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a catequese está à procura de uma identidade sua na missão da igreja e acima de tudo nos contextos de nova evangelização. cheguei à conclusão de que a sua missão prioritária – mas não a única – é a de favorecer o acolhimento da proposta... more
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      CatecheticsNew EvangelizationChristian formation
Mistagogia della vita cristiana
Le competenze della vita cristiana
La persona via mistagogica
Le pratiche comunicative
Le pratiche educative e spirituali
Le pratiche formative
Aspetti evolutivi delle pratiche pedagogiche
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      Christian formationMistagogyChristian Life
1. Un pressante invito di papa Francesco
2. Amore coppia famiglia. Chiarimenti
3. La pastorale come compito formativo
4. Progetti, itinerari, competenze, esperienze
5. Organizzazione degli itinerari
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      ItineraryChristian formationAmoris Laetitia
Los muchos nombres de la catcquesis. Este libro quiere ser una introducción al estudio de la catequesis. En tal sentido es una catequética. Ofrece un panorama argumentado de la evolución de su definición en el siglo xx y... more
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      Catechesis, spiritual formationChristian formation
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      ReligionChristianityBiblical StudiesCommunity
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      SociologySpiritualityHumanitySpringer Ebooks
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      Systematic TheologySaint AugustinePope Benedict XVI/Josef RatzingerPope Francis
The article illustrates how community relationships can influence an individual's behavior. Humans develop their moral selves within the framework of communities and relationships, and so it is not right to reduce moral formation to a... more
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      Spiritual FormationPastoral TheologyCommunityMorality
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      Computer ScienceWorld Wide WebCitationAcm
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      ReligionChristianityPhilosophyBiblical Studies
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    • Teologia praktyczna
Kingdom Calling offers a compelling theological grounding for the vocation, ministry and discipleship of the whole people of God. Building creatively on previous studies, it challenges all of us to change so that the whole church can... more
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      Practical theologyEcclesiologyMissional EcclesiologyChristian formation
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      GeographyTheologyChristian formationFormacja chrześcijańska
This exploratory study addresses the lack of attention to interpersonal physical touch (IPT) in Protestant Christian formation. It combines insights from the Reformation tradition and pre- Christendom to develop a practical and... more
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      Practical theologyEarly ChristianityEcclesiologyPastoral Theology
Spis treści Formacja chrześcijańska – czy ma sens dzisiaj? Christian formation – does it make sense today? ks. Dominik Kiełb Pojęcie formacji chrześcijańskiej 15 ks. Michał Powęska Jezus jako Wychowawca dla Szymona Piotra.... more
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      TheologyPastoral TheologyCatechesisChristian formation
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Pentecostal churches have high expectations of their schools of higher education, and justifiably so. Intellectual and spiritual formation of the next generation of ministers and lay persons is imperative. So it is a hopeful sign that,... more
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      ReligionTheologyTheological EthicsTheological Hermeneutics
The presence of πίστις in the list of spiritual gifts in1 Cor 12:8-10 is problematic. Should not faith be the common basis of the charisms and not a particular gift? What means “faith” in 1 Cor 12:9, given that Paul includes it among the... more
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The prayer of a Christian is the subject of his daily care in the process of spiritual development. We can say that without it and its dynamic development it is not possible for the spiritual progress of the Christian and the Church in... more
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Transescents, young people typically in the age range from ten to fourteen, also known as middle school aged children, embody specific needs in the process of education. In the context of religious education programming within Christian... more
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      ReligionEducationTheologyReligious Education
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      New TestamentNew Testament and Christian OriginsNew Testament TheologyDiscipleship
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      ChristianityNew TestamentCommunity DevelopmentSpirituality
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      LeadershipWest AfricaPentecostalismNigeria
Faith is a gift of God-an act of divine grace-rather than a set of beliefs or a well-developed cognitive understanding of spiritual things. As Pope Benedict XVI says in "Gospel, Catechesis, catechism", "Do not presuppose the faith but... more
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      CultChristian formationCatholic formationCatholic Creed
Being mentally healthy is one of the best feelings in the world. Just knowing that you are not under any kind of stress is already a breath of fresh air. Every student goes through a very stressful time of their lives every time another... more
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      Mental Helath PromotionAcademic Stress
Research in the field of communication apprehension (CA) has been ongoing for many years now. CA is the fear or anxiety associated with real or anticipated communication with others. This study investigated the main factors that lead to... more
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      Interpersonal CommunicationMeetingsCommunication ApprehensionPublic Speaking Anxiety
The experience of hearing God’s voice is one of the defining aspects of Pentecostal spirituality. While most Christian traditions maintain a belief in a personal and communicative deity, the Pentecostal concept of hearing God’s voice is... more
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      TheologyPractical theologyRevelationPentecostalism
Presents an alternative to the standard church meeting (wrongly termed "service"!).
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An overview of the role of relationship between theological education and Christian formation in the Episcopal context.
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      Christian EducationTheological EducationChristian formationBaptismal Theology and Practice
Soy físico y nunca escribí ningún artículo sobre estos temas. Lo lamento
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Christianity functions as a seedbed for the epistemological divide over race in the United States. Building on Willie James Jennings’ call to consider who we have been formed not to see and to whom we belong, this paper urges theological... more
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      DiversityPublic TheologyTheological EducationMartin Luther King Jr.
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    • Contemporary Christian Music
How can the second command of Jesus, loving others as one's self, be utilized in our understanding of the communal role of the Spirit in our individualistic world?
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La fe es un acto racional del ser humano que le lleva a comprender el origen y el sentido de su existencia en el encuentro personal con la Persona de Cristo.
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      Fe Y RazónInteligencia y Amor en el acto de fe
This research was done in the Episcopal Church of South Sudan, in the Diocese of Kajo-Keji. The reason is that this church has a vast membership of which a large percentage are inactive members. At the same time we see that the diocesan... more
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      ChristianityAfrican StudiesAfricaDiscipleship
This paper is actually a letter written to parents of ten students whom I (and three others) led through a rite of passage designed as an initiation to become disciples of Jesus Christ. The underlying assumption of this paper and the... more
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      Social and Cultural AnthropologyAnthropology of ChristianityYouth MinistryOral Traditions
When the church came to implementing this idea of lifelong education, however, we face a twofold misunderstanding that proceeds to use control over the educational vision, despite our beliefs. The first misunderstanding is that education... more
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    • Christian formation
El presente trabajo comienza analizando la metáfora de la luz que proporciona el título y el hilo conductor a la Encíclica Lumen Fidei. Partiendo de la definición de la fe como «mirar con los ojos de otro», se muestra el calado... more
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      Religious EpistemologyFaith and ReasonFundamental theologyLumen Fidei
"An Indian Initiative in Christian Formation: Reflections on the Vision and Mission of Dharmārām for an Indian Church" captures a set of important ideals for which it has been established in 1957. In an attempt to recapture the noble... more
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      Indian Christian TheologyChristian formationDHARMARAMDHARMARAM VIDYA KSHETRAM
This Festschrift honors Benny C. Aker, Professor Emeritus of New Testament Exegesis at the Assemblies of God Theological Seminary. In addition to teaching at several institutions, Aker worked as an editor for Hendrickson Books for many... more
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      New TestamentBook of RevelationGospel of JohnJohnannine Epistles
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How do practices contribute to the formation of the mind of Christ in community such that the community truly becomes the body of Christ?” This dissertation demonstrates that Christ acts on his Church through a complex interaction of... more
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      ImprovisationPractice theoryMimesisPractical theology
El tratado del Evangelio de San Juan de Agustín de Hipona nos ofrece una teoría de la verdad que responde a la exigencia que Ignacio Ellacuría hacía a finales del siglo XX de un lugar histórico en donde se ilumina la realidad. Este lugar... more
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      Ignacio EllacuríaFilosofíaSan Agustín de HiponaTeorías de la verdad
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      EvangelizationPope FrancisEvangelii Gaudium
"El sacerdote de Orihuela-Alicante, Domingo García, pronunció una ponencia sobre la formación integral del cristiano. En su exposición retomó el lema del encuentro “Verdaderos creyentes, discípulos y testigos de Cristo”. El ponente... more
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      Lay Catholic TheologyFaithDiscipleshipChristian Identity
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      Philosophy of EducationHigher EducationPentecostalism
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      New AtheismCourtyard of the Gentiles