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Epidemiologi Molekuler 01

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Ruang lingkup
Peran dalam Kesehatan Masyarakat
Masyarakat Sehat
(healthy people)

Masyarakat dalam risiko

(Risk People)

Masyarakat sakit
(sick people)

Figure of Condition of health in community

Contoh Kasus

Disfungsi tiroid pada wanita pekerja pembersih

sisa daun bawang pasca panen. Pajanan gas dari
kulit bawang selama beberapa tahun
menyebabkan perubahan genetik; yang berakibat
pada perubahan fungsi protein yang mengatur
fungsi kelenjar tiroid sehingga produksi hormon
tiroid terganggu dan berakibat disfungsi tiroid.
Pembuktian terjadinya disfungsi tiroid
menggunakan parameter molekuler, yang dapat
dideteksi secara dini.

Mahasiswa dapat menjelaskan tentang

• definisi epidemiologi molekuler
• ruang lingkup epidemiologi molekuler
• Peran dan manfaat epidemiologi
molekuler dalam kesehatan masyarakat
Definisi Epidemiologi Molekuler
• Higginson J : “the application of sophisticated techniques
to the epidemiologic study of biological material”
• Schulte PA: “molecular epidemiology is the use of
biologic markers or biologic measurements in
epidemiologic research”
• Tompkins LS: “the application of molecular biology to
the study of infectious disease epidemiology”
• McMichael AJ: “using molecular biomarkers in
• Groopman JD, Kensler TW, Links JM: “molecular
epidemiologic research involves the identification of
relations between previous exposure to some putative
causative agent and subsequent biological effects in a
cluster of individuals in populations”
Definisi Epidemiologi Molekuler
• Hall A: “the analysis of nucleic acids and proteins in the
study of health and disease determinants in human
• Shpilberg O, Dorman JS, Ferrell RE, et al.:“molecular
epidemiology uses molecular techniques to define
disease and its pre-clinical states, to quantify exposure
and its early biological effect, and to identify the
presence of susceptibility genes”
• Levin BR, Lipsitch M, Bonhoeffer S: “the practical goals
of molecular epidemiology are to identify the
microparasites responsible for infectious diseases and
determine their physical sources, their biological
relationships, and their route of transmission and those
of the genes responsible for their virulence,
vaccinerelevant antigens and drug resistance”
Ruang lingkup

• Penggunaan marker/petanda molekuler

(DNA, RNA, Protein) utk studi epidemiologi
• Penerapan teknik & metode biologi
molekuler (PCR, ELISA, elektroforesis)
– Teknik/cara kerja laboratorik
• Hasil  informasi genetik (ekspresi,
mutasi, polimorfisme)
Objek yg dibahas

• Penyakit (menular & tidak menular)

• Respon thd xenobiotics (polutan,
pestisida, obat, B3 lain)  lingkungan
Material yg diolah

• Asam nukleat (DNA, RNA)

• Asam amino
• Protein
Jenjang Material Molekuler
• Basa
– Purine (Guanine [G], Cytocine [C])
– Pyrimidine (Adenine [A], Tymine [T], Uracil
• Asam amino tersusun dr 3 basa
• Protein  tersusun dr asam amino
• Enzim (terbntuk dr protein)
– Membantu metabolisme  ggn metab
• Hormon (trbntuk dr protein)
– Mgndalikan produksi enzim  ggn metab
Riwayat alamiah penyakit

Perubahan biologik
wkt trdeteksi
Fase rentan Periode Periode Fase terminal
Skrining faktor risiko subklinis klinis
Skining utk diagnosis
deteksi dini
Teknik Molekuler

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