Spiritual Exercices
Recent papers in Spiritual Exercices
In 1870, Wilhelm Richard Wagner (1813-1883) wrote an essay to celebrate the centennial of Beethoven's birth. In this essay Wagner made the case that music is, unlike any other object we create or are attentive to in experience , in an... more
Este artículo ofrece una interpretación actualizada de la teoría del discernimiento espiritual descrita por Ignacio de Loyola en las reglas de discernimiento de los Ejercicios Espirituales (párrafos 313-336). This article offers a... more
O objetivo deste artigo é demonstrar como a ética proferida por Epicteto se relaciona com uma postura filosófica, mais precisamente com uma atitude filosófica. Essa atitude não é especificamente uma exigência prévia para pensar a ética... more
This article looks at the encounters between the hesychast and Ignatian traditions. What elements of agreement are there and how can two apparently quite distinct traditions be placed side by side? The article starts with a brief... more
Dans ce texte, Maël Goarzin évoque rapidement la permanence du stoïcisme de la fin de l’Antiquité à l’époque moderne, avant de s’intéresser plus précisément au stoïcisme contemporain et à l’actualité du stoïcisme conçu comme manière de... more
This is an unformatted, pre-publication. All citations from this paper should be made from its published version. In contributing to the debate on changes of the Christian world in late antiquity, some scholars have claimed that the... more
La Sainte Écriture, lue dans la Tradition de l’Église, est le fondement de la vie spirituelle chrétienne catholique. C’est dans les Écritures, dans l’Ancien Testament et le Nouveau Testament, que nous rencontrons la Parole de Dieu... more
This is the first book fully dedicated to Indian philosophical doxography. It examines the function such dialectical texts were intended to serve in the intellectual and religious life of their public. It looks at Indian doxography both... more
The British Poet Laureate Alfred Lord Tennyson had recurrent experiences of the mystical kind.
Published in Eos 104, 2 (2017) 285-301
Within current scholarship, the general consensus seems to be that Bonaventure did not, according to Paul Sabatier, “[understand] him whose disciple he wanted and believed himself to be.” Ewert W. Cousins takes up this line of thinking in... more
Conférence donnée le samedi 26 janvier 2019, à la médiathèque de La Riche (37). Les films ont un pouvoir d’éducation morale qui mérite d’être pris au sérieux. C’est du moins ce que l’intervention voudrait montrer en prônant la lecture... more
Most of the assumptions regarding the subject of enlightenment as such and supposed enlightened persons are just misconceptions based on beliefs and which therefore turn out to be completely erroneous. The purpose of this paper is to show... more
Nietzsche's 'View from Above' Contemporary scholarship has begun to explore the way Nietzsche took up the classical and Hellenistic notion that ‘ethics’ should be based on ‘physics’. At the same time recent scholarship also shows that... more
What is this? If you really think about it, you have to admit that you don't have a clue.
Anthropology Today, August 2017, Volume 33, Issue 4, pp. 13-17 Foucault’s conception of ethics as the self’s relation to itself and as the practices by which the individual attempts to constitute itself as a particular kind of ethical... more
Cuprins: Războiul nevăzut din societatea spectacolului | Câteva provocări ale societăţii de consum | Inteligenţele multiple și inteligenţa spirituală - câteva indicii despre complexitatea și adâncimile fiinţei umane | Inteligenţa... more
This small paper will try to show a distilled and concise way to get to the root of Beingness.
Le champ de la poésie française, des années 1960 à nos jours, se caractérise par une « querelle du sujet » subreptice, parallèle à celle, plus visible et spectaculaire, qui a eu lieu en philosophie. Les lignes de partage qui structurent... more
« Le philosophe n’apprend pas aux hommes un métier particulier, […] mais il cherche à transformer leur sensibilité, leur caractère, leur manière de voir le monde ou d’être en rapport avec les autres hommes. On pourrait dire qu’il leur... more
This is a transcription of a video with Nisargadatta Maharaj filmed in 1979. It contains only Nisargadatta's answers and own words. Some redundancies are left out.
In a recent work entitled 'You must change your life", Peter Sloterdijk explores the practising nature of philosophy and predicts the return of the “immunological”. There is currently a growing demand for anthropotechnics able to... more
Doxographical writings appeared early on in the Graeco-Roman world. The genre of doxography never disappeared ever since. It can be found in Islamic and Christian literature, and even, in some ways, in some modern writings on the history... more
Le moine japonais Dōgen Kigen (1200-1253) voit dans la méditation assise (zazen) l’essence de ce que le sanscrit appelle dhyāna et le japonais zen. La pratique de cette méditation repose sur des règles commandant précisément la manière de... more
Gagliardi (1537/8-1607), jesuita italiano, ejerció un influjo hasta ahora poco conocido en la espiritualidad de los siglos XVII y XVIII. con la presente edición de este Comentario, traducido por Ramón Gómez y editado por José Antonio... more
Documento preparado para la Secuencia Didáctica de la Clase de Biblia de la Estrategia de Intervención Pedagógica Remota (IPR). La IPR ha sido la estrategia preparada por el Sistema Educativo Adventista de la Unión Mexicana del Norte para... more
I sacerdoti allievi del Convitto ecclesiastico di Torino, tra le altre cose, studiavano sacra eloquenza ed erano invitati a comporre un corso completo di meditazioni da usare nelle “missioni” o negli esercizi spirituali al popolo.... more
In modern times scant attention has been given to the spiritual music of the 16th and 17th centuries, in spite of the fact that so much music was composed by some of the greatest figures of the period (they range from Palestrina to... more
This article seeks to highlight the practical nature of the work of Jeremy Taylor, developing his understanding of the place of theoretical knowledge in its relation to moral living. I argue that Tay-lor is devoted to the realization of... more
Published (under the title "The Origins of Quarantine in Lent") in Church Life Journal on March 23, 2020.
In a world where too many people continue to be tortured without recourse to legal protections, nonlegislative resources for preserving human dignity amid dehumanizing terror are much needed. This article analyzes the hermeneutical... more
Viviamo una situazione inedita: nel brevissimo spazio di pochi mesi sono crollate tante apparenti sicurezze di cui è emersa la loro ultima inconsistenza. Quante persone si sono scoperte fragili, impaurite, prive di speranza. Nel loro... more
We can find a common ground to a knowledge of the innermost, without support of the interpretations of the thought ideas. This will show us something completely different from what the thought brings us.
How does Philo of Alexandria depict the formation of a wise person? This article pays attention to the centrality of spiritual training in Graeco-Roman philosophy, and argues that Philo likewise regards the process of seeking wisdom as... more
Este artículo describe el proceso antropológico-espiritual de Ignacio de Loyola hacia la desposesión de sí o la abnegación. This article describes the anthropological and spiritual process of Ignatius of Loyola towards self-emptying or... more
Dans cet article nous essayons de présenter quelques éléments de ce que l'on pourrait définir comme l'askesis de Leon Battista Alberti, en rattachant la pensée de l'humaniste florentin à la tradition des "exercices spirituels". Nous nous... more
Este artículo analiza todos los verbos de acción presentes en el texto de los Ejercicios Espirituales de Ignacio de Loyola.
This article analizes all verbs of action in the Spiritual Exercises of Ignatius of Loyola.
This article analizes all verbs of action in the Spiritual Exercises of Ignatius of Loyola.