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Protection & Development of
Girl Child in India
Sex Ratio of India
 It is defined as the number of females per 1000 males.
 It is an important social indicator to measure the extent of prevailing
equity between males and females at a given point of time.
Sex Ratio (2009)
At Birth 893
Under 15 909
15 – 64 years 943
65 - over 1,111
Sex Ratio is declining over period of time
India & the Girl Child
 Traditions and rituals outline the existence of the Indian girl child.
 Female infants are still found dumped in trash, by the dozens, while
unborn fetuses continue to be aborted.
 Wrought with discrimination and prejudiced by rituals, our society has
dealt the girl child a rough hand.
 The root cause of malnutrition amongst girls is not just poverty and lack
of nutritious food, but also like lack of value attached to girls.
 The media continues to present images of men using strength or violence
to establish their authority & images of women in traditional domestic or
submissive roles.
Important Facts about India
 Termination of 10mn female fetuses over the past 20 years.
 More than 27 lacs child deaths a year, with the figures for
female children being much higher than male children.
 53% of girls in the age group 5 to 9 years are illiterate.
 75% of married women were underage when they got
 1 in every 2 girls is malnourished.
 Out of the 12 mn girls born, 1 mn die before the 1st year of
 1 out of sixth girl child dies due to gender discrimination.
 1 out of every 10 women report instances of child sexual
abuse (CSA) .
 Female mortality is higher in 224 out of 402 districts in

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Child marriage
Child marriageChild marriage
Child marriage

Child marriage is a violation of children's human rights that continues to deny millions of girls their childhood. It is often caused by poverty, where families marry off young daughters to escape financial hardship or settle debts. Weak laws against child marriage and lack of enforcement allow the practice to continue in some countries. Child marriage deprives girls of their right to education, health, and protection from exploitation. Early pregnancy is a dangerous consequence, and child brides face increased risk of violence and abuse. Efforts to stop child marriage include raising awareness, supporting girls' education, and strengthening laws that set the legal marriage age at 18 or older.

Importance of womens education
Importance of womens educationImportance of womens education
Importance of womens education

The document discusses the history and current state of female education in India. It notes that historically India has had very low rates of female literacy due to societal biases that viewed women's roles as limited to the home. Over time, various programs and initiatives have sought to improve access to education for girls and women, including the Wood's Dispatch program in 1854, the establishment of the national committee on women's education in 1958, and the 86th Constitutional Amendment in 2002 guaranteeing free elementary education. However, challenges remain around infrastructure, resources, and societal attitudes that still discourage female education in some areas and families. Overall access to and quality of female education in India has increased but still needs further progress.

Child marriage
Child marriageChild marriage
Child marriage

This is the presentation subject of BUSINESS ETHICATES & PRESENTATION SKILL AMCOST clg BBA Student

Human Rights of a Girl Child
 Right to freedom from discrimination based on
gender, age, race, colour, language, religion,
ethnicity, or any other status.
 Right to a standard of living adequate for a child's
intellectual, physical, moral, and spiritual
 Right to a healthy and safe environment.
 Right to the highest possible standard of health
and to equal access to health care.
 Right to equal access to food and nutrition.
 Right to life and to freedom from prenatal sex
 Right to education.
Human Rights of a Girl Child
 Right to freedom from cultural practices, customs
and traditions harmful to the child, including
female genital mutilation.
 Right to information about health, sexuality and
 Right to protection from all physical or mental
 Right to protection from economic and sexual
exploitation, prostitution, and trafficking.
 Right to freedom from forced or early marriage.
 Right to equal rights to inheritance.
 Right to express opinion about plans or decisions
affecting the child's life.
Key Problems
 Before Birth to 1 year
o Foeticide and Infanticide.
o Infant mortality.
o Discrimination in breast feeding and infant food.
o Neglect of health (immunization).
 1 to 11 years
o Discrimination in access to food and health care.
o Malnutrition, Aneamia and micro-nutrient deficiency.
o Health problems like Polio and diarrhea.
o Low school enrolment and School drop outs.
o Vulnerable to trafficking, child labour, child marriage.
o Abuse, exploitation and violence.
o Domestic chores and looking after siblings.
o Restriction on mobility and play.
o Discrimination in overall treatment and parental care.
Key Problems
 11 to 18 years (Adolescents)
o Poor health.
o Low literacy level.
o Restriction on mobility and play.
o Poor access/ Denial to information and services.
o Marital and domestic violence.
o Child Marriage and early and frequent pregnancy coupled with abortions.
o Dowry Harassment, desertion, polygamy, divorce.
o Frequent illness due to Malnutrition, Aneamia and micro-nutrient deficiency
o Child labour, trafficking..
o STDs and HIV/AIDs.
o Heavy domestic work including commuting long distances to collect firewood/
drinking water.
o Unpaid and unrecognized work, and drudgery.
o No voice either in Home or society.

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Child Rights in India
Child Rights in IndiaChild Rights in India
Child Rights in India

'Child Rights in India' Presented by Mr. Nandeesh Y D at an International Conference. You can request for a copy of the presentation at ydnandeesh@gmail.com

social problem faced by indian women.ppt
social problem faced by indian women.pptsocial problem faced by indian women.ppt
social problem faced by indian women.ppt

The document discusses various social problems faced by women in India, according to Nehru's view that a nation's condition can be assessed by looking at the status of its women. It outlines issues like female feticide, dowry, restrictions on widows remarrying, gender bias, child neglect and child marriage. Specific problems discussed in more depth include female feticide resulting in a skewed sex ratio, child marriage where many girls bear children before age 19, and dowry practices that are regulated by the groom's salary and education level.

society and culture
Save girl child
Save girl childSave girl child
Save girl child

this is a presentation made in DELHI on 30th may for save the girl child and say NO to sex selection in the IIS 2012 CONFERENCE........... WE ALL NEED TO UNDERSATND OUR SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY AND BE "GOOD DOCTOR"................

Current Social Marketing
Project Nanhi Kali
 Initiated in 1996 by K C Mahindra Education Trust (KCMET) with an
objective of providing primary education to the underprivileged girl child
in India..
 Supports the education of girl children by providing not only academic
support but also direct material support in the form of uniforms, clothes,
note books etc..
 Individuals, groups and corporates are encouraged to sponsor the
education of a girl child for a minimum period of one year.
 The project currently supports the education of over 50,800
underprivileged girl children.
Cinema & Girl Child’s Education
 CSR partnership between Adlabs Cinema and Nanhi Kali, an NGO.
 Support and spread awareness on education of the disadvantaged girl
child in India..
 Adlabs introduced a special food combo called the “Classroom Combo” –
a certain percentage of the sales of which was contributed to the cause
of nurturing a girl child’s education.
Mulgi Shikli, Pragati Jhali
 The RTO doesn't "pass" any new auto rickshaw
that doesn't have this social message emblazoned
on it's back.
 Every commuter on the roads in bumper to
bumper Bombay traffic reads this message & is
aware of it's importance.
 The best part is that each poor, semi-literate auto
rickshaw driver now knows that this is an
important message!

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Child marriage
Child marriageChild marriage
Child marriage

This document provides information about a presentation on child marriage given at Govt. Sr. Sec. School Jatusana on January 21, 2021. It defines child marriage as a formal or informal union before the age of 18. Statistics for India show that 47% of girls are married before 18 and 30.2% before 15 based on 2011 census data. Causes of child marriage include poverty, economic hardship, gender inequality, tradition and culture. Effects include health risks from early pregnancy and high fertility. Laws against child marriage in India include the Child Marriage Restraint Act, Prohibition of Child Marriage Act, and articles in the Hindu Marriage Act.

childmarriagechild marriage
Save Girl Child
Save Girl ChildSave Girl Child
Save Girl Child

This document discusses the issue of sex selection and female feticide in India. It notes that while laws have been passed against killing infant girls, this practice has now taken more subtle forms of murder. It explores reasons for son preference in Indian society such as economic, social and religious factors. Statistics are provided showing alarming sex ratios in some states and the effects of this imbalance. The document outlines techniques used for sex selection like ultrasound and amniocentesis, and notes government efforts to regulate these practices through acts like the PCPNDT Act. Overall it examines the complex social and cultural reasons behind female feticide as well as legislative efforts to address this issue.

by gndu
Child labour
Child labourChild labour
Child labour

This document provides an overview of child labour in India through a presentation by Maj Gen Nilendra Kumar for Bachpan Bachao Andolan and Lex Consilium Foundation. It defines child labour and notes that 168 million children globally and over 11 million in India are engaged in child labour. The presentation discusses the link between child labour, poverty, and lack of education. It outlines the Child Labour (Prohibition and Regulation) Act of 1986 and key cases like PUDR v UOI that have addressed child labour. The document also discusses norms for raids, rescue of child labourers, and trials against offenders under the Act.

social justiceworking childrendangerous and hazardous occupations
Girl Child Issues in TV Soaps
National Girl Child Day
 Govt. of India declared January 24 as National Girl Child Day.
 This date marks the day in 1966 that Indira Gandhi took over as the first
woman prime minister of India.
 To spread the awareness of the same, a group of students from BITS
Pilani did a cycle rally from Pilani to nearby town Chirawa.
 The Ministry of Women and Child Development launched a campaign to
highlight the evils of:
o female foeticide.
o female infanticide.
o discrimination in health, nutrition and education.
o Gender bias.
International Girl Child Day
 September 24th
looks to bring light to the
issues & awareness to the plight of girls
across the globe.
 CRY launched an interactive micro-site to
involve people in the campaign against
gender discrimination.
 The online platform explores reasons that
give rise to the practice of female foeticide,
and provides information on skewed sex
PFMI World 2009 came
together with Nanhi Kali on
International Girl Child's
`Golden Future' for girl child
 CLINIC Plus, the shampoo brand from Hindustan
Lever Ltd, has announced an initiative for girl
children in Tamil Nadu called Ponnana Edhirkalam
(Golden Future).
 It aimed at recognising and celebrating the efforts
of the mother who invests and sacrifices for her
children's success.
 It held an essay-writing contest on `Why My
Mother is the Best Mother in the World' involving
160 girls' schools across 40 towns.
 It organised an entertainment night for 60 finalists
and their families in Chennai where the mothers
will be felicitated.
TV Commercial

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Gender equality
Gender equalityGender equality
Gender equality

The document discusses gender equality and the differences between natural gender differences versus societal constructs of gender. It notes that societies often discriminate against women, such as valuing male children over females, assigning domestic duties to women, and limiting women's freedoms and career choices. However, gender is largely a social construct, and equality means equal opportunities and power between men and women without discrimination. The constitution and laws of India aim to promote gender equality and empower women.

Child Marriage Act 2006
Child Marriage Act 2006Child Marriage Act 2006
Child Marriage Act 2006

Child marriage is a significant problem in India, with over 15 million children married each year and 15.4 million expected to be married by 2030. The Prohibition of Child Marriage Act was passed in 2006 to address issues with previous laws and allow children forced into marriage to annul their marriages. Child marriage occurs mainly due to tradition, gender roles, poverty, and security concerns. It negatively impacts girls' education, health, and economic opportunities and increases their risk of violence and HIV/AIDS. To address this problem, communities must be educated, girls empowered, and traditional leaders and men engaged to change social norms.

children boys and girlschild marriage slideshowak parimala slideshow
Gender Discrimination
Gender DiscriminationGender Discrimination
Gender Discrimination

Gender discrimination is a common and serious problem in India that has disastrous outcomes for the country. It involves the unfair treatment of individuals based on their gender, especially against women. Gender discrimination in India stems from various social and religious beliefs that promote men dominating mentalities. It is prevalent in many aspects of society, including in families through practices like abortion of females or giving them less food, in education where girls still lag behind boys at higher levels, and in the workplace where female participation and pay is much lower than for males. If left unaddressed, gender discrimination will continue to negatively impact women in India.

gender discriminationsocietyfamily
Opportunities & Threats
 Educating the girl child and increasing
awareness in the family.
 Social upliftment and lifestyle improvement.
 Discouraging beliefs in superstitions and.
having a practical approach.
 Increase in health and living standards.
 Understanding one’s ‘Rights’.
 Encouraging self – reliance and ability to
take decisions concerning self and family.
 Contribute towards betterment of self,
family and society at large.
 Tradition, culture and mindset of the people.
 Poverty
 Lack of awareness.
 Illiteracy
 Sustainability of programmes related to
upliftment of girl child.
 Acceptability in different environments.
spanning across socio-economic conditions.
 Prolonged timelines in implementation of
Proposed Social Marketing

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Child labour
Child labourChild labour
Child labour

The document discusses a student thanking various people who helped with completing their school project successfully and on time. The student thanks their teacher for moral support, guidance on their topic, and for being patient and helpful. The student also thanks their parents for helping gather information, collect data, and provide ideas to make the project unique, despite their busy schedules.

A study to examine case in child marriage ppt
A study to examine case in child marriage pptA study to examine case in child marriage ppt
A study to examine case in child marriage ppt

This document summarizes a study on child marriage in Gaya District, Bihar, India. The study aimed to understand the underlying reasons for child marriage and how to combat them. Key findings included: - Child marriage is common in Bihar, with 39.1% of women married before 18. Poverty, lack of education, and social pressures are contributing factors. - The majority of respondents believed financial issues force families to marry children early for economic benefits. Society and tradition also play an important role in encouraging child marriage. - Education and awareness were not seen as very effective in reducing child marriage due to low literacy rates. Stronger laws and actions are needed instead. - Child brides face risks like

Child marriage
Child marriageChild marriage
Child marriage

The document discusses child marriage, which is defined as marriage under the age of 18. Child marriage can negatively impact education as young brides have limited support to continue schooling. It also places significant responsibilities on children who are not ready, both physically and mentally. Health risks for child brides include physical damage from early sexual encounters, higher rates of maternal and infant mortality, and greater risk of HIV/STDs. Causes of child marriage include poverty, gender discrimination, tradition, lack of legal protection and awareness. India has a very high rate of child marriage, with 47% of girls married before 18. Niger has the highest rate globally, with 75% of girls married under 18. The document suggests actions individuals can take to help end

child marriagechild marriage in india
 To holistically empower the girl child in all aspects so that she can
become an equal partner with boys on the road to development and
 To give priority and attention on the survival, protection and wellbeing of
a girl child.
 To address the various constraints / persisting problems facing the girl
Segmentation & Targeting
 Segmentation based on:
o Age
o Gender
o Geography
o Income Group
o Literacy levels
 Target Segment will be:
o Parents
o Adolescent Girls from 11 years to 18 years
o Rural Areas
o Low Income Groups across the country (including slums in urban areas)
Positioning & Promotions
 Positioning will be:
o Ghar ki Lakshmi, Samaaj ki Saraswati
 Promotions will be done through:
o Advertising
o Public Relations
o Sponsorships
o BTL activities like road shows, puppet shows, wall paintings, folk theatre in
rural areas
Media Mix & Budget
Media Budget Vehicle
Television 30% TVC on major channels & TV shows
Print 20% Magazines, newspapers, fliers
Radio 10% Ad on major radio channels
Outdoor 12% Hoardings, Auto rickshaw & Bus backs,
Posters, BTL activities
Cinema 8% Movie tie-ups, Theatres
Internet 5% Website, banners, e-mailers
Mobile 3% SMS pushes
Direct Mail 2% Mail to the educated class
Events /
10% NGO based events, Charity Shows

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Gender discrimination ppt
Gender discrimination pptGender discrimination ppt
Gender discrimination ppt

A 9-year-old girl was trafficked with her entire family from different states in India and is forced to work making bricks from morning to night, seven days a week under the hot sun with no time off in conditions that constitute child labor.

Child labour.
Child labour.Child labour.
Child labour.

This presentation focuses on the issue of Child Labour and is useful for school and college projects.

child labourcollegeproject
Marriage in hindu society
Marriage in hindu societyMarriage in hindu society
Marriage in hindu society

The document provides an overview of Hindu marriages in India, including various types of marriages, customs, significance, and related issues. It discusses approved and unapproved marriage types according to ancient texts. Customs like Sapthapadi and post-marriage rites are described. Problems like dowry, child marriage, and sati are also covered. The Hindu Marriage Act of 1955 is summarized, and average marriage ages by state are provided from the 2001 census.

Promotional Campaign 1
Ghar ki Laxmi - Betiyan
 Objective:
Focus primarily on the positive aspects of girl child
and remove misconceptions and myths that affect
her worth and self esteem
 Role Celebrity – Sushmita Sen
 Spread the message using her Blog and Tweet pages
 Organize Press Releases in association with CRY
 Host a special auction on websites like ebay and
dedicate all the proceeds to educating girls in rural
Promotional Campaign 2
Baal Vivaah Roko
 Objective:
Focus on the negative impact of child
marriage (early pregnancies, mortality
and morbidity of the girl etc) and
emphasize the positive
developments of not allowing child
marriages (health and well being of
the girl etc.)
 Partner with NGOs to combat child marriage.
 Use all channels of communication and social dialogue to reach out to all
sections of the society especially targeting both parents and youth.
Anandi & Jagya
Action Plan
Action Plan
 Focus on girl education and develop more girl-friendly schools.
 Place a responsibility on the womenfolk to be part of decision making in
their various communities and step out of the cultural inhibitions.
 Corporate should tie up with NGO’s to spread awareness of various girl
child issues.
 To reduce fertility and infant mortality rates:
o promote better health, nutrition and quality of life among families.
o encourage greater economic productivity and labour force participation.
o improve overall social and economic development.
 The inclusion of Women organizations, Women Development Centers
and Study Centers, people’s representatives at all levels from Gram
Panchayat, block levels etc..

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Role of media
Role of mediaRole of media
Role of media

The document presents a group project on the role of media. It includes an introduction, types of media like television, radio and newspaper. It discusses the role of media in educating people about human rights and building society. It outlines advantages like education and entertainment, and disadvantages like violence and bad impact on children. It concludes that while media brings the world together and educates people, addiction can be harmful and it presents both benefits and downsides.

Role of media presentation
Role of media presentationRole of media presentation
Role of media presentation

The document discusses media in Pakistan, outlining its evolution, purposes, positive and negative impacts, and role in society. It notes that media includes print, electronic, and social media and its history in Pakistan dates back to pre-partition newspapers. Positively, media has increased awareness, supported education and democracy, and given voice to the public. However, it has also increased consumerism, promoted Western culture over national identity, and sometimes portrays unrealistic values or spreads unverified information. The role of media in Pakistan is important but also carries responsibilities.

mediaprint mediasocial media
Girl Rights and Protection in India
Girl Rights and Protection in IndiaGirl Rights and Protection in India
Girl Rights and Protection in India

A girl is like a flower to be nurtured. She is a goddess to be revered. She is mother earth that sustains the very breath of humanity. How can man even think of killing her in the womb? It is said in the Bhagwat Gita that the karma of the past catches up. For those who have killed their daughters mercilessly they will go through the same fate. But the woman whose tender heart continues to nurture will still give a chance to evil to redeem. Unless India gives women a chance to survive, it would fail as the world’s largest democracy.

aashray for everyonedeepshikha ranagirl rights and protection in india
Action Plan
 Female feticide should be treated as a crime and not just a social evil and
therefore the state must take primarily corrective, preventive and
punitive action to address the crime.
 As foeticide is murder of the unborn child, it should be examined
whether it can be treated as a crime under IPC and brought under the
jurisdiction of Sessions Court.
 A special provision called ‘Cradle Baby’ or ‘Palna Scheme’ should be put
in place whereby those who do not want to raise their daughters can
place them in these specially appointed cradle centers supported by the
State. This will prevent female feticide and rescue the missing daughters .
 Financial and other non-cash incentives for retaining and educating the
girl child.
Action Plan
 Rehabilitation packages need to be designed for specific types of abuse/
violence so that the victim receives the correct and appropriate
rehabilitation required to be successfully reintegrated back into society.
 Health and hygiene education should be conducted for children of sex
workers as due to their high risk environment , the possibilities of
contracting STD/ HIV/AIDs etc are quite high.
 Strengthen regional and overseas initiatives to prevent cross border
trafficking and also enable rescue and repatriation of children to their
countries of origin.
 Ensure that the employers of domestic child labour especially of girls are
Monitoring & Surveillance
 At the village level, community based organizations, NGOs, local self help
groups can become the monitoring authorities, while at the State level
different line Ministries/Departments would be involved.
 Compulsory registration of pregnancies and births will help in ensuring
that unwarranted abortions do not take place. PRIs should be given the
responsibility of taking note of female births and tracking the progress of
girl children.
 A website could be developed to disseminate to wider audiences and flag
the names of black-listed organizations/clinics/doctors.
 A system of incentives can be formulated for tip offs on clinics which are
indulging in sex determination.

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Save Girl Child Project ISR
Save Girl Child Project ISRSave Girl Child Project ISR
Save Girl Child Project ISR

This document provides information about Mamta Singh's Individual Social Responsibility project on the social cause of saving the girl child. It includes an executive summary, introduction, key issues related to medical ethics, legal jurisdiction, and socio-economic issues facing the girl child such as declining sex ratios, female foeticide, and initiatives to address child marriage and education. It also discusses the work of the NGO Save Girl Child Organization and the national plan of action to save the girl child in India.

Safety for Girls
Safety for GirlsSafety for Girls
Safety for Girls

This document provides tips for women's safety. It advises not handing bags to robbers and kicking out tail lights if thrown in a trunk. It warns against sitting in cars alone and suggests immediately driving away. When parking, it recommends checking for intruders before entering and walking back if a lone male is nearby. It also suggests taking elevators over stairs and always running from armed predators.

social problems faced by women
social problems faced by women social problems faced by women
social problems faced by women

This document summarizes some of the social problems faced by women in India. It notes that according to Jawaharlal Nehru, the condition of women indicates the condition of the nation. While India has achieved success, women still face a daily battle for survival and dignity from birth to death. Some of the key problems faced by women include female feticide, dowry, restrictions on widow remarriage, gender bias, neglect during childhood, and child marriage. Child marriage is common, with 70% of girls in rural areas married before 18 and 56% bearing children before 19. Dowry is defined as property received by the husband's family at the time of marriage and is influenced by the husband's job, economic

Government Support
 Provisions of human right law guaranteeing the Human Rights of the Girl-
 Effective implementation of the Pre-Conception and Pre-Natal Diagnostic
Techniques (Prohibition of Sex Selection) Act, 1994 (PC and PNDT Act).
 The Child Marriage Restraint Act 1929 (CMRA) provides for punishment
to those who have allowed, contracted, performed or have been involved
in a child marriage
Ensuring Equitable Development
 The Role of the Family
o Parents play a critical role in their children’s development and are primarily
responsible for the environment in which children are socialized.
 The Role of Education
o The education sector plays a role in the perpetuation of gender stereotypes,
but It can also be a crucial locus for changing them.
 The Role of the Media
o The media could have an enormous impact in the re-definition of gender roles
by presenting different images of both women and men.
o The media must assume some responsibility for its own role in perpetuating
gender stereotypes and devise an alternative reality.
Ensuring Equitable Development
 The Role of Government
o Recognition of girl’s labour force participation.
o Facilitation of girl’s access to education through flexible hours, scholarships
and labour-saving technologies like wells (which cut down on girls' burden of
domestic labour).
o Redistribution of resources to address issues of girl’s access to food and
medical care (including contraception).

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Crimes against children
Crimes against childrenCrimes against children
Crimes against children

This document summarizes crimes against children in India in 2011. It finds that 33,098 cases of crimes against children were reported, a 24% increase from 2010. The top crimes were kidnapping and abduction (15,282 cases), rape (7,112 cases), and murder (1,514 cases). Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, and Delhi had the highest numbers of crimes against children. The crime rate against children increased from 2.3 to 2.7 per 100,000 population. Chargesheets were filed in 78.8% of IPC crimes and 93.4% of special law crimes, while the overall conviction rate was 34.6%.

national crime records
Disadvantages of Social networking
Disadvantages of Social networkingDisadvantages of Social networking
Disadvantages of Social networking

Social networking sites like Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn have become very popular but also come with some disadvantages. They can be addictive and cause users to spend hours online rather than focusing on work, school, or real-world socializing. This overuse of social media can negatively impact users' mental and physical health, concentration and motivation, and communication skills. Cyberbullying is also a risk, and the excessive use of social media by youth replaces time that could be spent on other activities. While social networks can help people connect, they require responsible use to avoid harmful effects.

Women and child welfare
Women and child welfareWomen and child welfare
Women and child welfare

The document discusses issues related to women and child development in India. It notes that women are essential for existence but have long been oppressed. It outlines many problems faced by women like illiteracy, poverty, violence, and health issues. Similarly, many children live in deprived conditions and face malnutrition, diseases, lack of education. The government has implemented various policies and programs to promote empowerment, like reservations for women in local governance and the National Commission for Women. NGOs also work on issues such as health, education, trafficking. While steps have been taken, more needs to be done to change social mindsets and truly protect and develop women and children in India.

women's healthwomen indiawomen and child

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Development of GIrl Child

  • 1. Protection & Development of Girl Child in India
  • 2. Sex Ratio of India  It is defined as the number of females per 1000 males.  It is an important social indicator to measure the extent of prevailing equity between males and females at a given point of time. Sex Ratio (2009) At Birth 893 Under 15 909 15 – 64 years 943 65 - over 1,111 Sex Ratio is declining over period of time
  • 3. India & the Girl Child  Traditions and rituals outline the existence of the Indian girl child.  Female infants are still found dumped in trash, by the dozens, while unborn fetuses continue to be aborted.  Wrought with discrimination and prejudiced by rituals, our society has dealt the girl child a rough hand.  The root cause of malnutrition amongst girls is not just poverty and lack of nutritious food, but also like lack of value attached to girls.  The media continues to present images of men using strength or violence to establish their authority & images of women in traditional domestic or submissive roles.
  • 4. Important Facts about India  Termination of 10mn female fetuses over the past 20 years.  More than 27 lacs child deaths a year, with the figures for female children being much higher than male children.  53% of girls in the age group 5 to 9 years are illiterate.  75% of married women were underage when they got married.  1 in every 2 girls is malnourished.  Out of the 12 mn girls born, 1 mn die before the 1st year of life.  1 out of sixth girl child dies due to gender discrimination.  1 out of every 10 women report instances of child sexual abuse (CSA) .  Female mortality is higher in 224 out of 402 districts in India.
  • 5. Human Rights of a Girl Child  Right to freedom from discrimination based on gender, age, race, colour, language, religion, ethnicity, or any other status.  Right to a standard of living adequate for a child's intellectual, physical, moral, and spiritual development.  Right to a healthy and safe environment.  Right to the highest possible standard of health and to equal access to health care.  Right to equal access to food and nutrition.  Right to life and to freedom from prenatal sex selection.  Right to education.
  • 6. Human Rights of a Girl Child  Right to freedom from cultural practices, customs and traditions harmful to the child, including female genital mutilation.  Right to information about health, sexuality and reproduction.  Right to protection from all physical or mental abuse.  Right to protection from economic and sexual exploitation, prostitution, and trafficking.  Right to freedom from forced or early marriage.  Right to equal rights to inheritance.  Right to express opinion about plans or decisions affecting the child's life.
  • 7. Key Problems  Before Birth to 1 year o Foeticide and Infanticide. o Infant mortality. o Discrimination in breast feeding and infant food. o Neglect of health (immunization).  1 to 11 years o Discrimination in access to food and health care. o Malnutrition, Aneamia and micro-nutrient deficiency. o Health problems like Polio and diarrhea. o Low school enrolment and School drop outs. o Vulnerable to trafficking, child labour, child marriage. o Abuse, exploitation and violence. o Domestic chores and looking after siblings. o Restriction on mobility and play. o Discrimination in overall treatment and parental care.
  • 8. Key Problems  11 to 18 years (Adolescents) o Poor health. o Low literacy level. o Restriction on mobility and play. o Poor access/ Denial to information and services. o Marital and domestic violence. o Child Marriage and early and frequent pregnancy coupled with abortions. o Dowry Harassment, desertion, polygamy, divorce. o Frequent illness due to Malnutrition, Aneamia and micro-nutrient deficiency o Child labour, trafficking.. o STDs and HIV/AIDs. o Heavy domestic work including commuting long distances to collect firewood/ drinking water. o Unpaid and unrecognized work, and drudgery. o No voice either in Home or society.
  • 10. Project Nanhi Kali  Initiated in 1996 by K C Mahindra Education Trust (KCMET) with an objective of providing primary education to the underprivileged girl child in India..  Supports the education of girl children by providing not only academic support but also direct material support in the form of uniforms, clothes, note books etc..  Individuals, groups and corporates are encouraged to sponsor the education of a girl child for a minimum period of one year.  The project currently supports the education of over 50,800 underprivileged girl children.
  • 11. Cinema & Girl Child’s Education  CSR partnership between Adlabs Cinema and Nanhi Kali, an NGO.  Support and spread awareness on education of the disadvantaged girl child in India..  Adlabs introduced a special food combo called the “Classroom Combo” – a certain percentage of the sales of which was contributed to the cause of nurturing a girl child’s education.
  • 12. Mulgi Shikli, Pragati Jhali  The RTO doesn't "pass" any new auto rickshaw that doesn't have this social message emblazoned on it's back.  Every commuter on the roads in bumper to bumper Bombay traffic reads this message & is aware of it's importance.  The best part is that each poor, semi-literate auto rickshaw driver now knows that this is an important message!
  • 13. Girl Child Issues in TV Soaps
  • 14. National Girl Child Day  Govt. of India declared January 24 as National Girl Child Day.  This date marks the day in 1966 that Indira Gandhi took over as the first woman prime minister of India.  To spread the awareness of the same, a group of students from BITS Pilani did a cycle rally from Pilani to nearby town Chirawa.  The Ministry of Women and Child Development launched a campaign to highlight the evils of: o female foeticide. o female infanticide. o discrimination in health, nutrition and education. o Gender bias.
  • 15. International Girl Child Day  September 24th looks to bring light to the issues & awareness to the plight of girls across the globe.  CRY launched an interactive micro-site to involve people in the campaign against gender discrimination.  The online platform explores reasons that give rise to the practice of female foeticide, and provides information on skewed sex ratio. PFMI World 2009 came together with Nanhi Kali on International Girl Child's Day.
  • 16. `Golden Future' for girl child  CLINIC Plus, the shampoo brand from Hindustan Lever Ltd, has announced an initiative for girl children in Tamil Nadu called Ponnana Edhirkalam (Golden Future).  It aimed at recognising and celebrating the efforts of the mother who invests and sacrifices for her children's success.  It held an essay-writing contest on `Why My Mother is the Best Mother in the World' involving 160 girls' schools across 40 towns.  It organised an entertainment night for 60 finalists and their families in Chennai where the mothers will be felicitated. TV Commercial
  • 18. Opportunites  Educating the girl child and increasing awareness in the family.  Social upliftment and lifestyle improvement.  Discouraging beliefs in superstitions and. having a practical approach.  Increase in health and living standards.  Understanding one’s ‘Rights’.  Encouraging self – reliance and ability to take decisions concerning self and family.  Contribute towards betterment of self, family and society at large.
  • 19. Threats  Tradition, culture and mindset of the people.  Poverty  Lack of awareness.  Illiteracy  Sustainability of programmes related to upliftment of girl child.  Acceptability in different environments. spanning across socio-economic conditions.  Prolonged timelines in implementation of programmes.
  • 21. Objective  To holistically empower the girl child in all aspects so that she can become an equal partner with boys on the road to development and progress.  To give priority and attention on the survival, protection and wellbeing of a girl child.  To address the various constraints / persisting problems facing the girl child.
  • 22. Segmentation & Targeting  Segmentation based on: o Age o Gender o Geography o Income Group o Literacy levels  Target Segment will be: o Parents o Adolescent Girls from 11 years to 18 years o Rural Areas o Low Income Groups across the country (including slums in urban areas)
  • 23. Positioning & Promotions  Positioning will be: o Ghar ki Lakshmi, Samaaj ki Saraswati  Promotions will be done through: o Advertising o Public Relations o Sponsorships o BTL activities like road shows, puppet shows, wall paintings, folk theatre in rural areas
  • 24. Media Mix & Budget Media Budget Vehicle Television 30% TVC on major channels & TV shows Print 20% Magazines, newspapers, fliers Radio 10% Ad on major radio channels Outdoor 12% Hoardings, Auto rickshaw & Bus backs, Posters, BTL activities Cinema 8% Movie tie-ups, Theatres Internet 5% Website, banners, e-mailers Mobile 3% SMS pushes Direct Mail 2% Mail to the educated class Events / Sponsorships 10% NGO based events, Charity Shows
  • 25. Promotional Campaign 1 Ghar ki Laxmi - Betiyan  Objective: Focus primarily on the positive aspects of girl child and remove misconceptions and myths that affect her worth and self esteem  Role Celebrity – Sushmita Sen  Spread the message using her Blog and Tweet pages  Organize Press Releases in association with CRY  Host a special auction on websites like ebay and dedicate all the proceeds to educating girls in rural areas
  • 26. Promotional Campaign 2 Baal Vivaah Roko  Objective: Focus on the negative impact of child marriage (early pregnancies, mortality and morbidity of the girl etc) and emphasize the positive developments of not allowing child marriages (health and well being of the girl etc.)  Partner with NGOs to combat child marriage.  Use all channels of communication and social dialogue to reach out to all sections of the society especially targeting both parents and youth. Anandi & Jagya
  • 28. Action Plan  Focus on girl education and develop more girl-friendly schools.  Place a responsibility on the womenfolk to be part of decision making in their various communities and step out of the cultural inhibitions.  Corporate should tie up with NGO’s to spread awareness of various girl child issues.  To reduce fertility and infant mortality rates: o promote better health, nutrition and quality of life among families. o encourage greater economic productivity and labour force participation. o improve overall social and economic development.  The inclusion of Women organizations, Women Development Centers and Study Centers, people’s representatives at all levels from Gram Panchayat, block levels etc..
  • 29. Action Plan  Female feticide should be treated as a crime and not just a social evil and therefore the state must take primarily corrective, preventive and punitive action to address the crime.  As foeticide is murder of the unborn child, it should be examined whether it can be treated as a crime under IPC and brought under the jurisdiction of Sessions Court.  A special provision called ‘Cradle Baby’ or ‘Palna Scheme’ should be put in place whereby those who do not want to raise their daughters can place them in these specially appointed cradle centers supported by the State. This will prevent female feticide and rescue the missing daughters .  Financial and other non-cash incentives for retaining and educating the girl child.
  • 30. Action Plan  Rehabilitation packages need to be designed for specific types of abuse/ violence so that the victim receives the correct and appropriate rehabilitation required to be successfully reintegrated back into society.  Health and hygiene education should be conducted for children of sex workers as due to their high risk environment , the possibilities of contracting STD/ HIV/AIDs etc are quite high.  Strengthen regional and overseas initiatives to prevent cross border trafficking and also enable rescue and repatriation of children to their countries of origin.  Ensure that the employers of domestic child labour especially of girls are punished.
  • 32. Monitoring & Surveillance  At the village level, community based organizations, NGOs, local self help groups can become the monitoring authorities, while at the State level different line Ministries/Departments would be involved.  Compulsory registration of pregnancies and births will help in ensuring that unwarranted abortions do not take place. PRIs should be given the responsibility of taking note of female births and tracking the progress of girl children.  A website could be developed to disseminate to wider audiences and flag the names of black-listed organizations/clinics/doctors.  A system of incentives can be formulated for tip offs on clinics which are indulging in sex determination.
  • 33. Government Support  Provisions of human right law guaranteeing the Human Rights of the Girl- Child.  Effective implementation of the Pre-Conception and Pre-Natal Diagnostic Techniques (Prohibition of Sex Selection) Act, 1994 (PC and PNDT Act).  The Child Marriage Restraint Act 1929 (CMRA) provides for punishment to those who have allowed, contracted, performed or have been involved in a child marriage
  • 35. Ensuring Equitable Development  The Role of the Family o Parents play a critical role in their children’s development and are primarily responsible for the environment in which children are socialized.  The Role of Education o The education sector plays a role in the perpetuation of gender stereotypes, but It can also be a crucial locus for changing them.  The Role of the Media o The media could have an enormous impact in the re-definition of gender roles by presenting different images of both women and men. o The media must assume some responsibility for its own role in perpetuating gender stereotypes and devise an alternative reality.
  • 36. Ensuring Equitable Development  The Role of Government o Recognition of girl’s labour force participation. o Facilitation of girl’s access to education through flexible hours, scholarships and labour-saving technologies like wells (which cut down on girls' burden of domestic labour). o Redistribution of resources to address issues of girl’s access to food and medical care (including contraception).