Grade11QuarterlyExam March2024
Grade11QuarterlyExam March2024
Grade11QuarterlyExam March2024
5. Long Jump, Triple Jump, High Jump, and Pole Vault are examples of
Test I – MULTIPLE CHOICE what event in track and field?
A. Hurdles B. Jumps
Direction: Select the correct answer for the following questions.
C.Sprints D. Throws
ENCIRCLE the letter of the correct answer. STRICTLY NO
6. The following are health-related fitness tests. Which is for
cardiovascular endurance?
1. Which is the best strategy for improving the flexibility of the body? A. 1 km. run B. Push-ups
A. Perform different stretching exercises targeting multiple areas. C.Squats D. Sit and Reach
B. Perform stretching exercises in between strength-building 7. Rain is an athlete, and she must leap over several barriers that are
exercises. placed at a specific area around the track. What event is she in?
C. Perform the same exercise over and over until the target is A. 100 m. dash B. Hurdles
reached. C.Relays D. Shotput
D. Perform a set of routine exercises, targeting only one area of the 8. Aleyra is an athlete who throws a heavy disc to mark a farther distance
body. than her competitors. What event is she in?
2. Which is not a good body composition? A. Discus Throw B. Long Jump
A. Improve muscle endurance. C.Javelin Throw D. Triple Jump
B. Increase range of motion 9. Which field event combines athletes’ speed, strength, and agility to
C. Increase the range of movement. leap as far as possible from a take-off point?
D. Weightlifting for muscles A. Discus Throw B. Long Jump
3. Which of the following exercises is best for improving muscular C.Javelin Throw D. Triple Jump
strength and endurance? 10. In which field event does an athlete use a flexible pole as an aid to
A. Bicycling B. Running jump over a horizontal bar?
C. Push-ups D. Walking A. Discus Throw B. Long Jump
4. In which type of events do athletes race over short distances? C.Pole Vault D. Triple Jump
A. Hurdles B. Jumps
C.Middle-distance D. Sprints
11. Kiel has been running five times a week with his track team to improve Test II – IDENTIFICATION
his mile run time. Which health-related fitness components is he Direction: Identify what is being asked on the following
working on? questions. Write your answer/s in the space provided.
A. Cardiovascular Endurance B. Flexibility
C.Muscular Endurance D. Muscular Strength ____________________ 21. It is a type of sport where the fundamental nature of
12. Which meter races are considered sprints? the game or sport necessitates the participation of multiple individuals
A. 100, 200, 400 B. 110, 210, 410 working together as a team.
C.150, 250, 350 D. 200, 300, 500 ____________________ 22. This is included in track and field events where a
13. What are cardiovascular endurance, muscular strength, muscular spear about 2.5 m (8 ft 2 in) in length, is thrown as far as possible.
endurance, flexibility, and body composition components of? ____________________ 23. If you participate in a sport because you enjoy it
A. Body Mass Index B. Flexibility rather than to win awards or competitions.
C.Health-Related Fitness D.Skill-Related Fitness ____________________ 24. In this track and field event, speed is the most vital
14. Which skill enables one to become and stay physically healthy? ingredient for a successful jump.
A. Body Mass Index B. Flexibility ____________________ 25. Who is the fastest Jamaican sprinter in history with a
C.Health-Related Fitness D. Skill-Related Fitness world record time of 9.58 seconds?
15. What term is used to describe running, throwing, and jumping events? ____________________ 26. It is a pressure that can come from different aspects
A. Athletics B. Meeting of our day-to-day life. It is a feeling of being under abnormal pressure.
C.Relays D. Field and Track ____________________ 27. In what year that the Olympic games become very
16. Performing different stretching exercises that target multiple areas of competitive and during that year women are included in the game?
the body is the strategy for improving the _____. ____________________ 28. It is any bodily movement produced by skeletal
A. Cardiovascular Endurance B. Flexibility muscles that requires energy expenditure.
C.Muscular Endurance D. Muscular Strength ____________________ 29. It is a sport in athletics (track and field) in which a
disk-shaped object is thrown for distance.
17. Good body composition includes __________. ____________________ 30. You need to plan on some real downtime to give
A. Increase range of motion B. Increase range of motion your mind time off from stress.
C. Weightlifting for muscles D. All of the above
18. Push-ups are the best exercise when improving _________. Test III – ENUMERATION
A. Cardiovascular Endurance B. Muscular Strength and Endurance Direction: Enumerate the following items listed below.
C. Body Composition D. Flexibility
19. Sprint is a type of event where in the athlete runs over _________. A. Running Events B. Jumping Events
A. An obstacle B. Long Distance 1. 1.
C. Short Distance D. None of the Above 2. 2.
20. Jumping events in athletics include __________. 3. 3.
A. hop, hog, walk B. Discus Throw, Hammer Throw, Javelin Throw 4.
C. High Jump, Long Jump, D. Hurdles, Long Distance
Pole Vault, Triple Jump Middle Distance, Relay, Sprint
C.Throwing Events
D. Different Techniques in Passing the Baton
2. Age: 65 years old
3. Weight: 94 kg.
E. Types of Motivation F. Types of Sports Height: 175 cm.
1. 1. BMI:
2. 2.
Test IV – Solving
Direction: Compute the BMI of the given weight and
height and identify its classification. Show the solutions.
Prepared by:
Mr. Jude Andrei J. Makilan, LPT
Approved by:
Mr. Christopher Bernard M. Dormido RMT, MAELM
School Principal