Recent papers in DLT
Companies that implement technologies which are potentially disrupting such as blockchain, frequently do not use the technology’s full capacity and they are limited to improve pre-existing processes or duplicate traditional business... more
Presentation of my work with Hyperledger.
This paper outlines the major criticism cryptocurrencies faced since Bitcoin’s introduction in 2009 that resulted in the iterative development of various 'altcoins'. These alternative cryptocurrencies, which can be seen as 'distributed... more
This paper explores the muddled, contested, and fluid vocabulary around blockchain technology, and the difficulties the problematic vocabulary raises for regulators and others seeking to understand and evaluate the technology. Failure to... more
Divanü Lügat-it-Türk, bilindiği gibi, Türk dilinin mevcut ilk sözlüğü olmanın yanında 11. yüzyıl Türk toplulukları ile ilgili birçok farklı konuda bilgiler içeren bir yapıttır. Bu bilgiler genel olarak ekonomi, toplum bilimi, kültür,... more
La crisis financiera de 2008 impulsó el desarrollo un sistema financiero estable, descentralizado, autónomo y sostenible, que no estuviese bajo la influencia de instituciones individuales "demasiado grandes para quebrar", y que no... more
The aim of this work is to delve into some key legal issues surrounding Smart Contract applications. In the first and second parts, this paper defines the concept of Smart Contract and how it applies within the blockchain ecosystem. In... more
The UID system preserves personally identifiable information (PII) of millions of users on a centralized government database, supported by some legacy software, with numerous SPOF (single points of failures). Such a centralized system,... more
The terminology around blockchain technology is notoriously confusing, with disputes over whether a blockchain is the same as a distributed ledger, or whether an appcoin is the same as a protocol token. In this article, I examine the... more
The excitement around blockchains and distributed ledger technologies (DLTs) is not without merit. We are witnessing the dawn of what is being referred to as the Fourth Industrial Revolution, as we develop network technologies with the... more
El primer caso de uso de blockchain fue la criptomoneda bitcoin, "el banco central de internet". Esta moneda se transfiere de persona a persona, es decir de ordenador a ordenador, sin necesidad de un banco intermediario, a través de la... more
The terminology around blockchain technology is notoriously confusing, with disputes over whether a blockchain is the same as a distributed ledger, or whether an appcoin is the same as a protocol token. In this article, I examine the... more
Digital transformation of Collaborative Enterprise (CE), both in terms of planning and implementation, relies on new business models and innovative technologies. One of such technologies is Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) which... more
Le chiavi pubbliche e le impronte hash costituiscono le due soluzioni criptografiche fondamentali con cui costruire una blockchain. Esse sono considerate dati pseudonimi pressoché in modo unanime, ossia dati personali mascherati dietro un... more
La era de la digitalización, ¿riesgo u oportunidad para el auditor? El interrogante es lícito y de hecho nos acompaña desde los primeros avances tecnológicos de la humanidad. Para la tranquilidad de algunos y el pesar de otros, el cambio... more
So-called “digital tokens” still tend to raise many controversies. Probably the most urgent thereof concerns the current legal framework for their mass offering in the process typically known as ICO (initial coin offering). It may seem... more
Blockchain technology was envisaged to bring a universal solution to strengthen digital democracy: ensure digital trust, distribute power between members, minimise e-monopoly, and it all through the innovative way of digitising and... more
It is known that the languages definable by formulae of the logics $FO^{2}[<,S], \Delta_{2}[<,S], LTL[F,P,X,Y]$ are exactly the variety DA*D. Automata for this class are not known, nor is its precise placement within the dot-depth... more
Partecipazione come relatrice con l’intervento “Blockchain e tutela dei dati personali” al seminario “Blockchain, salute, DAT e Costituzione”, il 24 marzo 2021, organizzato dalla Prof.ssa Elisabetta Catelani. Il seminario afferisce al... more
The goal of this report is to implement one of the most known methods for camera calibration, i.e. Direct Linear Transform. In this method, a scene which is two orthogonal planes is shown to the target camera. Peter Corke's MVTB toolbox... more
Data quantities are rapidly increasing in many industry sectors due to the development of new sensors, mobile and cloud technologies, advancements in IoT and AI, and growth of social and entertainment media. Many applications (e.g. in... more
As COVID-19 crisis spreads and markets continue to drop, governments struggle to plan emergency measures to palliate the economic effects of the pandemic. The United States Democratic Party has surprised everyone with a transgressive... more
It is known that the languages definable by formulae of the logics $FO^{2}[<,S], \Delta_{2}[<,S], LTL[F,P,X,Y]$ are exactly the variety DA*D. Automata for this class are not known, nor is its precise placement within the dot-depth... more
In October 2018, the European Parliament passed a resolution on distributed ledger technologies that recognised blockchains’ potential to disrupt copyright and creative industries. The aim of this chapter is to examine blockchain... more
En el día de ayer comenzó a circular un proyecto de ley para regular los criptoactivos, activos digitales, etc., en Uruguay y este es un primer abordaje del asunto. En el link está este artículo pero también tiene el pdf que circuló el... more