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Article published by Tax Justice Network Blog april 10th 2017 in: https://www.taxjustice.net/2017/04/10/tax-haven-blacklisting-13-latin-american-countries/ As governments (slowly) get to grips with the fact that tax havens are inflicting... more
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      Latin American StudiesLatin American politicsCorporate FinanceTax Evasion
Mientras los organismos multilaterales parecen ser incapaces de utilizar los avances tecnológicos para identificar y culpar a los responsables del fraude fiscal mundial -estimado en un mínimo de 130.000 millones de euros por año (Zucman,... more
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      TechnologyHuman RightsSecurityTaxation
Zeitungskolumne zur CTJ-Studie zu den ökonomischen und gesellschaftlichen Kosten der Steuerhinterziehung seitens der Fortune-500-Konzerne in den USA (8.10.2015)
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      American StudiesPolitical EconomySocial SciencesGlobalization
About Gabriel ZUCMAN, "Steueroasen. Wo der Wohlstand der Nationen versteckt wird", Frankfurt/M.: Suhrkamp Verlag, 2014. (Text in german)
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      Tax PolicyTax Havensgabriel zucman
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      FinanceDevelopment EconomicsPolitical EconomyDevelopment Studies
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      North-South relationsMoney LaunderingTax EvasionTax Evasion and Avoidance Issues
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      EconomicsInternational RelationsInternational Tax LawDeveloping Countries
Апстракт Даночен рај нуди на странски инвеститори, правни и физички лица, ниски или никакви даночни обврски со дополнителна погодност да финансиските информации не се споделуваат со странски даночни служби. Даночен систем на една држава е... more
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      Tax LawInternational Tax LawTaxationTax reform
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      ArgentinaTax EvasionEconomic Development: Tax Havens, Tax Evasion and CorruptionCapital flight
This article explores the question of what happened to European assets in the process of decolonization. It argues that decolonization created a money panic of sorts that led white settlers, businessmen, and officials to seek to liquidate... more
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      Economic HistoryMiddle East & North AfricaColonialismBritish Empire
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      OECDSmall StatesSmall Island Developing StatesCaribbean Economic Development
The contemporary conceptions of universal basic income (by Guy Standing), tax havens extraction (by Gabriel Zucman), and climate emergency (by Christiana Figueres) are briefly presented in the form of exposition in Massive Attack's... more
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      UtopiaEngagementUniversal Basic IncomeTax Havens
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      Law and SocietyTaxationLaw and PoliticsLaw and Economics
Abstract published on Tax Justice network Blog april 10th 2017: https://www.taxjustice.net/2017/04/10/tax-haven-blacklisting-13-latin-american-countries/ Tax haven blacklisting in Latin America As governments (slowly) get to grips with... more
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      Latin American StudiesLatin American politicsTaxationBusiness Taxation
Since the last decade of the 20th century, fiscal competition and tax havens have been the focus of attention of many policymakers all over the world. After the world financial crisis in 2008, those issues started to be perceived –... more
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      EconomicsPublic EconomicsTaxationBusiness Taxation
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      International BusinessEmerging Economies Multinational EnterprisesEconomic Development: Tax Havens, Tax Evasion and CorruptionChinese Economy
Despite its reputation for the toughest anti-money laundering (AML) enforcement in the world, the United States remains the leading jurisdiction for the incorporation of anonymous shell companies used in grand corruption schemes. States... more
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      Corporate LawFederalismSecrecyMoney Laundering
Shadow economy is a concept encompassing various illegal activities, logistical support system and money laundering jurisdictions and institutions that help processing proceeds from illegal activities and re-entering them into regular... more
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      Human TraffickingUnited NationsMoney LaunderingNorth Korea
This book looks at 100 years of taxation legislation in Australia. From the introduction of the first Federal Income Tax Assessment Act of 1915, to the introduction of Australia’s Goods and Services Tax (GST) in 2000, and how the Federal... more
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      EconomicsTaxationHistory of taxationTax Havens
Les développements qui suivent sont un résumé de ma thèse, sous la direction d’Alberto ALEMANNO, défendue le 25 février 2014 à HEC Paris. L’objectif de notre travail était double. D’abord démontrer la pertinence économique, puis, dans... more
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      Political EconomyTax LawInternational Tax LawInternational Law
This thesis examines Papua New Guinean attitudes to money and modernity through an exploration of contemporary “fast money schemes” (Ponzi scams). The largest of these, U-Vistract Financial Systems, collected millions of Kina from... more
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      New Religious MovementsAnthropologySocial AnthropologyDevelopment Studies
Durch Steuerflucht und Steuervermeidung gehen nicht nur erhebliche Summen verloren. Im weiteren Sinne ist ein paralleles Rechtssystem entstanden, das Privilegierte systematisch nutzen. Trotz der Relevanz hat sich die Soziologie bislang... more
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      Economic SociologyFiscal SociologyTax Havens
Tax havens are among the biggest challenges faced by developing countries in achieving their national development goals. States, international organisations, multilateral agencies and nongovernmental organisations have all made several... more
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      TaxationTax Havens
Se analizan los criterios que ha seguido el ordenamiento tributario español para otorgar a un territorio la consideración de paraíso fiscal y en especial, la nueva situación creada con la Ley 24/2014. Para ello mostraremos... more
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      Tax LawTaxationInternational TaxationTax Havens
malaikat juga tahu aku yang jadi juaranya
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    • Tax Havens
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      Small StatesSmall Island Developing StatesThe resiliency of "Small Island" statesEconomic Development: Tax Havens, Tax Evasion and Corruption
This study aims to examine the incentives of multinational enterprises (MNEs) for setting up tax-haven subsidiaries. Based on the firm-specific advantage-country-specific advantage (FSA-CSA) framework, we have conducted our research... more
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      TaxationTax SystemTax Havens
Taxation in general and tax evasion in particular are inherently geographical in nature but only a small number of geographers have focused on them. In this progress report I present geographers' research on offshore financial centres... more
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      Human GeographyEconomic GeographyTaxationCritical Criminology
Much of the academic work produced on corruption has disregarded the role of the world’s largest financial centres in providing financial secrecy and constraining development. In examining corruption through the lens of illicit financial... more
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      Development EconomicsInternational RelationsDevelopment StudiesMultinational Corporations
La operación comercial en paraísos fiscales de la minera con más infracciones ambientales en Perú, Volcan, su socio pesquero y su entorno con altos mandos de la Marina
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      JournalismPolitical CorruptionCorruptionTax Havens
Based on primary research in company accounts and fieldwork in Ghana, this report set out how one company used intercompany transfer pricing transactions to shift taxable profits out of Ghana and into low-tax jurisdictions. It was the... more
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      International Tax LawAfricaTransfer PricingMultinational Enterprises
Publicado en: https://www.latindadd.org/2017/03/17/mira-que-paises-en-la-region-luchan-contra-las-guaridas-fiscales/ Introducción El presente documento pretende brindar una guía para los especialistas que quieran abordar la cuestión de... more
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      Financial Crisis of 2008/2009Tax EvasionSistema FinancieroElusión Fiscal
The article defines the essence of the mechanisms of functioning of offshore jurisdictions, which include: the stepping stone method, which consists in the division of assets among different jurisdictions; credit scheme, which involves... more
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      Money LaunderingTax HavensOffshore schemesOffshore financial centers (OFC)
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      EconomicsPolitical EconomyEconomic Development: Tax Havens, Tax Evasion and CorruptionTax Havens
The Cayman Islands is a key node in contemporary global finance, yet it is severely under-researched. This paper compiles the first 'anatomy' of the Cayman offshore financial center (OFC), utilizing all sources of publicly available data... more
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      JapanAnglo-American RelationsHedge FundsOffshore finance
Two global transparency initiatives are underway that could help tackle financial crimes including tax evasion, money laundering and corruption: registration of beneficial ownership for companies (to identify the real persons owning or... more
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      CRSTax HavensFATCAGlobal Automatic Tax Information System
Purpose: The main objective of this research paper is to look at Pakistan's legal, administrative, and judicial framework in terms of countering money laundering and tax evasion. Money laundering and tax evasion are two financial crimes... more
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      Money LaunderingAnti-money launderingTax EvasionAnti money laundering and Terrorist Financing
This essay explains the importance of tax havens, either to the detriment of economies suffering from significant capital flight, or to the benefit of jurisdictions declared as paradises, whose economy has been favored by the inflow of... more
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      Public AdministrationGovernment transparencyEVASION FISCALTributes
This report analyses the current definitions of beneficial ownership of trusts in the global context (based on the FATF Recommendations on Anti-Money Laundering) and the registration requirements in the European Union (based on the EU... more
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      International Tax LawMoney LaunderingOffshore StructuresTax Evasion
Automatic exchange of information (AEoI) for tax purposes has become the global standard for international tax cooperation in 2013. As a tool for containing offshore tax evasion, it has encountered opposition in the past and continues to... more
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      International RelationsInternational Tax LawDeveloping CountriesEconomic Development
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      Public FinancePolitical EconomyWelfare StateTaxation
As a discussion piece, I see if a case can be made for tax havens as an integrated part of the global economy. Tax avoidance, it argues is a legal means to increase global profits through investment in markets around the world which... more
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      GlobalizationCorporate StrategyTax AvoidanceTax Havens
Esta opinión consultiva fue requerida en el mes de mayo de 2016 por la Fiscalía Federal N°6 Argentina (Fiscal Federico Delgado) y en ese requerimiento se consulto al Lic. Juan Valerdi sobre distintos aspectos de las Guaridas Fiscales (Tax... more
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      Political CorruptionTax EvasionCorruptionEconomic Development: Tax Havens, Tax Evasion and Corruption
Tax havens and tax flight have lately received increasing attention, while interest toward multilateral trade policies has somewhat diminished. We argue that more attention needs to be paid exactly to the interrelations between trade and... more
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      WTOTrade PolicyTax Havens
Es handelt sich um die im Januar 2016 akzeptierte/korrigierte Beitragsfassung für den auf 2018 angekündigten Band: Günther Schulz (Hg.): Ordnung und Chaos. Trends und Brüche in der Wirtschafts- und Sozialgeschichte. Erträge der 26.... more
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      History of SwitzerlandOECDTax JusticeHistory of taxation
This paper contributes to recent discussions of corporate tax avoidance and global wealth chains. Drawing on multiple case studies, we outline the key strategies adopted by Finnish mining companies as they seek to lower their tax burden.... more
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      Tax LawInternational Political EconomyMultinational EnterprisesInternational Taxation
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      Political EconomySociology of LawLaw and SocietyPuerto Rico
Introduction: The Continuing Imperialism of Free Trade, Jo Grady and Chris Grocott. Part 1: The Imperialism of Free Trade in Historical Context. 1. Gladstone, Suakin and the Imperialism of British Liberalism, James Fargher. 2. Spain and... more
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      Policy Analysis/Policy StudiesLiberalismSouth African Politics and SocietySpanish History
This article examines why Vanuatu creates a congenial legal environment for an offshore financial centre (OFC). There are four structural reasons. The OFC turns Vanuatu into a legal transplant laboratory. It makes significant... more
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      Pacific Island StudiesInternational Political EconomySocio-legal studiesEconomic Development: Tax Havens, Tax Evasion and Corruption