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Multinational corporations use highly complex structures of parents and subsidiaries to organize their operations and ownership. Offshore Financial Centers (OFCs) facilitate these structures through low taxation and lenient regulation,... more
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      Multinational CorporationsOffshore financeCorporate OwnershipTax Havens
Publisher: New Statesman Author: Kevin Cahill Date: Mar. 17, 2011 http://www.newstatesman.com/global-issues/2011/03/land-queen-world-australia land ownership, property, wealth, tax havens, tax cheats, British monarchy, The Queen,... more
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      PropertyAustraliaCommonwealthIntellectual Property Rights
Despite its reputation for the toughest anti-money laundering (AML) enforcement in the world, the United States remains the leading jurisdiction for the incorporation of anonymous shell companies used in grand corruption schemes. States... more
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      Corporate LawFederalismSecrecyMoney Laundering
El articulo esboza brevemente por que la filtracion de documentos de los Panama Papers y la utilizacion selectiva de esos datos por parte de los medios masivos internacionales de comunicacion -tal como es presentada usualmente- puede... more
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      Political SociologyPhilosophyPoliticsInternational Political Economy
This study aims to examine the incentives of multinational enterprises (MNEs) for setting up tax -haven subsidiaries. Based on the firm-specific advantage–country-specific advantage (FSA–CSA) framework, we have conducted our research... more
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      TaxationTax SystemTax Havens
La filtración de documentos confidenciales pertenecientes a 14 entidades especializadas en la creación de sociedades en paraísos fiscales ha revelado la existencia de una industria enfocada a ocultar la riqueza de un grupo de personas:... more
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      PoliticsInternational MangementMexicoAmérica Latina
In this article, I bring ontological anthropology into a register that is recognizably political and critical in orientation. My intention is to apply the powerful conceptual approach of the “ontological turn” in order to address a... more
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      Political EconomyMarxismOntological AnthropologyEduardo Viveiros de Castro
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      TaxationTax reformPoliticsBusiness Taxation
Abstract 2016 highlited by Panama Papers as the biggest scandalous tax havens report in all over the country. Their report contribute into country initiation in tax contribution and tax evasion criminalization. Their report highlight and... more
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      International RelationsInternational Economic RelationsFinancial CrimesTax Havens
In Sociology, inequality is discussed under categories of labour-capital relations, social closure, types of capital, dominance, capabilities, in a vast number of empirical studies and much more. The role of taxes and public finance is... more
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      Economic SociologyWelfare StateTaxationElites
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    • Tax Havens
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      TaxationBankingTax PolicyHistory of Switzerland
Multinational corporations use highly complex structures of parents and subsidiaries to organize their operations and ownership. Offshore Financial Centers (OFCs) facilitate these structures through low taxation and lenient regulation,... more
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Der Begriff der Steueroase erweckt Vorstellungen von schwer erreichbaren Sehnsuchtsorten. Genauer und technisch betrachtet handelt es sich jedoch um Rechtssysteme, die Steuerpflichtige und Finanzdienstleister*innen von regulären... more
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      Economic SociologyFiscal SociologyTax Havens
Publicado en: https://www.latindadd.org/2017/03/17/mira-que-paises-en-la-region-luchan-contra-las-guaridas-fiscales/ Introducción El presente documento pretende brindar una guía para los especialistas que quieran abordar la cuestión de... more
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      Financial Crisis of 2008/2009Tax EvasionSistema FinancieroOCDE
Este artigo tem por objetivo tecer reflexões críticas acerca daquilo que convencionou-se chamar de “paraíso fiscal”. Neste sentido busca-se verificar, nas ciências econômicas e nos estudos sobre língua e poder, se tal nomenclatura é, de... more
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      MeaningLinguagemTax HavensParaisos Fiscales
Globalisation is based on the notion that economies focus their resources on goods and services where they have a competitive advantage. Tariffs, it argues should be removed so that the state can do what it does best and then trade around... more
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      GlobalizationTaxationInternational Political EconomyCompetitive advantage
Tax havens and tax avoidance have gathered much interest, e.g., in the United Nations (UN) negotiations on the post-2015 development goals. The analyses of initiatives against corporate tax avoidance typically focus on developments from... more
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      Development StudiesTaxationInternational Political EconomyUnited Nations
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      Pacific Island StudiesVanuatuEconomic Development: Tax Havens, Tax Evasion and CorruptionVanuatu research
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      GlobalizationEconomic Development: Tax Havens, Tax Evasion and CorruptionGlobal Economic GovernanceTax Havens
In April 2009, the G20 pledged to end ‘the era of banking secrecy’. A few short months later Angel Gurria, the OECD Secretary General, boasted of the organisation orchestrating just such a ‘revolution’ in global tax transparency. This and... more
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      International Political EconomyOECDSoft Power and International RelationsEconomic Development: Tax Havens, Tax Evasion and Corruption
This article examines the relationship between nationalistic mobilisations, hidden funds and undisclosed campaign contributions, commonly known as dark money. Contextualising Brexit alongside the Icelandic economic crash of 2008 shows how... more
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      SociologyMedia StudiesRace and RacismPolitical Campaigns
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      Political ScienceBanking SecrecyBank SecrecyTax Havens
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      Political EconomyPolitical ScienceApplied EconomicsWTO
This article brings together trends in Critical Discourse Analysis dating from the 1980s – which examine how language use and ideologies (re)produce social inequality – with current research in the social sciences on neoliberalism and... more
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      Political EconomyCritical Discourse StudiesLinguistic AnthropologyCritical Discourse Analysis
An increasingly opaque global economy demands new forms of collaboration for journalists and civil society actors protecting democracy and the rule of law. Countries and jurisdictions have developed a deeply intertwined network of... more
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      WhistleblowingTax Havens
Verena Dürr's short story Memorabilia was first presented at the Bachmann Prize in 2017. It follows the restorer of a famous film prop through the evergreen forests, sterile corridors and obscure economies of an alpine free port in... more
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      ModernismAustrian LiteratureCasablancaHumphrey Bogart
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      Banking SecrecyBank SecrecyTax HavensSwiss Bank Secrecy
O Presente trabalho teve como objetivo falar sobre o Direito Tributário Internacional, conceito e características para que fosse possível fazer a conexão com a evasão fiscal e a existência dos paraísos fiscais. O princípio da soberania... more
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      International Tax LawTax HavensDireito Tributário InternacionalParaísos fiscais
Terörizm tarihin ilk dönemlerinden beri toplumları tehdit etmiş ve günümüzde de tehdit etmeye devam eden bir olgu olmuştur. Tarihte ilk defa milattan sonra ilk yüzyılda Yahudi isyancıların Filistin'deki yönetime başkaldırması sonucu... more
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      United NationsTerorismBirleşmiş MilletlerTax Havens
At least four aspects of College Board’s current circumstances seem problematic: · College Board enjoys monopolies in key markets and leverages those monopolies to support its competition in non-monopoly markets against competitors... more
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      EducationHigher EducationEducational ResearchEducation Policy
In this globalized economy, where businesses have become an international strategic game, multinational companies have taken advantage of eliminating trade barriers and opened branches all over the world. Many of them, usually registered... more
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      Transfer PricingRomanianListed CompaniesTax Havens
This blog post, discusses existing research on the still rather opaque topic of offshore finance. Subsequently, it is outlined how the CORPNET team is going to shed some new light on this crucial topic by analyzing transnational ownership... more
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      Foreign Direct InvestmentMultinational CorporationsOwnershipOwnership Structure
Short explanation of how media corporations are using some leaks to fight political class instead of Tax Havens main users: multinationals. Speech in the European Parliament durng the events related with the Tax Justice Together Europe... more
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      Emerging Economies Multinational EnterprisesMultinational EnterprisesMultinational CorporationsTax Evasion
This article examines why Vanuatu creates a congenial legal environment for an offshore financial centre (OFC). There are four structural reasons. The OFC turns Vanuatu into a legal transplant laboratory. It makes significant... more
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      Pacific Island StudiesPolitical ScienceInternational Political EconomyTax Havens
Corruption seems to be everywhere, despite multiple laws, rules, guidelines, and institutions aimed at increasing government transparency and punishing undue influence. This is because corruption is seen as an individual crime rather than... more
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      National SecurityCorruptionInequalityOligarchy
Özet Vergi devletin en önemli gelir kaynağıdır. Kamu hizmetlerinin aksamadan yürütülerek, kalitesinin artırılabilmesi en temelde iyi işleyen bir vergi sistemine bağlıdır. Bu bakımdan devletin vergi hasıla-tını azami düzeye çıkarabilmesi,... more
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      TaxationTax EvasionOffshore financeTax Avoidance
Luxembourg, Liechtenstein, Switzerland, Delaware, Jersey, The City, the Cayman Islands: have you ever wondered what the landscapes of a tax haven might look like? When a state accommodates more holding companies than inhabitants, when... more
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      FinanceAlgorithmsEconomicsContemporary Art
What has come to light in both the Panama and Paradise Papers leak proves that in tax havens, cocaine money, money from tax evasion, and legal money all live together, legitimizing one another. Legal capitalism has learned from criminal... more
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      Corporate Social ResponsibilityInternational Tax LawCorporate LawDrugs And Addiction
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      AnthropologySocial AnthropologySocial SciencesSocial and Cultural Anthropology
" Our tax system should be…fair, efficient, redistributive, enhancing welfare… " , but also " pro-growth, flat, competitive, favoring business… ". These are only a few examples of statements politicians have made about the principles of... more
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      American PoliticsTax PolicyIdeology and Discourse AnalysisTax Evasion
Odebrecht and Lava Jato are far from being just corruption justice cases, they are part of an International War on Corruption that has no clear beneficiaries ... The interview was a result of the juan valerdi participation in the... more
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      Emerging Economies Multinational EnterprisesMultinational EnterprisesBrazilCorruption (Corruption)
Review of Paolo Woods and Gabriele Galimberti’s photo documentary show Les Paradis, rapport annuel at the Centre Assas, Université Paris II Panthéon-Assas
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      ArtArt TheoryTax LawInternational Tax Law
This a draft of the theoretical construct of a research prospectus. I am placing it here to get comments, views and constructive criticism. The research aims to look at the illicit financial flows from Sub-Saharan (SSA) to the developed... more
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      International RelationsPolitics in Sub-Saharan AfricaUnited NationsPower and Influence
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      Political EconomyWelfare StatePovertyTaxation
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      Political EconomyPolitical ScienceInternational Political EconomyCorporate Income Taxation
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    • Tax Havens
A review article on the implications of the country-by-country reporting initiative in the attempts to democratize the governance of the global economy. Published in the journal of the Finnish Society for Future Studies. 2011. In Finnish.
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      Corporate AccountabilityTax PlanningTax Havens
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      Comparative PoliticsDevelopment StudiesEconomic Development: Tax Havens, Tax Evasion and CorruptionLabuan
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      Business EthicsCompetition PolicyTax PolicyTax Evasion