Recent papers in Zotero
This collaborative group library of the Donatism now contains more than 6000 items relevant to specific aspects of the African schism occurred between 312 and 411.
See https://www.zotero.org/groups/donatism.
See https://www.zotero.org/groups/donatism.
This document was originally intended to aid in the instruction of researchers in Papua New Guinea to use the Zotero bibliographic management tool. It is a bullet-point outline of all major concepts and uses of the program. It also... more
Buku ini berjudul "Manajemen Dokumen Ilmiah: menggunakan zotero dan mendeley". Isinya tentang sumber informasi, pengelolaan dokumen ilmiah menggunakan Zotero dan Mendeley, sinkronisasi antara Zotero dan Mendeley, sinkronisasi dengan... more
The main focus of this paper is to compare and investigate the different functions of Zotero and Mendeley. Both the software's are getting popular among research and academic community. Mendeley, a desktop and web program with feature of... more
სამეცნიერო სივრცეში ავტორთა დიფერენცირება/რანჟირება ხორციელდება მათ მიერ მეცნიერების ამა თუ იმ სფეროში შეტანილი წვლილის, განხორციელებული გავლენის მიხედვით. გავლენა, რომელსაც ახორციელებს ესა თუ ის ტექსტი იზომება იმის მიხედვით, თუ რამდენად... more
In this bibliography on Donatism (updated 2023) are included 6218 entries. The compilation has been automatically generated by Zotero App (see https://www.zotero.org/groups/donatism).
Failure to cite information sources used in a scientific paper is considered a violation of publication ethics and copyright. Many citation styles exist due to the different requirements of publishers. For this reason, authors have at... more
Manajemen aplikasi merupakan hal yang penting bagi kita yang bersinggungan dengan proses akademika, karena salah satu tugas kita adalah mempublikasikan hasil kinerja kita secara ilmiah. Melakukan sitasi terhadap sumber referensi merupakan... more
Se trata de una guía relativamente completa sobre el uso del gestor bibliográfico Zotero.
Today’s bibliographic managers provide cloud storage so that papers can be attached to citations and syncing services, in order for papers and citations to be available in multiple mediums. Mendeley and Zotero are two services that offer... more
My aim is to give a general overview of sources of various information on onomastic studies. Here I argue that onomastic blogs and social network groups may function as an interface between the onomastic community and the public, hence... more
Présentation du logiciel Zotero réalisée à l'Institut français d'archéologie orientale le 02 décembre 2021.
Zotero is a free extension for the Firefox browser, which allows users collect, manage and cite research from all walks of life browser. The uniqueness compared to other managers is in as it does not exactly one local version classical... more
October 16, 2015 - University of Oklahoma Libraries, Norman, OK, USA
The purpose of this study to understanding the researcher's level of awareness, usage of reference management tools, benefits and obstacles of reference management tools in particularly "Zotero & Mendeley". Structured design questionnaire... more
As a result of repeated mistakes in bibliographic references, scientists are interested in reference managers. Currently, there are only few studies which concentrate on the quality evaluation of the bibliographic references generated by... more
A walkthrough I created to teach my students how to install and use Zotero for their citations and bibliography.
Современный этап развития информационного общества предполагает активное использование многочисленных электронных ресурсов. Поиск, отбор и оценка онлайн-ресурсов становятся всё более актуальной задачей интернет-эвристики. В статье... more
This study reports findings from a survey conducted to measure the use and perception of the United Arab Emirates University (UAEU) faculty members of electronic resources. Questionnaires were sent to a sample of 140 faculty members.... more
Referencias bibliográficas según normas Vancouver y uso de gestores de referencias.
When students or academicians write a scientific article such as paper, thesis, or journal article, they will read lots of references. To tackle plagiarism problem such as missing citation or even missing to locate those quotations in... more
Two open source extensions to the Firefox browser, LibX and Zotero, can improve the research process for library staff and users. Once configured and installed, LibX provides Firefox users with an additional browser toolbar and... more
This communication aims to present the various aspects and stages of a work in progress already partially available on the internet : compilation of Francke's bibliography, identification and reporting of texts already digitized on the... more
Reference Management tools offer an easy way of finding relevant literature, collecting references, organizing them in a database, and insert citations works in a manuscript with proper citation style. Most of the new Reference Management... more
The Bibliography consists of three parts. The last of which is a word index containing those words whose etymology was discussed in 1994-1995. This is preceded by a two-part list of literature. In Part B solutions to the abbreviations... more
In recent years, the attention of the librarian world aimed at the progress of Linked Open Data technology and Wikimedia projects has focused on Wikidata, whose infrastructure has proved to be perfectly compatible with Wikicite, an... more
This Unit is on online citation and reference management tools. The tools discussed are Mendeley, CiteULike, Zotero, Google Scholar Library, and EndNote Basic. The features of all the management tools have been discussed with figures,... more
O artigo comunica os resultados parciais de uma pesquisa exploratória em andamento que tem por objetivo investigar o fenômeno da presença e reputação online de pesquisadores nas redes sociais acadêmicas e suas implicações para a... more
Presenting a hands-on Zotero workshop to roughly 60 librarians and faculty members at Adelphi University's Swirbul Library.
Resumen: Una de las herramientas de mayor utilidad para investigadores y bibliotecarios son los gestores de referencias por su capacidad para recopilar, almacenar y dar formato a la información de diferentes productos, fuentes y tipos de... more
Research Tools for Cultural Studies Syllabus according to the existing moodle page.
"With the advent of the information age and its related technologies, the terms on which knowledge is shared are changing rapidly. In France, with 2.5 million unique visitors each day and over 20 million per month in 2012, the... more
This guide will help you decide which popular citation management tool best suits your particular research needs. http://purchase.libguides.com/researchmanagement
The last two decades have seen an increasing demand for not only quality research but also for publishing at a prolific rate. Accordingly, anything that helps academics write better or more quickly is very important. As a result of the... more
O artigo comunica os resultados parciais de uma pesquisa exploratória em andamento que tem por objetivo investigar o fenômeno da presença e reputação online de pesquisadores nas redes sociais acadêmicas e suas implicações para a... more
Tarih araştırmalarında fotoğraf, harita ve şekiller olarak kabul edilen resimlerin önemi büyüktür. Resimler bazen birincil kaynak olarak kabul edilir. Okuyucunun konuya daha fazla vakıf olması ve ilgi göstermesi için resimler kullanılır.... more
Negli ultimi anni l’attenzione del mondo bibliotecario volto ai progressi della tecnologia Linked Open Data e ai progetti Wikimedia si è concentrata su Wikidata, la cui infrastruttura si è rivelata perfettamente compatibile con Wikicite,... more