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Effect of source honesty and appropriateness on effectiveness of rumor denial was tested. When the source was perceived as high on honesty, the denial was more successful in reducing belief and anxiety associated with the rumor. Source... more
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      Public RelationsRumor
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      Conspiracy TheoriesGossipRumorRumor and Gossip
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      Mythology And FolkloreFolkloreFolklore (Literature)Contemporary legends
En 555 avant J.-C., Pisistrate prend le pouvoir à Athènes grâce à une fausse rumeur assurant qu’Athéna le ramène en char dans sa cité. La sotte naïveté des Athéniens devant le stratagème du tyran ouvre des pistes de réflexion utiles pour... more
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      HerodotusRumorPisistratusFake News
L’article porte sur une rumeur, apparue au Nigeria en 2004 et largement diffusée en Afrique et en Asie, selon laquelle certains numéros de téléphone portable provoqueraient la mort subite de ceux qui répondent à l’appel. Après avoir... more
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      AnthropologyTransnationalismAfricaCell Phones
Se aborda el entramado de relaciones sociales en el que tiene lugar el asesinato de Luis Donaldo Colosio Murrieta, candidato del Partido Revolucionario Institucional (PRI) en los comicios que para elegir presidente de México se realizan... more
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網路科技發展至今,社群網站的出現大大連結了人們之間的生活,人們藉此找到共同的話題、並將資訊互相交流傳播,產生出如北非茉莉花革命、台灣太陽花運動等等對社會產生重大的影響的事件,但在這之中強大的資訊傳播能力也成為恐怖組織的工具,伊斯蘭國的興起將血腥暴力的內容做為其宣傳、恐嚇的工具,在這其中,我們必須要思考社群網站與恐怖主義所可能帶來的風險,並試圖減少可能產生的負面影響與傷害。... more
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      TerrorismRumorSocial networking websitesCyberwarfare, Cyberterrorism, Geopolitics
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      CommunicationMass CommunicationPolitical communicationRumor
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      Social PsychologyPublic OpinionPublic Opinion ResearchRumor
The problem of identifying rumors is of practical importance especially in online social networks, since information can diffuse more rapidly and widely than the offline counterpart. In this paper, we identify characteristics of rumors... more
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      RumorClassificationInformation Diffusion
Before the ghetto in Warsaw was closed in November 1940, Jews for over a year had lived in the occupied city and heard gossips of the possible creation of the ghetto. The main goal of the article is to analyze such news and... more
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      Cultural HistoryHistorical AnthropologyUrban HistoryHistory Of Emotions
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      Curiosity & InterestCuriosityRumorRumor and Gossip
Hoy es prácticamente imposible disociar la velocidad de los rumores de la actitud que adopta el periodismo frente a ellos. Los medios de comunicación masivos multiplican considerablemente los receptores del rumor, pero también se nutren... more
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      CommunicationMedia StudiesJournalismSocial Sciences
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      CommunicationComunicacion SocialRumor
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      BusinessOrganizational ChangeHuman Resource ManagementRumor
From the early 1430's, and during the course of the century that followed, Jewish society was rife with tales and reports of the rediscovery of the ten tribes. Rumor had it that the courageous and invincible tribesmen had departed their... more
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      Jewish StudiesTravel WritingEarly Modern HistoryJewish History
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Seventy-four experienced public relations professionals serving top global corporations were surveyed to investigate types of organizational rumors, their prevalence and effects, effectiveness of rumor management strategies, and... more
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      Organizational CommunicationOrganizational ChangeInternational BusinessLeadership
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    • Rumor
Drawing on social histories of rumour, this article challenges notions of white and Afrikaner homogeneity which persist in the scholarship on late and post-apartheid South Africa. In so doing, it demonstrates the revisionist potential of... more
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      Critical Race StudiesWorking ClassesClassRace and Ethnicity
Rumour is a form of unofficial communication that is distinct from other such forms: Unlike gossip, rumour can never be first-hand (even if gossip can give rise to rumour), and unlike urban legends, rumours are not intrinsically... more
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      Social EpistemologyApplied EpistemologyRumorRumour
It has long been established that the famous phrase “S’ils n’ont plus de pain, qu’ils mangent de la brioche”, attributed to Queen Marie Antoinette in response to growing concerns about the shortage of bread in Paris on the eve of the... more
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      French RevolutionConspiracy TheoriesRumorPost-Truth
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      Queer StudiesArchivesAfrican American HistoryAfrican American Studies
Abstract Since 2012 Myanmar has experienced recurrent waves of religiously imbued violence. Violence has been both physical and symbolic. Symbolic violence has included the popularisation of the belief that Muslim men are the primary... more
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      BuddhismGender StudiesDemocratizationNationalism
Ever since ancient times, marvellous yarns have been told about the existence of diminutive peoples in faraway lands. Despite their modern identification with short statured hunter-gatherers in the rainforests of Africa, the telling of... more
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      Mythology And FolkloreEthnic StudiesAfrican StudiesAnthropology
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      RumorUrban LegendsLendas Urbanas; Contemporary Legends; Urban LegendsRumour, gossip, urban legends & Complo theories
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      Home SchoolingProverbsKoranic SchoolsRadio
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    • Rumor
News organizations are meant to play a critical role in the dissemination of quality, accurate information in society. This has become more challenging with the onslaught of hoaxes, misinformation, and other forms of inaccurate content... more
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      JournalismDigital JournalismOnline JournalismRumor
Co-authored with Ralph Rosnow
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      GossipRumorPsychology of Gossip
Public debate over fake news has become ubiquitous in the aftermath of the 2016 U.S. presidential election. Yet, up until now, there has been a dearth of scholarly attempts at defining the term ‘fake news’. This has led to the paradoxical... more
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      EpistemologyCommunicationMedia StudiesJournalism
https://www.nlobooks.ru/books/otdelnye_izdaniya/22042/ Годы Первой мировой войны стали временем глобальных перемен: изменились не только политический и социальный уклад многих стран, но и общественное сознание, восприятие исторического... more
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      Russian StudiesHistory Of EmotionsRussian Orthodox ChurchFirst World War
En este artículo se desataca la interrelación que establecen los discursos orales con los discursos mediáticos a partir del análisis del rumor del Chupacabras. Dicho rumor versa sobre un ser que chupa la sangre de los animales, sobre todo... more
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      Análisis del DiscursoComunicacion SocialRumorMedios de Comunicación
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      RumorRumor SpreadRumor and Gossip
Una radiogratia de la creación social del fenómeno en Ia prensa española de 1950.
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      UFOlogyRumorSociologíaMedios de Comunicación
On August 23, 1908, just one month after the restoration of the constitutional regime, İstanbul fell victim to conflagration that had erupted in Çırçır (Fatih) and burnt many neighbourhoods to the ground. There followed many small fires... more
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      Ottoman HistoryRumorArsonPublic order policing
This book presents current discussions on the concept of genre. It introduces innovative, multidisciplinary approaches to contemporary and historical genres, their roles in cultural discourse, how they change, and their relations to each... more
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      Mythology And FolkloreCultural StudiesAnthropologyFolklore
Across multiple societies, we see a shift from regimes of truth (ROT) to “regimes of posttruth” (ROPT) characterized by proliferating “truth markets.” ROT corresponded to disciplinary society, tighter functioning between... more
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      Critical TheoryMarketingCultural StudiesPerception
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    • Rumor
Although in the Ancient Rome the practitioners of magic were able to cause terror, pain and despair to their victims, and to use somebody else's fear as a powerful ally, they also experimented dreads and anxieties in relation to their own... more
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      ReligionHistoryAncient HistorySociology
This paper reflects on the role of islands in the Mediterranean as transit posts in the news networks of the early 16th cent. AD. Based on research carried out within the framework of the ‘TUBITAK 1001 Scientific and Technologic Research... more
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      Island StudiesOttoman-Venetian relationsCrete during the Venetian RuleRumor
False information can be created and spread easily through the web and social media platforms, resulting in widespread real-world impact. Characterizing how false information proliferates on social platforms and why it succeeds in... more
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      Social MediaTwitterHoax LiteratureRumor
Desde 1768 hasta 1812 aparecen registros de ciertos rumores que corrían entre los esclavos de la provincia de Antioquia y que en más de una ocasión causaron gran conmoción en las autoridades de esta gobernación. La gran mayoría de ellos... more
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      Afro Latin AmericaHistory of SlaveryRumorHistoria Colonial Nuevo Reino de Granada
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      EthnolinguisticsLanguages and LinguisticsSemanticsRumor
Opublikowane w: Plotka i kłamstwo w jezyku i w kulturze, red. Monika Baran-Łaszkiewicz, Stanisława Niebrzegowska-Bartminska, Sebastian Wasiuta, Lublin: Polihymnia, 2010, s. 37–53.
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      EthnolinguisticsRumorLinguistic Picture of the WorldPolish Proverbs
L'analyse des textes évangéliques mentionnant la rumeur montre que celle-ci était un élément bien intégré dans le fonds traditionnel concernant Jésus. Que Jésus ait été l'objet de la rumeur s'accorde par ailleurs avec le fait que les... more
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      Second Temple JudaismMessianismHistorical JesusProphetism
This thoroughly researched book addresses an important problem: what did Jews of the Warsaw ghetto know about the events taking place outside of the ghetto and how did they understand them? What information various groups of Jews had... more
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      Cultural HistoryHistorical SociologyJewish HistoryHolocaust Studies
The crisis in our current news ecology (which has serious repercussions for democracy) can usefully be approached via a particular pattern in the deep history of news mediating systems. In so doing, from a point of departure prior to the... more
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      Media StudiesPress and media historyRumor
The following paper will try to show the centrality of is-lands, geographical or perceived, to Mediterranean-wide in-formation flows and intelligence gathering, a feat that could only be achieved after a thorough analysis of primary... more
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      Ottoman HistoryMaritime HistoryCultural Intermediaries In The Early Modern MediterraneanHistory of the Mediterranean
Au début de l’année 2010, au Sénégal, apparaît une étrange rumeur d’« offrande de la mort » : un individu à bord d’une voiture distribuerait des aumônes qui tuent les personnes qui les acceptent. L’histoire fait la une de l’actualité et... more
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      AnthropologyGift ExchangeIslamSacrifice (Anthropology Of Religion)