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A Guide to the Digital
   Media Market

    A Second Thursday Event
               presented by
     Crossroads Venture Group

        February 12, 2013
         University of Connecticut
A Guide to the Digital Media Market


Eric J. Dale
Robinson & Cole

Guest Speaker

Peg Jackson
Managing Director
Gridley & Company
DIGITAL CHALK TALK: Creating Value in Today’s
Increasingly Digital World

Crossroads Ventures Group
February 12, 2013
I.   Where Value is Being Created in Digital

II. Summary of IPO Performance

III. What’s Happening in Digital New York

IV. Quick Gridley Commercial

I. Where Value is Being Created in Digital
Tectonic Shifts Underlying Digital Continue
          2000                                     5%
                                                                                   2010   (eCRM, Website)                                         2015 (eCRM, Website,
                                                                                                                                                       Syndicated Channels,
                                                   Owned                                                            7%                                    Content)
                                                   media                                                            Owned                                              10%
                                                                                                                    media                                              Owned
          90%                                                                      80%                                                                 60%
          Paid Media                                                               Paid Media                                                          Paid Media

                                                                                          13%                                                          30%
                                                    5%                                    Earned                                                       Earned                    (PR, Blogging,
                                                    Earned                                media                                                        media                 Video Sharing, Wiki,
                                                                                                                        (PR, Twitter, Facebook,                           Bookmarking, Social
                                                             (PR, Word of Mouth)                                        Blogs, video sharing)                        Networking, Crowdsourcing,
                                                                                                                                                                     Co-Creation, Commenting etc.)

                                         Growth of Social                                                                                  Growth of Mobile
                                                              1,005                                                                                    10%
                     Gobal Social Network Users

                                                                                                            % of Global Internet Traffic



Source: Strategy Analytics.                       2007        2012                                  Source: KPCB                           2009     May 2012

Unprecedented Time for Enormous Value Creation
• Traditional industry leaders are highly vulnerable like never before

     Open Source             Open Architecture       Cloud Computing       New Business Models

• Innovation at record speeds – Approximately $130 Billion of value created in 3 years
                   Private                                        Public

Computing Platform Shifting Underlies Much of the Value
Reallocation in Digital

                                               • Windows loses 40% of
                                                 market in less than four

                                               • Open Source grows to
                                                 1/3 of market

Volatility is Inevitable as Emerging Digital Leaders
Develop Their Business Models in the Public Eye
        Company                      Year Founded        Value T-1 Year   Value Today        Δ Value

                                              2002        $6.2 Billion    $12.6 Billion     $6.4 Billion

                                              2004        $73.0 Billion   $58.2 Billion    ($14.8 Billion)

                                              2004        $561 Million     $1.2 Billion    $639 Million

                                              2007        $6.0 Billion    < $1.0 Billion    ($5 Billion)

                                              2007        $11.7 Billion    $1.9 Billion    ($9.8 Billion)

                                              2008        $10.7 Billion    $3.4 Billion    ($7.33 Billion)

            Total                                        $108.2 Billion   $78.3 Billion    ($29.9 Billion)

Sources: Second Market and CapIQ as of January 4, 2013

Key Players Positioned to Attack Emerging Growth


                             $450                                                                                                            Commerce                                                               Advertising /
Market Cap ($ in billions)

                             $400                                                                                                                                                                                   Marketing


                                                                                                                                             Payments                                                                Content







                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    NY Times

                                                                                                                                                     Time Warner

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Alliance Data






                                    eCommerce led                          Services led                      Payments led                                          Content led                          Platform driven                                   Technology led

Social is Chewing Through Multiple Markets
                                           Net Subscriber Adds for Cable TV                                                           Commerce
                                        Q1 2010 Q2 2010 Q3 2010 Q4 2010 Q1 2011 Q2 2011 Q3 2011 Q4 2011 Q1 2012   • Developing models that tie social
                                                                                                                    connectivity into the path to purchase
Δ Subscribers (millions)


                            (0.3)                                                                                                      Payments
                            (0.4)                                                                                 • Infrastructure underlying social commerce
                            (0.5)                                                                                   still primitive

   Source: One Touch Intelligence.

                                Monthly Active Facebook Users Worldwide                                                               AdTech/Mkt
                            1000                                                                                  • Facebook alone represents about 1/3 of total
                                                                                                                    impression volume

                                                                                                                  • Facebook recently announced plan to extend
         Users (millions)

                                                                                                                    data outside of its properties for ad targeting
                                                                                                                  • Scalable business historically limited to
                                    0                                                                               gaming
                                                December 2004                  October 2012
                           Source: Facebook S-1

2012 Was the Year of Social M&A
                     Notable M&A                 Notable Private Financings
     Acquirer                      Target                       Company
                         $1.2BN                  $100MM






                           NA                    $25MM

© 2012 Gridley & Company LLC
Can We Take Mobile Seriously Yet?

                          Desktops+Notebooks                                            • Certain retailers seeing 30%+ of transactions
                                                                                          originating from mobile form factors
                 Q2:13E: Projected Inflection Point
                 Smartphones + Tablet Installed Base >
                 Total PCs Installed Base
                                                                                       • Very young category
                                                                                       • Integration of marketing and payments


                                                                                        • Scalable business historically limited to

                                                                                        • Industry titans chasing opportunity to
2009          2010           2011          2012E         2013E          2014E
                                                                                           reimagine mobile payments, especially in-

Note: Notebook PCs include Netbooks. Assumes the following lifecycles: Desktop PCs – 5 years: Notebook PCs – 4 years; Smartphones – 2 years; Tablets – 2.5 years.
Source: Morgan Stanley Research, 2012.

Mobile M&A Growing Up Quickly, Albeit on Small Volume
                     Notable M&A                 Notable Private Financings
        Acquirer                   Target                       Company






                           NA                    $16MM

Source: CapIQ

© 2012 Gridley & Company LLC
POS – A Major Battleground in Mobile
 Market Research /                     Account Marketing
  Data Analytics

                                       Digital Commerce




Keys to Value Creation in the Digital Economy

   Durable and extensible                                 Ability to evolve
                                Enduring brand
         platforms                                            quickly

                      Technical barrier or consumer lock-in

Digital Bellwethers – Apple vs. Google
                              Stock Price Performance                                   Market Cap ($ billions)

250%                         % Price Δ
                         Apple     Google
              YTD          39.7%        3.5%
200%          1-Year       50.9%       12.3%                                               $528
              3-Year      176.7%       14.6%
              5-Year    #NAME? #NAME?



                                                                                          Apple         Google

     Nov-09    Apr-10     Sep-10    Feb-11     Jul-11   Dec-11        May-12   Oct-12

                          Apple           Google        S&P 500

Digital Bellwethers – Apple vs. Google

 •   Aggressive acquirer to maintain mindshare in key      •   Took advantage of unfocused
                                                               consumer electronics players in
 •   Intelligently consolidated capabilities across            mobile to build a platform
     adtech stack                                              company

                                                           •   Remained true to its closed
                                                               environment philosophy
 •   Acquired its way into largest growth markets –
     mobile and payment                                    •   Remained relatively agnostic to

                                                                 − Used M&A as a tool to fill
 •   Took a long term bet on online video, just starting
     to realize value today                                        holes in building platform
 •   Considerable resources to experiment in new

       − $45bn in cash                                     •   Considerable firepower to adapt

 •   Has aggressively invested as core search business           −   $120bn in cash

Commerce Leaders – Amazon vs. eBay
                           Stock Price Performance                                   Market Cap ($ billions)

                            % Price Δ
                        Amazon     eBay
               YTD        32.7%       58.0%
110%           1-Year     16.5%       60.8%                                           $104
               3-Year     72.8%     103.1%
               5-Year   #NAME? #NAME?



                                                                                     Amazon           eBay


    Nov-09   Apr-10     Sep-10     Feb-11       Jul-11   Dec-11    May-12   Oct-12

                             Amazon           eBay       S&P 500

Commerce Leaders – Amazon vs. eBay

    •   Saw mobile and local services            •   Very selective but strategic
        early and made smart                         about owning key commerce
        acquisitions across the path to              assets

    •   Recognized opportunity to
        “facilitate” commerce and
        acquired GSI Commerce

                                                 •   Most notable acquisitions
    •   Grew Paypal into a payments
        platform that is portable to                 intended to maintain high
        mobile and offline                           barrier through brand and price

                                                 •   Aggressively moving into
    •   Made considerable investments
        against its “partner” strategy as            hardware and offline as mobile
        core eBay commerce business                  emerges as an important
        stagnated                                    facilitator of commerce

Digital Content Leaders - Yahoo vs. AOL
                              Stock Price Performance                                    Market Cap ($ billions)

                            % Price Δ
                         Yahoo      AOL
             YTD           14%      134.9%
             1-Year        19%      140.8%
70%          3-Year        20%        41.5%
             5-Year     #NAME?        NA



(10%)                                                                                                    $3

                                                                                         Yahoo          AOL

    Nov-09     Apr-10       Sep-10     Feb-11   Jul-11   Dec-11        May-12   Oct-12

                                     Yahoo       AOL       S&P 500

Digital Content Leaders - Yahoo vs. AOL
    • Aggressive acquirers in technology early, but fragmentation of content and adtech difficult
      to counteract

    • Rebirth of both companies with new management teams

    • Jury still out on sustainability of models

         − Yahoo – “Productizing” around mobile platform

         − AOL – Assembling a stable to top tier content brand

    • Large stock moves to date driven by one-time events      Didn’t participate in
                                                                 shift to mobile

Notable M&A Deals Outside of Publishing
           2005       2006        2007       2008       2009        2010               2011    2012

II. Summary of IPO Performance
Current State of Digital IPO Market
    •   Challenging market for digital/internet IPOs this year

         − Facebook performance brought into question consumer internet valuations

         − Platform dependencies exasperated downward pressure

    •   M&A very risky strategic tool for newly public companies today

         − New digital companies having to compete for scarce assets against much
         larger competitors

         − Lack of financial fundamentals in most targets today brings new levels of risk
         to shareholders

    •   Numerous consumer internet companies required to change business model
        while being public

         − Zynga, Groupon, DemandMedia

    •   Enterprise marketing remains relatively healthy

         − Performance dictated by company fundamentals

Digital IPOs in 2012 vs. 2011
                          2012YTD U.S. Digital IPOs                                                            2011 U.S. Digital IPOs
($ in millions)                     Offer          Current    Performance        ($ in millions)                       Offer          Current    Performance
Date        Company                 Size       Market Value     Since IPO        Date        Company                   Size       Market Value     Since IPO

Oct 11   Workday, Inc.               $732.6     #NAME?        #NAME?             Dec 15   Zynga, Inc.                  $1,000.0    #NAME?        #NAME?
Oct 10   Shutterstock, Inc.            76.5     #NAME?        #NAME?             Dec 12   Jive Software, Inc.            161.3     #NAME?        #NAME?
Oct 02   LifeLock, Inc.               141.3     #NAME?        #NAME?             Nov 16   Angie's List, Inc.             114.3     #NAME?        #NAME?
Sep 19   Trulia, Inc.                 102.0     #NAME?        #NAME?             Nov 03   Groupon, Inc.                  700.0     #NAME?        #NAME?
Aug 01   Eloqua, Inc.                  92.0     #NAME?        #NAME?             Aug 10   Carbonite, Inc.                 71.9     #NAME?        #NAME?
Jul 25   E2open, Inc.                  70.3     #NAME?        #NAME?             Jul 19   Zillow, Inc.                    79.6     #NAME?        #NAME?
Jul 19   Kayak Software                91.0     #NAME?        #NAME?             Jun 28   HomeAway, Inc.                 248.4     #NAME?        #NAME?
May 17   Facebook, Inc.             16,006.9    #NAME?        #NAME?             Jun 16   Bankrate, Inc.                 336.8     #NAME?        #NAME?
Mar 28   CafePress Inc.                85.5     #NAME?        #NAME?             Jun 14   Pandora Media, Inc.            234.9     #NAME?        #NAME?
Mar 28   Millennial Media Inc.        132.6     #NAME?        #NAME?             May 25   The Active Network, Inc.       165.0     #NAME?        #NAME?
Mar 22   Vipshop                       71.5     #NAME?        #NAME?             May 18   LinkedIn Corporation           352.8     #NAME?        #NAME?
Mar 21   ExactTarget, Inc.            161.5     #NAME?        #NAME?             May 10   FriendFinder Networks Inc.      50.0     #NAME?        #NAME?
Mar 21   Vantiv, Inc.                 500.0     #NAME?        #NAME?             Apr 20   Responsys, Inc.                 79.4     #NAME?        #NAME?
Mar 14   Demandware, Inc.              88.0     #NAME?        #NAME?             Apr 13   Zipcar, Inc.                   200.5     #NAME?        #NAME?
Mar 01   Yelp, Inc.                   107.3     #NAME?        #NAME?             Jan 25   Demand Media, Inc.             174.0     #NAME?        #NAME?
Feb 23   Bazaarvoice, Inc.            113.8     #NAME?        #NAME?             Mean                                                            #NAME?
Feb 17   Brightcove, Inc.              55.0     #NAME?        #NAME?             Median                                                          #NAME?
Feb 09   Synacor, Inc.                 34.1     #NAME?        #NAME?
Mean                                                          #NAME?
Median                                                        #NAME?

Social Consumer IPOs
                Stock Price Performance                                  Commentary

                                                            • Doubled down with M&A and investment
 20%                                                          in an unsustainable model

  0%                                                        • Negative publicity was too hard to

                                                            • Dismal M&A strategy; paid $180mm for
                                                              OMGPOP, wrote it off shortly thereafter
                                                            • Realization of platform risk and consumer
 (80%)                                                        behavior shift in a short period of time

       IPO 30      60   90  120 150 180 210 240
       Offer days days days days days days days days
                                                            • Jury is out on quality of long term business
                    Groupon      Zynga     Facebook           revenue growth model

                                                            • Company aggressively experimenting

Lead Gen / Content IPOs
                 Stock Price Performance                                         Commentary


                                                                     • Had successfully built a content business
                                                                       around high value verticals such as finance
                                                                       and insurance
20%                                                                  • Disappointing recent quarter as company
                                                                       makes adjustments to its revenue model


                                                                     • Content farm = Unsustainable business
                                                                     • Pivoting towards AOL strategy

      IPO      60    120    180    240    300    360    420
      Offer   days   days   days   days   days   days   days
                     Bankrate      Demand Media         Kayak        • Successful exit three months after IPO

Marketing Automation IPOs
                  Stock Price Performance                                            Commentary

                                                                      • Has struggled to counter pricing issues at
                                                                        large enterprise end of the market


                                                                      • Successfully transitioned business away
                                                                        from traditional email marketing
                                                                      • Growing at north of 40%


(60%)                                                                 • Successfully created B2B marketing
       IPO     60 days    120    180      240    300     360            automation category
       Offer              days   days     days   days    days
                         Responsys      ExactTarget     Eloqua

Exciting Value Creators for 2013

 Broad Interest Networks
                                                                   •   Enterprise & Social
                                                                       integrating within
                             Platforms develop                         broader suites
                                                                   •   Emergence of Niche
                   Enterprise Tools

                                            Single channel management tools

                                        Niche Networks

                                                               Context based environments

Exciting Value Creators for 2013

   Retailing Online
                                                                       • Evolution of new consumer
                           Creation of online only businesses
                                                                       • “Convergence” a major area
                                                                         of investment among
                      Niche Commerce
                                                                         commerce leaders and VCs

                                               Development of new business models


                                                                Tight integration offline and online

Exciting Value Creators for 2013
                                MARKETING SERVICES

  Email Marketing
                                                               • Data driven capabilities fuel
                                                                 nearly all M&A and investments
                       Primitive digital capabilities            in Mktg Services
                                                               • Currently in an integration
                                                                 phase – putting all of the pieces
                New Channels                                     together

                                         Development of leading single channel solutions


                                                        Data based models to drive higher ROI

III. What’s Happening in Digital NY
A Word About the New York Scene
     • New York now consistently #2 tech hub behind SF Bay Area

          − $5.6 billion invested in Digital NY companies since 2006

          − ~200 Digital NY companies have raised $5 million+ of outside

          − ~150 investors focused on Digital NY

     • Leading digital/internet companies moving into area

          − Twitter opens office in late 2011

          – eBay building an innovation center in the City

     • NY has distinct competencies that are attracting talent

          – Wall Street

          – Madison Avenue

          – Retail

NY’s Emergence as a Tech Hub
   • New York City has become a true digital media innovation center

        Q3 2012 Internet VC Funding by Top Cities                                         Q3 2012 Internet VC Deals by Top Cities
    Total of Top Cities = $1,853 million                                            Total of Top Cities = 175
    Total Including Others = $2,672 million                                         Total Including Others = 372

                                                                                                                   San Francisco, 69
                                                    San Francisco
                                                        31%                                                                                 Bay Area
                                                                                                                            Palo Alto, 13
                                                                         Bay Area                                                             98
                                                                                                                           San Mateo, 9
                                                                         $1,171M                                           Sunnyvale, 6
                                                             Palo Alto                                                     Los Altos, 1
                                                                3%          Others, 197

Los Angeles                                            San Mateo                                                          New York, 52
    5%                                                    3%
        Boston                    Los Altos             Sunnyvale
          7%                                               2%                                                       Boston, 16
                          New York 5%
                                                                                                   Los Angeles, 9

    −Source: CB Insights “Venture Capital Activity Report”

The Past Six Years Have Shaped Much of NY’s
      Digital Media and Technology Landscape
      • Notable events in NY since 2007:
                                                                                                                             Development of brand
                                                                                                                            names across broad set of

               /                  ($275 million)
       ($3.1 billion)             Closes deal and                                                                                                                                           ($315 announces
                                                                                                 Mayor Bloomberg                                                                           million) acquisition of
                               announces HQ move                                                                                                                       leads
               /                to NY in September     Raises series A
                                                                             Opens a            starts up city-funded
                                                                         Googleplex in New       business incubator                                           in tech VC funding announces
     ($680 million)                                        round
                                                                            York City                 programs                                                 and deal quantity acquisition of
                   April                                      December    June                         September                                                                                         For $183
                                      July                                                                                                                    January           February                  million
                   2007               2007                      2007       2008                         2009                                                    2011                2011                  March


     January                   September            November                                                                                   September               June                    June
                                                                              August                                      December
      2007                                             2007                    2008                                         2009                  2010                2011                     2012
                                                                                                     Raises series
                                                                                                                                                              Mayor Bloomberg offers
                                                                                                       A round
                           Raises series A                                                                                                                    $100 million and land to
                                                                         Acquires                                                                                  develop a top             announces
  is founded                   round         announces spin-offs of:                                                    Announces
                                                                                                                                                               engineering school to         acquisition of
                        October 2007                                         For $125 million                           acquisition of
                                                                                                                                                                  encourage tech
                                                                                                                                          comes to New York    development, to bring
                                                                                                                                                                New York City to the
                                                                                                                                                              forefront of innovation.       for $745 million
Raises Series B            Raises series                                      Raises Series A                           for $30 billion
    round                   A round                                               round                                                                            announces
                                                                                                                                                                   acquisition of

                                                                                                                                                                   acquisition of
                                                 Raises series A round                                                                                                               ($524 million)

NY Ecosystem Has Very Different Roots and Growth
Opportunities Than Silicon Valley
 Internet Services                                               Wall Street

                     Operational                  Engineering
                     Efficiencies                   Talent
  Data Services                                                  Advertising

                       Key                          Creative
                     Customers                       Talent

                      Strategic                    Strategic
                      Acquirers       Business    Partnerships
     Fashion                                                       Media

−NY Area Private Digital Companies by Sector
    −Digital                        −Digital
    Content                        Marketing                         −eCommerce                     −Mobile   −Social



        −Electric Sheep

−   Note: More companies illustrated on the following sector breakdown pages

−“The Locals” - Digital Focused VC/PE Firms
Headquartered in NY Area (72)
                     −Seed           −30                −Early Stage −33                          −Growth              −23   −Buyout −7
                   −(<$2M)                             −($1M-$10M)


−Note: Firms may be active in more than one category. Source: Capital IQ, TechCrunch, public filings, and press releases

Explosion of Seed Investment
                                                  Seed VC Deals

                                     79      81


                           44                                                                        42

                                                                                     24      26

                                                                       13    13

           Q4 2009 Q1 2010 Q2 2010 Q3 2010 Q4 2010 Q1 2011 Q2 2011 Q3 2011 Q4 2011 Q1 2012 Q2 2012 Q3 2012
     Source: CB Insights

   Seed Programs / Super Angel / Seed VC                            Traditional VC with Formal Seed Programs

−Top 25 Private Digital NY Sale Transactions
    January 2007 – December 2012 (Disclosed deals / rumored pricing available)
Value in $MM)





                          −200                     −2008                  −2009        −2010   −2011   −2012
    −Source: Capital IQ, TechCrunch, public filings, and press releases

Private Digital NY Sale Transactions >$100 million
Since January 2010 (Disclosed deals / rumored pricing available)
                         Date                          Acquirer / Target                 Value ($MM)
                         6/4/2012        salesforce.com, inc Buddy Media, Inc.                $745
                       6/16/2011         (NYSE:CRM)
                                         DG FastChannel      MediaMind                         524
                         6/3/2010        The Hearst          Technologies Inc.
                                                             iCrossing, Inc.                   425
                       6/13/2011         Corporation
                                         Google                       AdMeld                   400*
                         2/6/2011        AOL                          Huffington Post          315
                       1/19/2011         Affinion                     Web Loyalty              296
                       8/26/2012         IAC Search &                 About.com, Inc.          300
                       11/1/2011         Media, Inc.
                                         Yahoo! Inc.                  interclick, inc.         264
                         2/3/2010        (NasdaqGS:YHOO) HotJobs.com, Ltd.
                                         Monster                                               225
                       1/25/2010         Worldwide, Inc.
                                         Dentsu          Innovation                            200*
                       3/21/2012         Zynga, Inc.     InternactiveInc.
                                                         OMGPOP,                               183
                     11/12/2012          (NasdaqGS:ZNGA) Ziff Davis Media
                                         j2 Global, Inc.                                       165
                         9/8/2011        (NasdaqGS:JCOM) Inc. Survey, LLC
                                         Google Inc.     Zagat                                 151
                       6/17/2010         (NasdaqGS:GOOG) Register.com, Inc.
                                         Web.com Group,                                        135
Source: Capital IQ, TechCrunch, public filings, and press releases. *rumored value
IV. Quick Gridley Commercial
Focused Digital Expertise Underlies
Gridley’s Investment Banking Services
                     Advertising /

     Social                                               eCommerce

                          Comprehensive Investment
                             Banking Services
                         • Private Company Sales

     SaaS                • Private Company Equity          Enterprise

                         • Public Company Buyside

     Point-of-Sale                                        Mobile


Strategic Thought Leadership is Well Known
                               Industry               Frequent                 Annual Gridley Hosted
Quarterly Publications
                                Guides             Industry Speaker                   Events

                                               • 2012 Business Insider:
                                               • DFJ Gotham Annual Investors
                                               • IAB Marketplace: Mobile
                                               • Women’s Mobile Network
• Highly respected
  newsletter about industry                    • 2011 Business Insider:        • January Conference
  trends and corporate                           IGNITION
  finance / M&A activity                       • OMMA Display
                                               • Market Research Council
                                               • Capital RoundTable
                                               • SIIA Midmarket Growth
• In-depth review of the
  digital NY ecosystem,                        • OMMA Mobile
  including recent startups                                                    • Summer Networking
                                               • Digital Hollywood NYC:
  and the firms investing in                     Media Disruption                Event & Golf Outing
                                               • ad:tech NYC 2010

Selected Recent Gridley Transactions
Gridley clients include industry leaders and premier emerging growth companies

   Undisclosed             Undisclosed                 Undisclosed              Undisclosed                      Undisclosed               Undisclosed              Undisclosed              $20,500,000

  Digital Agency

     Acquired by             Acquired by                Acquired by              Acquired by                      Acquired by               Acquired by              Acquired by               Acquired by
      Pending                   SAS                        GfK           Channel Intelligence, Inc.        Minicom Digital Signage         Oversee.net            TeleTech Holdings      The Dolan Company
      Advisor                 Advisor                    Advisor                   Advisor                          Advisor                   Advisor                  Advisor                  Advisor

    Undisclosed             Undisclosed                Undisclosed               Undisclosed                     Undisclosed              Undisclosed                $20,000,000             $367,000,000

     Acquired by              Acquired                   Acquired                 Acquired by                      Acquired                  Acquired                Investment by             Acquired by
   WPP Group plc          FetchBack Inc.           M3 Mobile Marketing        MDC Partners Inc.                  Pepperjam             Silverlign Group Inc.       TZP Group LLC         Roper Industries, Inc.
       Advisor                 Advisor                    Advisor                   Advisor                        Advisor                   Advisor                Placement Agent              Advisor

    $157,000,000           Undisclosed                 Undisclosed              Undisclosed                     Undisclosed               Undisclosed                $113,189,337            $17,450,000
                                                                              Email Business of              Ad Serving Business of                                                    PrePay Intelligent Network
                                                                                                                                                                                        Solutions Business Unit of

      Acquired               Acquired by                Acquired by                Sold to                         Sold to                    Sold to             Secondary Offering          Acquired by
    e-Dialog, Inc.        WPP Group plc               Quest Software     One to One Interactive, Inc.            Aegis plc            Parthenon Capital LLC                                    Verisign
       Advisor                Advisor                     Advisor                  Advisor                         Advisor                   Advisor                  Co-Manager         Issued Fairness Opinion

    Undisclosed              Undisclosed               $138,000,000             Undisclosed                      $58,000,000               Undisclosed               $55,200,000             Undisclosed
                                                                                                                                      Advisory Communications                          Marketing One to One, Inc.
                                                                                                                                      Systems, Inc. (ACS) d/b/a

     Acquired by              Acquired by                 Acquired               Acquired by                       Acquired                 Acquired by                                        Acquired by
 Schulman, Ronca, &                                                            Valassis                                                                           Follow-On Offering   Carlson Marketing Group
                      ISIS Equity Partners, Inc.    Modem Media, Inc.                                           Performics, Inc.          ARAG Group
    Bucuvalas, Inc.
                .                                                          Communications, Inc.
       Advisor                  Advisor                   Advisor                  Advisor                          Advisor                   Advisor                 Co-Manager                Advisor


       Peg Jackson                 Linda Gridley                       Pratik Patel
     Managing Director            President & CEO                        Director
       212-400-9709                 212-400-9710                      212-400-9712
peg.jackson@gridleyco.com   linda.gridley@gridleyco.com        pratik.patel@gridleyco.com

                              Gridley & Company LLC
                             10 East 53rd Street, 24th Floor
                                New York, NY 10022
                                   212.400.9720 tel
                                  212.400.9717 fax
                                 Twitter: @gridleyco
A Guide to the Digital Media Light
    Marketing at the Speed of Market

Upcoming CVG Events and Closing Remarks

Liddy Karter
Executive Director, Crossroads Venture Group
Managing Partner, Enhanced Capital Partners
                           B Round

                           A Round

Venture Capital Sponsors             Professional Service Firms
Exhibiting Companies

Alex Cruikshank, Entfluence

Ed Natera, Track180
Upcoming Events
    Boardroom Series                      Second Thursday
       7:30 AM – 9:00 AM                     4:30 PM – 7:00 PM
          February 15
                                               March 14
    M & A: Tax Considerations
            New Haven               Navigating the FDA: Getting to Market
                                                 New Haven
          February 20
Employment and Immigration Issues
                                                 April 11
            Stamford                      Medical Management
            March 6                       Information Systems
         Crowd Funding
           New Haven
                                                 May 9
           March 13                         Financial Services
     America Invents Act:                       Stamford
 Changing the Patent Landscape
CVG 2013 Calendar
Offering 60 Events

    Attendance to all Second Thursday
        events is free for members.

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A Guide to the Digital Media Market - CVG Second Thursday, 2/12/13

  • 1. A Guide to the Digital Media Market A Second Thursday Event presented by Crossroads Venture Group February 12, 2013 University of Connecticut Stamford
  • 2. A Guide to the Digital Media Market Moderator Eric J. Dale Partner Robinson & Cole Guest Speaker Peg Jackson Managing Director Gridley & Company
  • 3. DIGITAL CHALK TALK: Creating Value in Today’s Increasingly Digital World Crossroads Ventures Group February 12, 2013
  • 4. Agenda I. Where Value is Being Created in Digital II. Summary of IPO Performance III. What’s Happening in Digital New York IV. Quick Gridley Commercial 4
  • 5. I. Where Value is Being Created in Digital
  • 6. Tectonic Shifts Underlying Digital Continue (Website) 2000 5% 2010 (eCRM, Website) 2015 (eCRM, Website, Syndicated Channels, Owned 7% Content) media Owned 10% media Owned media 90% 80% 60% Paid Media Paid Media Paid Media (Advertising) 13% 30% 5% Earned Earned (PR, Blogging, Earned media media Video Sharing, Wiki, (PR, Twitter, Facebook, Bookmarking, Social media (PR, Word of Mouth) Blogs, video sharing) Networking, Crowdsourcing, Co-Creation, Commenting etc.) Growth of Social Growth of Mobile 1,005 10% Gobal Social Network Users % of Global Internet Traffic (Millions) 373 1% Source: Strategy Analytics. 2007 2012 Source: KPCB 2009 May 2012 6
  • 7. Unprecedented Time for Enormous Value Creation • Traditional industry leaders are highly vulnerable like never before Open Source Open Architecture Cloud Computing New Business Models • Innovation at record speeds – Approximately $130 Billion of value created in 3 years Private Public 7
  • 8. Computing Platform Shifting Underlies Much of the Value Reallocation in Digital • Windows loses 40% of market in less than four years • Open Source grows to 1/3 of market 8
  • 9. Volatility is Inevitable as Emerging Digital Leaders Develop Their Business Models in the Public Eye Company Year Founded Value T-1 Year Value Today Δ Value 2002 $6.2 Billion $12.6 Billion $6.4 Billion 2004 $73.0 Billion $58.2 Billion ($14.8 Billion) 2004 $561 Million $1.2 Billion $639 Million 2007 $6.0 Billion < $1.0 Billion ($5 Billion) 2007 $11.7 Billion $1.9 Billion ($9.8 Billion) 2008 $10.7 Billion $3.4 Billion ($7.33 Billion) Total $108.2 Billion $78.3 Billion ($29.9 Billion) Sources: Second Market and CapIQ as of January 4, 2013 9
  • 10. Key Players Positioned to Attack Emerging Growth Markets Mobile $500 $450 Commerce Advertising / Market Cap ($ in billions) $400 Marketing $350 $300 $250 Payments Content $200 $150 $100 Social $50 $0 Newscorp Microsoft Yahoo Facebook Apple Discover eBay Omnicom WPP AOL NY Times Visa Time Warner Alliance Data Amazon CBS Publicis Mastercard Google Oracle IBM IPG Disney Dentsu Viacom Salesforce eCommerce led Services led Payments led Content led Platform driven Technology led 10
  • 11. Social is Chewing Through Multiple Markets Net Subscriber Adds for Cable TV Commerce Q1 2010 Q2 2010 Q3 2010 Q4 2010 Q1 2011 Q2 2011 Q3 2011 Q4 2011 Q1 2012 • Developing models that tie social 0.0 connectivity into the path to purchase (0.1) Δ Subscribers (millions) (0.2) (0.3) Payments (0.4) • Infrastructure underlying social commerce (0.5) still primitive (0.6) (0.7) Source: One Touch Intelligence. Monthly Active Facebook Users Worldwide AdTech/Mkt 1000 • Facebook alone represents about 1/3 of total impression volume 800 • Facebook recently announced plan to extend Users (millions) 600 data outside of its properties for ad targeting 400 Content 200 • Scalable business historically limited to 0 gaming December 2004 October 2012 Source: Facebook S-1 11
  • 12. 2012 Was the Year of Social M&A Notable M&A Notable Private Financings Acquirer Target Company $1.2BN $100MM $85MM $1BN $53MM $745MM $50MM NA $40MM NA $32MM NA $25MM 12 © 2012 Gridley & Company LLC
  • 13. Can We Take Mobile Seriously Yet? Commerce Desktops+Notebooks • Certain retailers seeing 30%+ of transactions originating from mobile form factors Q2:13E: Projected Inflection Point Smartphones + Tablet Installed Base > AdTech/Mkt Total PCs Installed Base • Very young category • Integration of marketing and payments Content • Scalable business historically limited to gaming Payments • Industry titans chasing opportunity to 2009 2010 2011 2012E 2013E 2014E reimagine mobile payments, especially in- 2015E store Note: Notebook PCs include Netbooks. Assumes the following lifecycles: Desktop PCs – 5 years: Notebook PCs – 4 years; Smartphones – 2 years; Tablets – 2.5 years. Source: Morgan Stanley Research, 2012. 13
  • 14. Mobile M&A Growing Up Quickly, Albeit on Small Volume Notable M&A Notable Private Financings Acquirer Target Company $200MM $1BN $70MM $183MM $50MM $50MM $35MM NA $20MM NA $16MM Source: CapIQ 14 © 2012 Gridley & Company LLC
  • 15. POS – A Major Battleground in Mobile Market Research / Account Marketing Data Analytics Digital Commerce Consumer Payments eReceipts 15
  • 16. Keys to Value Creation in the Digital Economy Durable and extensible Ability to evolve Enduring brand platforms quickly Technical barrier or consumer lock-in 16
  • 17. Digital Bellwethers – Apple vs. Google Stock Price Performance Market Cap ($ billions) 250% % Price Δ Apple Google YTD 39.7% 3.5% 200% 1-Year 50.9% 12.3% $528 3-Year 176.7% 14.6% 5-Year #NAME? #NAME? 150% 100% $220 50% 0% Apple Google (50%) (100%) Nov-09 Apr-10 Sep-10 Feb-11 Jul-11 Dec-11 May-12 Oct-12 Apple Google S&P 500 17
  • 18. Digital Bellwethers – Apple vs. Google • Aggressive acquirer to maintain mindshare in key • Took advantage of unfocused sectors consumer electronics players in • Intelligently consolidated capabilities across mobile to build a platform adtech stack company • Remained true to its closed environment philosophy • Acquired its way into largest growth markets – mobile and payment • Remained relatively agnostic to application − Used M&A as a tool to fill • Took a long term bet on online video, just starting to realize value today holes in building platform services • Considerable resources to experiment in new areas − $45bn in cash • Considerable firepower to adapt • Has aggressively invested as core search business − $120bn in cash matures 18
  • 19. Commerce Leaders – Amazon vs. eBay Stock Price Performance Market Cap ($ billions) % Price Δ Amazon eBay YTD 32.7% 58.0% 110% 1-Year 16.5% 60.8% $104 3-Year 72.8% 103.1% 5-Year #NAME? #NAME? 90% $62 70% 50% 30% Amazon eBay 10% (10%) (30%) Nov-09 Apr-10 Sep-10 Feb-11 Jul-11 Dec-11 May-12 Oct-12 Amazon eBay S&P 500 19
  • 20. Commerce Leaders – Amazon vs. eBay • Saw mobile and local services • Very selective but strategic early and made smart about owning key commerce acquisitions across the path to assets purchase • Recognized opportunity to “facilitate” commerce and acquired GSI Commerce • Most notable acquisitions • Grew Paypal into a payments platform that is portable to intended to maintain high mobile and offline barrier through brand and price • Aggressively moving into • Made considerable investments against its “partner” strategy as hardware and offline as mobile core eBay commerce business emerges as an important stagnated facilitator of commerce 20
  • 21. Digital Content Leaders - Yahoo vs. AOL Stock Price Performance Market Cap ($ billions) % Price Δ Yahoo AOL YTD 14% 134.9% 1-Year 19% 140.8% 70% 3-Year 20% 41.5% 5-Year #NAME? NA $22 50% 30% 10% (10%) $3 (30%) Yahoo AOL (50%) (70%) Nov-09 Apr-10 Sep-10 Feb-11 Jul-11 Dec-11 May-12 Oct-12 Yahoo AOL S&P 500 21
  • 22. Digital Content Leaders - Yahoo vs. AOL • Aggressive acquirers in technology early, but fragmentation of content and adtech difficult to counteract • Rebirth of both companies with new management teams • Jury still out on sustainability of models − Yahoo – “Productizing” around mobile platform − AOL – Assembling a stable to top tier content brand • Large stock moves to date driven by one-time events Didn’t participate in shift to mobile Notable M&A Deals Outside of Publishing 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 22
  • 23. II. Summary of IPO Performance
  • 24. Current State of Digital IPO Market • Challenging market for digital/internet IPOs this year − Facebook performance brought into question consumer internet valuations − Platform dependencies exasperated downward pressure • M&A very risky strategic tool for newly public companies today − New digital companies having to compete for scarce assets against much larger competitors − Lack of financial fundamentals in most targets today brings new levels of risk to shareholders • Numerous consumer internet companies required to change business model while being public − Zynga, Groupon, DemandMedia • Enterprise marketing remains relatively healthy − Performance dictated by company fundamentals 24
  • 25. Digital IPOs in 2012 vs. 2011 2012YTD U.S. Digital IPOs 2011 U.S. Digital IPOs ($ in millions) Offer Current Performance ($ in millions) Offer Current Performance Date Company Size Market Value Since IPO Date Company Size Market Value Since IPO Oct 11 Workday, Inc. $732.6 #NAME? #NAME? Dec 15 Zynga, Inc. $1,000.0 #NAME? #NAME? Oct 10 Shutterstock, Inc. 76.5 #NAME? #NAME? Dec 12 Jive Software, Inc. 161.3 #NAME? #NAME? Oct 02 LifeLock, Inc. 141.3 #NAME? #NAME? Nov 16 Angie's List, Inc. 114.3 #NAME? #NAME? Sep 19 Trulia, Inc. 102.0 #NAME? #NAME? Nov 03 Groupon, Inc. 700.0 #NAME? #NAME? Aug 01 Eloqua, Inc. 92.0 #NAME? #NAME? Aug 10 Carbonite, Inc. 71.9 #NAME? #NAME? Jul 25 E2open, Inc. 70.3 #NAME? #NAME? Jul 19 Zillow, Inc. 79.6 #NAME? #NAME? Jul 19 Kayak Software 91.0 #NAME? #NAME? Jun 28 HomeAway, Inc. 248.4 #NAME? #NAME? May 17 Facebook, Inc. 16,006.9 #NAME? #NAME? Jun 16 Bankrate, Inc. 336.8 #NAME? #NAME? Mar 28 CafePress Inc. 85.5 #NAME? #NAME? Jun 14 Pandora Media, Inc. 234.9 #NAME? #NAME? Mar 28 Millennial Media Inc. 132.6 #NAME? #NAME? May 25 The Active Network, Inc. 165.0 #NAME? #NAME? Mar 22 Vipshop 71.5 #NAME? #NAME? May 18 LinkedIn Corporation 352.8 #NAME? #NAME? Mar 21 ExactTarget, Inc. 161.5 #NAME? #NAME? May 10 FriendFinder Networks Inc. 50.0 #NAME? #NAME? Mar 21 Vantiv, Inc. 500.0 #NAME? #NAME? Apr 20 Responsys, Inc. 79.4 #NAME? #NAME? Mar 14 Demandware, Inc. 88.0 #NAME? #NAME? Apr 13 Zipcar, Inc. 200.5 #NAME? #NAME? Mar 01 Yelp, Inc. 107.3 #NAME? #NAME? Jan 25 Demand Media, Inc. 174.0 #NAME? #NAME? Feb 23 Bazaarvoice, Inc. 113.8 #NAME? #NAME? Mean #NAME? Feb 17 Brightcove, Inc. 55.0 #NAME? #NAME? Median #NAME? Feb 09 Synacor, Inc. 34.1 #NAME? #NAME? Mean #NAME? Median #NAME? 25
  • 26. Social Consumer IPOs Stock Price Performance Commentary 60% 40% • Doubled down with M&A and investment 20% in an unsustainable model 0% • Negative publicity was too hard to overcome (20%) (40%) • Dismal M&A strategy; paid $180mm for OMGPOP, wrote it off shortly thereafter (60%) • Realization of platform risk and consumer (80%) behavior shift in a short period of time (100%) IPO 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240 Offer days days days days days days days days Price • Jury is out on quality of long term business Groupon Zynga Facebook revenue growth model • Company aggressively experimenting 26
  • 27. Lead Gen / Content IPOs Stock Price Performance Commentary 80% 60% • Had successfully built a content business around high value verticals such as finance 40% and insurance 20% • Disappointing recent quarter as company makes adjustments to its revenue model 0% (20%) (40%) • Content farm = Unsustainable business model (60%) • Pivoting towards AOL strategy (80%) IPO 60 120 180 240 300 360 420 Offer days days days days days days days Price Bankrate Demand Media Kayak • Successful exit three months after IPO 27
  • 28. Marketing Automation IPOs Stock Price Performance Commentary 140% 120% • Has struggled to counter pricing issues at 100% large enterprise end of the market 80% 60% 40% • Successfully transitioned business away 20% from traditional email marketing 0% • Growing at north of 40% (20%) (40%) (60%) • Successfully created B2B marketing IPO 60 days 120 180 240 300 360 automation category Offer days days days days days Price Responsys ExactTarget Eloqua 28
  • 29. Exciting Value Creators for 2013 SOCIAL Broad Interest Networks • Enterprise & Social integrating within Platforms develop broader suites • Emergence of Niche Enterprise Tools Networks Single channel management tools Niche Networks Context based environments 29
  • 30. Exciting Value Creators for 2013 eCOMMERCE Retailing Online • Evolution of new consumer models Creation of online only businesses • “Convergence” a major area of investment among Niche Commerce commerce leaders and VCs Development of new business models Convergence Tight integration offline and online 30
  • 31. Exciting Value Creators for 2013 MARKETING SERVICES Email Marketing • Data driven capabilities fuel nearly all M&A and investments Primitive digital capabilities in Mktg Services • Currently in an integration phase – putting all of the pieces New Channels together Development of leading single channel solutions Multi-Channel/Mktg. Automation Data based models to drive higher ROI 31
  • 32. III. What’s Happening in Digital NY
  • 33. A Word About the New York Scene • New York now consistently #2 tech hub behind SF Bay Area − $5.6 billion invested in Digital NY companies since 2006 − ~200 Digital NY companies have raised $5 million+ of outside capital − ~150 investors focused on Digital NY • Leading digital/internet companies moving into area − Twitter opens office in late 2011 – eBay building an innovation center in the City • NY has distinct competencies that are attracting talent – Wall Street – Madison Avenue – Retail 33
  • 34. NY’s Emergence as a Tech Hub • New York City has become a true digital media innovation center Q3 2012 Internet VC Funding by Top Cities Q3 2012 Internet VC Deals by Top Cities Total of Top Cities = $1,853 million Total of Top Cities = 175 Total Including Others = $2,672 million Total Including Others = 372 San Francisco, 69 Others 31% San Francisco 31% Bay Area Palo Alto, 13 Bay Area 98 San Mateo, 9 $1,171M Sunnyvale, 6 Palo Alto Los Altos, 1 3% Others, 197 Los Angeles San Mateo New York, 52 5% 3% Boston Los Altos Sunnyvale 7% 2% Boston, 16 New York 5% 13% Los Angeles, 9 −Source: CB Insights “Venture Capital Activity Report” 34
  • 35. The Past Six Years Have Shaped Much of NY’s Digital Media and Technology Landscape • Notable events in NY since 2007: Development of brand names across broad set of verticals / / ($275 million) ($3.1 billion) Closes deal and ($315 announces Mayor Bloomberg million) acquisition of announces HQ move leads / to NY in September Raises series A Opens a starts up city-funded Googleplex in New business incubator in tech VC funding announces ($680 million) round York City programs and deal quantity acquisition of April December June September For $183 July January February million 2007 2007 2007 2008 2009 2011 2011 March 2012 January September November September June June August December 2007 2007 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Raises series Mayor Bloomberg offers A round Raises series A $100 million and land to Acquires develop a top announces is founded round announces spin-offs of: Announces engineering school to acquisition of October 2007 For $125 million acquisition of encourage tech comes to New York development, to bring New York City to the forefront of innovation. for $745 million Raises Series B Raises series Raises Series A for $30 billion round A round round announces acquisition of announces acquisition of Raises series A round ($524 million) 35
  • 36. NY Ecosystem Has Very Different Roots and Growth Opportunities Than Silicon Valley Internet Services Wall Street Leadership Talent Operational Engineering Efficiencies Talent Data Services Advertising Key Creative Customers Talent Strategic Strategic Acquirers Business Partnerships Fashion Media Development 36
  • 37. −NY Area Private Digital Companies by Sector −Digital −Digital Content Marketing −eCommerce −Mobile −Social −FashionStake −SpotO n −Electric Sheep − Note: More companies illustrated on the following sector breakdown pages 37
  • 38. −“The Locals” - Digital Focused VC/PE Firms Headquartered in NY Area (72) −Seed −30 −Early Stage −33 −Growth −23 −Buyout −7 Equity −(<$2M) −($1M-$10M) −($10M-$50M) −Upstage −Ventures −Note: Firms may be active in more than one category. Source: Capital IQ, TechCrunch, public filings, and press releases 38
  • 39. Explosion of Seed Investment Seed VC Deals 94 79 81 75 55 44 42 41 24 26 13 13 Q4 2009 Q1 2010 Q2 2010 Q3 2010 Q4 2010 Q1 2011 Q2 2011 Q3 2011 Q4 2011 Q1 2012 Q2 2012 Q3 2012 Source: CB Insights Seed Programs / Super Angel / Seed VC Traditional VC with Formal Seed Programs 39
  • 40. −Top 25 Private Digital NY Sale Transactions January 2007 – December 2012 (Disclosed deals / rumored pricing available) −(Enterprise Value in $MM) −$1,000 −$800 −$400 −$200 −$0 −200 −2008 −2009 −2010 −2011 −2012 7 −Source: Capital IQ, TechCrunch, public filings, and press releases 40
  • 41. Private Digital NY Sale Transactions >$100 million Since January 2010 (Disclosed deals / rumored pricing available) Transaction Date Acquirer / Target Value ($MM) 6/4/2012 salesforce.com, inc Buddy Media, Inc. $745 6/16/2011 (NYSE:CRM) DG FastChannel MediaMind 524 6/3/2010 The Hearst Technologies Inc. iCrossing, Inc. 425 6/13/2011 Corporation Google AdMeld 400* 2/6/2011 AOL Huffington Post 315 1/19/2011 Affinion Web Loyalty 296 8/26/2012 IAC Search & About.com, Inc. 300 11/1/2011 Media, Inc. Yahoo! Inc. interclick, inc. 264 2/3/2010 (NasdaqGS:YHOO) HotJobs.com, Ltd. Monster 225 1/25/2010 Worldwide, Inc. Dentsu Innovation 200* 3/21/2012 Zynga, Inc. InternactiveInc. OMGPOP, 183 11/12/2012 (NasdaqGS:ZNGA) Ziff Davis Media j2 Global, Inc. 165 9/8/2011 (NasdaqGS:JCOM) Inc. Survey, LLC Google Inc. Zagat 151 6/17/2010 (NasdaqGS:GOOG) Register.com, Inc. Web.com Group, 135 Inc. Source: Capital IQ, TechCrunch, public filings, and press releases. *rumored value 41
  • 42. IV. Quick Gridley Commercial
  • 43. Focused Digital Expertise Underlies Gridley’s Investment Banking Services Advertising / Content Marketing Social eCommerce Comprehensive Investment Banking Services • Private Company Sales SaaS • Private Company Equity Enterprise Financing • Public Company Buyside Point-of-Sale Mobile Payments 43
  • 44. Strategic Thought Leadership is Well Known Industry Frequent Annual Gridley Hosted Quarterly Publications Guides Industry Speaker Events • 2012 Business Insider: IGNITION • DFJ Gotham Annual Investors Meeting • IAB Marketplace: Mobile • Women’s Mobile Network • Highly respected newsletter about industry • 2011 Business Insider: • January Conference trends and corporate IGNITION finance / M&A activity • OMMA Display • Market Research Council Luncheon • Capital RoundTable • SIIA Midmarket Growth Conference • In-depth review of the digital NY ecosystem, • OMMA Mobile including recent startups • Summer Networking • Digital Hollywood NYC: and the firms investing in Media Disruption Event & Golf Outing them • ad:tech NYC 2010 44
  • 45. Selected Recent Gridley Transactions Gridley clients include industry leaders and premier emerging growth companies Undisclosed Undisclosed Undisclosed Undisclosed Undisclosed Undisclosed Undisclosed $20,500,000 Digital Agency Acquired by Acquired by Acquired by Acquired by Acquired by Acquired by Acquired by Acquired by Pending SAS GfK Channel Intelligence, Inc. Minicom Digital Signage Oversee.net TeleTech Holdings The Dolan Company Advisor Advisor Advisor Advisor Advisor Advisor Advisor Advisor Undisclosed Undisclosed Undisclosed Undisclosed Undisclosed Undisclosed $20,000,000 $367,000,000 Acquired by Acquired Acquired Acquired by Acquired Acquired Investment by Acquired by WPP Group plc FetchBack Inc. M3 Mobile Marketing MDC Partners Inc. Pepperjam Silverlign Group Inc. TZP Group LLC Roper Industries, Inc. Advisor Advisor Advisor Advisor Advisor Advisor Placement Agent Advisor $157,000,000 Undisclosed Undisclosed Undisclosed Undisclosed Undisclosed $113,189,337 $17,450,000 Email Business of Ad Serving Business of PrePay Intelligent Network Solutions Business Unit of Acquired Acquired by Acquired by Sold to Sold to Sold to Secondary Offering Acquired by e-Dialog, Inc. WPP Group plc Quest Software One to One Interactive, Inc. Aegis plc Parthenon Capital LLC Verisign Advisor Advisor Advisor Advisor Advisor Advisor Co-Manager Issued Fairness Opinion Undisclosed Undisclosed $138,000,000 Undisclosed $58,000,000 Undisclosed $55,200,000 Undisclosed Advisory Communications Marketing One to One, Inc. Systems, Inc. (ACS) d/b/a d/b/a Acquired by Acquired by Acquired Acquired by Acquired Acquired by Acquired by Schulman, Ronca, & Valassis Follow-On Offering Carlson Marketing Group ISIS Equity Partners, Inc. Modem Media, Inc. Performics, Inc. ARAG Group Bucuvalas, Inc. . Communications, Inc. Advisor Advisor Advisor Advisor Advisor Advisor Co-Manager Advisor 45
  • 46. QUESTIONS? Peg Jackson Linda Gridley Pratik Patel Managing Director President & CEO Director 212-400-9709 212-400-9710 212-400-9712 peg.jackson@gridleyco.com linda.gridley@gridleyco.com pratik.patel@gridleyco.com Gridley & Company LLC 10 East 53rd Street, 24th Floor New York, NY 10022 212.400.9720 tel 212.400.9717 fax Twitter: @gridleyco www.gridleyco.com
  • 47. A Guide to the Digital Media Light Marketing at the Speed of Market Upcoming CVG Events and Closing Remarks Liddy Karter Executive Director, Crossroads Venture Group Managing Partner, Enhanced Capital Partners
  • 48. THANK YOU CVG SPONSORS B Round A Round Venture Capital Sponsors Professional Service Firms
  • 49. Exhibiting Companies Alex Cruikshank, Entfluence Ed Natera, Track180
  • 50. Upcoming Events Boardroom Series Second Thursday 7:30 AM – 9:00 AM 4:30 PM – 7:00 PM February 15 March 14 M & A: Tax Considerations New Haven Navigating the FDA: Getting to Market New Haven February 20 Employment and Immigration Issues April 11 Stamford Medical Management March 6 Information Systems Hartford Crowd Funding New Haven May 9 March 13 Financial Services America Invents Act: Stamford Changing the Patent Landscape Stamford
  • 51. CVG 2013 Calendar Offering 60 Events Attendance to all Second Thursday events is free for members.