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En esta investigación encomendada por el Centro de Estudios de Justicia de las Américas (CEJA) se presenta información cuantitativa y cualitativa acerca de la experiencia uruguaya en la reforma de la Justicia Civil, en aquellos aspectos... more
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      Direito Processual CivilDiritto Processuale CivileProcesso CivilOralidad En El Proceso Civil
This paper aims to build on and contribute to earlier studies on use of force by the police, and examines both officer and suspect force levels during altercations. Prior attempts to study non-lethal force have only recently begun to... more
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      CriminologyHomicideLegal researchPolice Accountability
This paper was presented to the 25th Annual International Association for Conflict Management Conference, Stellenbosch, South Africa July 11-14, 2012. It considers Scotland’s lack of receptivity towards mediation in the light of its... more
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      MediationScots LawAlternative Dispute Resolution (ADR)Civil Justice System
Copertina e indice
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      Comparative LawComparative Constitutional LawDiritto Processuale CivileProcedura Civile
Access to justice is a core fundamental right and a central concept in the broader field of justice. The question of its efficient exercising through the legal aid system is one of the most important tasks of modern societies. While... more
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      Legal AidClinical Legal EducationCivil Justice SystemLaw Clinics, Legal Education, Social Justice
Lo que quiero subrayar es que el sistema judicial que nosotros tenemos y el rol del juez dentro de ese sistema judicial fue pensado para atender otro tipo de conflictos, y muchas de las preguntas que intento plantear hoy no tienen que ver... more
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      Constitutional LawProceduresComparative Civil ProcedureCivil Procedure
This paper deals with appellate procedures in Italy and was translated into Russian and published in this volume:

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      Comparative LawComparative Civil ProcedureDiritto Processuale CivileDiritto Civile
In the current English dispute litigation framework, arbitration has become undoubtedly the most utilised alternative to formal civil justice. Notwithstanding the well-recognised similarity between arbitration and litigation, some aspects... more
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      International ArbitrationArbitration LawRes JudicataCivil Justice
Experts from several countries in different regions of the world analyze the impact that the Covid-19 pandemic has had on civil justice systems. Expertos de varios países de distintas regiones del mundo analizan el impacto que la... more
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      Direito Processual CivilNuevas tecnologíasDerecho Procesal CivilReforma procesal civil
Las reformas a la Justicia Civil en el mundo tienen tres referentes esenciales: Alemania, España y Uruguay. En esta obra se analizan los tres procesos de reformas con sus luces y sombras, buscando proporcionar al lector información... more
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      Direito Processual CivilDiritto Processuale CivileDerecho ProcesalDerecho Procesal Civil
This article tests Galanter's party capability theory in China's grassroots courts through empirically examining 858 sampled judgments of rural land dispute lawsuits between married-out women (the "have-nots" or the less resourceful... more
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      Chinese LawLaw and SocietyGender EqualityChinese Law and Society
Celem opracowania było przedstawienie problematyki funkcjonowania biegłych sądowych i wydawanych przez nich opinii w postępowaniu sądowym. Opracowany raport składa się z czterech rozdziałów. W pierwszym przedstawiono wyniki badania... more
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      Criminal JusticeCourtsExpert evidenceJustice
History has progressed very swiftly in some part of Pakistan. Swat is the best example of such transformation; which was one of the 560 princely states of subcontinent. In which transformation from a princely state to a provincially... more
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      Discourse AnalysisCriminal JusticeWelfare StateTraditional Knowledge
En el desenvolvimiento del proceso, como método de solución de conflictos por excelencia, se deben sobrellevar diversos trámites y se producen una serie de incidencias a lo largo de la sustanciación del procedimiento que le dan... more
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      Recurso De ApelaciónCivil Justice SystemCivil Justice SystemsSecond Appeals Civil Procedure Code
The chapter explores the different types of litigation processes and the manner and extent to which each supports the extraction of the facts for the purposes of truth-finding
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      LawCivil LitigationComparative Civil ProcedureCivil Procedure
'This report was written as part of the project JUDGTRUST, funded by the European Union's Justice Programme (2014-2020).'
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      Private International LawConflicts of LawComparative Civil ProcedureConflict of Laws
Issue is devoted to the 150th anniversaey of the Russian Empire Judicial Reform of 1864
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      Russian StudiesComparative LawJusticeComparative Civil Procedure
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      Private International LawCivil LitigationConflicts of LawConflict of Laws
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      Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR)Civil Justice System
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      Legal EthnographyCivil Justice System
Cualquier sistema de justicia relativamente sofisticado cuenta con reglas de clausura de la litigación. Estas reglas funcionan con un doble objetivo: primero, poner término a una controversia judicial actual, clausurando el debate y... more
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      Derecho Procesal CivilRes JudicataProceso CivilCivil Justice System
Climate change has a subversive character. Its nature, characteristics, scale and intensity are so different from any other problem or menace humankind has faced so far that it requires a radical reconceptualisation of almost every field... more
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      Comparative LawConstitutional LawEnvironmental LawClimate Change
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      Criminal JusticeNarrative AnalysisJudgement and Decision Making (JDM)Legal Discourse
Un estudio sobre el fundamento, función y operatividad de la res judicata en los sitemas de justicia contemporáneos, en base a la experiencia chilena y española en el derecho continental; y al sistema de Inglaterra y Gales en el common law
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      Res JudicataCivil JusticeProceso CivilCivil Justice System
Raport składa się on z dwóch części: analizy teoretycznej (uwzględniającej podstawowe informacje o systemie tłumaczeń przysięgłych w wymiarze sprawiedliwości) oraz analizy wyników przeprowadzonych badań. Do realizacji projektu badawczego... more
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      Criminal ProcedureCriminal JusticeJusticeCivil Procedure
In early 2018, the tortuous process towards the establishment of a framework for collective redress at the EU level reached new milestones. In January, the European Commission published its long-awaited report assessing the practical... more
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      Dispute ResolutionAlternative Dispute ResolutionCivil Justice SystemCollective Redress
Este capítulo trata sobre la íntima relación que existe en tre la arquitectura orgánica de un sistema de justciia civil y la estructura funcional de los códigos procesales, en la que los recursos, las reglas de clausura y las facultades... more
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      Direito Processual CivilDerecho constitucionalDerecho ProcesalDerecho Procesal Civil
The UK tribunal system has undergone a series of major reforms, driven by important reviews such as those by the Franks and Leggatt Reports. The administrative tribunal system in Hong Kong, though inherited from the colonial... more
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      Public AdministrationGovernmentAdministrative LawPublic Law
O autor divide os países europeus em dois grupos, de acordo com a eficiência¨de seu respectivo sistema jurídico-processual. Primeiro, aqueledos Estadoscujo relativo sistema é ineficiente, o qual denomina "mediterrâneo", em razão de a... more
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      Comparative Civil ProcedureDireito Processual CivilDiritto Processuale CivileCivil Justice
El presente artículo tiene por objetivo hacer una propuesta relativa a dos de los conceptos más importantes del proceso civil, del sistema de justifica en general e, incluso, del derecho procesal como rama de la ciencia jurídica: la cosa... more
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      Law of evidenceEvidenceEpistemologíaRes Judicata
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    • Civil Justice System
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      Comparative LawAccess to JusticeLegal HistoryCivil Procedure
Copertina e sommario Sommario: 1. Introduzione. – 2. L’oralità nel suo contesto storico (cenni). – 3. Oralità, immediatezza e concentrazione come princìpi e non regole. – 4. L’oralità in senso stretto. La funzione del discorso parlato... more
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      Comparative LawCivil ProcedureDireito Processual CivilProcedural Law
This is the first edition of the 2016 European Civil Justice chronicle of the Revue Trimestrielle de droit européen. In this issue, published over the summer, I critically analyse Regulation (UE) 2015/2421 amending the European Small... more
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      European LawPrivate International LawEuropean Union LawCivil Procedure
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      Access to JusticeCourtsComparative Civil ProcedureThe role of the judiciary
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      Civil LitigationDireito Processual CivilDiritto Processuale CivileProcesso Civil
Adopting principle of finality as I proposed does not invite hurried justice, rather, in Bangladesh exhausting one trial and one appellate court is sufficient to address delayed justice. However, as it is recognised that court tries to... more
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      Comparative LawCriminal Justice SystemCivil Justice System
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      Criminal LawComparative LawConstitutional LawCivil Law
We are experiencing a major revolution in the way in which disputes between individuals are resolved. Almost everywhere civil justice is being privatised and court adjudication is disappearing. Private conflicts are less and less decided... more
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      CourtsArbitrationLegal TheoryPhilosophy Of Law
This Rural Assistance Authority consultation paper invites feedback so that the NSW Government continues to provide best practice civil dispute resolution and access to justice, whilst also driving economic growth in regional New South... more
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      Climate ChangeAlternative Dispute ResolutionFinancial InstitutionsCivil Justice System
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      Criminal LawComparative LawConstitutional LawCivil Law
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      PhilosophyComparative Civil ProcedureDireito Processual CivilDiritto Processuale Civile
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      MediationComparative Civil ProcedureCivil ProcedureAlternative Dispute Resolution
Sommario: 1. La mai sopita diatriba tra pubblico e privato nella giustizia civile. Una notazione di metodo. 2. Attualità del dibattito nel diritto comparato (specie con riferimento al contesto statunitense). 2.1. (Segue). Brevi note sulla... more
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      Civil ProcedureCivil Procedure at 18th and 19th CenturyDiritto Processuale CivileDerecho Procesal Civil
Este artículo examina, desde un punto de vista crítico-teórico, las implicaciones de la creciente pérdida de relevancia del proceso civil público a favor de medios privados e informales de resolución de las disputas (la llamada... more
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      Diritto Processuale CivileAlternative Dispute Resolution (ADR)Derecho ProcesalFilosofía del Derecho
Η κατάσταση που βιώνουμε οδηγεί νομοτελειακά στην επιλογή ενός θέματος που να σχετίζεται με τον ακατονόμαστο. Αναπότρεπτη ήταν παράλληλα η επικέντρωση στις θεματικές που προσιδιάζουν στη στήλη. Στις γραμμές που ακολουθούν, θα επιχειρηθεί... more
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      Civil LitigationCivil ProcedureCivil JusticeCivil Justice System
In the first part of this paper, a few developments regarding the role and functions of the supreme courts that have become more prominent in the first decades of the 21st century are outlined. Some of those new functions are doubtful and... more
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      Comparative Civil ProcedureCivil Justice SystemCivil Procedure, Comparative Law
Questa introduzione al volume dedicato a Francesco Forte prende le mosse da una riflessione sul pensiero economico di Luigi Einaudi e si sviluppa su una pluralità di temi su cui si è soffermata la vasta attività di ricerca di Francesco... more
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      Public FinanceHistory of Economic ThoughtWelfare StateEconomic policy