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  • (cat, en, es)Professora Agregada a la Universitat de Barcelona i membre del Grup de Recerca Consolidat Copolis, Benes... moreedit
Les cures han estat fi ns ara les grans oblidades a l’hora de pensar i organitzar el nostre model socioeconòmic. I amb elles, qui històricament n’han dut a terme la part principal: les dones. Posar aquest àmbit al centre de l’agenda... more
Les cures han estat fi ns ara les grans oblidades a l’hora de
pensar i organitzar el nostre model socioeconòmic. I amb elles,
qui històricament n’han dut a terme la part principal: les dones.
Posar aquest àmbit al centre de l’agenda social forma part de la
transformació feminista que tota societat que es vulgui regida pel
principi d’igualtat ha d’afrontar. Els feminismes aporten diferents
respostes sobre com abordar les cures i el repensament de la
societat, per situar aquest àmbit com una prioritat en el disseny
de les polítiques públiques.
Basic vocational training (BVT) represents a new opportunity within the Spanish education system to reduce the school drop-out rate and ease the transition into the workplace. However, this educational route is highly male-dominated and... more
Basic vocational training (BVT) represents a new opportunity within the Spanish education system to reduce the school drop-out rate and ease the transition into the workplace. However, this educational route is highly male-dominated and presents a high degree of segregation by gender and pathways. It was therefore necessary to carry out a gender-based analysis and investigate the processes, options and reasons behind students’ decisions to opt for a particular professional category. To achieve this, we carried out 35 in-depth interviews at educational centres that teach BVT in the Valencian Community, Spain. Our main findings were that BVT is not only highly male-dominated, but that the female-dominated branches are few and far between, are still subject to strong stereotypes, enjoy less prestige and have fewer job prospects. Therefore, BVT and its impacts are far from gender neutral. In addition, this negatively influences future training and employment options and choices, especially for females, which obviously has a direct impact on their professional careers and life courses.
Este artículo presenta una revisión de la literatura en torno a las acciones colectivas y los repertorios de acción de movimientos feministas. El objetivo es conocer el estado del arte y reflexionar sobre las potencialidades que estas... more
Este artículo presenta una revisión de la literatura en torno a las acciones colectivas y los repertorios de acción de movimientos feministas. El objetivo es conocer el estado del arte y reflexionar sobre las potencialidades que estas categorías analíticas aportan al estudio de las distintas expresiones del movimiento feminista en el contexto actual. Para ello, se ha llevado a cabo una revisión sistematizada de la literatura publicada entre 1994 y 2020 en torno a los repertorios de acción colectiva feminista en la base de datos Web of Science. A partir de una selección final de 63 artículos, los principales resultados de la investigación revelan el fenómeno de la transnacionalización y las alianzas transfronterizas entre activistas feministas; la relevancia de los feminismos del Sur Global en los nuevos repertorios de acción colectiva; la importancia del  activismo feminista en espacios digitales y,  la incorporación de la epistemología feminista en el estudio de este fenómeno dando paso a metodologías que privilegian los testimonios de las/les activistas
Racismo y homofobia representan dos grandes desafíos para las sociedades contemporáneas. El síndrome de enemistad grupal (SEG) y el homonacionalismo representan dos conceptos, aparentemente opuestos, para la comprensión de la relación... more
Racismo y homofobia representan dos grandes desafíos para las sociedades contemporáneas. El síndrome de enemistad grupal (SEG) y el homonacionalismo representan dos conceptos, aparentemente opuestos, para la comprensión de la relación entre racismo y homofobia. En este artículo analizamos esta relación en los valores de la población de Austria, Francia, España y Holanda, a partir de los datos de la European Values Study 2017. Empleamos el método de la tipología estructural y articulada, con análisis de correspondencias y un análisis de clasificación. Nuestros resultados confirman parcialmente la adecuación, tanto del SEG como del homonacionalismo, para explicar la relación entre el racismo y la homofobia. Por un lado, el racismo resultó más elevado que la homofobia en todos los grupos. Por el otro, obtuvimos un grupo moderadamente racista y poco homófobo, otro racista y homófobo y sólo en un grupo muy minoritario se visualizaron tendencias hacia una sociedad genuinamente inclusiva.
Resumen: En este artículo buscamos acercarnos a las violencias machistas online para contribuir a favorecer unas relaciones digitales libres y seguras para todes, desde nuestro contexto catalánespañol con interés internacional. Combinamos... more
Resumen: En este artículo buscamos acercarnos a las violencias machistas online para contribuir a favorecer unas relaciones digitales libres y seguras para todes, desde nuestro contexto catalánespañol con interés internacional. Combinamos una revisión sistemática de 33 artículos de Web of Science, con una revisión tradicional derivada de los trabajos con Donestech. Incluimos, pues, publicaciones académicas, institucionales y activistas feministas. Destacamos que mayoritariamente los agresores siguen siendo hombres cisheteropatriarcales, en gran parte parejas, exparejas y conocidos. Las violencias son diversas, desde insultos hasta amenazas y agresiones con carácter sexual, o violencias con un alto componente tecnológico. Pese a la gravedad de estas violencias, las acciones para erradicarlas son gravemente deficientes. Sin embargo, algunas mujeres, personas LGTBIQ* y los feminismos han activado estrategias de autodefensa relacionadas con los (auto) cuidados, pero también con la lucha feminista online.
The digital gender gap is not a personal problem of women and other discriminated groups, but must be understood as a problem that emerges from more basic social structures. Therefore, it requires a deep questioning of how gender... more
The digital gender gap is not a personal problem of women and other discriminated groups, but must be understood as a problem that emerges from more basic social structures. Therefore, it requires a deep questioning of how gender permeates educational and professional practices in our educational system, from school to university. In relation to STEM academic disciplines, these cultural norms and educational practices have to do with stereotypes and gender roles, with the symbols of the spaces where these disciplines are built, with the differentiated expectations of teachers for boys and girls, with the social imaginary built around the pure sciences and with the aspirations that girls ultimately develop influenced by the above factors. The professional contexts related to the digital revolution are also constructed in way codified as masculine. Society as a whole is affected by the low presence of women in these fields, since diverse teams are needed to find the best technological solutions for the challenges and problems it faces. It is necessary to develop educational policies aimed at bridging the digital divide. This chapter deals with several initiatives carried out by the University of Barcelona.
Pese a los esfuerzos de las últimas décadas, las desigualdades de género en el acceso a los estudios y trabajos TIC persisten. Aunque la exclusión de las mujeres de las TIC responde a múltiples causas, la investigación coincide en la... more
Pese a los esfuerzos de las últimas décadas, las desigualdades de género en el acceso a los estudios y trabajos TIC persisten. Aunque la exclusión de las mujeres de las TIC responde a múltiples causas, la investigación coincide en la necesidad de despertar el interés y generar más vocaciones tecnológicas entre las chicas desde edades escolares y, con ello, incrementar el número de estudiantes y trabajadoras TIC en el futuro.  Para dar respuesta a esta necesidad diseñamos e implementamos un proyecto de Aprendizaje Servicio (ApS) en el ámbito de la Sociología del Género en Barcelona. El proyecto consistía en llevar a cabo conferencias-taller en torno al género y la tecnología para las escuelas y trabajar cuestiones de desigualdad de género, socialización de género y visibilización de las mujeres en las TIC, así como, vías para acceder a ellas. En este artículo nos proponemos exponer la experiencia de 4 cursos consecutivos y sus principales resultados. Para su descripción y evaluación aplicamos una metodología mixta, cuantitativa y cualitativa.  Contamos, por un lado, con los informes de autoreflexión de nuestro alumnado universitario participante y por el otro, con las encuestas a 284 escolares y a sus profesores. Aunque con algunas limitaciones, la experiencia ha sido muy satisfactoria, tanto para el profesorado como para los alumnados participantes. Los resultados muestran que el ApS en perspectiva de género tiene un gran potencial para el aprendizaje, así como, para la transformación social y de género.
The ICT sector is becoming a strategic and growing sector in our current societies and economies. However, gender inequalities persist and women’s representation in ICT is still low in Catalonia and Spain. In this article, we introduce... more
The ICT sector is becoming a strategic and growing sector in our current societies and economies. However, gender inequalities persist and women’s representation in ICT is still low in Catalonia and Spain. In this article, we introduce the situation of women working in ICT and seek to identify the main barriers and opportunities for their progress. We implemented a survey that was answered by 325 women working in ICT in Catalonia. Our results show that women in ICT do not always access ICT jobs from an engineering degree, are satisfied with their jobs and enjoy better salaries than in other sectors, and that some flexi-time measures and other working conditions may play in their favor. This needs to be highlighted in order to encourage many more women to work in ICT. However, our results also suggest that too many women still suffer gender-based discrimination, work-life balance conflicts, and serious difficulties in being promoted. This also needs to be addressed if we are to improve the numbers of women in ICT.
Compàs d'amalgama 79 Els canvis que han fet possible l'adveniment de la societat digital estan vinculats a dos factors que han evolucionat junts: la tecnologia i el gènere. En aquest article s'enumeren les posicions dels principals... more
Compàs d'amalgama 79 Els canvis que han fet possible l'adveniment de la societat digital estan vinculats a dos factors que han evolucionat junts: la tecnologia i el gènere. En aquest article s'enumeren les posicions dels principals corrents feministes envers la tecnociència.
Service learning (SL) is growing in our universities and in Spain. However, still much action and research are needed with a gender perspective. This article aims to evaluate an SL project that consisted of workshops in schools on gender... more
Service learning (SL) is growing in our universities and in Spain. However, still much action and research are needed with a gender perspective. This article aims to evaluate an SL project that consisted of workshops in schools on gender and technology. We evaluated the experience with a mixed-methods approach and a gender perspective. This includes qualitative self-reports of 19 university students of sociology of gender as well as quantitative surveys completed by the 284 school students and 13 of their teachers. Our results indicate a great satisfaction among university students as well as the schools. This SL experience helped our university students to acquire specific knowledge regarding gender and social issues as well as several skills, especially communication, organization, empathy, critical thinking, and social and gender awareness and responsibility. Therefore, we conclude that such experiences show a great potential for learning as well as for social and gender transformations
Resumen En este artículo presentamos parte de los resultados obtenidos en el análisis realizado a la Formación Profesional Básica desde una pers-pectiva de género, un nuevo ciclo formativo incluido en la etapa obligatoria del sistema... more
Resumen En este artículo presentamos parte de los resultados obtenidos en el análisis realizado a la Formación Profesional Básica desde una pers-pectiva de género, un nuevo ciclo formativo incluido en la etapa obligatoria del sistema educativo español con el fin de evitar el abandono educativo precoz. Con este objetivo se conjuga adaptación y diversificación curricular puesto que el curriculum académico se estrecha en pro de un mayor contenido de carácter profesionalizador según ramas ofertadas. En este caso el género emerge como variable fundamental para entender el escaso número de mujeres matriculadas, así como su concentración en ramas claramente connotadas en términos de género. Las entrevistas realizadas a los equipos de coordinación y orientación, fundamentales en el acceso a una FPB, nos permiten constatar la pervi-vencia de una segregación por género de los diferentes itinerarios formativos justificada sobre las preferencias individuales. Esta justificación conlleva tomar medidas desde los centros en términos únicamente individuales y siempre mediatizadas por los escasos recursos (personales y formativos) disponibles, pero sobre todo por la que es su principal prioridad: evitar el abandono precoz de los estudios. El resultado es un ciclo formativo en el que las mujeres están, o bien ausentes, o bien concentradas en ciclos fuertemente feminizados, disminuyendo sus oportunidades formativas y laborales. Palabras clave Género, abandono educativo temprano, formación profesional, segregación formativa/ocupacional por género, elecciones educativas. Abstract In this article we present part of the results in the analysis of the Basic Vocational Education and Training from a gender perspective. A new training cycle included in the compulsory stage of the Spanish educational system in order to avoid early educational abandonment. To this end, adaptation and curricular diversification are combined since the academic curriculum is narrowed in favor of a greater professional content according to the branches offered. Gender clearly emerges as a fundamental variable to understand the small number of women enrolled, as well as their concentration in branches specially connoted in terms of gender. The interviews carried out with the coordination and orientation teams, which are essential for access to a FPB, allow us to verify the persistence of a gender segregation of the different formative itineraries justified on individual preferences. This justification implies taking measures from the centres in only individual terms and always mediated by the scarce available resources (personal and training). But, above all for what is their main priority, that is to avoid the early abandonment of studies. The result is a training cycle in which women are either absent or concentrated in strongly feminized training cycles, reducing thus their training and employment opportunities., Núria y Villar-Aguilés, Alícia (2020). ¿Una orientación marcada por el género? El caso de la Formación Profesional Básica valenciana. Revista de Sociología de la Educación-RASE, 13 (3), 371-391. http://dx.
En nuestras universidades, para avanzar hacia un modelo de enseñanza-aprendizaje que sitúe el alumnado en el centro, es necesario facilitar su aprendizaje autónomo, en colaboración y generando capacidades para la elaboración de proyectos... more
En nuestras universidades, para avanzar hacia un modelo de enseñanza-aprendizaje que sitúe el alumnado en el centro, es necesario facilitar su aprendizaje autónomo, en colaboración y generando capacidades para la elaboración de proyectos de investigación en perspectiva de género. En este sentido, el proyecto FAAMEF (Facilitando el aprendizaje autónomo sobre metodologías de investigación feminista) se propuso facilitar el aprendizaje autónomo y colaborativo de las metodologías de investigación feminista con la construcción, uso y difusión de un repositorio on-line en Zotero sobre metodologías de investigación feminista. En este artículo presentamos brevemente el proyecto y sus especificidades y nos adentramos en el análisis de la implementación de sus dos primeras fases. Con ello exponemos que los y las alumnas, aunque no sin dificultades y puntos de partida diversos, no sólo han aprendido a seleccionar, organizar y evaluar referencias bibliográficas de forma autónoma y en colaboración satisfactoriamente, sino que han comprendido la utilidad de herramientas como Zotero. Además, han desarrollado la capacidad de pensar críticamente alrededor de los contenidos de las metodologías de investigación feminista.
La propuesta de este artículo es presentar una experiencia actual de innovación docente en la que se vincula la enseñanza de la Sociología con la investigación desarrollada en el proyecto europeo INCASI: International Network for... more
La propuesta de este artículo es presentar una experiencia actual de innovación docente en la que se vincula la enseñanza de la Sociología con la investigación desarrollada en el proyecto europeo INCASI: International Network for Comparative Analysis of Social Inequalities. La experiencia docente se aplica en la asignatura de Sociología, con alumnado de primer curso, del grado de Gestión y Administración Pública, de la Facultad de Derecho, de la Universidad de Barcelona. El eje central del trabajo desarrollado por el alumnado es realizar una investigación sociológica exploratoria sobre una desigualdad social y observar e idear políticas que sean innovadoras para contrarrestarla. Así, el alumnado realiza una investigación en grupo sobre una de las desigualdades sociales de análisis propias de INCASI (formación, empleo, mercado de trabajo, educación, vida familiar, migración, etc.), permitiendo al alumnado un contacto directo con un proyecto real y vivo mediante su producción científica y miembros del equipo. Los objetivos de enseñanza-aprendizaje de esta experiencia de innovación docente son los siguientes: (1) relacionar conocimientos teóricos básicos de la disciplina sociológica con la investigación de los fenómenos sociales; (2) practicar y adquirir diversas competencias de aprendizaje fundamentales, tanto en el contexto universitario como en el profesional, como son la competencia científica, la tecnológica, la capacidad comunicativa y el trabajo en equipo, todo ello desde una posición reflexiva y crítica; y (3) tomar conciencia de la riqueza de la transferencia de conocimiento de los resultados obtenidos en la investigación a la sociedad mediante la creación de una página web.
In this article I examine the relationship between gender and technology from a feminist standpoint in Catalonia. This standpoint is influenced by previous work done by and with the Donestech women and technology group and the shared... more
In this article I examine the relationship between gender and technology from a feminist standpoint in Catalonia. This standpoint is influenced by previous work done by and with the Donestech women and technology group and the shared history of cyberfeminist research conducted since 2006. But it is also based on the successive research efforts and theorisations undertaken by inspirational feminist technology academics, from here and elsewhere, since the 1970s. Above all, I am writing from a standpoint of privilege and modesty from which I can remember and appreciate the countless words and actions shared over the years by hundreds of technologists and feminists of all stripes to our benefit.
This KIT, created by Donestech with the support of Barcelona City Council, Universitat de Barcelona and the Association of Women for Research and Action, ALIA, seeks to describe and get to know online gender-based violence and take the... more
This KIT, created by Donestech with the support of Barcelona City Council, Universitat de Barcelona and the Association of Women for Research and Action, ALIA, seeks to describe and get to know online gender-based violence and take the necessary steps towards free and safe digital interactions for every women. From a critical and feminist position, the KIT introduces the topic of online gender-based violence and, above all, it offers a series of proposals, resources and initiatives for users to take care of and defend ourselves, counteract and alteract against this type of violence.

This KIT will be very useful for women and LGTBIQ* individuals, especially for those women who have been battered, but also for feminists and sex and gender dissenters who are increasingly affected by this type of online violence. We encourage you to use this KIT, both preventively and reactively, and we hope that it will be useful to you.

You can also download the KIT in PDF format. The file includes images, illustrative data and additional contents such as interactive resources, online tools, related useful links and activities.
What binds all contemporary struggles for the advancement and consolidation of democracy, while guaranteeing and extending rights and freedoms is, undoubtedly, feminisms. Whether as a social movement or through the power of contributions... more
What binds all contemporary struggles for the advancement and consolidation of democracy, while guaranteeing and extending rights and freedoms is, undoubtedly, feminisms. Whether as a social movement or through the power of contributions from highly diverse authors, feminisms today are at the vanguard of thought on creating new spaces and broadening the field of action of ideas in the struggle for a fairer, more democratic future. As a plural, crosscutting movement, it questions the foundations of the current social and political structure, mobilising and proposing transformational alternatives at all levels. The recent 8 March strikes have marked a turning point, as have the global online #MeToo and sister movements around the world. Visibility of the discourse has spread and numerous voices now talk about a new wave of feminism whose impact is greater than at any other time in history, while it has also grabbed the attention and significantly determined the global agenda. Yet despite these advances, the patriarchy is counterattacking as it finds its hegemony under threat. The reaction comes in the form of far-right and populist neo-sexist discourse, demanding the return of 'traditional roles' for women that are subservient to dominant interests and questioning the gender perspective in the analysis of power relations and social, cultural, economic and political structures. Nevertheless, however much it tries; this discourse cannot hide the brutal, painful truth: at the time of writing this editorial, 49 men have murdered their partners in Spain, a figure that already exceeds the total for the whole of 2018. This is a devastating indication of the inequalities, abuse and aggressions that feminism has uncovered. Feminisms today are at the vanguard of thought on creating new
In the context of growing interest in sexual dissidence, academic and social movements are discussing homonationalism as the combination of tolerance towards lesbians and gays, racism and nationalism in a neoliberal globalised world. In... more
In the context of growing interest in sexual dissidence, academic and social movements are discussing homonationalism as the combination of tolerance towards lesbians and gays, racism and nationalism in a neoliberal globalised world. In this article we aim to quantitatively compare European nation states on homonationalist values using data collected through the European Value Study (2008–2010), through correlations and cross tabulation analysis. We ask to what extent homonationalism is reflected in the values of Europeans and if there is any difference among European countries. The results indicate that homonationalism is not reflected in the values of all Europeans. Those who are more tolerant to homosexuality tend to be less racist and nationalist. However, our results confirm the existence of groups of people in western European countries who combine tolerance to LGB people, racism and nationalism and consequently must be qualified as homonationalists.
Research Interests:
This paper aims to explore intimate partner violence (IPV) in female-headed one-parent households, as well as the measures of protection and support taken by mothers and received from institutions. To generate data and analysis a... more
This paper aims to explore intimate partner violence (IPV) in female-headed one-parent households, as well as the measures of protection and support taken by mothers and received from institutions. To generate data and analysis a non-androcentric action research was carried out together with the Federation of One-Parent Families of Catalonia. A survey was designed and distributed through a strategic convenience sampling and received 300 answers from one-parent households. About 96% of them were female-headed and a 42.9% of them reported having suffered IPV once in their lives. Our results show then a high prevalence of IPV among those mothers, especially for women who separated or divorced, with fewer resources and coming from Latin America. However, women with fewer resources more frequently reported such violence, relied more on community-based organisations and applied more for court restraining orders. In any case, public support for women in female-headed one-parent households that suffer IPV is still insufficient.
Research Interests:
Research Interests:
Cada vez más mujeres, así como disidentes del género, se conectan, navegan y contribuyen a la construcción de la Internet, haciendo uso de sus servicios e infraestructuras y abriendo espacios de comunicación y acción con el fin de... more
Cada vez más mujeres, así como disidentes del género, se conectan,
navegan y contribuyen a la construcción de la Internet, haciendo uso de
sus servicios e infraestructuras y abriendo espacios de comunicación y
acción con el fin de transformar el mundo y conseguir unas sociedades
más inclusivas e igualitarias. Las redes reflejan los impactos alienantes
así como liberadores que tienen las tecnologías de la información y comunicación
(TIC) para las mujeres y diversos grupos sociales. Las TIC
permiten documentar y denunciar las violencias, los feminicidios, las
discriminaciones y desigualdades, posibilitan la organización de campañas
que apelan a mejorar sus condiciones de vida, así como fomentan
compartir experiencias y crear narrativas, imaginarios y temáticas de
común interés.
Research Interests:
Resumen El mercado laboral tecnológico, donde las mujeres son minoría, representa una oportunidad para el empleo en España. Este trabajo analiza los datos de la Encuesta de Población Activa (EPA) respecto a la población ocupada en el... more
Resumen El mercado laboral tecnológico, donde las mujeres son minoría, representa una oportunidad para el empleo en España. Este trabajo analiza los datos de la Encuesta de Población Activa (EPA) respecto a la población ocupada en el sector tecnológico. En primer lugar, se analiza la segregación de género de la población ocupada según sectores económicos y, en segundo lugar, las características de empleo de las mujeres ocupadas en el sector tecnológico. Los resultados indican que las mujeres disponen de buenas expectativas laborales en este sector, pero también indican que sufren un mayor riesgo de sobrecualificación, lo que sugiere la persistencia de factores de discriminación. Por último, las mujeres expresan mayor preocupación que sus colegas hombres respecto a las excesivas jornadas laborales, lo que plantea la necesidad de afrontar un cambio estructural en las organizaciones. Abstract The technology labour market, where women are in the minority, represents an opportunity for employment in Spain. This paper analyses the data from the Labour Force Survey (known by its abbreviation in Spanish, 'EPA') in relation to the population employed in the technological sector. The gender segregation of the employed population is analysed by economic sector, together with the employment characteristics of women employed in the technological sector. The results indicate that job expectations are good for women in this sector, but also that they have a higher risk of being overqualified, which suggests that there are persistent discrimination factors. Finally, women expressed greater concern than their male counterparts about the excessive working hours, which raises the need for structural change in organisations.
Yes, we fuck! (2015) is a documentary that seeks to portray the sexuality of people with functional diversity that focuses on their empowerment and critiques ableism. Its filming has helped to generate alliances between Spanish activist... more
Yes, we fuck! (2015) is a documentary that seeks to portray the sexuality of people with functional diversity that focuses on their empowerment and critiques ableism. Its filming has helped to generate alliances between Spanish activist groups, which have been named Alianzas Tullido- Transfeministas (Crip-Queer Alliances). Based on a research project that combined traditional and digital ethnography, this article reflects on how these crip-queer alliances have been constructed. First, we present a genealogy that contextualizes key events and explains their origins. Second, we analyse the construction process of the alliances, from queer to crip and vice versa, in order to reflect on the notions of intimacy that these alliances mobilize, while analysing their discourses and performances around the body, bonding, desire and sexuality. Finally, we explain the potential, as well as the difficulties and challenges, of these alliances. We conclude that they have followed their own situated process, where activists bring into play their bodies, emotions and intimacies and thus generate enormous potential for political action that questions ableism and heteropatriarchy.
Research Interests:
En las puertas del siglo XXI, las familias monoparentales se han convertido en un fenómeno creciente en nuestras sociedades. Sin embargo, en el Estado español, el régimen de bienestar y las políticas familiares desarrolladas no tienen... more
En las puertas del siglo XXI, las familias monoparentales se han convertido en un fenómeno creciente en nuestras sociedades. Sin embargo, en el Estado español, el régimen de bienestar y las políticas familiares desarrolladas no tienen suficientemente en cuenta las necesidades de las distintas modalidades monoparentales, especialmente monomarentales, y muchas de estas familias están en situaciones de precariedad laboral, dificulta des de conciliación y exclusión social. El artículo se basa en algunos de los resultados de una investigación-acción sobre familias monoparentales, y de una de sus herramientas, la encuesta sobre monoparentalidad y diversidad familiar -EMODIF- que contó con la participación de 300 familias monoparentales residentes en Catalunya. A partir de sus datos analizaremos las transferencias y prestaciones a las que tienen acceso o reciben las familias monoparentales, así como lo relativo a sus permisos parentales para poder evaluar las polí- ticas familiares hacia estas familias.
Research Interests:
Research Interests:
ICT is a key sector for developing contemporary economies and it entails an opportunity for increasing the employment rates internationally. Women were traditionally underrepresented; therefore, we need to reinforce their role in the... more
ICT is a key sector for developing contemporary economies and it entails an opportunity for increasing the employment rates internationally. Women were traditionally underrepresented; therefore, we need to reinforce their role in the international labor market. Before the implementation of positive actions, we need to know what is the situation and experiences of women in ICT workplaces. Through the Spanish Labor Force Survey we analyze the evolution of women. Despite the economic crisis, data shows that women have as good job prospects as men in the ICT labor market. However, women present higher levels of qualifications than men in the same category which may be interpreted as a sign of gender discrimination. Significantly, women display more critical opinions regarding the average work week.
Research Interests:
La promoción de la igualdad de género en la investigación y la innovación es uno de los compromisos de la Comisión Europea, que insta a la integración explícita de la perspectiva de género en los proyectos Horizonte 2020. Sin embargo,... more
La promoción de la igualdad de género en la investigación y la innovación es uno de los compromisos de la Comisión Europea, que insta a la integración explícita de la perspectiva de género en los proyectos Horizonte 2020. Sin embargo, esta recomendación frecuentemente se entiende y se aplica de una forma insuficiente. Desde el SIMReF, hace años que estamos trabajando para evidenciar la
necesidad y las ventajas de incorporar una visión de género y feminista en todo el proceso de la investigación. Además, continuamente establecemos redes con grupos que tienen líneas de metodología y de género como Copolis. La Unidad de Género de la Universidad de Barcelona nos ha invitado a diseñar e impartir el taller «¿Por qué y cómo llevar a cabo investigación en perspectiva de género?», por lo que nos hemos visto en la necesidad de crear un nuevo material en forma de preguntas para empezar a reflexionar sobre nuestras investigaciones. En este breve artículo, tras una introducción sobre las propuestas de la epistemología, las necesidades y las ventajas de la inclusión de
la perspectiva de género y feminista en la investigación, presentamos las recomendaciones legales al respecto y, para acabar, compartimos unas preguntas de autoevaluación de la investigación elaboradas para el curso.
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El número de mujeres en los sectores técnicos es un tema ampliamente debatido. En el presente estudio analiza los resultados de la Encuesta de Población Activa para los y las trabajadoras españolas. En un primer lugar se analiza el efecto... more
El número de mujeres en los sectores técnicos es un tema ampliamente debatido. En el presente estudio analiza los resultados de la Encuesta de Población Activa para los y las trabajadoras españolas. En un primer lugar se analiza el efecto de la crisis en sus tasas de empleo y, en un segundo lugar, se comparan sus condiciones laborales, comparando
hombres y mujeres, cualificados/as, cualificados/as empleados/as en sectores tecnológicos y aquellos/as trabajadores/as en el resto de sectores laborales. Las conclusiones que se derivan de este estudio presenta buenas expectativas laborales para las mujeres empleadas en el sector tecnológico, lo cual, nos permite incluir mensajes positivos para atraer vocaciones científicas femeninas. Además, otras
conclusiones sobre sus condiciones laborales añaden algunas otras recomendaciones a nivel de políticas de igualdad.
Research Interests:
Recent developments of new information and communication technologies, as well as feminisms, are essential for understanding the major changes in our societies today. Feminist research of technology, traditionally, has been focused on... more
Recent developments of new information and communication technologies, as well as feminisms, are essential for understanding the major changes in our societies today. Feminist research of technology, traditionally, has been focused on explaining the exclusion of women from technologies. However, a move towards inclusion is already being carried out intensively. This involves investigating the experiences of women in ICT and thereby making visible their trajectories and mechanisms towards inclusion, as well as the challenges and opportunities that are generated thereby. In this article I aim to explore the processes of self-inclusion of women in ICT and specifically to show the main mechanisms that they have followed and activated to self-include in ICT. To do this I have relied on shared experiences of a purposive sample of artistic technologists and computer technologists in Barcelona, by conducting interviews and focus groups. As a result I show a series of mechanisms that women follow and activate to access, remain in, advance, and even transform ICT. These mechanisms go beyond learning and include not only doing gender but also undoing it as well as ICT. Thus, Women in ICT seek to access and progress in ICT adapting to certain circumstances but also changing them to generate and regenerate ICT in order not just to be assimilated but better to accommodate with ICT.
Research Interests:
In the information and knowledge society gender transformations have characterized the social changes of recent years, while information and communication technologies (ICT) have taken an essential role for social development.... more
In the information and knowledge society gender transformations have characterized the social changes of recent years, while information and communication technologies (ICT) have taken an essential role for social development. Nevertheless, even if women have accumulated an incredible talent in order to confront today's challenges, the technological system seems not to be prepared to include, retain and promote them through the technological careers that they deserve. Research about gender and technology related with female occupation has pointed out several causes for female exclusion that should be addressed from an interdisciplinary approach. Most of the research has been focused on finding out the barriers that make more difficult to access and promote women in technological occupations. However, there is still a need to identify and foster enablers of women's full inclusion in technologies. Carrying out a mix methodology in between quantitative and qualitative methods, we aim at providing different solutions to facilitate and promote women's presence and retainment in technological careers.
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In this article we analyse the police repression strategies that were developed around the emergence of the 15M movement in Barcelona, which was an important turning point for protest and repression. Through press reviews, discussion... more
In this article we analyse the police repression strategies that were developed around the emergence of the 15M movement in Barcelona, which was an important turning point for protest and repression. Through press reviews, discussion groups and interviews we empirically contribute to previous theoretical studies that deal with strategies for policing protests. We recognize that "strategic incapacitation"
is a new style of policing protests that has taken hold in the last decade. However, we reflect on the importance of understanding this new strategy, within an increasingly more punitive state under transformation, that creates enemies to erode the rights of most the population. In the case of the protests, this also seeks to create fear and consequently tries to dismantle and wear down current and potential participants of social movements.
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To investigate the relationship of gender and new technologies of information and communication becomes crucial with the development of our current society. We conducted a series of research projects aimed at the formulation, analysis... more
To investigate the relationship of gender and new technologies of information and communication becomes crucial with the development of our current society. We
conducted a series of research projects aimed at the formulation, analysis and implementation of actions from with and for women and ICT. Considering the characteristics of the subjects, topics and methodologies that we apply we develop ciberfeminist research processes. In this article, we propose to continue exploring and showing our ciberfeminist research processes. We depart from our first re search project to move on to our current ones. In order to better delve into some methodological aspects that become clearer in a comparative and specific manner, we will focus, first, on LeLArt project, about the experiences and ICT trajectories
of women technoartists, and then on LelaCoders project, about the experiences and ICT trajectories of women developers of free software and / or hackers.
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International mobility has become a key requirement in science and technology (S&T) professional career progression. On the one hand, the increasing mobility of women suggests that this may be a way for them to avoid or get away from... more
International mobility has become a key requirement in science and technology (S&T) professional career progression. On the one hand, the increasing mobility of women suggests that this may be a way for them to avoid or get away from women-unfriendly working environments. On the other hand, international mobility can present problems for women as they, particularly, have to plan their lives around their professional goals and personal lives. This article addresses the international mobility strategies of women regarding their personal and professional choices. We analyse their motivations to move, the way they manage their lives abroad and the effects of mobility on their lives. The analysis is based on 24 in-depth interviews of highly skilled women working in Spanish S&T sectors. Our main findings show that mobility is a new challenge which may improve women's family lives and professional careers. However, they have to plan carefully their lives on a long-term as well as a daily basis. In this sense, they need strong personal determination and the ability to balance their professional and personal goals. Moreover, their personal decisions depend not only on them as individuals, but also on their partners and families, on wider social values, on the institutional support they enjoy, and on the general public policies which they are affected by.
persists. Given that, most studies continue to focus on explaining the mechanisms of exclusion of women from ICT. In this article I propose a paradigm shift from exclusion to inclusion. I go beyond inclusion by conceptualizing and... more
persists. Given that, most studies continue to focus on explaining the mechanisms of exclusion of women from ICT. In this article I propose a paradigm shift from exclusion to inclusion. I go beyond inclusion by conceptualizing and analysing the process of self-inclusion of women in ICT from a purposive sample of women
artistic and computer technologists. The results are based on the qualitative analysis of interviews and focus groups, in which I aim to answer three main questions: What motivated their self-inclusion? What enablers did they encounter?
What mechanisms did they follow and activate to self-include in ICT? The main results show, first, that the motivations for pleasure are predominant, but often complemented by other utilitarian motivations. Second, a set of enablers facilitate women’s self-inclusion in ICT, including gender policies. Finally, I discuss a number of mechanisms of self-inclusion that go beyond learning that include doing and undoing gender.
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Quina relació té el gènere amb la tecnologia? Què en diuen els feminismes? Té gènere la tecnologia? Per què hi trobem més homes? Quines conseqüències té el seu domini? Per què ens convé que hi hagi més dones, persones LGTBIQ en les... more
Quina relació té el gènere amb la tecnologia? Què en diuen els feminismes? Té gènere la tecnologia? Per què hi trobem més homes? Quines conseqüències té el seu domini? Per què ens convé que hi hagi més dones, persones LGTBIQ en les tecnologies? Com ho podem fer? Internet i les xarxes socials també tenen gènere? Poden ser feministes? I com podrien ser lliures de violències masclistes? Aquestes i d?altres preguntes troben respostes en aquest llibre sobre gèneres i tecnologies de la informació i la comunicació que arriba de la ma d?una de les principals acadèmiques i feministes de les tecnologies dels territoris de parla catalana.
La relació entre gènere i tecnologia està en constant transformació i fa dècades que genera curiositat i interès des de l?acadèmia, les empreses, les polítiques públiques i els moviments feministes. Per a qualsevol persona interessada en les tecnologies, els estudis de gènere o els feminismes, aquest llibre resultarà aclaridor, inspirador i probablement generarà noves idees, solucions i preguntes.
Les tecnologies de la informació i comunicació es van fent, desfent i refent, però també els gèneres. Per això sempre hi ha possibilitat de canvi i d?utopia en clau feminista. Aquest llibre identifica alguns grans reptes que tenen al davant les dones i persones LGTBIQ, però sobretot fa visibles solucions i vies de millora que s?han d?aplicar des d?arreu. S?apunten camins diversos per fer que les dones i persones LGTBIQ se sentin més còmodes i progressin quan estudien, treballen i fan i desfan tecnologies a Internet, les xarxes socials o a qualsevol racó del món digital. També es reivindica una societat digital que es desenvolupi amb perspectiva feminista i n?abraci la seva diversitat, per anar fent, desfent i refent un món digital més inclusiu, amigable, curós, lliure de violències, empoderador i alliberador per a les dones, les persones LGTBIQ i per a tothom.

¿Qué relación tiene el género con la tecnología? ¿Qué dicen los feminismos? ¿Tiene género la tecnología? ¿Por qué encontramos más hombres? ¿Qué consecuencias tiene su dominio? ¿Por qué nos conviene que haya más mujeres, personas LGTBIQ en las tecnologías? ¿Cómo lo podemos hacer? ¿Internet y las redes sociales también tienen género? ¿Pueden ser feministas? ¿Y cómo podrían ser libres de violencias machistas? Estas y otras preguntas encuentran respuesta en este libro sobre géneros y tecnologías de la información y la comunicación que llega de la mano de una de las principales académicas y feministas de las tecnologías de los territorios de habla catalana.
La relación entre género y tecnología está en constante transformación y hace décadas que genera curiosidad e interés desde la academia, las empresas, las políticas públicas y los movimientos feministas. Para cualquier persona interesada en las tecnologías, los estudios de género o los feminismos, este libro resultará aclaratorio, inspirador y probablemente generará nuevas ideas, soluciones y preguntas.
Las tecnologías de la información y comunicación se van haciendo, deshaciendo y rehaciendo, pero también los géneros. Por eso siempre hay posibilidad de cambio y de utopía en clave feminista. Este libro identifica algunos grandes retos que tienen delante las mujeres y personas LGTBIQ, pero sobre todo hace visibles soluciones y vías de mejora que se han que aplicar desde todos los ámbitos. Se apuntan diferentes vías para lograr que las mujeres y personas LGTBIQ se sientan más cómodas y progresen cuando estudian, trabajan y hacen y deshacen tecnologies en Internet, las redes sociales o en cualquier otro rincón del mundo digital. También se reivindica una sociedad digital que se desarrolle con perspectiva feminista y abrace su diversidad, para ir haciendo, deshaciendo y rehaciendo un mundo digital más inclusivo, amigable, cuidadoso, sin violencias, empoderador y liberador para las mujeres, las personas LGTBIQ y para todo el mundo.
Research Interests:
ICT is a key sector for developing contemporary economies and it entails an opportunity for increasing the employment rates internationally. Women were traditionally underrepresented; therefore, we need to reinforce their role in the... more
ICT is a key sector for developing contemporary economies and it entails an opportunity for increasing the employment rates internationally. Women were traditionally underrepresented; therefore, we need to reinforce their role in the international labor market. Before the implementation of positive actions, we need to know what is the situation and experiences of women in ICT workplaces. Through the Spanish Labor Force Survey we analyze the evolution of women. Despite the economic crisis, data shows that women have as good job prospects as men in the ICT labor market. However, women present higher levels of qualifications than men in the same category which may be interpreted as a sign of gender discrimination. Significantly, women display more critical opinions regarding the average work week.
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"This thesis analyses the process of self-inclusion of women in ICT, which is understood as a strategy in which women are situated as agents conducting their own ICT inclusion. The main objectives of this research are: firstly, to explore... more
"This thesis analyses the process of self-inclusion of women in ICT, which is understood as a strategy in which women are situated as agents conducting their own ICT inclusion. The main objectives of this research are: firstly, to explore the relationship of gender and ICT; secondly, to examine the self-inclusion strategies, that is, the main motivations, enablers and mechanisms involved; and finally, to compare these issues in relation to artistic technologists and computer technologists.
The analysis is based on the discourses of a purposive sample of women technologists gathered through interviews and focus groups. At the same time, it departs from current feminist theories of technology that claim a fluid and mutually constitutive relationship of gender and ICT and seek new opportunities for transformative research and action.
The analysis aims to answer three main questions: firstly, how, and to what extent, gender and ICT transformations are manifested in the process of self-inclusion; secondly, what motivations women express, what enablers they encounter and what mechanisms follow and activate to self-include in ICT; and finally, what do artistic technologists and computer technologists share, and in what do they differ, in relation to both issues stated above.
The results of this research indicate that transformations appear for both gender and ICT. However, these changes are not extreme, but are situated in the middle of a continuum of gender and a continuum of ICT that is being co-produced in a fluid and mutable manner, that is, while doing and undoing gender and ICT. This contributes to postfeminist research of technology providing new evidence and developments about the relationships between gender and ICT. The research also examines the process of self-inclusion of women in ICT, identifying and describing the main elements involved. This examination consists, firstly, of identifying and explaining several self-inclusion mechanisms that the participants follow and activate in relation to the motivations and enablers of self-inclusion. Secondly, these show that, predominantly, there is an enthusiastic relationship between the participants and ICT. Finally, although these issues are similarly presented for artistic technologists and computer technologists, some differences and new opportunities appear. This suggests that ICT intersections must be considered in order to understand and improve the inclusion of women in ICT. This not only contributes to the debates on feminism of technology, but also provides a guide to future public policies in regard to gender and ICT inclusion."
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Sumario Las teorías feministas de la tecnología se constituyen como la expresión teórica de una serie de diversos y controvertidos movimientos sociales y políticos, filosofías y prácticas que tienen como común denominador la oposición y... more
Las teorías feministas de la tecnología se constituyen como la expresión teórica de una serie de diversos y controvertidos movimientos sociales y políticos, filosofías y prácticas que
tienen como común denominador la oposición y la voluntad de
superar el sexismo y el androcentrismo en la relación género y tecnología. A partir de los años 70 se desarrollan las
teorías feministas a través de los debates generados a
partir de los diversos feminismos y las distintas innovaciones tecnológicas que se suceden en el tiempo. En este artículo
se presenta una revisión de los feminismos y postfeminismos de la tecnología desde sus inicios para, sobretodo, enfatizar sus puntos de encuentro y visibilizar algunas corrientes feministas poco abordas.

Palabras clave: Género;feminismos; tecnologías; mujeres; TIC
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http://research.nualart.cat/area-feminicides/ Violence against women is one of the main threats that women have to face in our societies.Feminicides are the most extreme and irreversible form of this violence. It is the violence... more
Violence against women is one of the main threats that women have to face in our societies.Feminicides are the most extreme and irreversible form of this violence. It is  the violence resulting in death where gender is a determining variable in explaining the crime.
The visualizations of Feminides in AREA were created in 2006. This project aimed at collecting existing information on feminicides in the Spanish State to create interactive visualizations to reach awareness about the extent of violence against women in our society. Feminicides in AREA show violence against women that resulted in death from 2000 to 2010 in the Spanish State in a simple and disturbing way.
Research Interests:
Violence against women is one of the main threats that women have to face in our societies.Feminicides are the most extreme and irreversible form of this violence. It is the violence resultingin death where gender is a determining... more
Violence against women is one of the main threats that women have to face in our societies.Feminicides are the most extreme and irreversible form of this violence. It is the violence resultingin death where gender is a determining variable in explaining the crime.
The visualizations of Feminides in AREA were created in 2006. This project sought, and continues to pursue, the objective of collecting existing information on feminicides in the Spanish State to create interactive visualizations for ease of dissemination and awareness about the extent of violence against women in our society. These visualizations show violence against women that hasresulted in death since 2000 in the Spanish State in a simple and disturbing way. Although thearticle's format limits the interactivity of the AREA's proposal, we present the basic resultsdisplayed by the tool inviting its exploration through the use and the generation of questions, insights and reflections
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This paper aims to explore intimate partner violence (IPV) in female-headed one-parent households, as well as the measures of protection and support taken by mothers and received from institutions. To generate data and analysis a... more
This paper aims to explore intimate partner violence (IPV) in female-headed one-parent households, as well as the measures of protection and support taken by mothers and received from institutions. To generate data and analysis a non-androcentric action research was carried out together with the Federation of One-Parent Families of Catalonia. A survey was designed and distributed through a strategic convenience sampling and received 300 answers from one-parent households. About 96% of them were female-headed and a 42.9% of them reported having suffered IPV once in their lives. Our results show then a high prevalence of IPV among those mothers, especially for women who separated or divorced, with fewer resources and coming from Latin America. However, women with fewer resources more frequently reported such violence, relied more on community-based organisations and applied more for court restraining orders. In any case, public support for women in female-headed one-parent households that suffer IPV is still insufficient.
La promoción de la igualdad de género en la investigación y la innovación es uno de los compromisos de la Comisión Europea, que insta a la integración explícita de la perspectiva de género en los proyectos Horizonte 2020. Sin embargo,... more
La promoción de la igualdad de género en la investigación y la innovación es uno de los compromisos de la Comisión Europea, que insta a la integración explícita de la perspectiva de género en los proyectos Horizonte 2020. Sin embargo, esta recomendación frecuentemente se entiende y se aplica de una forma insuficiente.
Desde el SIMReF (www.simref.net), hace años que estamos trabajando para evidenciar la necesidad y las ventajas de incorporar una visión de género y feminista en todo el proceso de la investigación. Además,
continuamente establecemos redes con grupos que tienen líneas de metodología y de género como Copolis (www.ub.edu/copolis). La Unidad de Género de la Universidad de Barcelona nos ha invitado a diseñar e impartir el taller «¿Por qué y cómo llevar a cabo investigación en perspectiva de género?», por lo que nos hemos visto en
la necesidad de crear un nuevo material en forma de preguntas para empezar a reflexionar sobre nuestras investigaciones. En este breve artículo, tras una introducción sobre las propuestas de la epistemología, las necesidades y las ventajas de la inclusión de la perspectiva de género y feminista en la investigación, presentamos las recomendaciones legales al respecto y, para acabar, compartimos unas preguntas de autoevaluación de la investigación elaboradas para el curso.
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Service-Learning (APS), as a teaching methodology, is being increasingly implemented in our universities. However, there has been little research into its potential for a sociology committed to gender transformation and feminisms. In our... more
Service-Learning (APS), as a teaching methodology, is being increasingly implemented in our universities. However, there has been little research into its potential for a sociology committed to gender transformation and feminisms. In our courses on Sociology of Gender, we introduce our students to the main gender topics, as well as to feminist methodologies. Within these, gender and ICT, as well as feminist research and pedagogy, are covered. In this communication, we present an experience of Service-Learning around sociology and gender carried out in three consecutive courses. This experience was developed in the framework of the transversal project on Service-Learning at the University of Barcelona called Sharing ideas: the university goes to high school. Sharing Ideas is a Service-Learning project in which undergraduate and master's degree students from the University of Barcelona (UB) prepare lecture-workshops on interesting topics related to their studies and teach these in high schools which the university visits. Specifically, our experience consisted of teaching and accompanying our university students who study sociology of gender to carry out a lecture-workshop on gender and technology at secondary/high schools. Moreover, as an innovative element, we related our teaching to one of our research projects that aimed at improving the incorporation, retention and promotion of women in ICT. In the classrooms we then sought to work and reflect on gender socialization, the labour market with a gender perspective and, finally, to question the digital gender gap and to contribute to generating new technological vocations among girls. We based the evaluation of the project on a mixed-methods approach and a gender perspective. On the one hand, we took into account the evaluation surveys completed by the students; on the other hand, we analyzed qualitative data obtained through the observations and summaries of the experiences of the participating university students. Finally, from the design stage through to the evaluation of data we applied a gender perspective. This involved, on the one hand, considering the feminist research and agenda regarding gender and technology, as well as pedagogy and sociology. On the other hand, our experience specifically introduced gender contents and reflection in the APS project. Finally, this implied analysing our results and outcomes by considering gender, in relation to the contents as well as to the ascribed gender of our students and teachers. This allowed us to evaluate both the impact on the community as well as the impact on our students' learning process in a gender perspective. Apart from some limitations, the experience has been very satisfactory, both for the teachers and for the participating students of all levels and, in relation to gender as well, shows great potential for learning and transformation.