はてなキーワード: Einsteinとは
▼ The critical geometry of a thermal big bang
We explore the space of scalar-tensor theories containing two nonconformal metrics, and find a discontinuity pointing to a “critical” cosmological solution. Due to the different maximal speeds of propagation for matter and gravity, the cosmological fluctuations start off inside the horizon even without inflation, and will more naturally have a thermal origin (since there is never vacuum domination). The critical model makes an unambiguous, nontuned prediction for the spectral index of the scalar fluctuations:
nS=0.96478(64). Considering also that no gravitational waves are produced, we have unveiled the most predictive model on offer. The model has a simple geometrical interpretation as a probe 3-brane embedded in an EAdS2×E3 geometry.
▼ 英語の科学読み物記事:
Theory that challenges Einstein's physics could soon be put to the test | Imperial News | Imperial College Londonhttps://www.imperial.ac.uk/news/176127/theory-that-challenges-einsteins-physics-could/
▼ 日本語の科学読み物記事:
かつて光は光速よりも速かった説を証明するかもしれない数値「0.96478」。光速変動理論の先駆者が発見 - Engadget 日本版https://japanese.engadget.com/jp-2016-11-29-0-96478.html
Does one need to be a genius to do maths? What are the chances that parents are discouraging children from excelling maths from a much younger age?
Experts are warning that the manner in which mathematics is portrayed to a child determines their ability to excel in the subject later on.
The Commissioner for Human Resources, Science and technology at the African Union, Dr. Martial De-Paul Ikounga said mathematics should be demystified through progressive trainings that present it as a universal language; a language that can be learnt from the earliest age and by everybody – not just by a few talented people.
"This is necessary if we are to increase the numbers of children and youth excelling in science and maths. It will provide a rich pipeline for researchers and career scientists in order to harness Africa's demographic dividend for achieving a prosperous Africa," said Ikounga.
He further explained that to ensure that science solves Africa's challenges, it was imperative that the quality of education and training be improved through a paradigm shift that involves student centered approaches.
He also said linkages between the education and productive sectors would improve competences and skills for entrepreneurship, innovation and creativity.
Ikounga made the remarks recently during a gathering of young African scientists at the Next Einstein Forum Dakar, Senegal.
Named after German's famous physicist Albert Einstein, the Next Einstein Forum (NEF) is a global meet intended to strengthen the continent's position on the scientific stage.
18 二週間でうつを治すには
道は開ける 新装版 (日本語) 単行本 – 1999/10/20 デール カーネギー (著), Dale Carnegie (著), 香山 晶 (著)
幸福の脳内物質 「人は何を考えているときが一番幸せか?」 脳波スキャンで解明される : earth in us.
ラインホールド・ニーバーの祈り The Serenity Prayer