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Relics of scientists are numerous and the practice of preserving and studying them covers a surprisingly long period, from the late Medieval time to the mid- Twentieth century. What inspired then natural scientists or the public of the... more
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      AnthropologyHistory of ReligionHistory of ScienceGalileo Galilei
«Tatuarsi non è un gesto banale: l'irrevocabilità dell'atto, la fuoriuscita del sangue, la presenza del dolore ci fanno assaporare ritualità arcaiche e profonde». La storia del tatuaggio in Italia raccontata da una giovane ricercatrice e... more
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      HistoryCriminologyVisual CultureStigma
Agostino Bassi was the first to translate aetiological ideas on the microbiological genesis of diseases into an actual research programme. Dedicated to his own, private nat- uralistic researches, Bassi demonstrated experimentally that a... more
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      Cultural HistoryHistory of MedicineHistory of ScienceHistory of Biology
Delia Frigessi, Cesare Lombroso, Torino, Einaudi, 2003, Biblioteca di cultura storica, pp. 426, euro 34,00. «Grande» e «fantastico» Lombroso scriveva Freud a proposito del fondatore dell'antropologia criminale, certificando in qualche... more
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    • Cesare Lombroso
_The Physiology of Love and Other Writings_ is the first English annotated collection of Mantegazza’s selected works. In my extensive introductory essay, Mantegazza’s hybrid contributions from fiction, travel-writing, and ethnography to... more
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      PhilologyHistory of Science and TechnologyIntellectual HistoryCultural History
This Paper deals with the trial of the La Gala brothers and their band of brigands in 1864. It argues that contingent circumstances pertaining to the difficult process of Italian political unification made this trial the starting point... more
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      Legal HistoryRisorgimentoContemporary Italian History and PoliticsCesare Lombroso
Olson, Greta. "Jonson's Comedies of Gulling Rogues." Criminals as Animals from Shakespeare to Lombroso. Law and Literature Series 8. Berlin and New York: De Gruyter, 2013. 131-153.
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      ShakespeareLaw and LiteratureLiterature and LawCesare Lombroso
Questo saggio prende in considerazione la funzione che il positivismo ottocentesco e la poetica naturalistica ad esso ispirata hanno nell'opera di Federico De Roberto, in particolare nel romanzo I Viceré. Il positivismo non è qui... more
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      Italian StudiesItalian Cultural StudiesItalian LiteraturePositivismo
Nel XIX secolo, Napoleone Colajanni pone le basi della sua sociologia criminale fornendo una critica dettagliata della frenologia e del suo uso incongruo da parte della scuola italiana di criminologia, rappresentata da Cesare Lombroso,... more
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      CriminologiaCriminologíaHISTORIA DE LA CRIMINOLOGIACesare Lombroso
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    • Cesare Lombroso
Both the genetic endowment we have been equipped with, and the environment we had to be born and raised in, were not-and never are-for us to choose; both are pure luck, a random ticket in this enormously inventive cosmic lottery of... more
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      EthicsGabriel TardeMetaethicsBernard Williams
Abstract: We all know that Lombroso was not always correct in his conclusions, that his methods were flawed and that he can be seen as both misogynist and racist. Even if many of these problematic areas are due to the social, political... more
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      Criminological TheoryCesare LombrosoCriminological Theories
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      Cesare LombrosoTeorias biologistas
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In various writings Michel Foucault has shown how, in the beginning of the 19th century, in settings such as army barracks, psychiatric hospitals and penitentiary institutions, the modern human sciences were ‹born› as an ensemble of... more
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      Michel FoucaultLiterature And ScienceAntisocial BehaviourBehavioural Genetics
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      History of PsychiatryCesare LombrosoStoria della medicinaHistory of Criminology
Essay on mutual relations between mental illness, social opression, genius, art and creativity. Contains references to ideas of Hans Prinzhorn, Cesare Lombroso, Michel Foucault and Thomas Szasz, as well as works of Paul Klee, Andre... more
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      Art HistoryCreativityModern ArtSurrealism
A distanza di poco più di un secolo dalla morte, Ia figura di Cesare Lombroso continua a essere oggetto di numerosi studi, analisi e polemiche. Attraverso l’esame di alcune delle sue opere principali e dell’ambiente storico e sociale in... more
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      SociologyCriminologySociology of LawCesare Lombroso
This paper examines the ways in which Stevenson's Dr. Jekyll is treated in the Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde in relation to Cesare Lombroso's research on atavism and criminality.
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      British LiteratureCriminal PsychologyCesare LombrosoNature vs Nurture
2010. Reseña de "Degenerados, anormales y delincuentes" (Marea Editorial, 2010), de Gabo Ferro.
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      HistoryCriminologySociology Of DevianceSociology of Crime and Deviance
Publicado en HISTORIA, ANTROPOLOGÍA Y FUENTES ORALES, nº 40, 2008, pp. 129-148
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      Johann Caspar LavaterPhrenologyCesare LombrosoHistory of Phisiognomy
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      DostoevskyLeo TolstoyEmile ZolaCesare Lombroso
This book, often cited in the literature on the subject, has for the first time analyzed the work of Lombroso in the history of science. He probed the origins of the idea of ​​atavism. He then identified criminogenesis as the backbone of... more
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      History of ScienceHISTORY OF CRIME AND LAWCesare LombrosoHistory of Crime and Criminology
Referat wygłoszony na sesji naukowej "Arystoteles a współczesność interpretacje i reinterpretacje" (Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu, 21-23.10.2016).
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      AristotlePhysiognomyHistory of PhysiognomyLombroso
Dividido en siete capítulos, "Los negros brujos" arranca con «la carta a modo de prólogo» que firma Cesare Lombroso, quien aplaude la descripción que el joven abogado hace del fenómeno de la santería, subrayando además la novedad de... more
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      Race and RacismCuban StudiesPositivismoFernando Ortiz
Resumo: os manuais de criminologia costumam mencionar como marco fundacional desta ciência o livro "O homem Delinquente", de Cesare Lombroso. No entanto, poucos criminólogos analisam o discurso lombrosiano sobre a criminalidade feminina,... more
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      Cesare LombrosoProstituiçãoCriminologia Positivista
I firmly believe that books from which this chapter is derived are the carrier of civilization and providers of knowledge. They help in the production of new regimes of knowledge and without books, history is silent, literature... more
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      EducationSocial PolicySocial JusticeUganda
An analysis of Arthur Conan Doyle's Holmesian Canon in the light of the scientific theorizations of his time is here proposed, aimed at highlighting how they shape the use of Gothic spatial tropes in the representation of London. The... more
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      Gothic LiteratureCrime fictionDetective FictionArthur Conan Doyle
A partire dalla seconda metà dell’Ottocento, le discussioni intorno alla natura femminile, alla collocazione della donna in società e al rapporto fra i sessi si fecero sempre più frequenti. All’interno della cultura scientifica... more
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      CriminologyWomen's StudiesWomen's HistoryWomen and Gender Studies
Il volume ricostruisce la biografia di Carlo Livi (1823-1877) focalizzandosi sulla sua opera medico-psichiatrica e sul suo percorso di uomo e di intellettuale vissuto durante il Risorgimento. Livi fu una figura chiave della psichiatria... more
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      Modern HistoryCultural HistoryForensic AnthropologyHistory of Education
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      Dante StudiesMedievalismCesare LombrosoStoria della medievistica
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      AnthropologyItalian Cultural StudiesDarwinismSocial Darwinism
This dissertation provides a wider insight into the topic of Physiognomy by drawing upon the findings gathered from the works of Cesare Lombroso. Primary research has been carried out to assess whether the facial characteristics... more
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      PerceptionPhysiognomyCrimeCesare Lombroso
Lombrosians and the people. Social sciences and lower classes in Italy between 19th and 20th centuries The article analyzes the representation of the "subaltern" in studies carried out between the late 19th and the early 20th centuries by... more
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      Urban SociologyCesare LombrosoCriminal AnthropologyAlfredo Niceforo
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How are we to understand the attention that nineteenth-century medical sciences paid to Italian music, and to some of its emblematic figures? To what extent were such disciplines less interested in specific works than in the musical... more
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      HistoryMusicMusic HistoryArt History
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      Dante StudiesMedievalismHistory of HistoriographyFrancesco d'Assisi
Il contributo intende delineare brevemente la figura e la pratica clinica dello psichiatra Giuseppe Amadei (1854-1919), per mettere in luce il suo rapporto complesso con il positivismo lombrosiano. Vengono approfonditi in particolare i... more
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      History of PsychiatryHistory Of Madness And PsychiatryHistory Of PsychologyGenius (Psychology)
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      Literary StylisticsHistory of PsychiatryItalian LiteratureIntertextuality
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      Italian LiteratureSigmund FreudItalo SvevoHypochondria
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      Stereotypes and PrejudiceAntisemitism/RacismsItalian Jewish historyCesare Lombroso
Vinculada à linha de pesquisa de Criminologia e Controle Social do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciências Criminais da Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul, a presente dissertação investiga quais e de que modo dispositivos... more
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The vindication of the Gypsy as a hero in some works by Manuel Falla and Federico García Lorca and through the cante jondo competition of 1922 is well known to scholars. What is perhaps less known is that Falla and Lorca reacted against a... more
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      CriminologyPopular MusicRace and RacismSocial and Cultural Anthropology
"Zu Beginn des 20. Jahrhunderts ist der Lustmörder eine kulturelle Ikone. Am rasanten Aufstieg dieser Figur sind Kriminologen, Psychiater und Literaten gleichermaßen beteiligt. In wissenschaftlichen und literarischen Fallgeschichten... more
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      Discourse AnalysisCriminologyGerman StudiesHumanities
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      CriminologyHistory of Political and Institutional ReformHistory of prison architecturePenal Law
Ernst Jünger’s detective novel 'Eine gefährliche Begegnung' (1985) dramatizes a clash between the concept of adventure and the principles of order and modern scientific inquiry. Set in Paris, in 1888, the text tells the story of a murder... more
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      German StudiesGerman Literature20th Century German LiteratureCrime fiction
A guardarla, mai avresti sospettato fosse una diva. Eppure, quella donna, massiccia e volgarotta, oriunda di Minervino Murge, era conosciuta in tutto il mondo per le proprie doti di “maga”. Non una delle tante fattucchiere di paese, che... more
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      History of Science and TechnologyItalian (European History)History of MedicineHistory of Science
Le trame della scrittura. Questo il titolo pensato per la presente tesi, che si pone come intento principale lo studio e la valorizzazione di una serie di testimonianze documentarie dirette prodotte da soggetti reclusi in strutture... more
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      History of ScienceArchivesCollecting and CollectionsGraphology
A distanza di poco più di un secolo dalla morte, la persona e l’opera di Cesare Lombroso continuano a essere oggetto di numerosi studi e analisi. Lungi dall’essere un argomento concluso, infatti, l’ambigua eredità di Lombroso, del suo... more
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      SociologyHumanitiesSocial SciencesHistory of Science