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This book contribution deals with a suggested model to conceptualise migration. In a nutshell, migration in my view can be analysed by using four phases or stages: the decision-making process/reasons for migration; the actual movement /... more
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      International MigrationMigration StudiesTransnational migrationRefugees
В кн.: Выдающиеся отечественные этнологи и антропологи ХХ века. Сост. Д. Д. Тумаркин. М., Наука, 2004. С. 655-687. Очерк, будучи слегка дополненным, переиздан в виде отдельной книги: Героический эпос жизни и творчества Бориса Николаевича... more
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      FolkloreHistorical folkloristicsTypologiesFolkloristics
Le texte informatif et explicatif
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      LinguistiqueTypologiesLittératureGrammaire de texte. Enonciation. Analyse du discours.
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Les recherches menées au cours des dernières années font état d'une problématique importante en enseignement et en évaluation de l'oral. En effet, les enseignants ont de la difficulté à cerner les objets d'enseignement/apprentissage de... more
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      Learning ProgressionsOralityTypologiesDidactique De L'Oral
Understanding how the identity of a Hutu person is different from a Tutsi and why nearly a million people were murdered in the name of this difference is not handled adequately in the current literature. Drawing on parts of the world as... more
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      SociologyPolitical SociologyOntologyGenocide Studies
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      Sex and GenderClassRaceTypologies
Cette étude porte sur la culture matérielle métallique et sur son artisanat en tant que production socioculturelle des communautés occupant l’Aquitaine à l’âge du Bronze moyen (XVIIe-XIVe siècle avant notre ère). Les objets métalliques... more
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      TypologiesAquitaineÂge du BronzeTracéologie
Amulets carved as scarab beetles were the most popular form of amulet in ancient Egypt with a wide-reaching impact beyond Egypt’s borders. Scarab experts have looked for ‘typological’ workshops by studying the physical characteristics of... more
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      New Kingdom (Egyptology)TypologiesWorkshopsLate Bronze Age Levant and new kingdom Egypt
Mobility plays an important role in the population’s quality of life and is also an essential tool for spatial planning and development, thus this research intends to contribute to better informed and targeted spatial and mobility... more
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      City and Suburban IntegrationMobility/MobilitiesSuburban StudiesSuburbs
A. Lattard, G. Granier, A. Richier, C. Rigeade, M.-J. Ancel, A. Baradat-Joly, A. Bouquet, A. Civetta, M. Cobos, M. Dadure, E. Henrion, J. Michel, D. Ollivier, S. Parmentier, E. Sagetat et N. Weydert Jusqu’à aujourd’hui les sites en PACA... more
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      Funerary ArchaeologyFunerary PracticesAnthropological ArchaeologyTypologies
Ce travail de recherche propose de rassembler et de réactualiser les données au niveau régional dans le domaine des objets métalliques découverts en Aquitaine à la fin de l’Âge du Bronze. Une méthodologie documentaire et analytique est... more
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      TypologiesÂge du BronzeBronze FinalTracéologie
The research field of regime theory has seen a proliferation of different approaches and typologies to explain the ever-changing reality. This paper has created a typology of these regime typologies and their respective datasets in order... more
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      African StudiesComparative PoliticsTypologyAfrica
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      TypologiesCéramique Médiévale Et ModerneProductions Céramiquesrépertoire morphologique
De nombreuses meules antiques, provenant principalement du nord-est de la France et de la Belgique, présentent un traitement particulier de leurs surfaces actives. Ces habillages, que l'on trouve sous la forme de rayons ou de larges... more
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      ArchaeologyTypologyRotary QuernsTypologies
Introduction et conclusion de thèse de doctorat (soutenue à Aix-en-Provence le 20.12.2017).
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      TypologiesÂge du BronzeCéramiquePremier âge Du Fer
Erste Veröffentlichung in der Fachpresse über die Geschichte und den Bautyp des West-Baden Springs Hotels in Indiana mit Plänen und Konstruktionszeichnungen.
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      Construction TechnologyTourism and Hotel ManagementTypologiesCivil Ingenieuring
Kütahya, Kureyşler Barajı Projesi kapsamında Kütahya Müzesi Müdürlüğünce bilimsel kazıları gerçekleştirilen Höyüktepe, Erken Tunç Çağı ve Geç Doğu Roma (Bizans) Dönemi'ne tarihlenen çok sayıda kemik aletin üretildiği ve kullanıldığı bir... more
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      Prehistoric ArchaeologyTypologiesBone Tools
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L es cimetières celtiques du Bassin parisien ont livré un riche ensemble d'artefacts. Leur analyse est restée longtemps diffi cile en l'absence de nomenclature utilisable. Luc Baray offre ici une synthèse complète des systèmes typologique... more
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      TypologyChronologyTypologiesSecond Iron Age Archaeology
The Indo-Gangetic Basin comprises one of the world’s most important aquifers. The basin is home to approximately 1 billion people and encompasses northern and eastern India, much of Bangladesh, parts of southern Nepal and the most... more
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      GroundwaterTypologiesIndo-Gangetic Basin
Construcția și validarea tipologiilor sociale: analize în spatiile de atribute prin tabele de contingenta , "elaborare" și regresie 1-Suport de prezentare-Dumitru Sandu Asupra perspectivei tipologice în sociologie Explicarea tipurilor de... more
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      Quantitative ResearchTypologies
The Working Paper provides the theoretical foundations for an analytically and normatively adequate understanding of “governance” – a term and concept that has been widely used since the turn of the millennium for describing new forms of... more
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      Political TheoryTypologyGlobal GovernanceGovernance
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      MarketingMergers & AcquisitionsMergers and AcquisitionsBusiness and Management
Etude de deux fours à briques en meule mis au jour dans le cadre de deux diagnostics réalisés à Saint-Quentin en 2007 et 2009 (auteurs : C. Hosdez et F. Thuillier).
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      TypologiesEpoque moderneBrick ClampsFours à Brique En Meule
Cette étude porte sur la culture matérielle métallique et sur son artisanat en tant que production socioculturelle des communautés occupant l'Aquitaine à l'âge du Bronze moyen (xvii e-xiv e siècle a.C.). Les objets métalliques ont été... more
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      TypologiesAquitaineÂge du BronzeTracéologie
Embarrassment is often conceptualized as produced by either an awkward interaction or a negative social evaluation. The present study uses the Cupach and Metts (1994) and Sharkey and Stafford (1990) typologies to analyze these two... more
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      EmotionCommunicationInterpersonal CommunicationFace
Les fouilles de l'oppidum de Boviolles et du site de Nasium ont livré un grand nombre de caboches romaines, ces clous qui ferraient les chaussures. Ces découvertes permettent de restituer leur méthode de fabrication et de proposer une... more
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      Ancient MetallurgyTypologiesRoman militariaArcheology
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      Sex and GenderGender HistoryClassRace
Sexual double standard (SDS) involves evaluating the same sexual behaviors in men and women using different criteria. The support for man-favorable SDS is related to sexual aggression and sexual victimization. Yet to date, studies have... more
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      TypologiesPrevalenceSexual Double StandardSpanish population
Résumé : L'analyse des parures annulaires massives fermées lisses montre l'existence de variantes morphologiques à l'échelle suprarégionale. Au niveau du Rhin supérieur, elles permettent d'aborder la question de l'identité et de la... more
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      Costume and IdentityIron AgeEarly Iron AgeHallstatt
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      Comparative FederalismTypologiesFederal Dynamics
The most damaging internal divisions within the Conservative Party today are over European integration. Of these divisions the most disruptive of all has been within the Thatcherite wing. Existing typologies of Conservatism do little to... more
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      Political EconomyBritish PoliticsConservative PartyEuroscepticism
RIASSUNTO - Tecniche radiografiche per lo studio di un coltello tipo Introbio - Un coltello in ferro di tipo Introbio (II - I secolo a.C.) è stato sottoposto ad esami radiografici per comprendere la forma della lama, analizzare la tecnica... more
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      TypologyAlpine ArchaeologyIron AgeTypologies
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      TypologiesCéramique ModerneProduction Céramiquerépertoire morphologique
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      Spatial AnalysisTypologyFunctional MorphologyAnthropology of space
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      TypologiesAquitaineÂge du BronzeTracéologie
The Middle Bronze Age hoards of Sermizelles (Yonne, France) contain approximately hundred fifty metallic objects. They are traditionally called dépots mixtes, associating artefacts judged as imports from two cultural influences areas:... more
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      TypologyMiddle Bronze AgeMetallographyHoards
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      Media StudiesDigital MediaPolitical ScienceDigital Journalism
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      TypologiesCéramique médiévaleProduction Céramiquerépertoire morphologique
An ideal type is, according to Max Weber, an analytical construct formed through the accentuation of one or several points of views and through synthesizing concrete individual phenomena. Weber proposed that such ideal types could be used... more
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      SociologySocial SciencesAlfred Schutz (Sociology)Max Weber
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      AgriculturePortugalEarly NeolithicTypologies
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      AnthropologyMiddle East StudiesSocietyTypologies
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      Histoire moderneTypologiesProtohistoireMoyen Age
This case study describes a dissertation research project in which a mixed-methods sequential explanatory design was used. Both quantitative (survey) and qualitative (interviews) data were collected to identify and examine typologies of... more
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      Teacher MotivationTypologiesBeliefs and attitudes
Since Prehistory, several objects have been made of hard materials of animal origin (bone, antler, ivory, horn, shell), highlighting ivory among them because it is an exotic material. In this work we analyse a set of combs of ivory and... more
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      WorkshopTypologiesIvory CarvingWood Charcoal
A consequence of the development of tourism in the last few decades involves the diversification of the offer of destinations and products, with serious repercussions for the society and territory where it is implemented. A significant... more
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      Tourist BehaviorProtected areasTourismTypologies
Repairs in British and Irish archeological logboats have been recorded and described by several authors, and the wide variety of repair methods present has been noted, but otherwise , repairs have received little analytical attention.... more
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      LogboatsTypologiesVernacular WatercraftPrehistoric Watercraft
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      Roman PotteryPottery TypologyTypologiesMéthodologie
L’élaboration d’une typochronologie du mobilier déposé dans les sépultures mérovingiennes en Burgondie franque nécessite une définition préalable des types d’objets à « représentativité sérielle » qui entrent dans la composition des... more
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      TypologiesChronologieArchéologie MérovingienneDamasquinure