Recent papers in Expropriation
In the middle of the twentieth century, China's transnational connections flowed through the interaction of two ideologies that throughout the postwar era were at times in direct competition: consumerism and communism. In industrializing... more
En el presente trabajo se aborda el estudio de la constitucionalidad, desde una perspectiva competencial, de las medidas normativas adoptadas por las comunidades autónomas para hacer efectivo el derecho a la vivienda en cumplimiento del... more
SUMA RIO: I. La expropiación de la propiedad privada de nacionales y extranjeros en México: marco legal interno e internacional. II. ¿Con templa el derecho mexicano un concepto de expropiación indirecta? III. Concep to de expropiación... more
Land Reform and Expropriation from Female Owners (1962-1972); Western Iran Case Study Goal: the general aim of the present paper is to outline the evolution of female landlords during Land reform revisions. We want to show why and how... more
The land availability for the achievement of the works of national interest often requires the expropriation of buildings because the State and its communities do not arrange land reserves. It is the case of the fishing road Project that... more
Paper selected by the World Bank for the Land and Poverty Conference 2018: Land Governance in an Interconnected World March 19-23, 2018, Washington, DC This paper presents the challenges and possible opportunities to resolve an... more
Since the end of the Georgian-Abkhaz war, the often-precarious status of the Georgians displaced from Abkhazia has received significant academic attention. In contrast, the consequences of displacement from the reverse perspective—how it... more
This article intends to think the relationship between neoliberal capitalism and the common(s). First, it ties to define the common both in ontological and political terms, stressing the similarities and differences between the common,... more
In recent years, the landlocked former Soviet Republic of Kazakhstan has substantially improved its oil and gas prospects. Being a rich supplier of oil and gas serves to attract foreign direct investments, but the prospect of such... more
La jurisprudencia se ha servido de distintos criterios para delimitar las expropiaciones urbanísticas desde que la Ley de Expropiación Forzosa de 1954 las delimitara como un procedimiento expropiatorio especial y la Ley de Suelo de 1956... more
Целта на овој труд е поимно определување на недвижните ствари и видовите на недвижни ствари, како ствари кои се предмет на институтот експропријација како и правната уреденост на експропријацијата како институт во македонското... more
Abstract. The Amhara National Regional State similar to other regional states of the country has faced enormous economic and social problems. The question of housing and other real estate construction for high population pressure, the... more
INTERNATIONAL COURT OF JUSTICE THE PEACE PALACE THE HAGUE,THE NETHERLANDS MEMORIAL FOR RESPONDENT SUMMARY OF PLEADINGS Rydal has no right to give effect to the independence of Windscale Islands as the Islands were under Aspatria... more
Tras la expropiación en Argentina de las acciones que la compañía española REPSOL tenía de la sociedad argentina YPF, REPSOL demandó en España a YPF y a la empresa norteamericana Chevron, presunta beneficiaria de la expropiación. La... more
In the first decade of the 20th century, the company Georg Schicht Works based in Aussig – currently known as Ústí nad Labem in the northern part of the Czech Republic – producing soap and related products, flourished as one of the... more
This paper looks at the question of WHO determines compensation in SA.
This thesis examines the practice of confiscation in the Ottoman Empire during the long-eighteenth century. It investigates what enabled, guided and motivated the sovereign to confiscate the property of elites, and how and to what extent... more
Expropriation Hull formula
This article presents defectiveness, but also feasibilities with regard to improve every particular aspect of expropriational administrative procedure in purpose of efficiency, transparency, timeliness, and individual's protection against... more
La jurisprudencia viene reconociendo el derecho del propietario de un suelo con reservas minerales de la Sección A que no son objeto de explotación efectiva a ser indemnizado tanto por el suelo como por el derecho a su explotación. La... more
India’s BIT program is the largest among the developing countries and its integration into the global economy has also increased its exposure to BIT claims. Several foreign corporations presented ITA notices against various Indian... more
Premio extraordinario de Doctorado de la Universitat de Lleida (2020). El objeto de esta tesis doctoral consiste en analizar el régimen jurídico del arrendamiento forzoso de vivienda como expresión de la intervención administrativa en el... more
El ejercicio de la potestad expropiatoria en beneficio de sujetos privados plantea varios problemas jurídicos característicos a los que el Derecho público debe ofrecer una respuesta adecuada. Ello exige reconsiderar ciertos extremos de la... more
This article is an interdisciplinary critical analysis of personalization systems and the gatekeeping role of current mainstream social media. The first section presents a literature review of data-driven personalization and its... more
¿Cuál es la relación entre ciencia e ideología?. ¿Son dos cosas incompatibles, complementarias o son la misma cosa?. ¿Debe evitar la ciencia dejarse “contaminar” por la ideología?. ¿Hay una única manera de hacer ciencia?. ¿Todas conducen... more
The South African Constitution protects property but at the same time provides for its expropriation on the condition, amongst others, that “just and equitable” compensation is paid. Market value, the foremost determinant of compensation... more
Enerji ve Tabii Kaynaklar Bakanlığı’nın 1 Mart 2022 tarihli Resmi Gazete’de yayınladığı “Maden Yönetmeliğinde Değişiklik Yapılmasina Dair Yönetmelik”te, elektrik üretmek için yürütülen madencilik faaliyetlerinde tapuda zeytinlik olarak... more
El régimen de valoración del suelo de la Ley del Suelo de 2007 fue objeto de temprana crítica por una gran parte de la doctrina que consideraba que su única voluntad era deflactar el coste del suelo en las expropiaciones. Esta ley,... more
What is the relation between science and ideology? Are they incompatible, complementary or the same thing? Should science avoid “contamination” from ideology? Is there an only way to do science? Does anyone of them lead to the same... more
In the course of state-led rural urbanisation over the past few decades, millions of Chinese peasants have been expropriated and relocated. After establishing a definition of these “landless peasants” as a heterogeneous social group... more
The 'expropriation of the expropriators' is a delicious turn of phrase, one that Marx even compares to Hegel's infamous 'negation of the negation'. But what does it mean, and is it still relevant today? Before I analyse the content of... more
This paper discusses the archaeological data of the archaic rural landscape in the modern suburb of Rome, as possible evidence of land expropriation in the 5th and 4th centuries BC as known from the problematic literary tradition... more
This essay engages with the question of how to construct modern economic relations as an object of political theorizing by placing Hannah Arendt and Karl Marx’s writings in critical conversation. I contend that the political aspect of... more
There are various constructions of the ‘Fair and Equitable Treatment’ (FET) clauses in investment treaties. Many of them have combined the FET standard with other investment protection standards in the same clause. A simplistic... more
This is a chapter on a book on expropriation, and looks at how the courts confuse the requirement that expropriation must be for a public purpose, with the factor that the courts can take into account when determining compensation for... more