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Parliamo, quasi naturalmente, - ma è importante ricordarlo - di un patrimonio che è fonte di vita, con poche altre risorse, l'ambiente, l'artigianato per la storica e mitica ma assai fragile cittadina. Che a sua volta costituisce, com'è... more
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      TrapaniSiciliaPittura Del SeicentoSanta Casa di Loreto
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      Sacred MusicSlovenian HistoryGrand TourFriedrich Christian, Crown Prince of Saxony (1722-63)
Blaženi plač (Elegia; Divoto pianto) jedino je za života tiskano djelo Frana Kr-ste Frankopana. U tom je pjesničkom sastavku opjevana legenda iz 13. stoljeća o prijenosu Kućice svete obitelji iz Palestine na Trsat i njezin odlazak s... more
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      Baroque Art and LiteratureLatin Elegiac PoetrySanta Casa di LoretoCroatian Language and Literature
The study, developed in three parts, starting from the "corridor of Nazareth", is a contribution to try to formulate hypotheses concerning the place that may have hosted, albeit briefly, the Shroud and, subsequently or at the same time,... more
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      ReligionCistercian architectureCisterciansSimbolism
Il contributo presenta alcuni documenti inediti su Lorenzo Lotto in grado di ampliare le conoscenze sul pittore veneto e sulle sue opere rimaste a Loreto dopo la morte. Alcune annotazioni contabili permettono di avanzare nuove ipotesi... more
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      Patronage and collectingVenetian Renaissance PaintingLorenzo LottoSanta Casa di Loreto
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      Lorenzo LottoSanta Casa di LoretoLoreto
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      Marian cultsSantuarioMarian DevotionsSanta Casa di Loreto
Los jesuitas, mayormente que el resto del clero, tomaron como propia la devoción por la Virgen de Loreto y la difundieron por el mundo. En su provincia del Paraguay, el P. Diego de Torres Bollo, su primer provincial, fue quien la... more
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      Misiones y expulsion de los jesuitasHistoria del ParaguaySanta Casa di LoretoHistoria de la Iglesia católica
Dopo la breve rassegna delle pubblicazioni ‘ufficiali’ sulla storia della S. Casa di Loreto il contributo esamina una tipologia testuale e libraria di ampia diffusione che contribuì a radicare e propagare il culto mariano: l’Oratione alla... more
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      Book HistoryHistory of the BookRare Books and ManuscriptsBook History (History)
Tra i primi esiti dell’attività letteraria del Dati si iscrive la "Historia di sancta Maria de Loreto"", nota anche con il titolo "Translatione della sacrata chamera di nostra Donna di Nazaret in Italia apresso alla città di Richanati",... more
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      VolgarizzamentiItalian Philology, Medieval Literature, Medieval vernacular translations (volgarizzamenti)Santa Casa di LoretoNazareth Trasporto Della Santa Casa a Loreto 1291-1294
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      Storia Dell'EditoriaAversaSanta Casa di Loretostoria Terra di Lavoro
This conference endeavors to serve as an important milestone for international academic discourse on Loreto. Responding to the humanities’ recent global turn, it will investigate how a small town in the Italian hinterland became a central... more
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      PilgrimageMigrationColonialismDevotional Shrines
L’articolo ha come oggetto la riscoperta delle radici del culto lauretano a Cremona, con particolare riferimento alle modalità di circolazione dei prototipi iconografici durante la Controriforma. Purtroppo la percezione del vivace e... more
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      Storia di CremonaIconografiaCremonaIconografia mariana
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      PhilosophyPhilosophy of MindPhilosophy Of LanguagePhilosophy Of Mathematics
Lo studio delle vicende che hanno caratterizzato l’origine e le modalità di ricezione del culto della Madonna di Loreto in area cremonese costituisce un argomento affascinante e di notevole interesse storico, benché complesso a causa... more
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      Storia di CremonaCremonaSant'AbbondioIconografia mariana
Molte le tracce storiche e artistiche lasciate in paese dall’arcivescovo di Benevento, abate di Santa Sofia, poi papa Benedetto XIII. Specie nel “suo” convento: lapidi, stemmi, lunette, chiostro, pale d’altare, dediche. Mancava la... more
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      BeneventoPapal HistoryStemmatologyTradizioni Popolari
This study aims to reconstruct the story of the gift sent by Anna of Austria, Louis XIV’s mother, to the Virgin of Loreto, the Angel with the Child by Jacques Sarazin, lead in Italy in 1643, as a thank you for her late motherhood. The... more
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      History of DiplomacyLouis XIVVotive offeringsSanta Casa di Loreto
La storia artistica del santuario di Loreto ebbe una svolta fra il 1468 e il 1469. Per iniziativa del vescovo di Re-canati e Macerata Niccolò delle Aste, viene infatti avviata la costruzione di una grande basilica destinata a inglobare la... more
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      Italian Renaissance Architectural HistorySanta Casa di LoretoLoreto
The Museo Pinacoteca della Santa Casa di Loreto holds a musical ex voto, the work of a local painter of the second half of the sixteenth century, that depicts in the upper section a pilgrim at the feet of the Virgin and in the lower... more
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      Heraldry16th Century (History)Medieval Canon & Roman LawOrlando di Lasso
Hacia el siglo XVIII en el Bajío novohispano se produjo un auge económico derivado, en suma, por el flujo de personas a las zonas mineras lo cual trajo consigo el aumento en la producción de cereales, de la industria ganadera y de... more
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      QueretaroSanta Casa di LoretoSan Miguel de AllendeVirgen de Loreto
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      Art HistoryBaroque SculptureSanta Casa di LoretoDomenico Guidi
The imitations of Our lady of Loreto were not too popular in Lithuania; however, they were closely related with one of the forms of religious expression – imitation of pictures and sacred places famous for their miracles. The imitations... more
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      The Cult of the Virgin MarySanta Casa di LoretoLoretoMadonna di Loreto
This paper presents a small part of the pilgrimages undertaken by Croats during the 18 th century across the Adriatic Sea to Loreto. The pilgrimages are described as a sui generis phenomenon of all human and religious societies. The... more
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      ReligionChristianityComparative ReligionHistory of Religion
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      SindoneSanta Casa di LoretoChartularium CulisanenseOrdine Costantiniano di Santa Sofia
This paper looks at the circumstances in which Ivan Crnojević, a fifteenth-century ruler of Zeta (historic region in present-day Montenegro), made a vow to the Virgin in a famous pilgrimage shrine, the Santa Casa in Loreto (Italy), where... more
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      Ottoman HistoryHistory of PlagueHistory of HospitalsByzantine art
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      Santa Casa di LoretoGuido Cirilli
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      History of ArtMacerataSanta Casa di Loreto
Reduced 1st page/last page of Studi veneziani publication (LXXXII, 2020). If you wish a Pdf copy, please contact me off-site.
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      PilgrimageRepublic of VeniceSanta Casa di LoretoEx Votos
The paper discusses the legendary transfer of the Holy House from Nazareth (Palestine), via Croatian coast to the town of Loreto in Italy. According to legend, the transfer took place at the end of the 13th century, and it was depicted on... more
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      GeographyCartographyArtHistory of Cartography
Article published in Perspective: Erin Giffin, « Détruire, reconstruire, redéfinir : la fragmentation volontaire de la Santa Casa de Loreto et ses altérations répliquées », Perspective, 2 | 2018, 209-217. As the site of the Annunciation,... more
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      ArchitectureCopyright LawSacred SpaceDestruction
The paper discusses the legendary transfer of the Holy House from Nazareth (Palestine), via Croatian coast to the town of Loreto in Italy. According to legend, the transfer took place at the end of the 13th century, and it was depicted on... more
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      GeographyCartographyHistory of CartographyMediterranean
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      Counter-Reformation artItalian Renaissance sculptureCounter-ReformationLorenzo Lotto
Nel saggio vengono analizzati i pellegrinaggi croati via mare nel Settecento verso Loreto e Assisi. Viene data una breve storia della ricerca del sacro e del suo significato dalle ierofanie preistoriche al periodo moderno ; rappresentati... more
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      AnthropologyCosmology (Anthropology)PilgrimageEighteenth Century History
Following the custom of the “white trains” that led the sick towards the main Marian sanctuaries such as Lourdes and Loreto, in 1943 the Vatican had commissioned Vittorio De Sica to direct a film dealing with pilgrims’ journeys to the... more
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      Italian CinemaCinemaItalian neorealist cinemaRoma 1943-1944
MARTÍN MARCO, J., "La ermita de Nuestra Señora de Loreto", en Sanz Parera, M. y Molins Margelí, J. R. (coords. y eds.), La Codoñera en su historia, La Codoñera, 2020, pp. 527-586.
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      ArchitectureArchitecture in Italian Renaissance and Baroque ArtBaroque art and architectureHistoria Política y Social Siglos XVIII-XIX
Manuscript version of article published in Studi veneziani LXXXIII (2020)
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      PilgrimageRepublic of VeniceSanta Casa di LoretoEx Votos
Loreto nelle Americhe.
Seminario di studi online sulla diffusione della devozione alla Madonna di Loreto nelle Americhe -- 14-16 ottobre, 2021 (orari compatibili con Europa e America).
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      Early Modern HistoryRenaissance StudiesJesuit historyJesuits
The historiography regarding the Turin Shroud and the Holy House of Loreto has benefited, the last few years, from the study of some Byzantine documents pertaining to the so-called Chartularium Culisanense, the diplomatic codex of the... more
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      Byzantine StudiesByzantine HistoryHoly Shroud of TurinShroud
International conference (June 30 - July 1, 2022), held at the Courtauld Institute of Art, co-organized by Erin Giffin, Matteo Chirumbolo, and Antongiulio Sorgini. Presentation abstract: Between the sixteenth and nineteenth centuries,... more
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      Art HistoryDigital HumanitiesHistory of SculptureHistory of architecture
Scolpire nel Rinascimento: un'arte per (com)muovere Milano CASTELLO SFORZESCO Sala della Balla Giovedì 30 settembre 2021 CONVEGNO presentation abstract: The Santa Casa di Loreto is atypical among renaissance religious objects because of... more
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      Devotional ShrinesMarblesRenaissance SculptureSanta Casa di Loreto
Between 18-22 November 2019, the SACRIMA Team participates in the second installment of the DAAD-Waseda seminar at Waseda University, Tokyo. 
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      ArchitectureSacred ArtFrescoSacred Architecture
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      ArtArchitecturePerspectiveCopyright Law
ITA: Nell'ambito della serata informativa dedicata ad una serie di restauri eseguiti a Predazzo terrò un comunicazione intitolata: " Novità sulla storia della chiesa di san Nicolò a Predazzo derivanti dal restauro dell'altare dedicato a... more
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      Baroque Art and LiteratureItalian Baroque artStoria del Principato vescovile di Trento in età modernaPittura Del Seicento
The Holy House of the Virgin is a relic in search of adoration. Throughout the early modern period, pilgrims flocked to the eastern Italian region of Le Marche to commune with the sacred site of the Annunciation. As contemporary prints,... more
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      ArchitectureSculptureSanta Casa di Loreto
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      Old Master drawingsHistory of architectureRenaissance and Baroque Architectural DrawingsArchitectural Scale Models
Una ricerca storica di Haris Koudounas sulla Santa Casa e gli Angelo Comneno di Epiro e di Tessaglia. L'articolo scritto da P. Giuseppe Santarelli direttore responsabile ed editoriale del mensile "Il messaggio della SANTA CASA - LORETO... more
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      ReligionLate Antique and Byzantine HistoryLate Antique and Byzantine StudiesSocial Sciences
Online Seminar on the Reception of the Devotion to Our Lady of Loreto in the Americas
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      Renaissance StudiesJesuitsMisiones y expulsion de los jesuitasJesuítas
This dissertation describes pilgrimages and pilgrims who traveled from the Croatian coast to Loreto and Assisi in the 18th century. The origin of passengers, their number and organization into groups, the time they spent on the... more
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      ReligionChristianityAncient Egyptian ReligionComparative Religion
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      History of ArtCounter-Reformation artSanta Casa di LoretoLoreto
Adam Philippon's 1649 Parisian publication Le veritable plan, et pourtrait de la Maison Miraculeuse de la S.te Vierge, ainsy qu'elle se voit á present á Lorette purports to record visually the divine structure believed to have... more
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      Print CultureArchitectureReplicationSanta Casa di Loreto