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The name is Gerry Otim Candidate Number Is 1361
Preliminary Project – Research and Planning My college is a sports college so the person on my front cover  is a professional footballer  who had “previously studies in the college” and had come back to visit the students and inspire them to greater heights. I thought about my target audience by considering whether my magazine would appeal to them and if not how I could make sure it did. This would mean who or what was the front cover of my magazine and what colours would be used. I decided bright colours like blue as the person on my front cover was wearing blue and furthermore many boys like the colour blue and my magazine was aimed at sports lovers which the majority is of the male gender .The key points I learnt from Adobe Photoshop and InDesign in  constructing  my artefacts  were that Photoshop allows the user to professional image editing. Furthermore, the paint feature on Photoshop is very useful.

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Some mock up
Some mock upSome mock up
Some mock up

The document discusses plans for a pop music magazine, including feedback received from peers on potential names, color schemes, and article ideas. For the magazine name, most peers preferred "Tune" as it sounded more suitable. For the leading band article, "High Existence" was a somewhat popular choice. Roughly half of peers liked the blue, white, and black color scheme. This feedback helped the document author in decisions for the magazine, which will be called "Tune" and feature the band "High Existence".

Question 5
Question 5Question 5
Question 5

The document discusses research conducted with a target audience to design magazine content and layout that would appeal to them. The research found that red was the preferred cover color. Feedback also indicated that audiences preferred a single main image on the cover rather than one spanning both pages. Concert and CD reviews were appealing content since they related to the psychographics of the target audience.

Attracting and Adressing
Attracting and AdressingAttracting and Adressing
Attracting and Adressing

The document discusses how the author addressed and attracted their target audience of young rock music fans for their magazine. To attract the audience, they used bold colors, large headlines featuring musicians, free posters, and photography showing artists in an open posture making eye contact. To address the audience, they used informal language similar to other rock magazines, referred to musical instruments by their proper names, and included photography of artists with straight black hair and black clothes in settings like gigs that would be familiar to rock fans.

REFLECTIONS AND FEEDBACKNext time I would try not to waste so much time as I found myself rushing at certain points to meet deadlines which meant that I wouldn’t be able to put as much quality into my work. I would also try to improve my use and knowledge of Photoshop and In design as they are key features of making  a professional looking magazine which was the aim at the beginning of the preliminary task
Main Assignment Music Front Cover The Music Genre that I chose for my music magazine was grime. I chose grime due to the fact I listen to a lot of grime and rap and thought it would be easier to produce a magazine on grime than say pop or country western. I did quite a bit of research and tried to steal ideas from various types of magazines. Flavour which is a grime magazine is one of the magazines I attempted to base my magazine on .
              Flavour Use of black and white go well with the yellow also added for brightnessGrey suit worn blends well with white /grey backgroundFlavour has a website Magazine includes fashion, music,travel, games, beauty and nightclubs
Here is the person o my front cover

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This magazine targets 15-20 year olds interested in rock/indie music. It uses a dark color scheme of black, grey, white and dark red throughout to match the genre. The front cover features the lead band and cover lines. The contents page highlights upcoming articles in dark red and grey. The double-page spread has a photo of the band member discussed in the lead article about a drummer revealing his drug addiction. The magazine aims to attract its target audience by covering their interests in music, festivals and celebrities' personal lives.

by alex
Question 1
Question 1Question 1
Question 1

The document discusses how the media product uses and develops conventions from real music magazines. For the front cover, a dark blue gradient background was used and a close-up face shot placed over the masthead, mimicking techniques from magazines like Vibe. The double-page spread has a dark grey background instead of the typical white, with white text for readability. Images of artists are featured on one page with accompanying text on the facing page. The contents page includes a medium shot of an artist with sunglasses to look cool, in black and white like the front cover and spread for consistency of style. While adapting typical layouts, darker color schemes were used to suit the R&B/rap genre.

Amy winehouse replicar
Amy winehouse replicarAmy winehouse replicar
Amy winehouse replicar

Here I replicated one of Amy Winehouse's album covers in order to aid my skills in creating an album cover and conforming to typical conventions of already established, successful album covers currently available on the market today.

My Music Magazine My music magazine
     My front cover
Grime EntertaimentGrime Entertainment is the name of my magazine as I took a little inspiration from Grime Daily which is a website/youtube channel that promotes grime/rap music some of which is made by underground or unknown talents. My magazine would include fashion, music , football , clothing and the latest music. I used various amounts of bright colours for my magazine such as yellow, pink and blue as I thought they would go well with a black background. I used a picture of Ola (YSK) for my front cover as he is a comedian/artist and is seen relaxing in the studio after a hard days work. The target audience is of the male and female genre .
Main Assignment Contents Page With the contents page I again went with the colours black, grey and white. Furthermore I used Photoshop which after a little practise I found A bit easier to use. Black was the background with the writing in gold and white.

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Play evaluation

The document describes the process of creating a music magazine cover and contents page. References were made to real magazines like VIBe, NME, and Kerrang to incorporate conventions like provocative poses and prominent images. Gender stereotypes were conformed to by portraying the female model in a sexy way and male model as cool and casual. Techniques like airbrushing, positioning images, and blending text were learned and applied to make the magazine look professional and attract its target young audience.

Question 1 - Redo
Question 1 - RedoQuestion 1 - Redo
Question 1 - Redo

The document discusses conventions used in creating a magazine for the hip hop genre. Some conventions discussed include using red, black, and white color schemes; having large artist names on the front cover; including a masthead and artist names on the side; using drop caps and pull quotes in articles; and featuring close-up photos of artists wearing stereotypical hip hop costumes. The creator analyzed their own magazine pages against actual hip hop magazines to identify successful use of genre conventions.

Audience feedback on ancillary task
Audience feedback on ancillary taskAudience feedback on ancillary task
Audience feedback on ancillary task

The document summarizes feedback from 5 participants on album covers and posters created as part of an ancillary task. Participants felt the products captured the artist's personality through facial expressions and consistent outfit. They also noted the animated drapes and hanging CD as unique elements. However, some felt the background was too plain. Overall, participants saw a clear fun and energetic brand image conveyed through the colorful designs and fonts used. The creator was pleased with the positive feedback but also saw room for improvement by adding new outfits and a more interesting background.

The genre for my magazine is grimeModel 1Model 2
Original pictures
Key points of double page spreadThe double page spread features a major interview with YSK , who is the leader of music/comic music group “MOtiVe”.

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Task 10 (formal proposal)
Task 10 (formal proposal)Task 10 (formal proposal)
Task 10 (formal proposal)

The document outlines initial ideas for a magazine called "Constant" focused on hip hop/rap music. It will target youth ages 16-20, especially those of Afro-Caribbean descent. The front cover will feature a medium close-up of two artists with bold hip hop imagery. The contents page will use the same colors and include two artist images with bold lettering. A double page spread will include an interview with one of the front cover artists discussing their career success and future plans, along with a medium close-up photo of the artist. A total of four photos will be used to capture hip hop imagery for the front, contents, and double page spread.

Unit 30 LO3
Unit 30 LO3Unit 30 LO3
Unit 30 LO3

This document provides details about a photo shoot for a magazine cover and double page spread (DPS). It discusses the date, time, location and reasons for the shoot. It notes that permission was required from the model and any members of the public captured in photos. Mid-shots were taken using natural lighting and without props. The photos chosen for the cover and DPS are shown. Permission and equipment used are also summarized. Hazards were low as the shoot occurred in a hallway without props.

Ancillary production
Ancillary productionAncillary production
Ancillary production

The document summarizes the production process for the digipak and magazine advertisement for an album. It describes selecting images of two teenage Muslim girls for the album cover and editing them in Photoshop. It also discusses layout choices for the inside pages, including additional photos related to the music video and credits. The final pages include a tug-of-war image for the track listing and application of the color scheme and conventions from research to the magazine advertisement.

The image used is of YSK with the person interviewing  him. They are shaking hands.
I used similar colours and font types for my contents page as for the double page spread as I felt it was important for there to be some form of link as I used a set of different colours for my front cover.Key points of contents page The contents page has an editors section which is different from normal Grime magazines as they do not usually have an editors section
I have ordered my contents page information by having the music part at the beginning with the prizes, football and so on more towards the end. I only have one image on my page which is the editor as the magazine will be full of adverts and images.
This is how all three are linkedOn my front cover I mentioned that there would be an exclusive interview with “YSK” which featured on the double page spread. Also I used the same colours on my contents page as I did for my double page spread . Also a lot of the people featured on my magazine are black as grime is a genre dominated by black males.

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Evaluation words2
Evaluation words2Evaluation words2
Evaluation words2

The document discusses the evaluation of a music magazine created by the author. It summarizes the key design elements and conventions used in the magazine, including using the Gutenberg principle to attract readers' eyes, choosing a masthead that reflects the rock genre, using large images and an intriguing quote on the double page spread to appeal to young adults. It also discusses the target audience for the magazine, market research conducted, and technologies learned in creating the magazine like Photoshop and uploading to websites.

Evaluation words2
Evaluation words2Evaluation words2
Evaluation words2

The document discusses the evaluation of a music magazine created by the author. It summarizes the key design elements and conventions used, including following the Gutenberg principle to attract readers' eyes, using images and an intriguing quote on the double page spread, and targeting young adults interested in rock music. The author chose Bauer Media to distribute the magazine since it shares the target genre and audience. Overall, the author learned about magazine design conventions and gained experience using technologies like Photoshop and blogging platforms.

Evaluation of my music magazine
Evaluation of my music magazineEvaluation of my music magazine
Evaluation of my music magazine

This document discusses the process of creating a music magazine called Monster Sound for a school assignment. It covers various aspects of constructing the magazine, including what typical magazine elements were included like mastheads, cover lines, pictures, and barcodes. It also discusses designing content pages, double page spreads, and how technologies like Photoshop, InDesign, and Blogger were used. The document reflects on what was learned from constructing the preliminary task versus the full magazine product.

Redrafted Front Cover
            Redrafted Contents Page
Redrafted Double page spread

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Media Powerpoint Presentation

  • 2. The name is Gerry Otim Candidate Number Is 1361
  • 3. Preliminary Project – Research and Planning My college is a sports college so the person on my front cover is a professional footballer who had “previously studies in the college” and had come back to visit the students and inspire them to greater heights. I thought about my target audience by considering whether my magazine would appeal to them and if not how I could make sure it did. This would mean who or what was the front cover of my magazine and what colours would be used. I decided bright colours like blue as the person on my front cover was wearing blue and furthermore many boys like the colour blue and my magazine was aimed at sports lovers which the majority is of the male gender .The key points I learnt from Adobe Photoshop and InDesign in constructing my artefacts were that Photoshop allows the user to professional image editing. Furthermore, the paint feature on Photoshop is very useful.
  • 4. Preliminary Project FRONT COVER CONTENTS PAGE
  • 5. REFLECTIONS AND FEEDBACKNext time I would try not to waste so much time as I found myself rushing at certain points to meet deadlines which meant that I wouldn’t be able to put as much quality into my work. I would also try to improve my use and knowledge of Photoshop and In design as they are key features of making a professional looking magazine which was the aim at the beginning of the preliminary task
  • 6. Main Assignment Music Front Cover The Music Genre that I chose for my music magazine was grime. I chose grime due to the fact I listen to a lot of grime and rap and thought it would be easier to produce a magazine on grime than say pop or country western. I did quite a bit of research and tried to steal ideas from various types of magazines. Flavour which is a grime magazine is one of the magazines I attempted to base my magazine on .
  • 7. Flavour Use of black and white go well with the yellow also added for brightnessGrey suit worn blends well with white /grey backgroundFlavour has a website Magazine includes fashion, music,travel, games, beauty and nightclubs
  • 8. Here is the person o my front cover
  • 9. My Music Magazine My music magazine
  • 10. My front cover
  • 11. Grime EntertaimentGrime Entertainment is the name of my magazine as I took a little inspiration from Grime Daily which is a website/youtube channel that promotes grime/rap music some of which is made by underground or unknown talents. My magazine would include fashion, music , football , clothing and the latest music. I used various amounts of bright colours for my magazine such as yellow, pink and blue as I thought they would go well with a black background. I used a picture of Ola (YSK) for my front cover as he is a comedian/artist and is seen relaxing in the studio after a hard days work. The target audience is of the male and female genre .
  • 12. Main Assignment Contents Page With the contents page I again went with the colours black, grey and white. Furthermore I used Photoshop which after a little practise I found A bit easier to use. Black was the background with the writing in gold and white.
  • 14. The genre for my magazine is grimeModel 1Model 2
  • 16. Key points of double page spreadThe double page spread features a major interview with YSK , who is the leader of music/comic music group “MOtiVe”.
  • 17. The image used is of YSK with the person interviewing him. They are shaking hands.
  • 18. I used similar colours and font types for my contents page as for the double page spread as I felt it was important for there to be some form of link as I used a set of different colours for my front cover.Key points of contents page The contents page has an editors section which is different from normal Grime magazines as they do not usually have an editors section
  • 19. I have ordered my contents page information by having the music part at the beginning with the prizes, football and so on more towards the end. I only have one image on my page which is the editor as the magazine will be full of adverts and images.
  • 20. This is how all three are linkedOn my front cover I mentioned that there would be an exclusive interview with “YSK” which featured on the double page spread. Also I used the same colours on my contents page as I did for my double page spread . Also a lot of the people featured on my magazine are black as grime is a genre dominated by black males.
  • 22. Redrafted Contents Page
  • 24. Key modifications after feedback After receiving feedback from my media teacher I decided to change the font of my writing to make it better suited to my target audience . I also chose a different image as feedback told me that I should consider changing the image as the previous one wasn’t good enough.
  • 25. EvalutionYou can find my blog here : http://wavedgerry.blogspot.com/And you can find my evalution with seven responses here ; http://wavedgerry.blogspot.com/

Editor's Notes

  1. http://wavedgerry.blogspot.com/