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Realistic image synthesis using photon mappingJuly 2001
  • A. K. Peters, Ltd.
  • 63 South Avenue Natick, MA
  • United States
Published:31 July 2001
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The creation of realistic three-dimensional images is central to computer graphics. Photon mapping, an extension of ray tracing, makes it possible to efficiently simulate global illumination in complex scenes. Photon mapping can simulate caustics (focused light, such as shimmering waves at the bottom of a swimming pool), diffuse inter-reflections (e.g., the bleeding of colored lighted from a red wall onto a white floor, giving the floor a reddish tint), and participating media (e.g., clouds or smoke). This book is a practical guide to photon mapping; it provides both the theory and the practical insight necessary to implement photon mapping and simulate all types of direct and indirect illumination efficiently.

Cited By

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  6. ACM
    Li T, Wang W, Lin D and Yuksel C (2022). Virtual Blue Noise Lighting, Proceedings of the ACM on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques, 5:3, (1-26), Online publication date: 25-Jul-2022.
  7. ACM
    Misso Z, Bitterli B, Georgiev I and Jarosz W (2022). Unbiased and consistent rendering using biased estimators, ACM Transactions on Graphics, 41:4, (1-13), Online publication date: 1-Jul-2022.
  8. ACM
    Lin D, Kettunen M, Bitterli B, Pantaleoni J, Yuksel C and Wyman C (2022). Generalized resampled importance sampling, ACM Transactions on Graphics, 41:4, (1-23), Online publication date: 1-Jul-2022.
  9. ACM
    Lin Z, Li S, Zeng X, Zhang C, Jia J, Wang G and Manocha D (2020). CPPM, ACM Transactions on Graphics, 39:6, (1-12), Online publication date: 31-Dec-2021.
  10. Yalçıner B and Sahillioğlu Y (2019). Voxel transformation: scalable scene geometry discretization for global illumination, Journal of Real-Time Image Processing, 17:5, (1585-1596), Online publication date: 1-Oct-2020.
  11. Evangelou I, Papaioannou G, Vardis K and Vasilakis A (2020). Rasterisation-based progressive photon mapping, The Visual Computer: International Journal of Computer Graphics, 36:10-12, (1993-2004), Online publication date: 1-Oct-2020.
  12. ACM
    Bitterli B, Wyman C, Pharr M, Shirley P, Lefohn A and Jarosz W (2020). Spatiotemporal reservoir resampling for real-time ray tracing with dynamic direct lighting, ACM Transactions on Graphics, 39:4, (148:1-148:17), Online publication date: 31-Aug-2020.
  13. ACM
    Bitterli B and Jarosz W (2019). Selectively metropolised Monte Carlo light transport simulation, ACM Transactions on Graphics, 38:6, (1-10), Online publication date: 31-Dec-2020.
  14. Bugeja K, Debattista K and Spina S (2018). An asynchronous method for cloud-based rendering, The Visual Computer: International Journal of Computer Graphics, 35:12, (1827-1840), Online publication date: 1-Dec-2019.
  15. ACM
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  16. Kuniyoshi F, Funatomi T, Kubo H, Sawada Y, Kato Y and Mukaigawa Y (2019). Visibility Enhancement by Integrating Refocusing and Direct-Global Separation with Contact Imaging, International Journal of Computer Vision, 127:8, (1162-1174), Online publication date: 1-Aug-2019.
  17. Perrot R, Aveneau L, Mora F and Meneveaux D (2019). Photon mapping with visible kernel domains, The Visual Computer: International Journal of Computer Graphics, 35:5, (707-720), Online publication date: 1-May-2019.
  18. ACM
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  23. Beddiaf A and Babahenini M (2018). Physically-Based Rendering of Particle-Based Fluids with Light Transport Effects, 3D Research, 9:1, (1-15), Online publication date: 1-Mar-2018.
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  27. Müller T, Gross M and Novák J (2017). Practical Path Guiding for Efficient Light-Transport Simulation, Computer Graphics Forum, 36:4, (91-100), Online publication date: 1-Jul-2017.
  28. Marco J, Jarosz W, Gutierrez D and Jarabo A Transient photon beams Proceedings of the XXVII Spanish Computer Graphics Conference, (107-112)
  29. Whittle J, Jones M and Mantiuk R (2017). Analysis of reported error in Monte Carlo rendered images, The Visual Computer: International Journal of Computer Graphics, 33:6-8, (705-713), Online publication date: 1-Jun-2017.
  30. Hua B, Gruson A, Nowrouzezahrai D and Hachisuka T (2017). Gradient-Domain Photon Density Estimation, Computer Graphics Forum, 36:2, (31-38), Online publication date: 1-May-2017.
  31. Hedman P, Karras T and Lehtinen J (2017). Sequential Monte Carlo Instant Radiosity, IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 23:5, (1442-1453), Online publication date: 1-May-2017.
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  47. Popov S, Ramamoorthi R, Durand F and Drettakis G (2015). Probabilistic Connections for Bidirectional Path Tracing, Computer Graphics Forum, 34:4, (75-86), Online publication date: 1-Jul-2015.
  48. Zwicker M, Jarosz W, Lehtinen J, Moon B, Ramamoorthi R, Rousselle F, Sen P, Soler C and Yoon S (2015). Recent Advances in Adaptive Sampling and Reconstruction for Monte Carlo Rendering, Computer Graphics Forum, 34:2, (667-681), Online publication date: 1-May-2015.
  49. Bus N, Mustafa N and Biri V (2015). IlluminationCut, Computer Graphics Forum, 34:2, (561-573), Online publication date: 1-May-2015.
  50. ACM
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  51. Heqi Lu , Pacanowski R and Granier X (2014). Position-Dependent Importance Sampling of Light Field Luminaires, IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 21:2, (241-251), Online publication date: 1-Feb-2015.
  52. Muñoz A (2014). Higher Order Ray Marching, Computer Graphics Forum, 33:8, (167-176), Online publication date: 1-Dec-2014.
  53. ACM
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  54. Frisvad J, Schjøth L, Erleben K and Sporring J (2014). Photon Differential Splatting for Rendering Caustics, Computer Graphics Forum, 33:6, (252-263), Online publication date: 1-Sep-2014.
  55. ACM
    Lessig C, Desbrun M and Fiume E (2014). A constructive theory of sampling for image synthesis using reproducing Kernel bases, ACM Transactions on Graphics, 33:4, (1-14), Online publication date: 27-Jul-2014.
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  58. ACM
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  59. Duchowski A (2014). τεχνη Photons, Computer Graphics Forum, 33:1, (294-304), Online publication date: 1-Feb-2014.
  60. Dachsbacher C, Křivánek J, Hašan M, Arbree A, Walter B and Novák J (2014). Scalable Realistic Rendering with Many-Light Methods, Computer Graphics Forum, 33:1, (88-104), Online publication date: 1-Feb-2014.
  61. ACM
    Xu K, Cao Y, Ma L, Dong Z, Wang R and Hu S (2014). A practical algorithm for rendering interreflections with all-frequency BRDFs, ACM Transactions on Graphics, 33:1, (1-16), Online publication date: 1-Jan-2014.
  62. Johnson B, Isaacs J and Qi H Optimizing coverage of three-dimensional wireless sensor networks by means of photon mapping Proceedings of the 2013 Winter Simulation Conference: Simulation: Making Decisions in a Complex World, (2935-2946)
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    Gkioulekas I, Zhao S, Bala K, Zickler T and Levin A (2013). Inverse volume rendering with material dictionaries, ACM Transactions on Graphics, 32:6, (1-13), Online publication date: 1-Nov-2013.
  66. ACM
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  69. ACM
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  70. ACM
    Bojrab M, Abdul-Massih M and Benes B (2013). Perceptual importance of lighting phenomena in rendering of animated water, ACM Transactions on Applied Perception, 10:1, (1-18), Online publication date: 1-Feb-2013.
  71. ACM
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  72. ACM
    Shirley P, Morley R, Sloan P and Wyman C Basics of physically-based rendering SIGGRAPH Asia 2012 Courses, (1-11)
  73. ACM
    Georgiev I, Křivánek J, Davidovič T and Slusallek P (2012). Light transport simulation with vertex connection and merging, ACM Transactions on Graphics, 31:6, (1-10), Online publication date: 1-Nov-2012.
  74. ACM
    Čadík M, Herzog R, Mantiuk R, Myszkowski K and Seidel H (2012). New measurements reveal weaknesses of image quality metrics in evaluating graphics artifacts, ACM Transactions on Graphics, 31:6, (1-10), Online publication date: 1-Nov-2012.
  75. ACM
    Jarosz W, Schönefeld V, Kobbelt L and Jensen H (2012). Theory, analysis and applications of 2D global illumination, ACM Transactions on Graphics, 31:5, (1-21), Online publication date: 6-Aug-2012.
  76. ACM
    Hachisuka T, Jarosz W, Bouchard G, Christensen P, Frisvad J, Jakob W, Jensen H, Kaschalk M, Knaus C, Selle A and Spencer B State of the art in photon density estimation ACM SIGGRAPH 2012 Courses, (1-469)
  77. ACM
    Novák J, Nowrouzezahrai D, Dachsbacher C and Jarosz W (2012). Virtual ray lights for rendering scenes with participating media, ACM Transactions on Graphics, 31:4, (1-11), Online publication date: 5-Aug-2012.
  78. ACM
    Walter B, Khungurn P and Bala K (2012). Bidirectional lightcuts, ACM Transactions on Graphics, 31:4, (1-11), Online publication date: 5-Aug-2012.
  79. Novák J, Nowrouzezahrai D, Dachsbacher C and Jarosz W (2012). Progressive Virtual Beam Lights, Computer Graphics Forum, 31:4, (1407-1413), Online publication date: 1-Jun-2012.
  80. ACM
    Sen P and Darabi S (2012). On filtering the noise from the random parameters in Monte Carlo rendering, ACM Transactions on Graphics, 31:3, (1-15), Online publication date: 31-May-2012.
  81. Reiner T, Kaplanyan A, Reinhard M and Dachsbacher C (2012). Selective Inspection and Interactive Visualization of Light Transport in Virtual Scenes, Computer Graphics Forum, 31:2pt4, (711-718), Online publication date: 1-May-2012.
  82. García R, Ureña C and Sbert M (2012). Description and Solution of an Unreported Intrinsic Bias in Photon Mapping Density Estimation with Constant Kernel, Computer Graphics Forum, 31:1, (33-41), Online publication date: 1-Feb-2012.
  83. ACM
    Jarosz W, Nowrouzezahrai D, Thomas R, Sloan P and Zwicker M Progressive photon beams Proceedings of the 2011 SIGGRAPH Asia Conference, (1-12)
  84. ACM
    Jarosz W, Nowrouzezahrai D, Thomas R, Sloan P and Zwicker M (2011). Progressive photon beams, ACM Transactions on Graphics, 30:6, (1-12), Online publication date: 1-Dec-2011.
  85. ACM
    Djeu P, Hunt W, Wang R, Elhassan I, Stoll G and Mark W (2011). Razor, ACM Transactions on Graphics, 30:5, (1-26), Online publication date: 1-Oct-2011.
  86. Maletz D and Wang R Importance point projection for GPU-based final gathering Proceedings of the Twenty-second Eurographics conference on Rendering, (1327-1336)
  87. ACM
    Knaus C and Zwicker M (2011). Progressive photon mapping, ACM Transactions on Graphics, 30:3, (1-13), Online publication date: 1-May-2011.
  88. ACM
    Liktor G and Dachsbacher C Real-time volume caustics with adaptive beam tracing Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics and Games, (47-54)
  89. ACM
    Jarosz W, Nowrouzezahrai D, Sadeghi I and Jensen H (2011). A comprehensive theory of volumetric radiance estimation using photon points and beams, ACM Transactions on Graphics, 30:1, (1-19), Online publication date: 1-Jan-2011.
  90. ACM
    Hachisuka T, Jarosz W and Jensen H A progressive error estimation framework for photon density estimation ACM SIGGRAPH Asia 2010 papers, (1-12)
  91. ACM
    Davidovič T, Křivánek J, Hašan M, Slusallek P and Bala K Combining global and local virtual lights for detailed glossy illumination ACM SIGGRAPH Asia 2010 papers, (1-8)
  92. ACM
    Hachisuka T, Jarosz W and Jensen H (2010). A progressive error estimation framework for photon density estimation, ACM Transactions on Graphics, 29:6, (1-12), Online publication date: 1-Dec-2010.
  93. ACM
    Davidovič T, Křivánek J, Hašan M, Slusallek P and Bala K (2010). Combining global and local virtual lights for detailed glossy illumination, ACM Transactions on Graphics, 29:6, (1-8), Online publication date: 1-Dec-2010.
  94. Vierjahn T, Meik S, Mostafawy S and Bohn C Improving photon mapping towards an interactive stage lighting framework Proceedings of the 16th Eurographics conference on Virtual Environments & Second Joint Virtual Reality, (77-84)
  95. Yao C, Wang B, Chan B, Yong J and Paul J Multi-image based photon tracing for interactive global illumination of dynamic scenes Proceedings of the 21st Eurographics conference on Rendering, (1315-1324)
  96. Laurijssen J, Wang R, Dutré P and Brown B Fast estimation and rendering of indirect highlights Proceedings of the 21st Eurographics conference on Rendering, (1305-1313)
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    Moon B, Byun Y, Kim T, Claudio P, Kim H, Ban Y, Nam S and Yoon S (2010). Cache-oblivious ray reordering, ACM Transactions on Graphics, 29:3, (1-10), Online publication date: 1-Jun-2010.
  98. ACM
    Hu W, Dong Z, Ihrke I, Grosch T, Yuan G and Seidel H Interactive volume caustics in single-scattering media Proceedings of the 2010 ACM SIGGRAPH symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics and Games, (109-117)
  99. ACM
    Hašan M, Křivánek J, Walter B and Bala K Virtual spherical lights for many-light rendering of glossy scenes ACM SIGGRAPH Asia 2009 papers, (1-6)
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    Tokuyoshi Y Photon density estimation using multiple importance sampling ACM SIGGRAPH ASIA 2009 Posters, (1-1)
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  102. ACM
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    Tsakok J Faster incoherent rays Proceedings of the Conference on High Performance Graphics 2009, (151-158)
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    McGuire M and Luebke D Hardware-accelerated global illumination by image space photon mapping Proceedings of the Conference on High Performance Graphics 2009, (77-89)
  108. ACM
    Walter B, Zhao S, Holzschuch N and Bala K Single scattering in refractive media with triangle mesh boundaries ACM SIGGRAPH 2009 papers, (1-8)
  109. ACM
    Wang R, Wang R, Zhou K, Pan M and Bao H An efficient GPU-based approach for interactive global illumination ACM SIGGRAPH 2009 papers, (1-8)
  110. ACM
    Donner C, Lawrence J, Ramamoorthi R, Hachisuka T, Jensen H and Nayar S An empirical BSSRDF model ACM SIGGRAPH 2009 papers, (1-10)
  111. ACM
    Walter B, Zhao S, Holzschuch N and Bala K (2009). Single scattering in refractive media with triangle mesh boundaries, ACM Transactions on Graphics, 28:3, (1-8), Online publication date: 27-Jul-2009.
  112. ACM
    Wang R, Wang R, Zhou K, Pan M and Bao H (2009). An efficient GPU-based approach for interactive global illumination, ACM Transactions on Graphics, 28:3, (1-8), Online publication date: 27-Jul-2009.
  113. ACM
    Donner C, Lawrence J, Ramamoorthi R, Hachisuka T, Jensen H and Nayar S (2009). An empirical BSSRDF model, ACM Transactions on Graphics, 28:3, (1-10), Online publication date: 27-Jul-2009.
  114. Cha D, Son S and Ihm I GPU-assisted high quality particle rendering Proceedings of the Twentieth Eurographics conference on Rendering, (1247-1255)
  115. Gassenbauer V, Křivánek J and Bouatouch K Spatial directional radiance caching Proceedings of the Twentieth Eurographics conference on Rendering, (1189-1198)
  116. Kniep S, Häring S and Magnor M Efficient and accurate rendering of complex light sources Proceedings of the Twentieth Eurographics conference on Rendering, (1073-1081)
  117. Meyer Q, Eisenacher C, Stamminger M and Dachsbacher C Data-parallel hierarchical link creation for radiosity Proceedings of the 9th Eurographics conference on Parallel Graphics and Visualization, (65-70)
  118. Dubla P, Debattista K, Santos L and Chalmers A Wait-free shared-memory irradiance cache Proceedings of the 9th Eurographics conference on Parallel Graphics and Visualization, (57-64)
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    Ghosh A, Hawkins T, Peers P, Frederiksen S and Debevec P Practical modeling and acquisition of layered facial reflectance ACM SIGGRAPH Asia 2008 papers, (1-10)
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    Hachisuka T, Ogaki S and Jensen H Progressive photon mapping ACM SIGGRAPH Asia 2008 papers, (1-8)
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    Zhou K, Hou Q, Wang R and Guo B Real-time KD-tree construction on graphics hardware ACM SIGGRAPH Asia 2008 papers, (1-11)
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    Hegarty J (2008). Geometric and path tracing methods for simulating light transport through volumes of water particles, XRDS: Crossroads, The ACM Magazine for Students, 15:1, (16-20), Online publication date: 1-Sep-2008.
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    Matzko S and Davis T (2008). A graphics-based approach to data structures, ACM SIGCSE Bulletin, 40:3, (109-113), Online publication date: 25-Aug-2008.
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  132. ACM
    Matzko S and Davis T A graphics-based approach to data structures Proceedings of the 13th annual conference on Innovation and technology in computer science education, (109-113)
  133. Obert J, Křivánek J, Pellacini F, Sykora D and Pattanaik S iCheat Proceedings of the Nineteenth Eurographics conference on Rendering, (1217-1223)
  134. Clarberg P and Akenine-Moeller T Exploiting visibility correlation in direct illumination Proceedings of the Nineteenth Eurographics conference on Rendering, (1125-1136)
  135. Hašan M, Velázquez-Armendariz E, Pellacini F and Bala K Tensor clustering for rendering many-light animations Proceedings of the Nineteenth Eurographics conference on Rendering, (1105-1114)
  136. Jarosz W, Zwicker M and Jensen H Irradiance gradients in the presence of participating media and occlusions Proceedings of the Nineteenth Eurographics conference on Rendering, (1087-1096)
  137. ACM
    Chazelle B and Mulzer W Markov incremental constructions Proceedings of the twenty-fourth annual symposium on Computational geometry, (156-163)
  138. ACM
    Banterle F, Ledda P, Debattista K and Chalmers A Expanding low dynamic range videos for high dynamic range applications Proceedings of the 24th Spring Conference on Computer Graphics, (33-41)
  139. Aggarwal V, Chalmers A and Debattista K High-fidelity rendering of animations on the grid Proceedings of the 8th Eurographics conference on Parallel Graphics and Visualization, (41-48)
  140. ACM
    Wyman C Hierarchical caustic maps Proceedings of the 2008 symposium on Interactive 3D graphics and games, (163-171)
  141. Steinhurst J, Coombe G and Lastra A (2008). Reducing Photon-Mapping Bandwidth by Query Reordering, IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 14:1, (13-24), Online publication date: 1-Jan-2008.
  142. ACM
    Schjøth L, Frisvad J, Erleben K and Sporring J Photon differentials Proceedings of the 5th international conference on Computer graphics and interactive techniques in Australia and Southeast Asia, (179-186)
  143. ACM
    Jacquemin C, Ajaj R, Cahen R, Olivier Y and Schwarz D Plumage Proceedings of the 19th Conference on l'Interaction Homme-Machine, (71-74)
  144. Xu Q and Sbert M A new way to re-using paths Proceedings of the 2007 international conference on Computational science and Its applications - Volume Part II, (741-750)
  145. ACM
    Mittring M Finding next gen ACM SIGGRAPH 2007 courses, (97-121)
  146. ACM
    Ward G, Rubinstein F and Clear R A ray tracing solution for diffuse interreflection ACM SIGGRAPH 2007 courses, (11-es)
  147. ACM
    Ihrke I, Ziegler G, Tevs A, Theobalt C, Magnor M and Seidel H Eikonal rendering ACM SIGGRAPH 2007 papers, (59-es)
  148. ACM
    Hašan M, Pellacini F and Bala K Matrix row-column sampling for the many-light problem ACM SIGGRAPH 2007 papers, (26-es)
  149. Gupta M and Narasimhan S Legendre fluids Proceedings of the 2007 ACM SIGGRAPH/Eurographics symposium on Computer animation, (17-25)
  150. ACM
    Ihrke I, Ziegler G, Tevs A, Theobalt C, Magnor M and Seidel H (2007). Eikonal rendering, ACM Transactions on Graphics, 26:3, (59-es), Online publication date: 29-Jul-2007.
  151. ACM
    Hašan M, Pellacini F and Bala K (2007). Matrix row-column sampling for the many-light problem, ACM Transactions on Graphics, 26:3, (26-es), Online publication date: 29-Jul-2007.
  152. Banterle F, Ledda P, Debattista K, Chalmers A and Bloj M (2007). A framework for inverse tone mapping, The Visual Computer: International Journal of Computer Graphics, 23:7, (467-478), Online publication date: 1-Jul-2007.
  153. Singh S and Faloutsos P (2007). The photon pipeline revisited, The Visual Computer: International Journal of Computer Graphics, 23:7, (479-492), Online publication date: 1-Jul-2007.
  154. Muñoz A, Gutierrez D and Serón F (2007). Optimization techniques for curved path computing, The Visual Computer: International Journal of Computer Graphics, 23:7, (493-502), Online publication date: 1-Jul-2007.
  155. Lai Y, Fan S, Chenney S and Dyer C Photorealistic image rendering with population monte carlo energy redistribution Proceedings of the 18th Eurographics conference on Rendering Techniques, (287-295)
  156. Donner C and Jensen H Rendering translucent materials using photon diffusion Proceedings of the 18th Eurographics conference on Rendering Techniques, (243-251)
  157. Gu J, Ramamoorthi R, Belhumeur P and Nayar S Dirty glass Proceedings of the 18th Eurographics conference on Rendering Techniques, (159-170)
  158. Wang R, Zhu J and Humphreys G Precomputed radiance transfer for real-time indirect lighting using a spectral mesh basis Proceedings of the 18th Eurographics conference on Rendering Techniques, (13-21)
  159. Madsen C and Laursen R Performance comparison of techniques for approximating image-based lighting by directional light sources Proceedings of the 15th Scandinavian conference on Image analysis, (888-897)
  160. Sharp R, Adams J, Machiraju R, Lee R and Crane R (2007). Physics-Based Subsurface Visualization of Human Tissue, IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 13:3, (620-629), Online publication date: 1-May-2007.
  161. Yuan Z, Cai-lian L, Bao-Guo L, Yan C, Yan G, Xi-ping W, Yun-tao M and Ming Z Monte Carlo simulation of solar radiation in maize canopies and its visualization Proceedings of the 6th Conference on WSEAS International Conference on Applied Computer Science - Volume 6, (224-228)
  162. ACM
    Cochran R and Steele J Second-order illumination in real-time (student paper) Proceedings of the 45th annual ACM Southeast Conference, (13-18)
  163. ACM
    Banterle F, Ledda P, Debattista K and Chalmers A Inverse tone mapping Proceedings of the 4th international conference on Computer graphics and interactive techniques in Australasia and Southeast Asia, (349-356)
  164. ACM
    Singh S The photon pipeline Proceedings of the 4th international conference on Computer graphics and interactive techniques in Australasia and Southeast Asia, (333-340)
  165. Tatarchuk N and Isidoro J Artist-directable real-time rain rendering in city environments Proceedings of the Second Eurographics conference on Natural Phenomena, (61-73)
  166. Bourque E, Dufort J, Laprade M and Poulin P Simulating caustics due to liquid-solid interface menisci Proceedings of the Second Eurographics conference on Natural Phenomena, (33-40)
  167. Baboud L and Décoret X Realistic water volumes in real-time Proceedings of the Second Eurographics conference on Natural Phenomena, (25-32)
  168. ACM
    Glencross M, Chalmers A, Lin M, Otaduy M and Gutierrez D Exploiting perception in high-fidelity virtual environments (Additional presentations from the 24th course are available on the citation page) ACM SIGGRAPH 2006 Courses, (1-es)
  169. ACM
    Friedrich H, Günther J, Dietrich A, Scherbaum M, Seidel H and Slusallek P Exploring the use of ray tracing for future games Proceedings of the 2006 ACM SIGGRAPH symposium on Videogames, (41-50)
  170. ACM
    Vangorp P, Dumont O, Lenaerts T and Dutré P A perceptual heuristic for shadow computation in photo-realistic images ACM SIGGRAPH 2006 Sketches, (102-es)
  171. ACM
    Moon J and Marschner S Simulating multiple scattering in hair using a photon mapping approach ACM SIGGRAPH 2006 Papers, (1067-1074)
  172. ACM
    Peers P, vom Berge K, Matusik W, Ramamoorthi R, Lawrence J, Rusinkiewicz S and Dutré P A compact factored representation of heterogeneous subsurface scattering ACM SIGGRAPH 2006 Papers, (746-753)
  173. ACM
    Moon J and Marschner S (2006). Simulating multiple scattering in hair using a photon mapping approach, ACM Transactions on Graphics, 25:3, (1067-1074), Online publication date: 1-Jul-2006.
  174. ACM
    Peers P, vom Berge K, Matusik W, Ramamoorthi R, Lawrence J, Rusinkiewicz S and Dutré P (2006). A compact factored representation of heterogeneous subsurface scattering, ACM Transactions on Graphics, 25:3, (746-753), Online publication date: 1-Jul-2006.
  175. Segovia B, Iehl J, Mitanchey R and Péroche B Bidirectional instant radiosity Proceedings of the 17th Eurographics conference on Rendering Techniques, (389-397)
  176. Křivánek J, Bouatouch K, Pattanaik S and Žára J Making radiance and irradiance caching practical Proceedings of the 17th Eurographics conference on Rendering Techniques, (127-138)
  177. Dong W Rendering optical effects based on spectra representation in complex scenes Proceedings of the 24th international conference on Advances in Computer Graphics, (719-726)
  178. Morley R, Boulos S, Johnson J, Edwards D, Shirley P, Ashikhmin M and Premože S Image synthesis using adjoint photons Proceedings of Graphics Interface 2006, (179-186)
  179. Debattista K, Santos L and Chalmers A Accelerating the irradiance cache through parallel component-based rendering Proceedings of the 6th Eurographics conference on Parallel Graphics and Visualization, (27-35)
  180. ACM
    Banterle F and Chalmers A A fast translucency appearance model for real-time applications Proceedings of the 22nd Spring Conference on Computer Graphics, (59-66 PAGE@7)
  181. ACM
    Santos L, Valentim S and Fernandes A Parallel progressive precomputed radiance transfer Proceedings of the 22nd Spring Conference on Computer Graphics, (33-40)
  182. ACM
    Wyman C and Davis S Interactive image-space techniques for approximating caustics Proceedings of the 2006 symposium on Interactive 3D graphics and games, (153-160)
  183. ACM
    Green P, Kautz J, Matusik W and Durand F View-dependent precomputed light transport using nonlinear Gaussian function approximations Proceedings of the 2006 symposium on Interactive 3D graphics and games, (7-14)
  184. ACM
    Boudet A, Pitot P, Pratmarty D and Paulin M Photon Splatting for participating media Proceedings of the 3rd international conference on Computer graphics and interactive techniques in Australasia and South East Asia, (197-204)
  185. ACM
    Barnard R and Ural S Rendering translucency with Perlin noise Proceedings of the 3rd international conference on Computer graphics and interactive techniques in Australasia and South East Asia, (131-134)
  186. Krivanek J, Gautron P, Pattanaik S and Bouatouch K (2005). Radiance Caching for Efficient Global Illumination Computation, IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 11:5, (550-561), Online publication date: 1-Sep-2005.
  187. ACM
    Purcell T, Donner C, Cammarano M, Jensen H and Hanrahan P Photon mapping on programmable graphics hardware ACM SIGGRAPH 2005 Courses, (258-es)
  188. ACM
    Dayal A, Woolley C, Watson B and Luebke D Adaptive frameless rendering ACM SIGGRAPH 2005 Courses, (24-es)
  189. ACM
    Mark W and Fussell D Real-time rendering systems in 2010 ACM SIGGRAPH 2005 Courses, (19-es)
  190. ACM
    Good O and Taylor Z Optimized photon tracing using spherical harmonic light maps ACM SIGGRAPH 2005 Sketches, (53-es)
  191. ACM
    Kristensen A, Akenine-Möller T and Jensen H Precomputed local radiance transfer for real-time lighting design ACM SIGGRAPH 2005 Papers, (1208-1215)
  192. ACM
    Clarberg P, Jarosz W, Akenine-Möller T and Jensen H Wavelet importance sampling ACM SIGGRAPH 2005 Papers, (1166-1175)
  193. ACM
    Arikan O, Forsyth D and O'Brien J Fast and detailed approximate global illumination by irradiance decomposition ACM SIGGRAPH 2005 Papers, (1108-1114)
  194. ACM
    Walter B, Fernandez S, Arbree A, Bala K, Donikian M and Greenberg D Lightcuts ACM SIGGRAPH 2005 Papers, (1098-1107)
  195. ACM
    Sun B, Ramamoorthi R, Narasimhan S and Nayar S A practical analytic single scattering model for real time rendering ACM SIGGRAPH 2005 Papers, (1040-1049)
  196. ACM
    Porumbescu S, Budge B, Feng L and Joy K Shell maps ACM SIGGRAPH 2005 Papers, (626-633)
  197. ACM
    Kristensen A, Akenine-Möller T and Jensen H (2005). Precomputed local radiance transfer for real-time lighting design, ACM Transactions on Graphics, 24:3, (1208-1215), Online publication date: 1-Jul-2005.
  198. ACM
    Clarberg P, Jarosz W, Akenine-Möller T and Jensen H (2005). Wavelet importance sampling, ACM Transactions on Graphics, 24:3, (1166-1175), Online publication date: 1-Jul-2005.
  199. ACM
    Arikan O, Forsyth D and O'Brien J (2005). Fast and detailed approximate global illumination by irradiance decomposition, ACM Transactions on Graphics, 24:3, (1108-1114), Online publication date: 1-Jul-2005.
  200. ACM
    Walter B, Fernandez S, Arbree A, Bala K, Donikian M and Greenberg D (2005). Lightcuts, ACM Transactions on Graphics, 24:3, (1098-1107), Online publication date: 1-Jul-2005.
  201. ACM
    Sun B, Ramamoorthi R, Narasimhan S and Nayar S (2005). A practical analytic single scattering model for real time rendering, ACM Transactions on Graphics, 24:3, (1040-1049), Online publication date: 1-Jul-2005.
  202. ACM
    Porumbescu S, Budge B, Feng L and Joy K (2005). Shell maps, ACM Transactions on Graphics, 24:3, (626-633), Online publication date: 1-Jul-2005.
  203. Dayal A, Woolley C, Watson B and Luebke D Adaptive frameless rendering Proceedings of the Sixteenth Eurographics conference on Rendering Techniques, (265-275)
  204. Fan S, Chenney S and Lai Y Metropolis photon sampling with optional user guidance Proceedings of the Sixteenth Eurographics conference on Rendering Techniques, (127-138)
  205. Fradin D, Meneveaux D and Horna S Out of core photon-mapping for large buildings Proceedings of the Sixteenth Eurographics conference on Rendering Techniques, (65-72)
  206. Gautron P, Křivánek J, Bouatouch K and Pattanaik S Radiance cache splatting Proceedings of the Sixteenth Eurographics conference on Rendering Techniques, (55-64)
  207. Havran V, Bittner J, Herzog R and Seidel H Ray maps for global illumination Proceedings of the Sixteenth Eurographics conference on Rendering Techniques, (43-54)
  208. Sharp R and Machiraju R A simplified model for inhomogeneous subsurface scattering Proceedings of the Fourth Eurographics / IEEE VGTC conference on Volume Graphics, (63-71)
  209. Machida T, Yokoya N and Takemura H Inverse global illumination rendering for dense estimation of surface reflectance properties Proceedings of the 14th Scandinavian conference on Image Analysis, (790-801)
  210. Steinhurst J, Coombe G and Lastra A Reordering for cache conscious photon mapping Proceedings of Graphics Interface 2005, (97-104)
  211. ACM
    Yu T, Lowther J and Shene C Photon mapping made easy Proceedings of the 36th SIGCSE technical symposium on Computer science education, (201-205)
  212. ACM
    Yu T, Lowther J and Shene C (2005). Photon mapping made easy, ACM SIGCSE Bulletin, 37:1, (201-205), Online publication date: 23-Feb-2005.
  213. Seron F, Gutierrez D, Gutierrez G and Cerezo E (2005). Technical section, Computers and Graphics, 29:1, (95-108), Online publication date: 1-Feb-2005.
  214. ACM
    Goodenough A Simulated spectral light transport in coastal waters using adaptive photon mapping ACM SIGGRAPH 2004 Posters
  215. ACM
    Havran V, Bittner J and Seidel H Ray maps for global illumination ACM SIGGRAPH 2004 Sketches
  216. ACM
    Gutierrez D, Seron F, Muñoz A and Anson O Inelastic scattering in participating media using curved photon mapping ACM SIGGRAPH 2004 Sketches
  217. Christensen P and Batali D An irradiance atlas for global illumination in complex production scenes Proceedings of the Fifteenth Eurographics conference on Rendering Techniques, (133-141)
  218. Larsen B and Christensen N Simulating photon mapping for real-time applications Proceedings of the Fifteenth Eurographics conference on Rendering Techniques, (123-131)
  219. Günther J, Wald I and Slusallek P Realtime caustics using distributed photon mapping Proceedings of the Fifteenth Eurographics conference on Rendering Techniques, (111-121)
  220. ACM
    Cassagnabère C, Rousselle F and Renaud C Path tracing using the AR350 processor Proceedings of the 2nd international conference on Computer graphics and interactive techniques in Australasia and South East Asia, (23-29)
  221. ACM
    Van Haevre W, Fiore F, Bekaert P and Van Reeth F A ray density estimation approach to take into account environment illumination in plant growth simulation Proceedings of the 20th Spring Conference on Computer Graphics, (121-131)
  222. ACM
    Gutierrez D, Seron F, Anson O and Muñoz A Chasing the green flash Proceedings of the 20th Spring Conference on Computer Graphics, (97-105)
  223. ACM
    Tawara T, Myszkowski K, Dmitriev K, Havran V, Damez C and Seidel H Exploiting temporal coherence in global illumination Proceedings of the 20th Spring Conference on Computer Graphics, (23-33)
  224. ACM
    Porcino N (2004). Gaming Graphics: The Road to Revolution, Queue, 2:2, (62-71), Online publication date: 1-Apr-2004.
  225. ACM
    Zhu Y, Li C, Shen I, Ma K and Stompel A A new form of traditional art ACM SIGGRAPH 2003 Sketches & Applications, (1-1)
  226. ACM
    Goesele M, Granier X, Heidrich W and Seidel H Accurate light source acquisition and rendering ACM SIGGRAPH 2003 Papers, (621-630)
  227. Kim T and Lin M Visual simulation of ice crystal growth Proceedings of the 2003 ACM SIGGRAPH/Eurographics symposium on Computer animation, (86-97)
  228. Purcell T, Donner C, Cammarano M, Jensen H and Hanrahan P Photon mapping on programmable graphics hardware Proceedings of the ACM SIGGRAPH/EUROGRAPHICS conference on Graphics hardware, (41-50)
  229. ACM
    Goesele M, Granier X, Heidrich W and Seidel H (2003). Accurate light source acquisition and rendering, ACM Transactions on Graphics, 22:3, (621-630), Online publication date: 1-Jul-2003.
  230. Sattler M, Sarlette R and Klein R Efficient and realistic visualization of cloth Proceedings of the 14th Eurographics workshop on Rendering, (167-177)
  231. Havran V, Damez C, Myszkowski K and Seidel H An efficient spatio-temporal architecture for animation rendering Proceedings of the 14th Eurographics workshop on Rendering, (106-117)
  232. Ashdown I Illumination-based occlusion culling Graphics programming methods, (279-290)
  233. Ma V and McCool M Low latency photon mapping using block hashing Proceedings of the ACM SIGGRAPH/EUROGRAPHICS conference on Graphics hardware, (89-99)
  234. Matusik W, Pfister H, Ziegler R, Ngan A and McMillan L Acquisition and rendering of transparent and refractive objects Proceedings of the 13th Eurographics workshop on Rendering, (267-278)
  235. Cammarano M and Jensen H Time dependent photon mapping Proceedings of the 13th Eurographics workshop on Rendering, (135-144)
  236. Bekaert P, Sbert M and Halton J Accelerating path tracing by re-using paths Proceedings of the 13th Eurographics workshop on Rendering, (125-134)
  237. Dmitriev K, Brabec S, Myszkowski K and Seidel H Interactive global illumination using selective photon tracing Proceedings of the 13th Eurographics workshop on Rendering, (25-36)
  238. Wald I, Kollig T, Benthin C, Keller A and Slusallek P Interactive global illumination using fast ray tracing Proceedings of the 13th Eurographics workshop on Rendering, (15-24)
  239. ACM
    Enright D, Marschner S and Fedkiw R Animation and rendering of complex water surfaces Proceedings of the 29th annual conference on Computer graphics and interactive techniques, (736-744)

Index Terms

  1. Realistic image synthesis using photon mapping
