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Kuşkusuz, işçi devletinin yaşadığı zorluklarda sorunu öncelikle nesnel koşullarda aramak gerekir (ve bu koşullar aşağıda daha ayrıntılı şekilde ele alınacaktır). Fakat öznel etken de yabana atılmayacak derecede sorunlu olduğunu... more
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      Russian StudiesSoviet HistoryAnarchismTrade unionism
Presented at the North American Labor History Conference (NALHC) at Wayne State University, Detroit, MI, in 2012
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      Working-Class HistorySyndicalismIndustrial Workers of the World (IWW) historyMarine transport workers
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      Labour historyArgentinaSocial HistoryLabor History and Studies
Une avec l'éditorial
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      SyndicalismCamillo BerneriUS politics
(2004) Mora, B., Díaz, P., Gálvez Muñoz, L., Nielfa, G., Sarasúa, C. ¿Invisibles? Mujeres, trabajo y sindicalismo en España 1939 -2000 Confederación Sindical de CC. OO. Madrid, 102 pags.
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      Gender StudiesWork and LabourSyndicalism
This chapter addresses the life and works of Italian transnational anarchist and anti-fascist Camillo Berneri (1897-1937) drawing upon Berneri’s archives and original papers, never translated into English with only few exceptions. For the... more
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      Italian (European History)Critical GeopoliticsItalian StudiesTransnationalism
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      Rural SociologySocial MovementsAgrarian StudiesRural History
Este dossiê foi realizado a partir de uma pesquisa de praticamente dois anos, que teve por objetivo analisar o ressurgimento do anarquismo, do anarcossindicalismo e do sindicalismo revolucionário, que ocorreu no mundo todo entre 1990 e... more
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      AnarchismAnarchist StudiesSyndicalismAnarcho-syndicalism
Has Marxism inadvertently contributed to the perpetuation of the capitalist mode of production? David Ellerman answers in the affirmative. In this paper I endeavor to demonstrate that Ellerman's position stems from a fundamental... more
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      Political PhilosophyEthicsMarxismAnarchism
Vielen gilt Karl Marx als Kopf der internationalen Arbeiterbewegung. „Proletarier aller Länder, vereinigt euch“, forderte er bereits 1848 mit Friedrich Engels im Kommunistischen Manifest. 1864 nahm dieses Postulat dann organisatorische... more
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      AnarchismCommunismMikhail BakuninSocialism
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      Social MovementsAnarchismSyndicalismAnarquismo
L’article fa un repàs dels orígens diversos que van tenir els militants que l’any 1935 van confluir en el POUM. A banda de Joaquim Maurín i Andreu Nin, que tingueren una trajectòria similar, a Catalunya van confluir dues importants... more
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      Spanish Civil WarSyndicalism
Os periódicos confeccionados e lidos pelos trabalhadores, grupos subalternos e militantes no contexto da Primeira República em São Paulo foram um dos principais vetores de divulgação e mobilização política. Dentro disso, é evidenciado o... more
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A building worker since he was 12 and later a leader of his trade union federation, Raymond Péricat was a typical representative of the most radical wing of the revolutionary syndicalism in the Cgt before 1914. Then, he was one of a very... more
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      Labour historyTrade unionism20th century FranceWorld War I
Taking issue against an established view which reduces the interactions between Bergson and Sorel to a shared ‘irrationalism’, the article reconstructs successive phases of engagement between the two, focussing on the question of the... more
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      Intellectual HistoryReception StudiesHenri BergsonFrance
Questo lavoro mi ha impegnato per gli ultimi due anni, molte sere e molte mattine fuori dall'orario di lavoro. E' un lavoro che coniuga ricerca scientifica, passione, militanza. Riguarda i sindacati sovietici, dalle origini alla NEP, con... more
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      Soviet HistoryMarxismHistory of the USSRTrade unions
Visando compreender o processo global de disseminação do anarquismo na questão específica no Brasil, tanto este como uma corrente do socialismo de tendência libertária quanto sua principal estratégia e um dos principais meios de luta... more
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      AnarchismAnarchist StudiesHistory of AnarchismSyndicalism
In transnational historical labour movement studies, the African anarchist / syndicalist movement is as under-studied as those of Central or South-East Asia and the Caribbean. This is despite the fact that the movement arose in Egypt in... more
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      Black Studies Or African American StudiesAfrican HistorySouth African Politics and SocietyAnarchist Studies
İşçi ve işveren, iş ilişkisinin birbirlerine ihtiyaç duyan, ancak çıkarları karşıt taraflarıdır. Bu ilişkiye devletin hiçbir biçimde müdahale etmediği durumlarda güçlü taraf olan işverenin sadece kendi menfaatleri doğrultusunda hareket... more
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      Criminal LawHuman Rights LawPrivate lawEconomic, Social and Cultural Rights
This book covers the period of working class socialism between the final years of the nineteenth century up to the 1930s. The book contains chapters on Industrial Unionism, Revolutionary Syndicalism and Council Communism. There are... more
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      CommunismRosa LuxemburgSocialismAntonio Gramsci
in "Biografie, percorsi e networks nell'Età contemporanea. Un approccio transnazionale tra ricerca, didattica e Public History," ed. by Eloisa Betti and Carlo De Maria, BraDypUS Communicating Cultural Heritage, Rome 2018, pp. 37-52
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      Futurism20th century Avant-GardeLabor unionsTrade unions
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      AnarchismHistory of AnarchismSyndicalismAnarcho-syndicalism
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      Sex and GenderSyndicalism
In the course of evolution, people have formulated many philosophical ideas concerning the socioeconomic structure of society. Some of these ideas became a reality, while others remained purely imaginary constructs. All real and abstract... more
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      Political PhilosophyMarxismPolitical ScienceAnarchism
Si on regarde les commentaires en ligne des militants de la CGT sur les manifestations contre le Pass sanitaire, on a l'impression que beaucoup de travailleurs pensent qu'il est possible de faire passer à gauche ces manifestations... more
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      FranceSyndicalismItalieEmmanuel Macron
See my chapter, "The Working Class Pandemic in the United States," pp. 53-67
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      MarxismWorking ClassesAnarchismPost-Marxism
Ce travail préparatoire essaie de donner un aperçu global sur les rapports entre mouvement social et immigration, en établissant une comparaison entre les principaux pays d'immigration du tournant du XXe siècle (États-Unis, Australie,... more
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The objective of this article is to present a summary of research carried out for some years, which culminated in the publication of the book Bandeira Negra: rediscutindo o anarquismo [Black Flag: Rediscussing Anarchism].1 As part of a... more
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      AnarchismAnarchist StudiesHistory of AnarchismSyndicalism
During the last fifty years it has become apparent that man is capable of ending all life on Planet Earth. The extinction of the human race is a natural consequence of the exponential growth of Man’s population beyond the Natural... more
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      SyndicalismTravail Emploi Relations professionnellesSyndicalismeMARC
Study about attitudes in Spanish Socialist people in relation to Primo de Rivera's rightist dIctatorship (1923-1930), about Primo de Rivera's social politics, his syndicalist conception -founded on the principle "Free Syndicalism in... more
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      20th CenturySpain (History)Early modern SpainDictatorship
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    • Syndicalism
Este texto tem como objetivo expor as posições do clássico anarquista russo Piotr Kropotkin (1842-1921) acerca das estratégias anarquistas e suas posições frente a tal debate. Ele contesta que Kropotkin tenha sido um... more
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      AnarchismAnarchist StudiesPeter KropotkinAnarchist Philosophy of Education
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      Movimentos sociaisSyndicalismAnarquismo
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      Modern IrelandSocialismIrelandSyndicalism
This is a translation of Rudolf Rocker's 'Prinzipienerklärung des Syndikalismus' (1919), an influential document in the history of anarchist syndicalism. It is part of a larger effort to make accessible neglected strands of anarchist... more
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      AnarchismAnarchist StudiesHistory of AnarchismTranslation
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      Social MovementsLabor MigrationTransnational HistoryInternational Migration
Dans de nombreuses actions et activités humaines mettant en jeu plusieurs acteurs aux objectifs et enjeux divergents, l’irrégularité semble le plus souvent l’emporter sur la régularité. C’est le cas du syndicalisme. Créé pour humaniser... more
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      Development StudiesTrade unionismCivil SocietyCote D'Ivoire
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      Critical TheoryHistoryEuropean HistoryModern History
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      AnarchismRussian RevolutionSyndicalismLeninism
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      AnarchismAnarchist StudiesSyndicalism
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      Strikes (Late 20th Century)SyndicalismStrikesEmploi
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      American Indian HistoryTrade unionismLabor History and StudiesSocialism
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      Political PartiesContemporary HistoryNational IdentityMoral Education
This article, a partial result of a doctoral thesis under development by the Department of Social History at the University of São Paulo, seeks to reflect on the connection between anarchism and internationalism and the practical... more
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      TransnationalismAnarchist StudiesHistory of AnarchismSyndicalism
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Les partis communistes occidentaux et l'Afrique Une histoire mineure ? Ce volume consacré aux rapports, discours, imaginaires politiques et évolutions des Partis communistes européens à l égard de l Afrique, des mouvements de libération,... more
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      African HistoryPortuguese Colonialism and DecolonizatonSouth Africa (History)Ethiopia
Nella storia del fascismo il ruolo del sindacato è rimasto in ombra, oscurato prima dalla strisciante competizione con il corporativismo e poi dall’espulsione dal recinto del sindacalismo democratico dopo la caduta del regime. Del... more
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      Intellectual HistoryLabour historyTrade unionismFascism
This paper argues that the Irish labour movement paid a central role in the successful campaign to stop conscription being introduced to Ireland by the British government during the First world War but paid a high price for the way in... more
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      Industrial And Labor RelationsMilitary HistoryIrish StudiesMilitary Science