цялостно изследване на режима на свободната циркулация на съдебни решения на държави членки в Европейския съюз като обхваща всички прояви на свободното движение на решения: зачитане на удостоверителната способност на... more
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      Civil ProcedureInternational Civil ProcedurePrivate International Law (Conflict of Laws)European Civil Procedure
This book is devoted to the applicable law to contractual and non-contractual obligations in the European Union. The Rome I and II Regulations provide uniform conflict-of-laws rules in order to avoid undue forum-shopping. In theory, all... more
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      European StudiesPrivate International LawConflicts of LawConflict of Laws
My dissertation, entitled "The P&I Letters of Undertaking as a modern form of security for the release of arrested ships" touched on a number of areas of the law and was a comparative examination and analysis of the civil procedures... more
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      International LawPrivate International LawMaritime LawShipping
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      Turkish LawChoice of Law in International Contracts: Some Fundamental Conflict of Laws IssuesPrivate International Law (Conflict of Laws)Law Applicable to Contractual Obligations
The ECJ answers to the question of the relevance –if any- of the overriding mandatory provisions of States other than the forum and that of the place of performance of the obligations, admitting that can be taken into account as matters... more
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      ContractsPrivate International Law (Conflict of Laws)Mandatory Rules
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      Family LawFamily Property LawPrivate International LawInternational law (public and private)
Undoubtedly copyright law is a wide subject. Hence in this dissertation I intend to examine copyright law in the context of Private International Law (PIL), in order to answer the following questions: which court is competent to rule over... more
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      Private International LawCopyright (Law)Intellectual Property LawInternational Copyright Law
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      Family LawPrivate International LawMuslim Family LawPrivate International Family Law
This Casebook is produced for teaching purposes. It provides a prelude to my forthcoming textbook on Contract Law in Pakistan.
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      Law of ContractPrivate International Law (Conflict of Laws)
‣ ΜονΠρΘεσ 3530/2018, Εφαρμοστέο δίκαιο ως προς τις ζημιές που υφίστανται τρίτοι ‣ ΜονΠρΘεσ 15129/2017, Εφαρμοστέο δίκαιο επί υποκατάστασης ‣ ΜονΠρΘεσ 12352/2018, Αυτοκινητικό ατύχημα. Εφαρμοστέο το ελληνικό δίκαιο ‣ ΜονΠρΘεσ... more
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      Private International LawConflicts of LawConflict of LawsInternational private law
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      Private International LawConflict of LawsPrivate International Law (Conflict of Laws)Conflict of Laws (Private International Law)
The fundamental goal of the International Law Handbook is to promote the teaching and ... tion of international law around the world under the United Nations
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      Private International Law (Conflict of Laws)International Laws
Case law special on Rome I Regulation ‣ ΕφΘεσ770/2019, Εφαρμοστέο δίκαιο στις συμβάσεις ασφάλισης μεταφοράς εμπορευμάτων [applicable law in insurance contracts] ‣ ΕφΠειρ 276/2019, Εφαρμοστέο δίκαιο στην αντιπροσώπευση κατά την κατάρτιση... more
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      Private International LawConflicts of LawInternational law (public and private)Conflict of Laws
Wyrok w sprawie C-350/14, Lazar, dotyczy wskazania prawa właściwego dla zadośćuczynienia dla osób bliskich ofiary wypadku drogowego. Ustalona w nim wykładnia art. 4 rozporządzenia rzymskiego II 1 opiera się na założeniu, że do tej... more
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      Rome II RegulationPrivate International Law (Conflict of Laws)Personal Injury DamagesObligations Arising From Delicts
This course will explore the field of international commercial arbitration, which has become the default method of dispute resolution. Students can expect to study both Philippine and foreign commentaries, statutes and case law on the... more
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      JurisprudenceInternational RelationsContract LawInternational Arbitration
See presentation and abstracts at the end of each chapter of the book
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      International law (public and private)Global Intellectual Property Laws (patents) & BiopoliticsInternational law, international relations, human rights law, international humanitarian law, international organisations, law and politicsTraditional Knowledge and Intellectual Property Rights
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      Conflicts of LawConflict of LawsPrivate International Law (Conflict of Laws)
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      Private International Law (Conflict of Laws)Международные контракты