Recent papers in Unicorn
Статья предлагает определение платформенной компании, характеризует её участников и среду. Работа содержит интегрированную классификацию платформенных компаний, тезисно описывает критерии определения платформенных компаний в мировых... more
Exhibition catalogue, BOZAR, Centre for Fine Arts, Brussels, February 22 – August 3, 2014; Tel Aviv Museum of Art, Tel Aviv, September 4, 2014 – January 31, 2015; and Dallas Museum of Art, Dallas, Texas, March 15 – July 5, 2015. This... more
Article de la rubrique : "Les mammifères dans la littérature, l'histoire et les arts", de la revue de la SFEPM (Société Française pour l'Etude et la Protection des Mammifères).
co-author Stephen Schierling (deceased)
This case study aims to provide a profound analysis of Tokopedia’s critical success factors. As Indonesia’s largest online marketplace, Tokopedia’s ecosystem has reached 93% of districts in Indonesia across 17,000 islands. Through its... more
The emerge beginning of financial technology or fintech startup was founded by one or several startup founders. How did a startup founder start until the fintech startup was established? This paper is aimed at addressing this problem,... more
Risk-adjusted equity valuation of Tesla Motors: A practical application of Monte Carlo simulation to calibrate risk and uncertainty of risk in a Discounted Cash Flow valuation --- Financial equity valuation of public companies is a... more
Materi "Sektor Informal" disampaikan dalam peluncuran majalah ARENA di Gedung Convention Hall UIN Yogyakarta, Jumat, 22 Februari 2019.
Tokopedia sebagai salah satu pionir eCommerce di Indonesia telah menjadi tolak ukur eCommerce lain untuk menjalankan bisnis platform eCommerce. Tak terlepas juga Tokopedia adalah target bagi para kompetitor untuk memposisikan perusahaan... more
Kemajuan dan pesatnya perkembangan teknologi telah membawa banyak perubahan di dalam peradaban manusia. Penggunaan teknologi telah masuk ke semua sektor usaha baik sosial, pendidikan, ekonomi, pertahanan, pangan dll. Saat ini telah banyak... more
Even if it played a part, it is not so much the lesser availability of elephant ivory as the Norse expansion in the Northern Atlantic that brought the success of walrus ivory throughout Western Europe and far beyond. The strength of... more
La farmacopea novohispana identificaba al cuerno de unicornio como materia lapidosa de difícil acceso. Esta conceptualización se hereda de los postulados médicos medievales, los cuales no hallaban mejor remedio contra el envenenamiento y... more
Il tempo delle fenici e degli unicorni è il tempo speso da Giulia Farnese a Carbognano, in provincia di Viterbo, orientativamente dal 1505 fino alla fine della sua vita, nel 1524. Dopo gli anni che l’hanno vista essere la giovane moglie... more
In the Yuan era, the Confucian elites got a popular legend about the Unicom (Jiaoduan角端), Yelü Chucai and Genghis Khan. It was about Genghis Khan met a mythical Unicorn during the 1st West Campaign (invasion of Central Asia). That Unicorn... more
Alexander the Great was one of the most significant historical personalities over the medieval centuries. By default, his faithful and companion of adventures steed, called Bucephalus, also was. In this article we introduce into the... more
Narcissus, and other tales, have been abundantly used in concretistic types of psychological interpretation. The article shows that they ought to be viewed in abstract terms as portraying processes in the individual and collective psyche.... more
Семененко А. А. Очерки истории (пре)хараппского искусства Северо-Западного Индостана. — Т. I. — Воронеж: Электронная монография на правах рукописи, 2018. — 462 с. + 533 илл. — ISBN 978-5-9907439-4-6.
Technology entrepreneurship plays a dominant role in the economy and development of the country, especially in this period of increasing competition and globalization. Related developments contribute significantly to the country’s welfare... more
In this article the authors analyse the reform of listing rules in China and the operating mechanism of the new Chinese Depositary Receipts (CDRs). Most technology giants in mainland China, such as Alibaba, Tencent, Baidu, JD and NetEase... more
Вестник РГГУ. Серия: История. Филология. Культурология. Востоковедение. 2015. № 9 (152). С. 90-96. Статья посвящена истории деятельности Аптекарского приказа (медицинского ведомства XVII в.), которая нашла отражение в сохранившемся... more
Can the one-horned animals described by authors such as Ctesias, Megasthenes, Aristotle or Pliny be considered forbears of the Medieval and post-modern Unicornis? In a way, some of the generic species of Greco-roman lore can be... more
Chased by a Unicorn. Re-Studying and De-Coding the Parable of the Futile Life in the Novel Barlaam and Josaphat(Medieval Greek Version) The parable of the Futile Life, which is an excerpt of the medieval, multilingual novel Barlaam and... more
Animal originaire d’Afrique du nord, atypique sous nos latitudes, la genette européenne (Genetta genetta) est très singulière tant par sa physionomie (tête fuselée, oreilles de renard, taches de panthère et longue queue annelée de... more
The unicorn is a ubiquitous figure redolent with symbolic meaning in the visual culture of the high and late Middle Ages. It is primarily a symbol of Christ in bestiaries and the Physiologus tradition, the hunt for the unicorn is an... more
Le teorie del complotto non sono sempre facilmente distinguibili dalle interpretazioni fondate; la distinzione infatti riposa spesso non su eclatanti dati oggettivi (la terra non è piatta, le riprove ne sono abbondanti) ma su complessi... more
As many have pointed out, the cognitive type of the unicorn, later on spread like wildfire in western culture, has one of its prototypes in Ctesias' Indian ass, described for the very first time in his Indika (FGrHist 688 F 45, 45 and 45q... more
Huntington Manuscript 1048 has a very special feature, which hints to the use of rivet spectacles for reading this 15th-century manuscript containing middle Dutch devotional texts.
Comparative study between Avalovara (1973), by Osman Lins and Lewis Carroll’s, Alice's adventures in Wonderland (1865) and Through the looking-glass and what Alice found there (1871) with emphasis not necessarily on explicit intertextual... more
This paper argues that an unusual line in a relief sculpture does not belong to the horn of a unicorn, otherwise unattested in contemporary imagery, but is a drafting line and as such rare evidence of sculpting processes, further... more
The unicorn, the existence of which was not challenged, is a animal with rich meanings, and very present in the minds of the Middle Ages (Michel Pastoureau and Elisabeth Delehaye, Secrets of the Unicorn, Paris: Editions de la Réunion des... more
A component of early modern representation but also knowledge organization were art and curiosity chambers. This essay examines the origins, order, and function of three exemplary "Nordic" objects - Sami magic drums, supposed unicorn... more
Ein Wiesbadener Eishersteller wirbt damit, dass seine Produkte nicht an Einhörnern getestet wurden. An der Wahrheit dieser Aussage dürften keine ernsthaften Zweifel bestehen. Und doch verschweigt der Hinweis auf die Einhornfreundlichkeit... more
La web3 posibilita la descentralización de operaciones por lo que se generarían transacciones entre particulares o entes económicos sin cargas de información innecesarias, procesos, procedimientos, políticas o intereses ajenos a la... more
The rapid population growth of Jakarta to further improve urban mobility problems. The imbalance between public infrastructures provided by the number of people who need it led to a lack of municipal services. Transportation Online has... more