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This is an entry in the third edition of the Encyclopedia of Public Administration and Public Policy. It examines the many dimensions of civil-military relations in democratic states.
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      Civil-military relationsMilitary StudiesCivil-Military cooperationMilitary Leadership
This paper assesses the lessons learned by the Netherlands from its ISAF missions in Afghanistan, and to what extent these are transferred to the ongoing deployment to MINUSMA in Mali, assessing whether experiences from one operation can... more
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      International SecurityNATOCivil-Military cooperationUnited Nations Peacekeeping Operations
Despite its seemingly overwhelming military superiority, the Netherlands never came close to defeating the increasingly effective nationalist insurgency on Java in the late 1940s. This article argues that the desperate state of the Dutch... more
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The concept of civil-military cooperation (CIMIC) is a relatively new input into contemporary peacekeeping operations. Introduced in the early 2000s, it still receives a vast amount of criticism, both from theorists and practitioners. The... more
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      PeacekeepingCivil-military relationsCivil-Military cooperationCIMIC
The geography of The Sudan is the first challenge of the country. Sudan is the largest country in Africa. It is bordered by nine countries; in the north by Egypt, east and north east by Ethiopia and Eritrea, south by Democratic Republic... more
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      Military HistoryAfrican StudiesComparative PoliticsInternational Relations
Kodam XVI/Pattimura sebagai salah satu Kotama kewilayahan TNI AD, selain melaksanakan tugas dibidang pertahanan dan keamanan di wilayah Maluku dan Maluku Utara juga memiliki tugas dan tanggung untuk membantu pembangunan pemeritah daerah... more
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      ForestrySustainable agricultureSustainable DevelopmentFisheries
This background paper outlines issues that emerged from research commissioned by the Australian Civil-Military Centre (ACMC) in early 2013 to map international perspectives and trends in security sector reform (SSR). The concept of SSR... more
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      Comparative PoliticsInternational RelationsPeace and Conflict StudiesSocial Sciences
Pelaksanaan Operasi Militer Selain Perang terkait penanggulangan bencana merupakan bagian penting dalam penggunaan kekuatan dan sumberdaya yang tersedia yang menjadi kebijakan strategis penggunaan kekuatan pertahanan dan keamanan. Dalam... more
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      Emergency ManagementCivil-Military cooperationDisaster Risk Reduction and ManagementTanggap Darurat Bencana
In the post-Cold War, post-9/11 world, the frequency of intra-state conflicts and conflict waged by armed internal groups as well as natural disasters and man-made catastrophes have been on a perceptible increase. On the international... more
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      Military HistoryPeacekeepingCivil-Military cooperationHumanitarian Intervention in Complex Emergencies
RESUMO O Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso estuda o Sistema Integrado de Monitoramento de Fronteiras (SISFRON), dentro da lógica da cooperação interagências e das relações civis militares. O TCC analisa os desafios que o SISFRON encontrará... more
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      AmazoniaCivil-military relationsTransnational Organized CrimeBorders and Frontiers
Si la situation sécuritaire en Côte d’Ivoire s’est grandement améliorée depuis 2011, des incidents ont toujours lieu ponctuellement et conservent un potentiel de déstabilisation qui justifie un effort continu de réforme du secteur de... more
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      Security sector ReformCivil-Military cooperationIvory CoastSecurity Sector Reform/Security Governance
The Communication and Complex Emergencies Project is a collaboration between the University of Adelaide’s Applied Communication Collaborative Research Unit (ACCRU) and the Australian Civil-Military Centre (ACMC). The project’s main... more
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      Comparative PoliticsInternational RelationsPeace and Conflict StudiesSocial Sciences
The ACMC has posted this document here to assist researchers to access relevant materials. ACMC claims no authorship of this publication. "The Global Study on the implementation of resolution 1325 is an important part of the United... more
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      Peace and Conflict StudiesCivil-military relationsMilitaryCivil-Military cooperation
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      AnthropologyInternational RelationsPeace and Conflict StudiesPolitical Science
Sexual and gender-based violence is widespread in conflict-affected environments. The field of conflict-related sexual and gender-based violence is active and constantly expanding. Recent research and analysis are drawing attention to the... more
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      Comparative PoliticsInternational RelationsPeace and Conflict StudiesSocial Sciences
February 2014 The Australian Civil-Military Centre (ACMC) has supported the Humanitarian Futures Programme (HFP) of King’s College London to undertake a research project, the Private Sector Challenge, which examined the role of the... more
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      Comparative PoliticsInternational RelationsSocial SciencesPolitical Science
Armed conflicts and natural disasters are inherently gendered crises; they can affect women, men, girls and boys in profoundly different ways. It is increasingly accepted that understanding these differences—or adopting a gender... more
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      Gender StudiesComparative PoliticsInternational RelationsPeace and Conflict Studies
The Communication and Complex Emergencies Project is a collaboration between the University of Adelaide’s Applied Communication Collaborative Research Unit (ACCRU) and the Australian Civil-Military Centre (ACMC). The project’s main... more
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      Comparative PoliticsInternational RelationsPeace and Conflict StudiesSocial Sciences
As part of our responsibilities under Australia’s National Action Plan on Women, Peace and Security, the ACMC has funded and provided technical subject matter expertise for the Women, Peace and Security: An Introductory Manual, launched... more
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      Comparative PoliticsInternational RelationsPeace and Conflict StudiesSocial Sciences
Research Purpose The purpose of this study is to describe the level of understanding of local emergency managers and officials in FEMA Region VI on the purpose, capabilities and effectiveness of requesting Defense Support to Civil... more
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      Emergency ManagementCivil-Military cooperation
In response to overseas natural or man-made disasters and complex emergencies, the Australian Defence Force, the Australian Federal Police, Australian Government agencies and the aid community often find themselves operating in the same... more
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      Comparative PoliticsInternational RelationsPeace and Conflict StudiesPolitical Science
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      Comparative PoliticsInternational RelationsPeace and Conflict StudiesSocial Sciences
The civil-military-police community is as diverse as it is broad. It contains a wide range of actors who employ a variety of methodologies and techniques, use unique equipment and often pursue different objectives in service of different... more
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      Comparative PoliticsInternational RelationsPeace and Conflict StudiesSocial Sciences
Le sfide del settore della sicurezza oggi chiamano in causa il ruolo contemporaneo di attori sia civili, pubblici e privati, sia militari ed è sempre più necessario creare sinergie operative e collaborazioni istituzionali al servizio... more
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      Civil-military relationsCivil-Military cooperationMilitary-Civilian RelationsDual Use Technologies
Australia has a strong record of contributing to peacekeeping and peacebuilding operations. Among the first to be deployed under UN auspices, Australian troops monitored the ceasefire between Dutch and Indonesian forces in 1947. Since... more
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      Comparative PoliticsInternational RelationsPeace and Conflict StudiesSocial Sciences
Although long-established military virtues, such as honor, courage and loyalty, are what most armed forces today still use as guiding principles in an effort to enhance the moral behavior of soldiers, much depends on whether the military... more
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      Business EthicsMilitary HistorySociologyMilitary Science
This book, a version of my Master thesis, describes the relations between the Federal Republic of Germany and Portugal in the 1960s. During this period, Portugal was a right wing dictatorship and fought colonial wars in Angola, Mozambique... more
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      NATOCold WarPortuguese Colonialism and DecolonizatonTwentieth Century Germany
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      International RelationsPeace and Conflict StudiesPolitical ScienceInternational Human Rights Law
Kryzysy związane z bezpieczeństwem zdrowotnym nie są rzeczą nową, ale rzadko kiedy kojarzą się z wykorzystaniem sił zbrojnych. Tradycyjnie rola wojska polega na obronie terytorium i interesów państwa. Pandemia koronawirusa SARS-CoV-2 jest... more
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      Civil-military relationsCivil-Military cooperationCOVID-19 PANDEMIC
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      European HistoryMilitary HistoryEuropean StudiesFrench History
"Abstract: The end of the so-called "Cold War" has seen a change in the nature of present threats and with it to the overall role and mission of NATO, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. The collapse of the Soviet Union and the... more
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      TerrorismInternational Criminal LawInternational SecurityAfghanistan
Contemporary peace operations have evolved tremendously from the traditional peacekeeping operations of only a couple of decades ago, with peacekeeping objectives increasingly encompassed within a broader peace-building agenda. It is... more
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      Comparative PoliticsInternational RelationsPeace and Conflict StudiesSocial Sciences
Since 1999, Australia has increasingly deployed the military in joint, combined, interagency environments as part of a ‘whole-of-government’ approach. Despite some successes, a number of barriers between the contributing agencies continue... more
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      ManagementComparative PoliticsInternational RelationsPeace and Conflict Studies
The Military Legitimacy Review http://militarylegitimacyreview.com/ (formerly The Military Legitimacy and Leadership Journal) Informed Commentary on Might and Right Military Legitimacy is about the balance between might and right.... more
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      Military HistoryMilitary ScienceLegitimacy and AuthorityPublic International Law
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      War in BosniaCivil-Military cooperationMilitary InterventionWar in Kosovo
In its current sense, one of the military functions, which is named as Civil-Military Cooperation (CIMIC), has emerged as a result of operational requirements during the peace operations in the Balkans in the 1990s. In this period, CIMIC... more
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      Maritime SecurityCivil-Military cooperation
Bu inceleme, 15 Temmuz 2016 FETÖ’cü darbe girişimi sonrasında, TSK’nın yeniden yapılanması kapsamında gündeme gelen gelişmelerin yarattığı risk ve fırsatlar ile önerilen tedbirler hakkında bilgi sunmak maksadıyla hazırlanmıştır.
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      International RelationsSecuritySecurity StudiesTurkey
The South-East Asian region is highly vulnerable to rapid onset natural disasters. A range of actors provide assistance during these crises, including local, national and regional civilian government offices, military and police forces,... more
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      Comparative PoliticsInternational RelationsPeace and Conflict StudiesSocial Sciences
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      Military ScienceInformation operations (IO)Civil-Military cooperationCIMIC
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      PeacekeepingCivil-military relationsPeacekeeping operationsCivil-Military cooperation
The Australian Defence Force (ADF) has come a long way in understanding the importance of gender diversity to our organisation. We recognise that our future defence capability will depend on recruiting the best people from all sectors of... more
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      Military ScienceGender StudiesComparative PoliticsInternational Relations
The Indo-Pacific region comprises a vast maritime area stretching from the eastern Indian Ocean to the western Pacific Ocean. This region is the world’s most disaster-prone area. In 2014 more than half of the world’s natural disasters... more
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      Comparative PoliticsInternational RelationsPeace and Conflict StudiesSocial Sciences
In the twenty years since the end of the Cold War, Australian not-for-profits (NFPs) have found a range of ways to support societies manage transitions from warfighting postures to modes of peaceful coexistence, and from military... more
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      Comparative PoliticsInternational RelationsPeace and Conflict StudiesSocial Sciences
The Afghanistan: Lessons from Australia’s Whole-of-Government Mission Report, commissioned by the Department of Defence, in coordination with the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade and the Australian Federal Police, outlines the... more
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      Military HistoryMilitary IntelligenceStrategy (Military Science)International Relations
This contribution was prepared for the workshop of the UACES "CSDP STRATEGY" Network, which took place at the University of Surrey on February 1st, 2013. The note presents the early findings of a collaborative research project launched... more
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      European StudiesStrategy (Military Science)European integrationGeopolitics
A discussion of civil-military cooperation in both developmental and emergency relief contexts. Initially by looking at AFRICOM's developmental efforts, then looking at CMcoord in the relief effort undertaken post Hurrican Yolanda.
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      International DevelopmentDisaster StudiesHumanitarian InterventionForeign Aid
Decades of peace operations, stabilisation efforts and disaster relief have resulted in widespread agreement about the civil‑military imperative in international responses to natural disasters, armed conflict and complex emergencies: to... more
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      Comparative PoliticsInternational RelationsPeace and Conflict StudiesSocial Sciences
The mission to build a body of expertise for the Protection of Civilians (POC) has become a major challenge to peace operations throughout the world. The last ten years have brought to the fore a focus on the rights of civilian... more
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      Comparative PoliticsInternational RelationsPeace and Conflict StudiesSocial Sciences