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Use the latest Temu Coupon code $100 Off “acu639380” During your first order And get a $100 Off Temu coupon bundle bonus and purchase items worth $100 or more. Get free shipping and save up to 40% with the code. This Temu $100 coupon code is valid for both new and existing Temu customers.
➥Temu Coupon Code ["acu639380"] 50% discount
Using a Temu coupon code like [acu639380] can significantly reduce your shopping costs. Temu frequently offers discounts that range from 30% to 90% off, free shipping, and even free items. Depending on the timing and the promotion, you may find that some codes are better suited for new customers, while others are tailored for existing ones.
Temu $120 coupon bundle: acu639380
Temu coupon code 40% OFF: acu639380
Temu Coupon Code France: (acu639380)
Temu Coupon Code Sweden : (acu639380)
Temu Coupon Code Australia : (acu639380)
Temu Coupon Code United Kingdom : (acu639380)
Temu Coupon Code Spain : (acu639380)
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Temu Coupon Code Norway : (acu639380)
➥Temu Coupon Code for Existing Customers ["acu639380"] 40% discount
If you're an existing Temu customer, there are still plenty of discounts you can take advantage of. Typically, coupon codes for existing customers provide 40% to 70% off selected items or categories. Codes like [acu639380] can help you continue saving even after your initial purchase.
• Temu coupon code for existing customers: acu639380
• Temu Coupon $100 Off for Existing Customers 2024: acu639380
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➥Temu Coupon Code for New Customers ["acu639380"] 30% off
New customers are often the most rewarded, as Temu aims to bring more people to their platform. The Temu coupon code [acu639380] could offer up to 90% off on your first purchase, or provide free shipping, depending on the ongoing promotion.
➥Temu Coupon Code for First Order ["acu639380"] 20% discount
For your first order, you can often apply a Temu coupon code to get major savings. Many codes, like [acu639380], are specially designed for new users, offering substantial discounts of $100 off or even free items to encourage you to make your first purchase.
➥Temu Coupon Code for Free Items ["acu639380"] 60% off
Occasionally, Temu will run promotions where you can use a coupon code for free items. This is especially useful if you're looking to try out the platform without spending too much upfront. Watch out for these limited-time offers, as they tend to sell out quickly.
➥Temu Coupon $100 Off ["acu639380"] 40% off
One of the best offers on Temu is the $100 off coupon code “UK. Whether you’re a new customer or a returning shopper, this discount can significantly reduce your total purchase amount. You can find codes like [acu639380] or [acu639380] that offer this deal during special promotions.
1. Temu coupon $100 off – acu639380
2. $100 Off Temu Coupon Code – acu639380
3. $50 Promo Code – acu639380
4. Temu coupon $100 off October 2024 – acu639380
5. Temu Coupon Code 2024 – acu639380
6. 30% discount code – acu639380
7. Save 40% Temu Coupon Code – acu639380
➥Temu Coupon Code $100 Off ["acu639380"] 30% discount
Temu $100 Off Coupon Code ["acu639380"]
The Temu $100 off coupon code is a top-tier promotion that allows shoppers to make significant savings on larger purchases. This coupon can be used during checkout and can sometimes be stacked with other deals.
Temu Coupon Code $100 Off ["acu639380"] First Order
For new customers making their first order, the Temu coupon code $100 off provides an incredible opportunity to get major savings. If you're planning to make a large purchase, this discount code can help reduce your total by a considerable amount.
Temu Coupon Code $100 Off ["acu639380"] for Existing Customers
Even if you’re an existing customer, you can sometimes take advantage of a $100 off coupon code during special sales events. This code is ideal for loyal shoppers who want to continue saving without creating new accounts.
Temu $100 Off Coupon Code ["acu639380"] Legit
Many shoppers wonder, "Is the Temu $100 off coupon code acu639380 legit?" Yes, it is! However, always ensure that you're getting these codes from trusted sources. Temu itself offers these coupons during special sales events, and reputable coupon sites also distribute valid codes.
➥Temu Coupon Code 90 Off ["acu639380"] 70% off
Temu Coupon Code 90 Off ["acu639380"] Reddit
Reddit is a great place to find active and user-tested Temu coupon codes, including the popular 90% off coupon codes. Communities dedicated to deals often share the best codes for maximum savings.
Temu Coupon Code 90 Off ["acu639380"] First Order
For new users, the Temu coupon code for 90% off your first order is a fantastic way to save big on your first purchase. Be sure to apply it at checkout to enjoy these massive savings.
Temu Coupon Code 90 Off ["acu639380"] for Existing Users
Temu doesn’t just reward new customers—existing users can also find 90% off coupon codes from time to time. These codes usually apply to select items and are available during special events or holidays.
➥Temu Coupon Code 70 Off ["acu639380"] 40% off
Temu Coupon Code 70 Off ["acu639380"] First Order
If you're a new customer, using a Temu coupon code for 70% off your first order can provide an excellent opportunity to save on your initial purchases.
Temu Coupon Code 70 Off ["acu639380"] for Existing Users
For existing users, Temu often offers 70% off deals during flash sales or holiday events. Be sure to check your email or the app for updates on these discounts.
➥Temu Coupon Code 50 Off ["acu639380"] 90% off
Temu Coupon Code 50 Off ["acu639380"] Reddit
Reddit users are often quick to share the latest Temu coupon codes, including those that offer 50% off. Always verify the legitimacy of these codes before using them.
Temu Coupon Code 50 Off ["acu639380"] First Order
For new customers, a 50% off coupon code is a solid choice for making your first purchase without breaking the bank. Be sure to enter the code during checkout to apply the discount.
Temu Coupon Code 50 Off ["acu639380"] Free Shipping
A popular combo is the 50% off coupon code with free shipping, which allows you to save even more. This deal is especially useful if you're ordering smaller items where shipping costs can quickly add up.
➥Temu Coupon Code 40 Off ["acu639380"] 80% off
Temu Coupon Code 40 Off ["acu639380"] for Existing Users
Existing customers can find 40% off coupon codes during special promotions or flash sales. These codes are great for saving on repeat purchases.
Temu Coupon Code 40 Off ["acu639380"] for First-Time Users
For first-time users, a 40% off coupon code can offer significant savings while you explore Temu's wide selection of products.
Temu Coupon Code 40 Off ["acu639380"] First Order
If you're placing your first order on Temu using a 40% off coupon code can be an excellent way to reduce your total cost.
Temu Coupon Code 40 Off ["acu639380"] Reddit
Keep an eye on Reddit for the latest 40% off coupon codes. Redditors often share these codes during active promotions, allowing you to save even more.
➥Temu Coupon Code 30 Off ["acu639380"] 60% off
Temu Coupon Code 30 Off ["acu639380"] Reddit
Reddit is a great source for finding Temu coupon codes offering 30% off. Users frequently post updates on the latest deals and codes.
Temu Coupon Code 30 Off ["acu639380"] First Order
For first-time buyers, a 30% off coupon code is a fantastic way to start shopping on Temu This discount can be applied to a wide variety of items.
Temu Coupon Code 30 Off ["acu639380"] for Existing Users
Existing customers aren’t left out either, as Temu often offers 30% off coupon codes for those who continue shopping on the platform.
Temu Coupon Code 30 Off ["acu639380"] Free Shipping
Combine your 30% off coupon code with a free shipping deal for maximum savings. This is particularly useful for lightweight items where shipping costs can sometimes negate the savings.
What is the best Temu coupon code?
The best coupon code depends on your needs, but $100 off or 90% off for first orders are among the top offers.
How do I apply a Temu coupon code?
Enter the code at checkout under the “apply coupon” section.
Can I use multiple coupon codes on Temu (UK)?
No, only one Temu coupon code can be applied per order.
Is there a Temu coupon code for free items?
Occasionally, Temu offers coupon codes for free items, but these are limited-time deals.
Are Temu coupon codes for new and existing users different?
Yes, new users often get larger discounts, while existing users have ongoing promotions.
Is the $100 off Temu coupon code legit?
Yes, but ensure you're using codes from reputable sources like Temu’s official website or app.
Can I get 90% off on my first order?
Yes, Temu offers 90% off coupon codes for first-time buyers during special promotions.
How often does Temu offer coupon codes?
Temu regularly offers discounts, especially during holiday seasons or special sales events.
Does Temu offer free shipping with coupon codes?
Yes, many Temu coupon codes include free shipping as part of the promotion.
Where can I find the latest Temu coupon codes?
You can find the latest codes on Reddit, coupon websites, or directly through Temu’s app.
Temu offers a wide variety of coupon codes that can help both new and existing customers save on their purchases. From $100 off to 90% discounts, there’s a promotion for everyone. Be sure to use codes like [acu639380]
If you're looking to shop on Temu,”UK” one of the fastest-growing e-commerce platforms, you'll definitely want to take advantage of various Temu “UK” coupon codes to save on your purchases. Whether you are a new customer or an existing one, Temu “UK” offers a range of discount codes that can help you save money. From first-order discounts to ongoing promotions, there's something for everyone. In this article, we will explore different Temu “UK” coupon codes including those that offer up to $100 off, free items, and other high-percentage discounts.
➥Temu “UK” Coupon Code ["acu639380"] 50% discount
Using a Temu “UK” coupon code like [acu639380] can significantly reduce your shopping costs. Temu “UK” frequently offers discounts that range from 30% to 90% off, free shipping, and even free items. Depending on the timing and the promotion, you may find that some codes are better suited for new customers, while others are tailored for existing ones.
Temu $120 coupon bundle: act892435
Temu coupon code 40% OFF: act892435
Temu Coupon Code France: (act892435) or (acq943609)
Temu Coupon Code Sweden : (act892435) or (acq943609)
Temu Coupon Code Australia : (act892435) or (acq943609)
Temu Coupon Code United Kingdom : (act892435) or (acq943609)
Temu Coupon Code Spain : (act892435) or (acq943609)
Temu Coupon Code Italy : (act892435) or (acq943609)
Temu Coupon Code Germany : (act892435) or (acq943609)
Temu Coupon Code Saudi Arabia : (act892435) or (acq943609)
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Temu Coupon Code Thailand : (act892435) or (acq943609)
Temu Coupon Code Kuwait : (act892435) or ( acq943609)
Temu Coupon Code United Arab Emirates : (act892435) or (acq943609)
Temu Coupon Code Switzerland : (act892435) or (acq943609)
Temu Coupon Code Mexico : (act892435) or (acq943609)
Temu Coupon Code New Zealand : (act892435) or (acq943609)
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Temu Coupon Code United States : (act892435) or (acq943609)
Temu Coupon Code Portugal : (act892435) or (acq943609)
Temu Coupon Code Netherlands : (act892435) or (acq943609)
Temu Coupon Code Brazil : (act892435) or (acq943609)
Temu Coupon Code Colombia : (act892435) or (acq943609)
Temu Coupon Code Chile : (act892435) or (acq943609)
Temu Coupon Code Israel : (act892435) or (acq943609)
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Temu Coupon Code Peru : (act892435) or (acq943609)
Temu Coupon Code Ireland : (act892435) or (acq943609)
Temu Coupon Code Hungary : (act892435) or (acq943609)
Temu Coupon Code Romania : (act892435) or (acq943609)
Temu Coupon Code Bulgaria : (act892435) or (acq943609)
Temu Coupon Code Slovakia : (act892435) or (acq943609)
Temu Coupon Code Slovenia : (act892435) or (acq943609)
Temu Coupon Code Japan : (act892435) or (acq943609)
Temu Coupon Code Europe : (act892435) or (acq943609)
Temu Coupon Code Malaysia : (act892435) or (acq943609)
Temu Coupon Code Oman : (act892435) or (acq943609)
Temu Coupon Code Norway : (act892435) or (acq943609)
➥Temu “UK” Coupon Code for Existing Customers ["act892435"] 40% discount
If you're an existing Temu “UK” customer, there are still plenty of discounts you can take advantage of. Typically, coupon codes for existing customers provide 40% to 70% off selected items or categories. Codes like [act892435] can help you continue saving even after your initial purchase.
• Temu “UK” coupon code for existing customers: act892435
• Temu “UK” Coupon $100 Off for Existing Customers 2024: act892435
• 50% off Temu “UK” coupon - act892435
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• 50% Off Temu “UK” code - act892435
➥Temu “UK” Coupon Code for New Customers ["acu639380"] 30% off
New customers are often the most rewarded, as Temu “UK” aims to bring more people to their platform. The Temu “UK” coupon code [act892435] could offer up to 90% off on your first purchase, or provide free shipping, depending on the ongoing promotion.
➥Temu “UK” Coupon Code for First Order ["acu639380"] 20% discount
For your first order, you can often apply a Temu “UK” coupon code to get major savings. Many codes, like [act892435], are specially designed for new users, offering substantial discounts of $100 off or even free items to encourage you to make your first purchase.
➥Temu “UK” Coupon Code for Free Items ["acu639380"] 60% off
Occasionally, Temu “UK” will run promotions where you can use a coupon code for free items. This is especially useful if you're looking to try out the platform without spending too much upfront. Watch out for these limited-time offers, as they tend to sell out quickly.
➥Temu “UK” Coupon $100 Off ["acu639380"] 40% off
One of the best offers on Temu “UK” is the $100 off coupon code “UK. Whether you’re a new customer or a returning shopper, this discount can significantly reduce your total purchase amount. You can find codes like [act892435] or [act892435] that offer this deal during special promotions.
1. Temu “UK” coupon $100 off – act892435
2. $100 Off Temu “UK” Coupon Code – act892435
3. $50 Promo Code – act892435
4. Temu “UK” coupon $100 off October 2024 – act892435
5. Temu “UK” Coupon Code 2024 – act892435
6. 30% discount code – act892435 “UK”
7. Save 40% Temu “UK” Coupon Code – act892435
➥Temu “UK” Coupon Code $100 Off ["act892435"] 30% discount
Temu “UK” $100 Off Coupon Code ["acu639380"]
The Temu “UK” $100 off coupon code is a top-tier promotion that allows shoppers to make significant savings on larger purchases. This coupon can be used during checkout and can sometimes be stacked with other deals.
Temu “UK” Coupon Code $100 Off ["acu639380"] First Order
For new customers making their first order, the Temu “UK” coupon code $100 off provides an incredible opportunity to get major savings. If you're planning to make a large purchase, this discount code can help reduce your total by a considerable amount.
Temu “ UK” Coupon Code $100 Off ["acu639380"] for Existing Customers
Even if you’re an existing customer, you can sometimes take advantage of a $100 off coupon code during special sales events. This code is ideal for loyal shoppers who want to continue saving without creating new accounts.
Temu “UK” $100 Off Coupon Code ["acu639380"] Legit
Many shoppers wonder, "Is the Temu “UK” $100 off coupon code acu639380 legit?" Yes, it is! However, always ensure that you're getting these codes from trusted sources. Temu “UK” itself offers these coupons during special sales events, and reputable coupon sites also distribute valid codes.
➥Temu “UK” Coupon Code 90 Off ["acu639380"] 70% off
Temu “UK” Coupon Code 90 Off ["acu639380"] Reddit
Reddit is a great place to find active and user-tested Temu “UK” coupon codes, including the popular 90% off coupon codes. Communities dedicated to deals often share the best codes for maximum savings.
Temu “UK” Coupon Code 90 Off ["acu639380"] First Order
For new users, the Temu “UK” coupon code for 90% off your first order is a fantastic way to save big on your first purchase. Be sure to apply it at checkout to enjoy these massive savings.
Temu “UK” Coupon Code 90 Off ["acu639380"] for Existing Users
Temu “UK” doesn’t just reward new customers—existing users can also find 90% off coupon codes from time to time. These codes usually apply to select items and are available during special events or holidays.
➥Temu “UK” Coupon Code 70 Off ["acu639380"] 40% off
Temu “UK” Coupon Code 70 Off ["acu639380"] First Order
If you're a new customer, using a Temu “UK” coupon code for 70% off your first order can provide an excellent opportunity to save on your initial purchases.
Temu “UK” Coupon Code 70 Off ["act892435"] for Existing Users
For existing users, Temu “UK” often offers 70% off deals during flash sales or holiday events. Be sure to check your email or the app for updates on these discounts.
➥Temu “UK” Coupon Code 50 Off ["act892435"] 90% off
Temu “UK” Coupon Code 50 Off ["act892435"] Reddit
Reddit users are often quick to share the latest Temu “UK” coupon codes, including those that offer 50% off. Always verify the legitimacy of these codes before using them.
Temu “UK” Coupon Code 50 Off ["act892435"] First Order
For new customers, a 50% off coupon code is a solid choice for making your first purchase without breaking the bank. Be sure to enter the code during checkout to apply the discount.
Temu “UK” Coupon Code 50 Off ["act892435"] Free Shipping
A popular combo is the 50% off coupon code with free shipping, which allows you to save even more. This deal is especially useful if you're ordering smaller items where shipping costs can quickly add up.
➥Temu “UK” Coupon Code 40 Off ["act892435"] 80% off
Temu “UK” Coupon Code 40 Off ["act892435"] for Existing Users
Existing customers can find 40% off coupon codes during special promotions or flash sales. These codes are great for saving on repeat purchases.
Temu “UK” Coupon Code 40 Off ["act892435"] for First-Time Users
For first-time users, a 40% off coupon code can offer significant savings while you explore Temu's “UK” wide selection of products.
Temu “UK” Coupon Code 40 Off ["act892435"] First Order
If you're placing your first order on Temu “UK” using a 40% off coupon code can be an excellent way to reduce your total cost.
Temu “UK” Coupon Code 40 Off ["act892435"] Reddit
Keep an eye on Reddit for the latest 40% off coupon codes. Redditors often share these codes during active promotions, allowing you to save even more.
➥Temu “UK” Coupon Code 30 Off ["act892435"] 60% off
Temu “UK” Coupon Code 30 Off ["act892435"] Reddit
Reddit is a great source for finding Temu “UK” coupon codes offering 30% off. Users frequently post updates on the latest deals and codes.
Temu “UK” Coupon Code 30 Off ["act892435"] First Order
For first-time buyers, a 30% off coupon code is a fantastic way to start shopping on Temu “UK”This discount can be applied to a wide variety of items.
Temu “UK” Coupon Code 30 Off ["act892435"] for Existing Users
Existing customers aren’t left out either, as Temu “UK” often offers 30% off coupon codes for those who continue shopping on the platform.
Temu “UK” Coupon Code 30 Off ["act892435"] Free Shipping
Combine your 30% off coupon code with a free shipping deal for maximum savings. This is particularly useful for lightweight items where shipping costs can sometimes negate the savings.
What is the best Temu “UK” coupon code?
The best coupon code depends on your needs, but $100 off or 90% off for first orders are among the top offers.
How do I apply a Temu “UK” coupon code?
Enter the code at checkout under the “apply coupon” section.
Can I use multiple coupon codes on Temu (UK)?
No, only one Temu “UK” coupon code can be applied per order.
Is there a Temu “UK” coupon code for free items?
Occasionally, Temu “UK” offers coupon codes for free items, but these are limited-time deals.
Are Temu “UK” coupon codes for new and existing users different?
Yes, new users often get larger discounts, while existing users have ongoing promotions.
Is the $100 off Temu “UK” coupon code legit?
Yes, but ensure you're using codes from reputable sources like Temu’s “UK” official website or app.
Can I get 90% off on my first order?
Yes, Temu “UK” offers 90% off coupon codes for first-time buyers during special promotions.
How often does Temu “UK” offer coupon codes?
Temu “UK” regularly offers discounts, especially during holiday seasons or special sales events.
Does Temu “UK” offer free shipping with coupon codes?
Yes, many Temu “UK” coupon codes include free shipping as part of the promotion.
Where can I find the latest Temu “UK” coupon codes?
You can find the latest codes on Reddit, coupon websites, or directly through Temu’s “UK” app.
Temu “UK” offers a wide variety of coupon codes that can help both new and existing customers save on their purchases. From $100 off to 90% discounts, there’s a promotion for everyone. Be sure to use codes like [act892435]
1.Bradford, United Kingdom 🇬🇧
2.Marseille, France 🇫🇷
3.Coventry, United Kingdom 🇬🇧
4.Birmingham, United Kingdom 🇬🇧
5.Montpellier, France 🇫🇷
6.Naples, Italy 🇮🇹
8.Grenoble, France 🇫🇷
13.Lyon, France 🇫🇷
14.Manchester, United Kingdom 🇬🇧
15.Athens, Greece 🇬🇷
単位を見ると、GDP per capita = $/1人年, work hours = 時間/1人年, GDP per capita / work hours = $/時間
gdp per capita | work hours | Country Name | gdp per capita / work hours |
142214 | 1473.26 | Luxembourg | 96.5302 |
114899 | 1424.58 | Norway | 80.6543 |
126905 | 1657.47 | Ireland | 76.5657 |
83598.5 | 1528.66 | Switzerland | 54.6874 |
74005.5 | 1371.61 | Denmark | 53.9553 |
69577.4 | 1427.02 | Netherlands | 48.7573 |
69081.3 | 1449.22 | Iceland | 47.6679 |
63149.6 | 1340.86 | Germany | 47.0963 |
67935.8 | 1443.72 | Austria | 47.0561 |
64578.4 | 1440.46 | Sweden | 44.8318 |
65027.3 | 1525.82 | Belgium | 42.6181 |
76398.6 | 1810.94 | United States | 42.1872 |
59026.7 | 1498.07 | Finland | 39.4019 |
55492.6 | 1511.4 | France | 36.716 |
62625.4 | 1707.33 | Australia | 36.6804 |
54602.5 | 1531.71 | United Kingdom | 35.648 |
58399.5 | 1686 | Canada | 34.6379 |
50031.7 | 1619.01 | Slovenia | 30.9026 |
51865 | 1694.45 | Italy | 30.6087 |
48396.7 | 1624.16 | Lithuania | 29.7981 |
51966.9 | 1748 | New Zealand | 29.7293 |
55927.9 | 1881.93 | Malta | 29.7184 |
49945.5 | 1754.05 | Czechia | 28.4744 |
45572.7 | 1607 | Japan | 28.359 |
45825.2 | 1643.55 | Spain | 27.8819 |
49930.9 | 1837.1 | Cyprus | 27.1792 |
46697.4 | 1770.41 | Estonia | 26.3766 |
50069.8 | 1901 | Korea, Rep. | 26.3387 |
49509.1 | 1891.9 | Israel | 26.169 |
39956.2 | 1553.24 | Latvia | 25.7245 |
41451.6 | 1635.1 | Portugal | 25.3512 |
41906.7 | 1699.6 | Hungary | 24.6568 |
43268.5 | 1814.79 | Poland | 23.8421 |
41887.9 | 1808.23 | Romania | 23.1651 |
37459.5 | 1622.07 | Slovak Republic | 23.0937 |
40379.6 | 1810.5 | Croatia | 22.303 |
37273.7 | 1732.09 | Turkiye | 21.5195 |
33582.3 | 1618.73 | Bulgaria | 20.746 |
36834.9 | 1886.29 | Greece | 19.5276 |
36484.7 | 1874 | Russian Federation | 19.4689 |
30208.8 | 1962.8 | Chile | 15.3907 |
24922.7 | 2149 | Costa Rica | 11.5973 |
21512.3 | 2226.3 | Mexico | 9.66279 |
20287.4 | 2405.39 | Colombia | 8.43416 |
gdp per capita | salary | Country Name | gdp per capita / salary |
126905 | 52242.6 | Ireland | 2.42915 |
114899 | 53755.9 | Norway | 2.13742 |
142214 | 78310.1 | Luxembourg | 1.81603 |
49945.5 | 33475.5 | Czechia | 1.492 |
41906.7 | 28474.6 | Hungary | 1.47172 |
37459.5 | 26262.8 | Slovak Republic | 1.42633 |
36834.9 | 25979 | Greece | 1.41787 |
46697.4 | 34704.6 | Estonia | 1.34557 |
41451.6 | 31921.7 | Portugal | 1.29854 |
21512.3 | 16685.4 | Mexico | 1.28929 |
64578.4 | 50406.8 | Sweden | 1.28114 |
37273.7 | 31761 | Turkiye | 1.17357 |
43268.5 | 36896.6 | Poland | 1.1727 |
39956.2 | 34136.2 | Latvia | 1.17049 |
51865 | 44893.3 | Italy | 1.15529 |
74005.5 | 64126.7 | Denmark | 1.15405 |
83598.5 | 72993 | Switzerland | 1.14529 |
59026.7 | 51835.9 | Finland | 1.13872 |
49509.1 | 44155.9 | Israel | 1.12123 |
48396.7 | 43874.6 | Lithuania | 1.10307 |
69577.4 | 63225 | Netherlands | 1.10047 |
45572.7 | 41509.2 | Japan | 1.09789 |
63149.6 | 58940.3 | Germany | 1.07142 |
45825.2 | 42859.3 | Spain | 1.0692 |
67935.8 | 63801.6 | Austria | 1.0648 |
50031.7 | 47203.6 | Slovenia | 1.05991 |
62625.4 | 59407.9 | Australia | 1.05416 |
55492.6 | 52763.6 | France | 1.05172 |
51966.9 | 50722.5 | New Zealand | 1.02453 |
50069.8 | 48921.9 | Korea, Rep. | 1.02346 |
54602.5 | 53985.1 | United Kingdom | 1.01144 |
65027.3 | 64847.6 | Belgium | 1.00277 |
58399.5 | 59050.4 | Canada | 0.988978 |
76398.6 | 77463.5 | United States | 0.986253 |
30208.8 | 33042.3 | Chile | 0.914246 |
20287.4 | 22248.5 | Colombia | 0.911855 |
69081.3 | 79473.4 | Iceland | 0.869238 |
24922.7 | 31117.8 | Costa Rica | 0.800912 |
酒井 2022年の日本のジェンダー指数は、世界146ヵ国中116位。それを永田町のおじさんたちは、恥ずかしいとは思っていないんでしょうね。国際会議に出席する日本代表が男性だけでも平気でいられる。
酒井 出生率も落ちる一方。出生率が高いのは、共働きでケアの公共化がされている場合だと海外ではデータがはっきり出ているのに、なぜ変えようとしないのでしょう。
上野 おじさんたちが合理的選択をしないのは、ホモソーシャルな組織文化を守りたいからだとしか私には思えません。ホモソーシャルな集団のなかで、男として認められたい。そのためには自己犠牲もいとわない。
Fertility rate, total (births per woman) - World Bank Data
Country Name | GGIRank | GGIScore | Fertility rate, total (births per woman)2020 |
Iceland | 1 | 0.877 | 1.72 |
Norway | 2 | 0.842 | 1.48 |
Finland | 3 | 0.832 | 1.37 |
Sweden | 4 | 0.82 | 1.66 |
Nicaragua | 5 | 0.804 | 2.349 |
New Zealand | 6 | 0.799 | 1.61 |
Ireland | 7 | 0.798 | 1.63 |
Spain | 8 | 0.795 | 1.23 |
Rwanda | 9 | 0.791 | 3.873 |
Germany | 10 | 0.787 | 1.53 |
Latvia | 11 | 0.785 | 1.55 |
Namibia | 12 | 0.784 | 3.349 |
Costa Rica | 13 | 0.782 | 1.555 |
Denmark | 14 | 0.782 | 1.67 |
France | 15 | 0.781 | 1.83 |
Philippines | 16 | 0.781 | 2.777 |
South Africa | 17 | 0.78 | 2.401 |
Switzerland | 18 | 0.779 | 1.46 |
Canada | 19 | 0.772 | 1.4 |
Albania | 20 | 0.769 | 1.4 |
United Kingdom | 21 | 0.767 | 1.56 |
Colombia | 22 | 0.758 | 1.737 |
Moldova | 23 | 0.757 | 1.77 |
Trinidad and Tobago | 24 | 0.756 | 1.631 |
Mexico | 25 | 0.754 | 1.905 |
Estonia | 26 | 0.751 | 1.58 |
Belgium | 27 | 0.75 | 1.55 |
Barbados | 28 | 0.749 | 1.628 |
Belarus | 29 | 0.746 | 1.382 |
Argentina | 30 | 0.746 | 1.911 |
Cuba | 31 | 0.746 | 1.5 |
Burundi | 32 | 0.745 | 5.177 |
Lithuania | 33 | 0.745 | 1.48 |
Austria | 34 | 0.744 | 1.44 |
Portugal | 35 | 0.744 | 1.4 |
Slovenia | 36 | 0.743 | 1.6 |
Uruguay | 37 | 0.737 | 1.477 |
Netherlands | 38 | 0.736 | 1.55 |
Serbia | 39 | 0.736 | 1.48 |
Poland | 40 | 0.736 | 1.38 |
Jamaica | 41 | 0.735 | 1.358 |
Bolivia | 42 | 0.734 | 2.651 |
Lao PDR | 43 | 0.731 | 2.541 |
Australia | 44 | 0.731 | 1.581 |
Zambia | 45 | 0.731 | 4.379 |
Panama | 46 | 0.73 | 2.344 |
Zimbabwe | 47 | 0.73 | 3.545 |
Ecuador | 48 | 0.729 | 2.051 |
Bulgaria | 49 | 0.727 | 1.56 |
Bangladesh | 50 | 0.726 | 2.003 |
Luxembourg | 51 | 0.725 | 1.37 |
Cabo Verde | 52 | 0.725 | 1.908 |
United States | 53 | 0.724 | 1.6375 |
Singapore | 54 | 0.724 | 1.1 |
Romania | 55 | 0.724 | 1.6 |
Mozambique | 56 | 0.723 | 4.713 |
Chile | 57 | 0.723 | 1.537 |
Honduras | 58 | 0.722 | 2.394 |
Ukraine | 59 | 0.721 | 1.217 |
Croatia | 60 | 0.72 | 1.48 |
Bahamas, The | 61 | 0.72 | 1.394 |
Madagascar | 62 | 0.719 | 3.918 |
Slovak Republic | 63 | 0.718 | 1.57 |
Israel | 64 | 0.718 | 2.9 |
Uganda | 65 | 0.717 | 4.693 |
Peru | 66 | 0.714 | 2.216 |
Venezuela, RB | 67 | 0.713 | 2.23 |
Tanzania | 68 | 0.713 | 4.795 |
Bosnia and Herzegovina | 69 | 0.712 | 1.359 |
North Macedonia | 70 | 0.711 | 1.3 |
Montenegro | 71 | 0.71 | 1.75 |
Kazakhstan | 72 | 0.71 | 3.13 |
Botswana | 73 | 0.709 | 2.836 |
Georgia | 74 | 0.708 | 1.971 |
Thailand | 75 | 0.708 | 1.341 |
Italy | 76 | 0.707 | 1.24 |
Suriname | 77 | 0.707 | 2.371 |
Czechia | 78 | 0.706 | 1.71 |
Mongolia | 79 | 0.706 | 2.9 |
El Salvador | 80 | 0.706 | 1.819 |
Russian Federation | 81 | 0.706 | 1.505 |
Ethiopia | 82 | 0.705 | 4.243 |
Eswatini | 83 | 0.703 | 2.89 |
Greece | 84 | 0.701 | 1.34 |
Indonesia | 85 | 0.7 | 2.194 |
Dominican Republic | 86 | 0.7 | 2.303 |
Vietnam | 87 | 0.7 | 1.955 |
Lesotho | 88 | 0.695 | 3.049 |
Cambodia | 89 | 0.694 | 2.381 |
Malta | 90 | 0.693 | 1.13 |
Cyprus | 91 | 0.692 | 1.328 |
Brazil | 92 | 0.691 | 1.649 |
Kyrgyz Republic | 93 | 0.689 | 3 |
Azerbaijan | 94 | 0.687 | 1.7 |
Brunei Darussalam | 95 | 0.686 | 1.796 |
Cameroon | 96 | 0.686 | 4.543 |
Liberia | 97 | 0.685 | 4.174 |
Armenia | 98 | 0.684 | 1.575 |
Senegal | 99 | 0.684 | 4.454 |
Paraguay | 100 | 0.683 | 2.497 |
Nepal | 101 | 0.68 | 2.055 |
Sri Lanka | 102 | 0.68 | 2 |
Fiji | 103 | 0.678 | 2.495 |
Malaysia | 104 | 0.677 | 1.818 |
Hungary | 105 | 0.677 | 1.56 |
China | 106 | 0.676 | 1.281 |
Ghana | 107 | 0.673 | 3.623 |
Korea, Rep. | 108 | 0.672 | 0.837 |
Kenya | 109 | 0.671 | 3.397 |
Belize | 110 | 0.671 | 1.999 |
Sierra Leone | 111 | 0.668 | 4.08 |
India | 112 | 0.668 | 2.051 |
Guatemala | 113 | 0.666 | 2.484 |
Myanmar | 114 | 0.665 | 2.174 |
Mauritius | 115 | 0.665 | 1.44 |
Malawi | 116 | 0.664 | 3.995 |
Timor-Leste | 117 | 0.662 | 3.247 |
Angola | 118 | 0.66 | 5.371 |
Benin | 119 | 0.658 | 5.048 |
United Arab Emirates | 120 | 0.655 | 1.46 |
Japan | 121 | 0.652 | 1.34 |
Kuwait | 122 | 0.65 | 2.14 |
Maldives | 123 | 0.646 | 1.712 |
Tunisia | 124 | 0.644 | 2.114 |
Guinea | 125 | 0.642 | 4.489 |
Vanuatu | 126 | 0.638 | 3.778 |
Papua New Guinea | 127 | 0.635 | 3.274 |
Nigeria | 128 | 0.635 | 5.309 |
Burkina Faso | 129 | 0.635 | 4.869 |
Turkiye | 130 | 0.635 | 1.917 |
Bhutan | 131 | 0.635 | 1.433 |
Algeria | 132 | 0.634 | 2.942 |
Bahrain | 133 | 0.629 | 1.832 |
Egypt, Arab Rep. | 134 | 0.629 | 2.96 |
Qatar | 135 | 0.629 | 1.816 |
Gambia, The | 136 | 0.628 | 4.777 |
Tajikistan | 137 | 0.626 | 3.237 |
Jordan | 138 | 0.623 | 2.873 |
Mali | 139 | 0.621 | 6.035 |
Togo | 140 | 0.615 | 4.323 |
Mauritania | 141 | 0.614 | 4.455 |
Cote d'Ivoire | 142 | 0.606 | 4.472 |
Morocco | 143 | 0.605 | 2.353 |
Oman | 144 | 0.602 | 2.687 |
Lebanon | 145 | 0.599 | 2.103 |
Saudi Arabia | 146 | 0.599 | 2.465 |
Chad | 147 | 0.596 | 6.346 |
Iran, Islamic Rep. | 148 | 0.584 | 1.708 |
Congo, Dem. Rep. | 149 | 0.578 | 6.206 |
Syrian Arab Republic | 150 | 0.567 | 2.798 |
Pakistan | 151 | 0.564 | 3.555 |
Iraq | 152 | 0.53 | 3.551 |
Yemen, Rep. | 153 | 0.494 | 3.886 |
Article 10
The Parties may, by unanimous agreement, invite any other European State in a position to further the principles of this Treaty and to contribute to the security of the North Atlantic area to accede to this Treaty. Any State so invited may become a Party to the Treaty by depositing its instrument of accession with the Government of the United States of America. The Government of the United States of America will inform each of the Parties of the deposit of each such instrument of accession.
Article 11
This Treaty shall be ratified and its provisions carried out by the Parties in accordance with their respective constitutional processes. The instruments of ratification shall be deposited as soon as possible with the Government of the United States of America, which will notify all the other signatories of each deposit. The Treaty shall enter into force between the States which have ratified it as soon as the ratifications of the majority of the signatories, including the ratifications of Belgium, Canada, France, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom and the United States, have been deposited and shall come into effect with respect to other States on the date of the deposit of their ratifications.
Allowed countries
AE - United Arab Emirates
AL - Albania
BE - Belgium
BG - Bulgaria
BI - Burundi
BM - Bermuda
BN - Brunei Darussalam
BO - Bolivia (Plurinational State of)
BZ - Belize
CD - Congo (Democratic Republic of the)
CH - Switzerland
CK - Cook Islands
CN - China
CO - Colombia
CR - Costa Rica
CY - Cyprus
CZ - Czech Republic
DE - Germany
DO - Dominican Republic
EE - Estonia
EG - Egypt
FI - Finland
FK - Falkland Islands (Malvinas)
FM - Micronesia (Federated States of)
GB - United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
GG - Guernsey
GH - Ghana
GN - Guinea
GS - South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands
HK - Hong Kong
HM - Heard Island and McDonald Islands
HT - Haiti
HU - Hungary
IN - India
IO - British Indian Ocean Territory
IR - Iran (Islamic Republic of)
JE - Jersey
JO - Jordan
KE - Kenya
KI - Kiribati
KW - Kuwait
KZ - Kazakhstan
LA - Lao People's Democratic Republic
LB - Lebanon
LI - Liechtenstein
LK - Sri Lanka
LR - Liberia
LU - Luxembourg
LY - Libya
ME - Montenegro
NO - Norway
NU - Niue
OM - Oman
PE - Peru
PL - Poland
PM - Saint Pierre and Miquelon
QA - Qatar
RE - Réunion
RS - Serbia
RU - Russian Federation
RW - Rwanda
SC - Seychelles
SH - Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha
SK - Slovakia
SO - Somalia
SZ - Swaziland
TF - French Southern Territories
TJ - Tajikistan
TL - Timor-Leste
TN - Tunisia
TO - Tonga
TR - Turkey
TZ - Tanzania, United Republic of
UG - Uganda
UM - United States Minor Outlying Islands
US - United States of America
UY - Uruguay
UZ - Uzbekistan
VC - Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
VE - Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of)
VI - United States Virgin Islands
VU - Vanuatu
YE - Yemen
ZA - South Africa
ZM - Zambia
ZW - Zimbabwe
Country Name | Death Rate |
Latvia | 14.740 |
Lithuania | 13.910 |
Croatia | 13.206 |
Hungary | 12.697 |
Estonia | 11.835 |
Germany | 11.392 |
Greece | 11.035 |
Japan | 10.865 |
Portugal | 10.813 |
Italy | 10.658 |
Poland | 10.314 |
Slovenia | 10.148 |
Austria | 9.919 |
Finland | 9.862 |
Denmark | 9.848 |
Belgium | 9.784 |
Puerto Rico | 9.734 |
Uruguay | 9.474 |
United Kingdom | 9.413 |
France | 9.365 |
Aruba | 9.296 |
Spain | 9.213 |
Sweden | 9.145 |
Barbados | 9.105 |
Curacao | 9.018 |
Netherlands | 8.908 |
United States | 8.880 |
Trinidad and Tobago | 8.601 |
Malta | 8.530 |
Switzerland | 8.091 |
Norway | 7.960 |
Seychelles | 7.921 |
Channel Islands | 7.872 |
Canada | 7.803 |
Taiwan | 7.760 |
Argentina | 7.612 |
Cyprus | 7.159 |
Luxembourg | 7.114 |
New Zealand | 7.083 |
Bahamas | 6.920 |
Hong Kong | 6.828 |
Iceland | 6.773 |
Australia | 6.647 |
Antigua and Barbuda | 6.474 |
Chile | 6.311 |
South Korea | 6.305 |
Ireland | 6.229 |
New Caledonia | 5.894 |
French Polynesia | 5.806 |
Israel | 5.323 |
Guam | 5.320 |
Panama | 5.136 |
Singapore | 4.752 |
Macao | 4.087 |
Saudi Arabia | 3.557 |
Kuwait | 2.908 |
Oman | 2.451 |
Bahrain | 2.450 |
UAE | 1.586 |
Qatar | 1.298 |
The publisher of the book in Sweden said: “I was shocked by the commotion in Germany, Belgium and now also in Italy”. “I can assure you that it is a metaphor; if you read the entire passage, end it with the tale of “The New Emperor’s Clothes” by Christian Anderson. So it is certainly not literal.” In a text message, the mother also says that it is only about imagery.
The latest - and perhaps most entertaining - spin is that ”I can see CO2 with my own eyes”.
This is of course a metaphor from a book taken out of it's context, taken from a German newspaper.
No one has said that I can literally see CO2… that is beyond stupid.
動画を再生できません この動画には Sony Music Entertainment (Japan) Inc. さんのコンテンツが含まれており、お住まいの地域では著作権上の問題で権利所有者によりブロックされています。
Allowed countries
AD - Andorra AE - United Arab Emirates AF - Afghanistan AG - Antigua and Barbuda AI - Anguilla AL - Albania AM - Armenia AO - Angola AQ - Antarctica AR - Argentina AS - American Samoa AT - Austria AU - Australia AW - Aruba AX - Åland Islands AZ - Azerbaijan BA - Bosnia and Herzegovina BB - Barbados BD - Bangladesh BE - Belgium BF - Burkina Faso BG - Bulgaria BH - Bahrain BI - Burundi BJ - Benin BL - Saint Barthélemy BM - Bermuda BN - Brunei Darussalam BO - Bolivia (Plurinational State of) BR - Brazil BS - Bahamas BT - Bhutan BV - Bouvet sland BW - Botswana BY - Belarus BZ - Belize CA - Canada CC - Cocos (Keeling) Islands CD - Congo (Democratic Republic of the) CF - Central African Republic CG - Republic of the Congo CH - Switzerland CI - Côte d'Ivoire CK - Cook Islands CL - Chile CM - Cameroon CN - China CO - Colombia CR - Costa Rica CU - Cuba CV - Cabo Verde CX - Christmas Island CY - Cyprus CZ - Czech Republic DE - Germany DJ - Djibouti DK - Denmark DM - Dominica DO - Dominican Republic DZ - Algeria EC - Ecuador EE - Estonia EG - Egypt EH - Western Sahara ER - Eritrea ES - Spain ET - Ethiopia FI - Finland FJ - Fiji FK - Falkland Islands (Malvinas) FM - Micronesia (Federated States of) FO - Faroe Islands FR - France GA - Gabon GB - United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland GD - Grenada GE - Georgia (country) GF - French Guiana GG - Guernsey GH - Ghana GI - Gibraltar GL - Greenland GM - Gambia GN - Guinea GP - Guadeloupe GQ - Equatorial Guinea GR - Greece GS - South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands GT - Guatemala GU - Guam GW - Guinea-Bissau GY - Guyana HK - Hong Kong HM - Heard Island and McDonald Islands HN - Honduras HR - Croatia HT - Haiti HU - Hungary ID - Indonesia IE - Republic of Ireland IL - Israel IM - Isle of Man IN - India IO - British Indian Ocean Territory IQ - Iraq IR - Iran (Islamic Republic of) IS - Iceland IT - Italy JE - Jersey JM - Jamaica JO - Jordan KE - Kenya KG - Kyrgyzstan KH - Cambodia KI - Kiribati KM - Comoros KN - Saint Kitts and Nevis KP - North Korea KR - Korea (Republic of) KW - Kuwait KY - Cayman Islands KZ - Kazakhstan LA - Lao People's Democratic Republic LB - Lebanon LC - Saint Lucia LI - Liechtenstein LK - Sri Lanka LR - Liberia LS - Lesotho LT - Lithuania LU - Luxembourg LV - Latvia LY - Libya MA - Morocco MC - Monaco MD - Moldova (Republic of) ME - Montenegro MG - Madagascar MH - Marshall Islands MK - Republic of Macedonia ML - Mali MM - Myanmar MN - Mongolia MO - Macao MP - Northern Mariana Islands MQ - Martinique MR - Mauritania MS - Montserrat MT - Malta MU - Mauritius MV - Maldives MW - Malawi MX - Mexico MY - Malaysia MZ - Mozambique NA - Namibia NC - New Caledonia NE - Niger NF - Norfolk Island NG - Nigeria NI - Nicaragua NL - Netherlands NO - Norway NP - Nepal NR - Nauru NU - Niue NZ - New Zealand OM - Oman PA - Panama PE - Peru PF - French Polynesia PG - Papua New Guinea PH - Philippines PK - Pakistan PL - Poland PM - Saint Pierre and Miquelon PN - Pitcairn PR - Puerto Rico PS - State of Palestine PT - Portugal PW - Palau PY - Paraguay QA - Qatar RE - Réunion RO - Romania RS - Serbia RU - Russian Federation RW - Rwanda SA - Saudi Arabia SB - Solomon Islands SC - Seychelles SD - Sudan SE - Sweden SG - Singapore SH - Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha SI - Slovenia SJ - Svalbard and Jan Mayen SK - Slovakia SL - Sierra Leone SM - San Marino SN - Senegal SO - Somalia SR - Suriname ST - Sao Tome and Principe SV - El Salvador SY - Syrian Arab Republic SZ - Swaziland TC - Turks and Caicos Islands TD - Chad TF - French Southern Territories TG - Togo TH - Thailand TJ - Tajikistan TK - Tokelau TL - Timor-Leste TM - Turkmenistan TN - Tunisia TO - Tonga TR - Turkey TT - Trinidad and Tobago TV - Tuvalu TW - Taiwan TZ - Tanzania, United Republic of UA - Ukraine UG - Uganda UM - United States Minor Outlying Islands US - United States of America UY - Uruguay UZ - Uzbekistan VA - Vatican City State VC - Saint Vincent and the Grenadines VE - Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) VG - British Virgin Islands VI - United States Virgin Islands VN - Viet Nam VU - Vanuatu WF - Wallis and Futuna WS - Samoa YE - Yemen YT - Mayotte ZA - South Africa ZM - Zambia ZW - Zimbabwe
Hydrogen peroxide and acetone are used to make triacetone triperoxide, or TATP, a powerful explosive with the consistency of granulated sugar used by operatives in their attacks against Paris and Brussels. The bombers who killed 52 in London in 2005 used it, and al Qaeda operative Richard Reid stuffed it in his shoes in a failed attempt to bring down an airliner flying from the U.K. to the U.S. in 2001.
Ehud Keinan, an Israeli chemist and one of the world’s leading authorities on TATP, said the explosive can be made with minimal technical skill and household equipment. “You can start in the evening, and in the morning it will be ready,” Mr. Keinan said.
Read More
Belgium Frees Man Charged in Brussels Airport Attack
Belgium Turns to U.S. for Help With Seized Laptops, Phones
Terror Network’s Web Sprawls Beyond Brussels and Paris
Brussels Terrorist Khalid el-Bakraoui Traveled to Greece From Italy
Brussels Struggles to Regain Its Balance
Belgium Rues Missed Terror Signs
The EU’s regulatory system, among the strictest in the world, depends on businesses reporting suspicious transactions of hydrogen peroxide, acetone and a number of other chemicals to the police. Businesses are urged to look for a number of red flags, such as if the customer’s use for the chemical is unclear or the purchase is made using large amounts of cash. The rules also ban consumers from owning seven potentially dangerous chemical solutions, including hydrogen peroxide solution, in concentrations higher than 12%.
But the fact that the chemicals have so many commercial applications—from disinfecting pools to removing nail polish—makes identifying suspicious transactions challenging. Authorities and experts say the huge quantity of legitimate trade of such widely-used chemicals means finding suspicious transactions is effectively like picking a needle out of a haystack.
“It’s a very difficult area because there are thousands of legitimate uses for these substances,” said Peter Newport, chief executive of the Chemical Business Association, which represents U.K. chemical distributors.
Some officials have also expressed worries that not all of the 28 EU governments have swiftly implemented the regulations, failing, for example, to create a contact point in law enforcement that would investigate suspicious transactions.
It remains unclear how the Islamic State operatives obtained the chemicals. An official with the Belgian Association of Chemical Distributors wasn’t aware of any suspicious transactions reported to the police in recent months. A Belgian police spokesman declined to comment.
‘It’s a very difficult area because there are thousands of legitimate uses for these substances.’
—Peter Newport, chief executive of the Chemical Business Association
The monitoring program used by customs agencies, called Global Shield, was sought by U.S. authorities seeking to stop the flow of bomb-making chemicals into Afghanistan, where insurgents used them to build bombs that were killing U.S. troops. These chemicals were mainly ammonium-nitrate fertilizer or potassium chlorate shipped from China for use in Pakistan’s match industry and then smuggled across the border.
Now shipments of these chemicals crisscrossing the globe are monitored through a system maintained at the World Customs Organization in Brussels. Customs agencies are supposed to warn each other about suspicious shipments, using some of the same criteria identified in the European regulations.
TATP poses a particularly serious threat to aviation, says Mr. Keinan. The chemical isn’t detectable, he says, by the machines installed at many airports, which are able to uncover more common, nitrogen-based explosives such as TNT. Dogs can also be trained to detect the material.