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The majority of vulnerability and adaptation scholarship, policies and programs focus exclusively on climate change or global environmental change. Yet, individuals, communities and sectors experience a broad array of multi-scalar and... more
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      Climate ChangeNatural ResourcesCommunity ResilienceClimate Change Adaptation
In 2015, the Paris Climate Change Agreement was adopted, and in the ensuing years, countries, along with researchers, civil society and industry have been debating how to implement concrete action to address the climate challenge. The... more
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      African StudiesCoastal ManagementClimate ChangeConflict
This paper examines humanitarian assistance practices to understand how approaches followed by various actors address-or fail to address-social vulnerability to disasters. This question is addressed through a study of humanitarian... more
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      Disaster risk managementPakistanFaith Based OrganizationsHumanitarian Intervention
A common practice uses funny and cute internet memes to describe natural hazards, such as hurricanes, to the general public. Emergency managers create an industry lacking credibility and seriousness when they use unrealistic and comedic... more
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      Science CommunicationDisaster StudiesDisaster risk managementCrisis communication and management
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      Human GeographyClimate ChangeClimate Change AdaptationRisk and Vulnerability
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      Research MethodologyInterdisciplinarityRisk and Vulnerability - Natural Hazards
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      GeomorphologyHydrogeologyCoastal GeomorphologyRisk and Vulnerability - Natural Hazards
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      SociologyFlood Risk ManagementResilienceDisaster risk management
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      HistoryRisk and Vulnerability - Natural HazardsMadagascarWildfire
Mr, James Lutz, a former graduate student at Capitol Technology University, provided this insightful, "semi-light hearted" but serious presentation on the need for vulnerability assessments and their methodologies. This presentation was... more
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      AssessmentRisk ManagementRisk and Vulnerability - Natural HazardsVulnerability
Vulnerability assessment for disaster studies pertaining to natural hazards has evolved as a discipline in itself. The multidimensional approach for the design of a vulnerability framework is widely accepted and used, where the... more
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    • Risk and Vulnerability - Natural Hazards
Some initiatives that are intended to mitigate extreme flood events do not fully consider the impact of less catastrophic but more commonly occurring wind-induced damage, which is a significant issue particularly in regions that are prone... more
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      Flood Risk ManagementCommunity ResilienceClimate Change AdaptationDisaster risk management
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      GeneticsPsychologyAbnormal PsychologySchizophrenia
Approved by FEMA on April 2, 2014, the 2014 SHMP plan update continues to build on Louisiana's commitment to hazard mitigation. The State of Louisiana's vision was to produce a hazard mitigation plan that is an educational and easy to... more
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      Climate ChangeClimate Change AdaptationAdaptation to Climate ChangeHazards (Geography)
In a context of stark opposition between supporters and opponents to the wolf, the extent to which this particular predator is dangerous for humans is still an open question. What lies beneath the negative perception of the wolf? What... more
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      Modern HistoryEconomic HistoryRural SociologyFrench History
El concepto de sustentabilidad de los asentamientos humanos implica la exigencia de que las actividades de producción del medio ambiente construido sean perdurables en el largo plazo y minimicen la afectación del medio ambiente natural.... more
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      Risk and Vulnerability - Natural HazardsSostenibilidadVulnerability assessmentAsentamientos urbanos
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      PsychologyEarth SciencesHydrologyFlood Risk Management
Primer manual de mitigación de riesgos y desastres para Puerto Rico, desarrollado gracias al Centro de Estudios Puertorriqueños de Hunter College (CUNY) y el Instituto de Desarrollo Empresarial y Acción Comunitaria (IdeaComún). Define... more
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      Natural HazardsPuerto RicoRisk and Vulnerability - Natural HazardsClimate Change Adaptation And Mitigation Strategies
The hazards caused by ravine (quebradas) geomorphological dynamics as consequence of major hydrological events in mountainous areas of Northwest Argentina are little studied. The scarce records for rainfall and river flow are the main... more
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      GeomorphologyNatural HazardsRisk and Vulnerability - Natural Hazards
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      Disaster risk managementNatural HazardsRisk ManagementRisk communication
India in the recent years have faced an array of severe disasters leaving its footprint on lives, livelihood and on the wellbeing of the ecosystem services. In the aftermath of a disaster, millions of people are on the move to the urban... more
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      Political SociologyPolitical EcologyDisaster ManagementRisk and Vulnerability - Natural Hazards
In this collaborative engagement, scientists are partnering with the District of Columbia (DC) to develop an extreme heat vulnerability assessment. To do so, we map socio-demographic and built environment indicators of extreme heat... more
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      Climate Change AdaptationRisk and Vulnerability - Natural HazardsVulnerability to Extreme HeatUrban heat island mitigation
The devastating 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami caught millions of coastal residents and the scientific community off-guard. Subsequent research in the Indian Ocean basin has identified prehistoric tsunamis, but the timing and recurrence... more
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      GeologyGeoarchaeologySeismic HazardPaleoenvironment
Ante la magnitud del sismi del 21 de enero de 2003, Colima y su gente no puede dejar de testimoniar, desde diversos ángulos, cómo se vivió una experiencia de tal magnitud. Es oportuno y necesario recopilar la mirada y el pensamiento de... more
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      Seismic HazardDisaster StudiesNatural HazardsRisk and Vulnerability - Natural Hazards
Rapid industrial, commercial and economic growth in Warri as a result of oil exploration activities has led to a continual increasing urbanization. This promotes flooding with excess rainfall due to the total impervious cover of the area... more
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    • Risk and Vulnerability - Natural Hazards
Especial realizado por la Agencia Conacyt
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      Risk and VulnerabilityDisaster ManagementRisk and Vulnerability - Natural HazardsDisasters
The current and projected impacts of climate change make understanding the environmental and social vulnerability of coastal communities and the planning of adaptations important international goals and national policy initiatives. Yet,... more
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      Climate ChangeCommunity ResilienceClimate Change AdaptationResilience
Özet; Karapınar, Türkiye'nin tarımsal ve ekonomik açıdan önemli bir üretim bölgesi olan Konya Kapalı Havzasının merkezinde yer almaktadır. Bölgede, iklim özellikleri ile uyuşmayan yüksek miktarda su tüketimine sahip yoğun tarım... more
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      Remote SensingNatural HazardsRemote Sensing (Earth Sciences)Risk and Vulnerability - Natural Hazards
The Telecommunication laboratory plays an important role in carrying out research in the different fields like Telecommunication, Information Technology, Wireless Sensor Networks, Mobile Networks and many other fields. Every Engineering... more
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      Risk ManagementRisk and Vulnerability - Natural HazardsRisk Assessment & Risk ManagementTeaching and Learning in engineering laboratory
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      Disaster risk managementRisk and VulnerabilityRisk and Vulnerability - Natural HazardsVulnerability
Forecast for japan area for march and April 2022
We used artificial intelligence and deep learning to forecast 2 main seismic events in Japan for March/April 2022
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      Artificial IntelligenceGravitationForecastingRisk and Vulnerability - Natural Hazards
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      Disaster ManagementRisk and Vulnerability - Natural HazardsDisaster risk reductionNatural Hazards and Risks
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      Risk and VulnerabilityRisk and Vulnerability - Natural HazardsVulnerabilitySocial vulnerability
Hurricane Katrina submerged thousands of single-story, slab-on-grade homes in low-lying New Orleans, disproportionately displacing African Americans they sheltered and sustained. Critical disaster studies cast charitable individuals and... more
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      Climate Change AdaptationCommunity DevelopmentHistoric PreservationRisk and Vulnerability - Natural Hazards
The exceptional size, power, and duration of Hurricane Mitch dramatically exposed Honduras’ high level of social and environmental vulnerability and also made post-disaster reconstruction efforts particularly challenging. When Hurricane... more
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      Political EcologyDisaster StudiesEnvironmental AnthropologyHuman-Environment Relations
Escasamente abordado en los estudios urbano-territoriales y en los instrumentos de planificación territorial, el estudio de la vulnerabilidad de las instalaciones esenciales o equipamientos críticos es cada vez más relevante a la hora de... more
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      Disaster risk managementHeritage ConservationRisk and VulnerabilityRisk Management
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      Development StudiesSocial SciencesEthnographyDisaster Studies
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      Earth SciencesGeologyRemote SensingNatural Hazards
Despite the historical importance of fire as a savanna land management tool, much controversy still surrounds discussions on anthropogenic fire utilization and the sustainability of indigenous land management practices in African... more
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      Risk and Vulnerability - Natural HazardsLocal knowledge systemsSustainable Land Management
Pamphlet outlining the speculative building codes applying to Panarchistic Architecture's 'Pyro-resistor' architectural and urban design genus pyroarchetype variant for use when exploring how the architectural and urban resilience... more
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      ArchitectureEcological DesignBiomimeticsBioclimatic Architecture
La gestión de los riesgos naturales se ha convertido en uno de los elementos fundamentales para garantizar un óptimo desarrollo socioeconómico de los territorios. Tal es así, que desde las instancias gubernamentales y administrativas... more
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      Flood Risk ManagementRural DevelopmentEuropean UnionRisk Management
Los modelos de probabilísticos de fenómenos naturales, se basan en combinaciones lineales de distintas situaciones y características de la variación del fenómeno a estudiar, que se cuantifican de forma booleana, es decir utilizando rangos... more
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      Spatial ModelingFuzzy LogicRisk and Vulnerability - Natural HazardsLandslides
"A massive tornado that tore a 6-mile path across southwestern Missouri killed 162 people as it raged through the heart of Joplin on the evening of 22 May 2011. This EF5 tornado, which at its zenith was three-quarters of a mile wide,... more
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      Risk and VulnerabilityNatural HazardsRisk and Vulnerability - Natural HazardsEmergency Management
Over the past 10 years inspections (site visits, boat based surveys or diver surveys) have been completed at nearly 20,000 pipeline watercourse crossings for 20 different pipeline owners. During the last 10 years there have been 721... more
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      Risk and Vulnerability - Natural HazardsGeohazardsPipeline Issues
The purpose of this paper is to develop a Risk Management Plan, or RMP for a political campaign. In Laureate Education (2015) an RMP covers all phases of a project from the initiation to the sign-off by the stakeholders and sponsors of... more
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      Risk Management and InsuranceProject Risk ManagementSociology of RiskRisk and Vulnerability
Since the late 1980s, social theorists championed for the birth of a new era, in which societies were increasingly exposed to growing global risks. The presence of increasing risks including natural disasters, technological errors,... more
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      SociologySocial TheoryRisk and VulnerabilityRisk and Vulnerability - Natural Hazards
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      Disaster StudiesRisk and Vulnerability - Natural HazardsVulnerabilityPressure and Release Model
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      Environmental ScienceDisaster StudiesDisaster risk managementSustainable Development
La historia está plagada de ejemplos que dan cuenta de que los desastres no son naturales, que amenaza natural y desastre no son sinónimos ni deberían serlo, que las amenazas naturales también se construyen socialmente pasando a... more
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      ResilienceRisk and Vulnerability - Natural HazardsHistory and anthropologysocial construction of risks, disaster
Following seven previous successful editions of this leading conference series on risk and resilience, held in different regions of the globe, this 8th edition of the International Conference on Building Resilience took place for the... more
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      Humanitarian Design (Architecture)Community ResilienceResilienceRisk Governance