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The casing serves to contain and support the stationary and rotating parts of the
turbine. The casing has been horizontally split in the plane of the shaft centerline.
The vertical joint is made up permanently at the factory. The upper half of the
casing contains the high pressure steam chest, the steam admission valve seats and
the upper halves of the diaphragms.
The casing supports have been designed to minimize effects of thermal expansion
and hold the turbine in axial alignment.

Shaft Packing:
Shaft packings are provided at both ends of the turbine casing where the rotor
passes through it. These packings are of the metal labyrinth type and they are piped
to and work in conjunction with the steam seal system to minimize leakage of
steam from or air into the turbine case along the shaft.
Each labyrinth ring is composed of four spring loaded, butt jointed segments
which are recessed into bores of the labyrinth housings or turbine casing.

Oil Guards:
Shaft oil guards serve to prevent leakage of oil from the bearings along the shaft.
The horizantally split oil guards are fitted into grooves in the lower bearing
brackets and the bearing bracket caps.

The diaphragms, mounted in grooves in the turbine casing act as partitions to
divide the turbine into separate compartments for each stage. They contain
stationary nozzles which direct the steam into the following rotating stages. Each
diaphragm is horizontal split through the plane of the shaft centerline.

A drain hole is drilled through the bottom of each diaphragm to remove any

Stage Packing:
To minimize steam leakage between turbine stages where the shaft passes through
each diaphragm, labyrinth type metal packing is used. These stage packings each
consist of a number of segments. The segments are mounted in grooves in the
inner periphery of the diaphragms.

Main Bearings:
The main bearings supporting the rotor, are of the babbit-lined, multiple tilting pad
type. The bearings are similar in construction and are pressure lubricated.

Thurst Bearing:
The rotor is axially positioned by a double acting thurst bearing of the multiple-
shoe, self-aligning and equalizing type. This thrust bearing is mounted in the front
bearing pedestal next to the radial bearing.

The turbine rotor consists essentially of a shaft with wheels and blades, coupling
hubs, a thurst collar and a spur gear used for the electronic governor and used for the
tachometer. The spur gear has been mounted to the turbine rotor on high pressure

Turning Gear:
An electric motor driven "B.H.S." turning gear type RDV-2 is furnished for
turning the rotor at a speed of 100 rpm upon start up and after stopping the turbine,
in order to maintain an equal heat distribution in the turbine rotor. For manual
operation, the free end of the electric motor has been provided with a square. A
ratchet wrench that fits on this square, can be used for manual turning. The
turning gear can only be started when the turbine is at stand still.

a) Automatic start - When the turbine is tripped, the turbine is at stand still
and the disconnect coupling is at disengaged position, the release solenoid is
shortly energised. This releases the swinging arm from the latch. The pinion will
come down on the toothed wheel rim, which is mounted on the turbine shaft.
When the pinion and toothed wheel rim engage, (detected by a limit switch) the gear
motor will be started. When the pinion and the toothed wheel rim do not engage
within a set time, operational mode will change from "automatic" to "off". One must
then locally engage the mentioned gears by slight turning of the hand wheel of the
electric motor. Now press push button "on" to start turning gear.

b) Start by push button command - This start is similar to the automatic start
except that the disconnect coupling is not necessarily disengaged position.

c) Automatic stop at starting the turbine - When the turbine gear is driving the
turbine rotor the forces on the teeth of the pinion and the toothed wheel rim are
directed such that engagement is positively maintained. Now when turbine is
started and speed increases, the turbine will have the tendency to drive the
turning gear. Due to this the forces on the teeth of the pinion are in such
direction as to disengage the turning gear. This causes an immediate and
automatic release of the pinion from the toothed wheel rim through the lift of the
swinging arm. This arm catches a latch and remains in disengaged position.
Disengagement of the gear is detected by a limit switch which causes the E-motor
to be switched off. The turning gear can also be stopped by:

i) Push button "off". This stops E-motor directly.

ii) By lowering the swing lever. The E-motor is stopped now via the
limit switch.
iii) At lack of lube oil pressure the turning gear motor is automatically

Axial Position Device:
At thurst bearing end the turbine is provided with two Bently Nevada probes to
sense the axial position of the rotor. These probes, together with their connected
instruments, will give electrical alarm and a trip signals, when the axial
displacement becomes greater than a preset value. A dual voting system is used
to reduce the possibility of a false alarm or shut down due to instrument failure.
Simply stated a dual voting system consists of two transducers observing the same
variable and their respective readouts. When a specific event occurs, both readouts
must agree before an alarm or a trip is allowed.

Rotor Vibration Device:

Two Bently Nevada probes are mounted at right angles in the bearing bracket cap
over each end of the turbine shaft. These probes, together with their connected
instrumentation, will measure the shaft vibration and total run out and will give
an electrical alarm signal, when the vibration level rises above a preset value.

Differential Expansion Device:

This device provides continuous monitoring of rotor growth relative to the turbine
casing. On each side of the turning gear wheel a probe has been mounted which
will give , together with the connected instruments, an alarm signal if the
relative rotor displacement becomes greater than a preset value.

Case Expansion Device:

A Bently Nevada probe has been mounted on the high pressure end of the turbine to
indicate the thermal expansion during warming up.

Speed Indicator:
The turbine is provided with an electric speed indicator consisting of a gear, a
probe, a transmitter and an indicator. The probe is mounted on the front bearing
housing and it senses the rotation of a gear with 60 teeth. The gear is mounted
on the turbine shaft. The probe produces a pulse every time a tooth passes through
its magnetic field. These pulses are converted into a "mA" signal that is fed into the

Breakable Diaphragm:
A breakable diaphragm has been installed on the top of the exhaust casing. It
consists of a rupture disk clamped between flangas. The disk will burst if the
turbine exhaust gauge pressure will rise to 0.5 bar. Exhaust steam will pass then
to atmosphere, reducing the excess exhaust pressure.

Seal Steam System:

This system is designed to prevent leakage of steam from, or of air into the turbine.
the system is used on the turbine when it is started up and while it is in operation.
the pressure in the steam seal line is controlled by the seal steam control valve.
During starting preparations the vacuum in the turbine would tend to suck air into
the turbine. This is prevented however, by forming seals of steam in the sealing
pockets of the shaft packing at the inlet and exhaust end of the turbine. During
normal operation the first stage pressure causes steam to leak outward through the
innermost gland packing at high pressure end of the turbine. Upon reaching the first

steam seal pocket, most of this steam, together with leakage steam from the HP
glands of the control valves, is piped through this steam seal line to maintain a
positive pressure at the exhaust end sealing pocket. If the seal steam system pressure
rises, steam is dumped, via the seal steam control valve, to a flash tank.
Seal steam is prevented from escaping to atmosphere by maintaining a
slight vacuum in the leak off pockets. This pockets are connected with the leak off
system of the main turbine. Leakage steam from the glands of the trip throttle valves
and the LP glands at the control valves, is also sucked off by this main turbine leak
off system.

Steam Drain System:

The steam drains supplement the previously described internal turbine drains and
are used to drain water from the turbine, the seal steam line, the HP control
valve casing and from the trip throttle valves before the turbine started and while
it is running. Essentially this system consist of pipes and it is valved where required.
These valves are opened during starting to remove any accumulation of condensate
and they are closed when the equipment is in operation.


The pump is a multi-stage type having all impellers mounted in series and facing in
the same direction. Liquid enters the suction nozzle, passes through the impellers
and leaves through the discharge nozzle at opposite end of the casing. Each
impeller operates within a diffuser which converts velocity to pressure. This
process is repeated in the successive stages, each stage adding an increment of
pressure. Discharge pressure is admitted to areas between inner and outer casing
thus utilizing hydraulic forces to maintain sealing of individual stage joints and of
the internal joints between the inner and outer casing.

Outer Casing:
The outer casing is a forged cylindrical shell or barrel, which has nozzles to conduct
the pumped fluid to and from the inner casing and rotor.

Inner Assembly:
The inner assembly consists of diaphragms, diffusers and a rotor which are
assembled together to form a single assembly. The inner assembly is positioned
into the outer casing by a cylindrical fit and held in that position by bolts.

Inner Casing:
The inner casing portion of the inner assembly consists of a combination of chrome
steel diaphragms & diffusers. These form the hydraulic passages between successive

Rotating Element:
The rotor basically consists of several impellers, a thrust collar, shaft sleeves and
a balance drum mounted on the chrome steel shaft.

End Head:
The end head closes the outer casing after insertion of the inner assembly. The end
head supports the outboard seal housing and the outboard bearing housing.

The joint between the end head and outer casing is the sole high pressure outside
joint in the pump. This joint contains a confined flexitallic gasket which has been
compressed by the heavy alloy steel bolting which secures the end head to the
outer casing. This flexible gasket assures proper sealing even during transient
temperature changes. There are no gaskets used at the internal high pressure joints
nor at the inter stage joints.

Axial Balancing Device:

The pressure difference acting on each impeller produces an axial force towards its
inlet. The sum of the individual impeller thrust forces is counteracted by the axial
balancing device. This device consists of a stationary balance sleeve and a rotating
balance drum. The labyrinth teeth of the balance drum run in close clearance with
the bore of the balance sleeve, acting as a pressure reducing bushing between the
pump discharge and pump inlet pressures. The water, which leaks past the balance
drum, is returned to the pump suction. The diameter of the balance drum and the
pressures acting on it are such that an axial force is produced on the rotor,
which counteracts the axial force caused by the impellers. For design reasons the
axial force of the impellers is not fully counteracted by the down force for the whole
of the working area of the pump. Therefore a double acting thrust bearing has been
installed which takes up the resultant axial force. The stationary balance sleeve is
bolted to the end head and sealed by a confined flexitallic gasket. The rotating
balance drum is mounted with a shrink fit on a tapered portion of the shaft using a
hydraulic tool. This type of mounting securely locks the balance drum against
rotational and axial movement. In addition the drum is held in place by a retaining
ring fitted in a groove in the shaft and shouldered against the drum. An "O" ring
and a back-up ring are fitted in the balance drum bore to prevent leakage of
hydraulic pressure oil when mounting or dismounting the balance drum.

Main Bearing:
The rotor is supported by Glacier Babbitt lined, multiple tilting pad type bearings.
The pads of each bearing are fitted into slots in a two-piece bearing housing and are
located by screws. The horizontal split bearing housing is mounted in a bore in
the bearing bracket. The bearing housing is prevented from rotation by a pin.
Pressure lubrication is employed. Oil piped from the lubrication system flows to the
bearings through passages in the bearing brackets. This oil passes out through the
individual bearing drain.

Thrust Bearing:
A thrust bearing, consisting of a rotating collar, which is mounted on the pump
shaft and operating between two identical thrust elements, is provided to maintain

the axial position of the rotor under all operating conditions. This bearing is
located in a thrust bearing housing formed by the bearing bracket at non driver side.
The bearing is lubricated by oil from the main oil system. The oil is led into the
thrust bearing through holes in the bearing bracket and is sprayed between the
shoes and the thrust collar at the leading edge of each pad. On reaching the collar,
it turns outward between the shoes and escapes around the collar. The thrust
bearing clearances are such that during normal operation there is an oil film on
both sides of the collar, between the collar and the thrust faces. Thermocouples
are installed in some of the thrust bearing shoes to measure the bearing

Serrated Bushing Seal:

The injection type serrated bushing seal consists of a seal housing containing a
throttle bushing. Hardened, serrated type shaft sleeves are used to protect the
shaft and serve as pressure breakdown devices. Cooled injection water is used to
block the escape of high temperature water from the inside of the pump and also to
form the seal. A temperature controlled injection type shaft seal system
automatically controls the leakage of water along the shaft, and prevents the
flashing of water in the shaft seal. The controlled variable for this system is the
temperature of the drain water leaving the shaft seal. The temperature (about 750C.)
of the drain water is controlled by regulating the flow of injection water to the
seal. Strainers, in the supply line assure clean injection sealwater.

Warming-Up System:
Warming-up system has been installed on the pump to keep the temperature
differance between the discharge end and the suction end below 250 C. Normally
the pump is warmed up with the discharge line closed and the suction line open.
Then the warm-up liquid is admitted to the pump through the warm-up
connection and out through the suction nozzle. Thermocouples have been
installed on the suction and discharge end which provides, together with a
temperature switch, control signals for a motor operated valve in the warming-up
supply line.

Axial Displacement Probes:

The main pump has been provided with Bently Nevada probes by means of which the
driver will be tripped if the axial displacement becomes greater than a preset
value. A dual voting system is used to reduce the possibility of a false alarm or
shutdown due to instrument failure.

The oil unit supplies lube oil to the turbine, main pump, coupling, Tacke gearbox,
BHS turning gear and the booster pump. It also supplies oil to the governing oil
system of the turbine. The oil reservoir supplies the oil required to operate the
systems. Condition of the oil should be checked at least twice a year.

Lubrication System:

Lubrication oil is supplied from the main oil reservoir. This reservoir is a
fabricated steel tank having a maximum operating capacity of about 4050 liters
and a stand still capacity of 4500 liters, the tank scale is about 45 liters to a cm
height. The tank is fitted with a deaeration tray to prevent foaming of oil
entering the tank through the filler pipe or draining back to the tank from the oil
system. A level glass is mounted on the side of the tank. The reservoir is equipped
with a tank drain, an oil filter cap, two motor driven oil vapour extractors and
low & high level alarm switches. The AC electric motor driven main oil pump is an
"Allweiler" pump designed to deliver 855 l/min. at a gauge pressure of 15kg/cm2.
The AC electric motor driven auxiliary oil pump is identical to the main oil
pump. It will take over the oil supply if the main oil pump fails for any reason or
when the control oil gauge pressure drops to 7 kg/cm2 or when lube oil gauge
pressure drops to 1.6 kg/cm2.The oil system is also provided with a DC electric
motor driven emergency lube oil pump which will start if the lube oil gauge
pressure drops below 1.2 kg/cm2 for any reason. The main and auxiliary oil pump
discharge lines are fitted with relief valves, set at gauge pressure of 16 kg/cm2 to
protect the pumps from damage due to excess pressure. Pressure indicators are
installed on the discharge lines to determine the output pressure of the pumps and
pressure switches are installed to start the standby pump if the discharge pressure of
the running pump drops to a gauge pressure of 7 kg/cm2. The relief valve behind
the emergency oil pump is set at a gauge pressure of 5.2 kg/cm2.After passing
through check valves, the oil is directed to a three-way transfer valve. This valve
permits passage of oil to either or both of the oil coolers, where the oil is cooled if
necessary to the proper operating temperature of 400 C. Thermometers are fitted at
the inlet and discharge of the coolers, so that the operation of the coolers can be
checked. A temperature switch has been installed on the cooler outlet line for
giving an alarm when the oil temperature is too high. The switch has been set at
50 C. After passing from the discharge of the coolers, the oil is piped to a duplex
oil filter. The filter is fitted with a pressure differential indicator and a pressure
differential switch which will give an alarm signal at too high pressure
difference, setting 0.8 kg/cm2. Before switching over a filter or cooler, make sure
that the filter or cooler, that will be taken into service, is filled with oil and vented.
From the filter, the oil at a gauge pressure of 10 kg/cm2, is piped to the turbine
control oil system and, via orifice and check valve, to the bearings of the turbine
and the pumps, to the turning gear, to the coupling between the turbine and the
main pump and to the gear box. Several switches have been installed on the oil
system. An oil separator has been installed on the oil unit. This separator
should be in operation as long as the oil unit is in operation.

Control System:
Oil at a gauge pressure of 10 kg/cm2 is delivered to the turbine control system.
This system is described in the next section.

(Please refer CONTROL OIL DIAGRAM –BFP TURBINE in schematic diary for
the various valve numbers & solenoids mentioned in this chapter.)

The turbine electronic controller provides electical outputs to position the steam
admission valves. The electrical signals are converted to mechanical movements by
a proportional electric/ hydraulic/mechanical actuator. The mechanical output of
this actuator will position the control linkage of a hydraulic relay valve power
servomotor. The servomotor positions the steam admission valves. The admission
valves are designed so that the HP valve opens after fully opening of the LP
valves. The turbine drives the booster pump and the main boiler feed pump. At
normal operation the turbine speed will be controlled by signals from the boiler
control system. The controller can be devided into three parts, namely:

1) The speed controller

2) The position controller
3) The switchover from speed control to position control and reversed.

Speed Control / Position Control:

Three speed sensors each receive signals from one of the three magnetic speed
pickups. The pick ups are installed on the turbine and they face a 60 teeth gear
wheel, which is mounted on the turbine rotor. Each pick up generates an output
voltage pulse every time a gear tooth goes through the pick up magnetic field.
Because the gear has 60 teeth the frequency equals the number of revolutions of the
turbine shaft. The AC pick up signal is converted in the speed sensor to a DC
voltage, which is proportional to the speed of the turbine. This DC voltage speed
signal is sent through a high signal selection circuit to the speed control in such a
way, that when one speed sensor fails the speed control continuous operation. If all
three speed sensors fail, the system will automatic transfer from speed control" to
"position control". In this control mode the speed governor no longer sets the turbine
control valves but this is done then by the position control. The steam admission
valves will lock in the position they had just before the failure occurs. In this
situation the position of the valves can be changed manually by push button
commands raise/lower to the "digital ramp position control" in order to maintain the
required feed water needs.
A bumpless automatic transfer is provided to return from "position control"
to "speed control". This basically operates as follows:
After a "request mode transfer" is given by push button command, the speed
set point will automatically be set such that the output of the speed governor
equals the output of the position control. This is done by a window comparator
that compares the output of the speed governor with the output of the position
control and gives raise lower signals to the "digital speed reference". When the
output of the speed governor equals the output of the position control the transfer
from "position control" to "speed control" takes automatically place, the
automatic tracking of the "digital speed reference" stops and the automatic tracking
of the "digital ramp position control" for normal operation starts again. Thus the
position control follows the speed governor output again.
At frequencies below 350 Hz (equals to 350 rpm) the signal from the speed
pickup is insufficient to drive the speed sensor. This means that below this speed
the control system is in "position control" mode. Consequently the turbine is
started up using the position control and when the turbine speed is above 500
rpm the system is transferred to the "speed control" mode.

Speed Reference:

The speed set point is provided by a "digital speed reference". The "digital
speed reference" can be operated manually by push button raise/lower or by the
analog 4-20 mA feed water control signal (or automatically, when changing from
"position control" to "speed control" mode, as described above). When the feed
water control signal sets the speed set point, raise/lower signals are given to the
"digital speed reference" by a window comparator that compares the output of
the "digital speed reference" with the feed water control signal. The speed range
that can be set manually by push buttons is 500 rpm to trip speed. The speed
range that can be set by the feed water control signal is 2000 rpm to max.
continuous speed. Upon loss of the feed water control signal (signal being far
below 4mA) the speed setting automatically switches to manual.

Power Supplies:
The speed governor is powered by power supply 1 or 2. At failure of one power
supply the speed governor remains in operation. The position control is powered by
power supply 3. Consequently the powers for the speed governor can be
switched off for repairs of the speed governor while the turbine remains in
operation by means of the position control during operation.
The three independent overspeed switches receive power from all 3 power
supplies. This means that these overspeed switches are always powered when the
turbine is in operation. The switches have been set at 5925 Hz(rpm).

The function of the servomotor is to open or close the turbine steam admission
valves in response to governing demands. It consists of a pilot valve and a power
piston (the power piston's stem is connected to the valve lifting lever) a hydraulic
amplifier which also consists of a pilot valve (which is connected to the output shaft
of the Woodward actuator) and a power piston. The power piston of the hydraulic
amplifier acts to position the servomotor pilot valve. The operation of the
servomotor is as follows: Assume that the pilot valve of the hydraulic amplifier is
moved downward by the Woodward actuator. Oil will be admitted at the bottom
side of the amplifier's power piston causing the piston to move upward. The pilot
valve of the servomotor will also be moved upward and oil will be admitted to the
top side of the main power piston and oil from the bottom side is ported to drain.
This strokes the main power piston downward, thereby opening the steam admission
valves. When the power piston move, the pilot valves will be returned to their
central position by the action of the respective external feedback linkages. Limit
switches have been installed for valve position indication and they will give a
reset condition signal to the reset system when the valves are closed.

Steam Admission Valves:

These valves control the flow of steam through the turbine by means of the nozzle
valves and operating gear. The assembly includes the high pressure control valve
and the low pressure nozzle valves. All the valves are operated by the servomotor
through a common linkage. The valve gear is adjusted so that all the low
pressure nozzle valves open in sequence before the high pressure control valve
starts to open. When the high pressure control valve is wide open, so are all the
low pressure nozzle valves. The high pressure control valve is mounted in a lifting
block and is aligned with its valve seat. The lifting block is carried by a lifting rod,
which is connected to the valve lever by the lifting link. The servomotor power

piston actuates the valve lever to position the high pressure control valve through
a connecting linkage. When the lifting block is raised, the high pressure control
valve is opened. The admission valves closing spring on the HP control valve will
close the steam admission valves in the event of a governor oil pressure or linkage

Tripping System:
Automatic tripping is accomplished by turbine overspeed, too high bearing metal
temperature, too high axial displacement and too low lube oil and/or trip oil
pressure. Under all these actions the turbine trip solenoids will be activated and
trip oil pressure is released to drain, allowing the steam trip valves to close, thus
shutting off the steam flow to the turbine and causing the turbine to shut down. At a
trip of the turbine, also the turbine control valves will be closed through a contact
that causes the Woodward actuator to run to the closed position.

Trip Valves:
The high pressure, and low pressure steam inlet lines are provided with a trip
valve. These valves will immediately shut off the steam supply to the turbine
when a turbine trip occurs. These valves are opened by the trip oil pressure and
will be closed by spring force if the trip oil pressure drops below a certain value.
The valves are provided with an electronic exercise system for checking the
functioning of the electronic overspeed trip system and the freedom of the trip
valve moving parts during operation. This system consists of a signal generator,
several relays and switches and solenoid valves. The system functions as follows:
By pushing the "TEST" knob circuit 1,2 or 3 the output of the signal
generator is supplied to the speed switch 1,2 or 3 of the Woodward. At the same
time, solenoid 307 will be switched into the test position and will prevent the
turbine from tripping when solenoid valve 308 is energized (opened). Increase the
output of the signal generator, upon reaching the trip frequency, solenoid valve 308
will be energized and oil is drained from the trip valve cylinder causing the piston
to move in the valve closing direction by spring force. The piston stops
automatically as soon as the piston closes drain hole. This position will be
indicated by the lamp "Trip valve test position". Decrease the output of the
signal generator and release the "Test" knob.
Check to see that the trip valve's piston returns to its normal position. Repeat
this procedure for the second trip valve. The above described test should be done
once a week. The oil cylinder of each trip valve is equipped with a relay valve which
opens a large flow area around it for fast tripping upon loss of trip oil pressure,
without using large oil lines. When the emergency system is reset, the relay valve
closes under influence of the trip oil pressure. On steam side the valves are fitted
with an integral steam strainer.

Overspeed Trip:
Besides the three electronic speed switches as described above, the unit is also
provided with a mechanical overspeed trip. This device is a spring loaded
plunger set radially in the overspeed trip body. This body is mounted to the pinion
of the gearbox. At the designed tripping speed(5900 rpm) the centrifugal force of
the plunger overcomes the counteracting force of thr plunger spring, the plunger
moves outward and strikes the nut of the handtrip device causing trip oil pressure to
drain, which results in closing of the trip valves. For test purposes the overspeed trip

can be made to act at operating speed (without tripping the unit) by filling the plunger
with oil. To test the mechanical overspeed trip during operation handle as

1) While running the unit at 4700 ±50 rpm. push the test valve 310 into
test position. This will prevent the turbine from tripping.
2) Open valve 301, Thus admitting oil into the overspeed plunger
causing the plunger to move outward.
3) Make sure that the plunger has struck the hand trip device nut. If
necessary readjust the overspeed trip device.
4) Close valve 301, wait a few minutes so that oil can leave the plunger
causing the plunger to retract.( TO AVOID DAMAGE TO THE
5) Reset the hand trip device.(TO PREVENT THE TURBINE FROM
6) Release test valve 310 so that it returns to the normal position.

The above described test should be done at least every two months. During
this test the mechanical overspeed trip can not shutdown the turbine. The unit
however is still protected against overspeed by the overspeed switches which are
part of the woodward governor.

Handtrip Device:
This device is mounted on the gearbox at free pinion end. When the stem of this
device is moved by the overspeed trip plunger, it will be moved into the valve
body. This opens the valve and releases the pressure in the trip oil line, causing
the trip valves to close. The hand trip device can be manually reset, but normally
this will be done by the action of its solenoid 311. The solenoid is energised then
for some time to close the valve against spring force until it is held closed by trip
oil pressure.

Testing Tripping Mechanisms:

The operation of all tripping mechanisms should be checked on initial starting and
each time the unit is started after a prolonged shut down or overhaul. The
functioning of the trip system should be tested at stand still and in the following

1) Make sure that the main steam block valves are closed.
2) Start the main or auxiliary lube oil pump and check the oil pressures.
3) Reset the trip oil system.
4) Trip the unit by releasing lube oil pressure.

5) Observe the action of the trip valves to see that they trip instantly
with no evidence of sticking or binding.


Normal Starting Preparations:

1. Energize all control and alarm circuits and verify their action.
2. Make sure that the HP trip valve is closed.
3. Make sure that the LP trip valve is closed.
4. Place the turbine controller in the position control mode.
5. Make sure that the output of the position controller is 0%.
6. Make sure that the gland steam condensor is ready for operation.
7. Drain condensate from the steam lines, turbine case and trip throttle valves by
opening their respective drain valves.
8. Check the oil level and the condition of the oil. Be sure, the oil is in good
condition, uncontaminated by water sludge or other foreign matter.
9. Start the main oil pump and vent the oil system thoroughly. Fill the stand by
oil cooler and filter. Start the oil vapour extractor of the oil reservoir.
10. Check the oil pressures. Lube oil gauge pressure should be 2 kg/cm2 at the
turbine. If necessary adjust relief valve 109. Control oil gauge pressure should
be 10 kg/cm2 at the turbine. If necessary adjust relief valve 108. Make sure
that the auxiliary oil pump and the emergency oil pump start at the correct oil
11. Engage the coupling between the turbine and the main boiler feed pump.
12. Start the turning gear.
13. Open the turbine drains.
14. Start the steam supply to the turbine gland seal system. Gland seal steam
gauge pressure should be 0.1 kg/cm2.
15. Put the condensing system into operation.

16. Warm the boiler feed pump thoroughly by putting the warming up system in
the automatic mode, check to see that:

A) Temperature differential between suction and discharge ends

of pump case is 250C or less.
B) Higher pump case temperature is within 300 C of operating
C) In emergencies it is allowed to start a pump without warming

17. After warming up the pump, close the valve in the warming up supply line.
18. .Make sure that the drains of the pump case are closed and that the pump the
discharge valve is closed
19. Make sure that the valves in the gland seal water lines to the opened. main
pump and in the seal water lines to the booster pump are Vent the seal water
system and coolers thoroughly.
20. Make sure that the drain lines from the seal housings are open.

21. Open the valves in the recirculation line.
22. Fill the pump with boiler feed water, being sure pump is fully vented. Pump
may be filled from seal injection system, or through warm up connection.
23. Set control valves for the seal injection system (approximately 750 C.).
24. When the water pressure in the pump approximates the suction pressure,
open the valve in the suction line.
25. Make sure that the booster pump is ready to operate.
26. Thoroughly drain and preheat the steam supply lines.
27. Make sure that the turbine vacuum is below 0.3 kg/cm2 absolute.
28. Reset the turbine trip system and test the tripping mechanisms as described in
control section.
29. After testing the trip mechanisms, reset the trip system again.Make sure that
the trip valves open.
30) When the lube oil temperature has reached at least 350 C., and the steam just
before the LP trip valve is at least 400 C. superheated, open the steam
admission valves (by raising the output of the position control) to bring the
turbine up to speed of about 1000 rpm so that the turbine may be heated
NOTE: After a black out the turbine can be started with auxiliary steam of 16
bar and 2100C. It must be ensured that no water, from the inlet piping, can
enter the turbine.
31) Operate at 1000 rpm for not less than a quarter of an hour. During the
warming up period listen carefully for any rubbing, unusual noise or
vibration. Also during the warming up period check oil pressures, oil
temperatures, oil flow to bearings and general mechanical performance of the
NOTE: If abnormal vibration, noise or any other erratic condition should
develop, shut the unit down immediately and investigate the cause.
32) Throttle all steam drain valves to a quarter turn open.
33) After the turbine has been thoroughly warmed (that means casing
temperature is within 500C. from the steam temperature) and the vibrations
are normal, and vacuum is below 0.3 kg/cm2 absolute, increase the speed by
raising the output of the position control. Increase the speed in steps of 20
rpm/sec. The control system will automatically change over from position
control to speed control when the turbine speed reaches the minimum speed
setting of the digital speed reference.
CAUTION: Care should be exercised when the unit is accelerating or
decelerating through the critical speeds. Prolonged operation is
limited to speeds at least 10% removed from critical.
34) Increase the speed by means of raising the digital speed reference.
35) The boiler feed pump is discharging through the recirculation line. The unit
can be operated satisfactory under these conditions until the pump is ready to
be put on the line.
36) Check the operation of the oil system. The cooling water flow through the oil
cooler should be adjusted so that the temperature of the oil leaving the cooler is
37) Check that the seal steam gauge pressure is 0.1 kg/cm2. Make required
38) Close the turbine drains except the drain behind the HP trip valve. This drain
must always be open.

39) Open the pump discharge valve to put the pump on the line.
40) Increase the speed up to the minimum feed water control speed. At reaching
this speed, the feed water control signal will be balanced with the actual speed
setting. This balancing is completed when the feed water controller has no
intention to provide a raise or lower command to the digital speed reference.
The contact for remote speed setting can now be closed and the feed water
signal will provide raise and lower commands to the digital speed reference.
41) Check to see that the proper vacuum is being maintained on the turbine exhaust.

NOTE: - In Unit # 4,5 & 6 TDBFP ‘B,’ a new controller has been installed &
commissioned under R & M. The operating procedure for this controller is as
1. After ensuring all permissive, give RESET command.
2. After turbine RESET, for rolling the turbine give GOVERNOR START
3. After giving GOVERNOR START command give RAISE command for control
valve opening.
4. After attaining the turbine speed 1000 rpm SPEED CONTROL will be
automatically active (no need of REQUEST CHANGE).
5. After attaining the speed 1000 rpm, further give RAISE command till saturation
(until RAISE push button lamp glows). This will not affect control valve opening
or turbine speed.
6. After 1000 rpm turbine speed, control valve opening will be controlled by SPEED
7. After 1000 rpm, by raising the SPEED SET POINT turbine speed can be
increased for required loading.

RUNNING - A least once every shift, the following log checks should be made:

1) Unit speed
2) Oil temperature and pressure. The condition of the oil should be checked at
least every six months.
3) Bearing temperatures. The unit must be tripped when the bearing metal
temperature increases to 1200C. The alarm setting should be adjusted at 50
C. above the initial stabilised operating temperature.
4) Unit vibrations. Any sudden increase in vibration level must be investigated
and the cause corrected before operation is continued.
5) Seal steam pressure. Check to see that the gland steam system operates
6) Exhaust vacuum.
7) Sealing water temperature. Make sure that the control valves of the seal
water system are set properly(approx. 750C.).If the temperature of the
booster pump sealing water outlet, exceeds the normal value of 650C.,
check the sealing chamber and the cooling water supply to the sealing water
cooler. If every thing is found o.k., inspect the filters and coolers in the
sealing water system. If the temperature of the main pump seal water outlet,
exceeds 800 C, check the sealing chamber, the water supply to the seals and
the seal water filters.
8) Pump inlet and outlet pressures and temperatures. Make sure that there is
always a sufficient normal suction head is available, the pump may get

damaged if the normal suction head is too low. Therefore, pay special
attention to the filters in the suction piping. Also a pressure drop in the
deaerator may lead to a loss of normal suction head. For this reason the
pressure drop must be restricted.
09) Pump flow.
10) Flow through the balance piping, kicker stage and bleed off line.
11) Under certain conditions, the temperature differentials of a running pump
may be higher than the differentials given for putting a cold or standby pump
on the line. This is permissible, only if the flow through the pump exceeds the
recirculation flow of the pump.
12) Test the electronic exercise system off the turbine trip valves once a week as
described in the control section.
13) Test the mechanical overspeed trip device every two months as described in
the control section.


1) Decrease the speed until the minimum flow valve opens and the pump
does not supply feed water to the boiler any longer.
2) Trip the turbine with help of the hand trip device or with one of the other trip
devices. Make sure that the trip valves close instantly.
3) After turbine rotor comes to the rest, disengage the coupling between the
main pump and the turbine, and start the turning gear.
4) Open the turbine drains.
5) Break the turbine vacuum.
6) Stop the steam supply to the gland steam system.
7) The turning gear can be stopped when the turbine casing
temperature is below 700 C.
8) The oil supply can be stopped when the turbine rotor is at stand still.

NOTE - If it should be necessary to restart the unit before it has cooled down, it
should be done in accordance with the start up curve.

Prepared by: Shri R Subhedar, SS (O)

(The above write-up was lost when opr/kstps4 was accidentally deleted. Shri ANS
Suryanarayan, Engr (O) has made a concerted effort to retrieve all the valuable
data. This write-up also has been possible due to his diligence. TDBFP ‘B’
controller operation information is supplied by Shri R B Dwivedi – C&I )


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