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Here come the dandies. Always ready to use their wit to change clichés and commonplaces. For them, nothing is quite so serious – except banality . Welcome to an aesthetics in which poses matter more than gestures, sensations implode... more
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      Cultural HistoryWalter BenjaminBrazilian CinemaOscar Wilde
Veronica Forrest-Thomson’s poem ‘Cordelia: Or, “A Poem Should not Mean but Be’’’ is a concerted distillation of the poet’s theoretical concerns and the most sustained negotiation of literary history and form in her oeuvre. The poem, it is... more
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      PoeticsContemporary PoetryArtificeVeronica Forrest-Thomson
Meu encontro com ONde Andará Dulce Veiga? de Caio Fernando Abreu e outros coisas dos anos 90 do século passado...Não há mais boa ou má literatura, bons ou maus filmes. Ou se há, não me importa mais. Há experiência e uma beleza impura. Há... more
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      Queer StudiesQueer TheoryPerformativityTheories of Gender and Transgender
Ten years ago, I was more interested in giving a response inside "return of the real" (Hal Foster) through the ordinary much more than an alternative to it. It is a theoretical sythnesis that sums up what I have published then more than... more
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      AestheticsArt TheoryContemporary ArtSlavoj Zizek
Le mémoire "Le cinéma des frères Coen : Éloge de l'artifice" (Université Paris 7, 2009) s'intéresse au caractère apparemment insaisissable d'une filmographie dont il a souvent été remarqué qu'elle échappa à la cohérence formelle que l'on... more
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      Cinema StudiesMaterialismeArtificeCoen Brothers
This essay examines the use of camouflage, artifice, and abstraction – as strategies of surface-play – by Mickalene Thomas, a contemporary painter. Many scholars have focused on Thomas's use of painting materials (e.g. enamel,... more
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      InteriorityAffectCamouflageBlack Visual Culture
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      ArtificeEducação ProfissionalAssociações E MutualismoIrmandades Católicas
Afetos, Relações e Encontros com Filmes Brasileiros Contemporâneos, by Denilson Lopes, seeks to fill a gap in the bibliography of studies on Brazilian cinema during the past ten years, after the so-called “Cinema da Retomada” (“New... more
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      Queer TheoryBrazilian StudiesCosmopolitanismGilles Deleuze
En el vasto campo de los estudios sobre el afecto y entre las múltiples posibilidades para considerar su importancia en este ensayo, sitúo, en un primer momento, el contexto del giro afectivo (affective turn). En un debate presente en la... more
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      Latin American StudiesQueer TheoryGilles DeleuzeBrazilian Cinema
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      RomanticismWilliam Butler YeatsPoetryVictorian Literature
This paper begins by tracing a path through salient developments in semiotic theory regarding the visual. It examines the political functions of cultural and discursive semiotic systems through which graphic images and gestures are... more
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      SemioticsVisual SociologyVisual StudiesVisual Anthropology
This article rethinks concepts of the simulational and the simulacral for popular digital culture. It plays concepts of the modern world as hyperreal against the more modest, pragmatic, but vital, insights of game studies into the... more
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      Game studiesTechnocultureVideo GamesDeleuze
Le Néo-baroque est devenu un canon de la littérature hispano-américaine. Comme Omar Calabrese (1988), entre autres, a si bien montré, le Néo-Baroque se déploie petit à petit à différentes expressions artistiques et pratiques discursives.... more
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      AestheticsContemporary ArtQueer TheoryJudith Butler
ATMOSPHERE 10 explores Fabrications. Fabrications implicate diverse artifacts and modes of making, together with the places, practices, contingencies and intentions that enable and contextualize making. In other words, this symposium will... more
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      Creative WritingIndigenous StudiesDesignArchitecture
Resumen de la conferencia en: Nombres en la sombra. II Coloquio de Investigadores en Textil y Moda, celebrado en el Museu del Disseny de Barcelona, los días 21 y 22 de noviembre de 2019.
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      TextilesHistory of CostumeXVIII centuryCostume (Art History)
L’autore analizza i rapporti tra ‘artificio’ letterario e ‘sincerità’ d’affetti presso la scrittura epistolare amorosa del Cinquecento, soffermandosi in particolare sulle opere di Giovanni Antonio Tagliente, Pietro Bembo, Girolamo... more
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      Women's StudiesItalian StudiesRenaissance StudiesItalian Literature
In this paper, the authors offer an overview and analysis of Roman O. Jakobson's concept of " artifice " and contextualize this concept within two critical traditions: functional aesthetics and sign theory. Within both traditions and... more
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      SemioticsStructuralism (Literary Criticism)ArtificeRoman Jakobson
I demonstrate here how Aristotle’s teleological conception of nature has been largely misunderstood in the scientific age and I consider what his view might offer us with regard to the environmental challenges we face in the 21st century.... more
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      EthicsPhilosophy of ScienceTechnologyEnvironmental Education
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      Instrumentation EngineeringArt HistoryDesignHistory Of London
La Décadence est un mouvement de la fin du XIXe siècle qui, à l’aune de la célèbre formule d’Oscar Wilde proche du paradoxe – « Life imitates Art far more than Art imitates Life » –, élève l’artifice en valeur à part entière en... more
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      MimesisOscar WildeBaudelaireDecadence (Literature)
Au début des années 1950, les recherches de José Bernhart et Jean Wilfrid Garrett sur le système de diffusion stéréophonique donnent lieu à la première diffusion stéréophonique à la radio : celle de la pièce de théâtre radiophonique, Une... more
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      AuthenticityRadioSoundRadio Drama
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      Architectural HistoryArtifice
Artifice, n. 1. Human skill or workmanship as opposed to nature or a natural phenomenon. 2. Skill in devising and using expedients; artfulness, cunning, trickery. -Oxford English Dictionary These definitions of artifice contrasts human... more
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      Art HistoryArt TheoryModern ArtMedieval Art
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      Victorian StudiesHyperrealityFin de Siecle Literature & CultureOscar Wilde
The premise in this thesis is that in the context of the late twentieth-century visual culture of the West, a condition of dystopia is distinct. I argue that since the Sixties, developments in computer technology (‘new technologies’) have... more
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I would argue in favor of a new invisibililty. Now silence doesn’t mean necessarily death. Claiming a new invisibility does not mean to go back to the closet but continuing Santiago Santiago’s demand for more subtility and less... more
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      Comparative LiteratureQueer StudiesTransgender StudiesQueer Theory
Frank O’Hara possessed a lingering distaste for the work of Robert Lowell, seen as the father of the confessional mode. In 1965, in an unusually acerbic outburst, he savaged ‘Skunk Hour’, one of Lowell’s most famous poems, disparaging its... more
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      PoetryFrank O'HaraTwentieth Century American PoetryRobert Lowell
Rene Eugenio Seifert é PhD em Administração pela Universidade de Birmingham – Inglaterra, mestre e bacharel em Administração pela Universidade Federal do Paraná (UFPR). Ele é professor do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Administração (PPGA)... more
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      ArtificeOrganizações AlternativasFormas não Convencionais de Organização
Como falar dos anos 90? Quando eles começaram? Quando eles acabaram? Começaram com as esperanças de uma Europa unificada e democrática após a queda do Muro de Berlin e terminaram com a queda do World Trade Center e a crescente belicização... more
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      Lars von TrierStanley KubrickKrzysztof KieslowskiDavid Lynch
... Jeff Roberts is Assistant Instructor of Argumentation and Academic Debate at Baylor University where ... He is currently focused on the integration of Jean Baudrillard's writing into academic policy ... Alex McVey... more
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The premise in this thesis is that in the context of the late twentieth-century visual culture of the West, a condition of dystopia is distinct. I argue that since the Sixties developments in computer technology ('new technologies') have... more
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