API Design
Most cited papers in API Design
All authors in publication order: Williams, John W. Grimm, Eric C. Blois, Jessica L. Charles, Donald F. Davis, Edward B. Goring, Simon J. Graham, Russell W. Smith, Alison J. Anderson, Michael Arroyo-Cabrales, Joaquin Ashworth, Allan C.... more
In traditional claim management system, Extension of Time (EOT) claims often lead to disputes among key construction stakeholders. This necessitates shifting traditional system to a digital environment for efficient processing. This... more
What are the pathways for spreading disinformation on social media platforms? This article addresses this question by collecting, categorising, and situating an extensive body of research on how application programming interfaces (APIs)... more
Cloud computing offers an innovative business model for organizations to adopt IT services at a reduced cost with increased reliability and scalability. However organizations are slow in adopting the cloud model due to the prevalent... more
Background: Software libraries and frameworks play an important role in software system development. The appropriate usage of their functionalities/components through their APIs, however, is a challenge for developers. Usually, API... more
Microwave assisted biocatalytic transformation is a green process for chiral drug resolution. Differentimmobilized enzymes such as Novozym 435, Lipozyme TL IM, Lipozyme RM IM, Lipase Amano AS andLipase AYS amino were screened for the... more
Food Traceability is a customer's and other value chain operator's call, driven by increasing product quality demands and customers' awareness. Traceability in fisheries and aquaculture value chain is related to the geographical origin... more
To investigate the crystallization of ibuprofen [((RS)-2-(4-(2-methylpropyl) phenyl) propanoic acid)] from ethanol and water-ethanol mixtures it is necessary to know the nucleation limits of its solutions. In the absence of crystals,... more
Future Internet research yields an increasing number of frameworks for new protocol stacks. Each of them defines its own API in order to reduce the networking know-how an application needs for communicating with others. Thus, networking... more
As scalable information technology evolves to a more cloud-like model, digital assets (code, data and software environments) increasingly require curation as web-accessible services. “Service-izing” digital assets consists of... more
Many countries currently maintain a national data catalog, which provides access to the available datasets – sometimes via an Application Programming Interface (API). These APIs play a crucial role in realizing the benefits of open data... more
The article describes the process of developing a chatbot to provide students with information about schedules using the Telegram mobile messenger. During the research, the following tasks have been performed: the analysis of notification... more
Abstract Standardisation of Web Real-Time Communications (WebRTC) and Telepresence will likely lead to greatly increased deployment of interactive multimedia applications on the Internet. The resulting high-rate multimedia traffic may... more
The Javadoc paradigm for displaying API documentation to users is quite popular, with similar variants existing for many mainstream languages. However, two user interface design properties of Javadoc may reduce its utility when displaying... more
Research into multi-surface systems goes back for more than thirty years, yet these systems have not been taken up in realworld settings. We believe the reason for the lack of adoption is that constructing multi-surface systems is costly... more
Education system has been gravely affected due to widespread of Covid-19 across the globe. In this paper we present a thorough sentiment analysis of tweets related to education available on twitter platform and deduce conclusions about... more
A total of 299 microorganisms were isolated from 100 bovine mastitic samples and 62 bacterial isolates from 40 swabs from milker's' hands in different localities of Khartoum State. These isolates were subjected for further confirmation by... more
Harvard has been able to leverage the promise of interoperable APIs by replicating the IIIF/Mirador design pattern across multiple functional areas sharing core Image API and digital repository services. Sharing knowledge, expertise, and... more
The standard approach is usually to determine the actual target value as well as discover the hest-focused image location by means of ascending lookup approach. Due to the fact auto-focus algorithm need to be real-time, the standard... more
We describe how faculty desire for a state-of-the-art platform to study and teach Harvard Library’s digitized books and manuscripts found an eager sponsor in HarvardX and HUIT. The project has joined an open source software consortium... more
El objetivo del presente estudio es examinar el método denominado panel online desde la perspectiva de las ciencias sociales, como un recurso creado para aportar al debate del desarrollo de métodos digitales. Para ello, se ha adoptado la... more
Berbagai permasalahan yang harus dihadapi dalam implementasi teknologi komputasi saat ini yaitu input data masih dilakukan secara manual. Dalam proses pemasukan data sering kali mengalami keterlambatan pada saat mengirim data, sehingga... more
Many SACCOS in Tanzania face problems of poor management, embezzlement, lack of working capital, high loan delinquency rates and poor business practices. Poor management and lack of commitment has resulted in many SACCOS having high... more
In a period where information develops with great amount regularly, it's getting harder to look and find pictures, their suppositions, visual articles, individuals, and so forth of decision in SharePoint in view of the way that they are... more
A stateless architecture design is a web architecture design that typically does not persist data in any database and such applications also does not require any kind of backup storage. Data that flows through a stateless service is data... more
Exemplos de marcos de sinalização de faixa de dutos
Building an effective Information Retieval (IR) System for such a complex sector like a library, is indeed a challenging task. Creating this kind of applications, one must be aware of basic IR methodolo-gies and structures used, as well... more
Many metadata repositories have been used to enrich music information retrieval applications, focusing on topics such as recorded music or performance catalogues. We present a database of biblio-graphic information that focuses on... more
Background: Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) are key to software reuse. Software developers can link functionality and behavior found in other software with their own software by taking an API into use. However, figuring out how... more
Online marketing has now invaded every business. Whatever is the business type the aid of internet is leading the business houses towards development. Travel industry is also not untouched by the same. With the invasion of World Wide Web... more
API Pemilu Menuju Smart Election, API Pemilu Toward The Smart Election, API Pemilu, Election APIs, Open Data, Open Government Data, Smart Election, Digital Democracy, Gadget, Application, Application Programming Interface, Hackathon, Apps... more
Service discoverability during the learning stage of an Application Program Interface (API) has a great affect on the productivity of developers and is of great importance to businesses. The adoption of Resource Oriented Architecture... more
This study is tried to investigate the flow characteristics and velocity imaging of a diesel fuel through a diffuser pipe in a storage tank. The fuel in the tank shall be spread into a tank in a range of as wide as possible. The ANSYS... more
This paper aims to analyze the current context of Application Programming Interface (API) technology, with focus in External API (Public API or Open API) by news organizations. The adoption of API has been considered a technological... more