Recent papers in Extortion
Una fuente de inteligencia que participa directamente en las indagaciones reveló que los primeros indicios establecen que existe un alto porcentaje de participación de policías en esta red de criminalidad organizada. Este hecho cobra... more
En este documento se hizo un análisis de contexto y un diagnóstico del comportamiento de la extorsión en el departamento del Meta para el año 2013. Este documento incluye un panorama general del conflicto armado, la revisión de... more
¿Cuál es la tasa de no denuncia del delito de extorsión? ¿Todos los extorsionados pagan lo que les piden? ¿Cuál es la expectativa de las víctimas de extorsión de ser re-victimizados? Estas preguntas responde el documento a partir del... more
Este delito ha crecido tanto en Honduras que se calcula que solo las pandillas reciben más de $54 millones (más de L1,200 millones) cada año por “impuesto de guerra”; esto sin contar otras organizaciones criminales que también cobran... more
From the Niger River and across the six geopolitical zones of Nigeria, military checkpoints are an unmistakable presence, albeit a complex hub of corruption. On a daily, soldiers extort money from commuters, especially long journey truck... more
Análisis multidisciplinario del fenómeno de las extorsiones iniciando con un análisis estadístico de denuncias, casos ingresados al sistema judicial, situación del delito en algunos países de latinoamérica y respuestas institucionales y... more
Central American gangs are responsible for brutal acts of violence, abuse of women and forced displacement of thousands. Governments must go beyond punitive measures and address the social and economic roots of gang culture, tackle... more
Study notes of PPC including a comparison between;
Research Risks of Internet communication IV is the fourth nationwide research. It was implemented within the E-Bezpeci project, which has been guaranteed since 2010 by professional department –Centre for the Prevention of risky... more
Over the past year, the Woodrow Wilson Center’s Latin American Program has undertaken an extensive review of the principal United States security assistance program for the region—the Central America Regional Security Initiative (CARSI).... more
The Mungiki First, they came in the name of god, and they got legitimacy, Then they came in the name of politics, and they money, riches, Then they got greedy, they maimed, shot, murdered, extorted and beheaded, Then they were... more
Übungsfall zu Fragen der Abgrenzung von Raub und räuberischer Erpressung, Täterschaft und Teilnahme sowie zum sog. "Tankbetrug".
Ransomware is a type of malware that aims to prevent the victim from accessing computer systems and/or data through encryption and then require a ransom to be decrypted and to recover access to the data. Ransomware can be considered as a... more
This paper, which is based upon the author’s experiences in Aceh from 2006 to 2010, illustrates the dangers inherent in disarmament, demobilisation and reintegration (DDR) policies that allow for the transfer of reintegration assets... more
"Maras, or street gangs, have becoming the scourge of El Salvador, particularly in the capital. They sell drugs, extort money and rape girls, often in extremely cruel ways. They systematically resort to violence to get what they want,... more
Loss of livelihood as virtual death? Institutional blackmail, institutional extortion or institutional racketeering? Just suffering theory? Hypocritical condemnation of assisted dying? Just consent theory versus Just dissent theory?
Este documento tenía por objetivo analizar la verdadera dimensión de la extorsión en el Magdalena Medio para el año 2012, más allá de los imaginarios que hay entorno al tema de la seguridad en este territorio. El documento inicia con... more
From the 1990s the Italian agribusiness sector is increasingly threatened by a new and dangerous phenomenon: organized crime in the agribusiness sector. The so-called "Agromafia" imposes its control throughout the whole agricultural... more
The state occupies a central place in the study of a range of political, economic, and social outcomes. This article brings into dialogue literature on the state and emerging research on criminal politics through a study of protection... more
Threatening to withhold Jewish divorce in order to extract concessions, which I term here the “get-threat,” is widely regarded as extortionist. Yet this view is commonly associated with skepticism towards agreements stemming from unequal... more
This paper provides an estimate of the monetary proceeds from extortion racket accruing to the Italian mafias using two unique data sets: one recording periodic and one-time episodes of extortion from judicial and investigative sources,... more
This writ used to annul / discharge an unlawful arrest warrant used maliciously by the CITY of FORT LAUDERDALE to terrorize those who publicize the unlawful summary procedure tribunals they use to extort money from the People they are... more
Online vydírání dětí v prostředí internetových služeb (sociálních sítí) se stalo velmi nebezpečným fenoménem, který v českém prostředí v pozici oběti zažilo 6-8 % dětí. Většina závažných případů vydírání postupuje podle několika... more
This paper investigates strategies that have been used in companies from different countries to alleviate the impact of extortion from armed groups in businesses, especially in construction companies. Based on these experiences a risk... more
The article compares two important experiences of the emergence and consolidation of armed non-state actors in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, and Michoacán, Mexico, noting the rise of the groups, their functioning, relationship with the state... more
Extortion as a crime has long attracted the interest of scholars, and much effort has been put into coining a precise definition that would allow distinguishing it from other similar predatory practices such as blackmail, bribery,... more
The report 'Extortion racketeering in the EU: vulnerability factors' analyses extortion racketeering forms and practices in six EU member states. The analysis disentangles the risk and the vulnerability factors for enterprises in... more
En este documento se detallas las características de las denuncias de extorsión reportadas en el año 2017.
Within the growing research on the politics of crime victims are seen as resigned to their fates at the hands of powerful criminal actors. But the conventional approach to criminal victimization as a traumatic but one-time act obscures... more
This article aims to improve our understanding of criminal legitimacy-building phenomena by comparing extortion practices performed by criminal groups in Sicily, Italy and Michoacan, Mexico. It is argued that these extortion practices,... more
This article aims to improve our understanding of criminal legitimacy-building phe- nomena by comparing extortion practices performed by criminal groups in Sicily, Italy and Michoacán, Mexico. It is argued that these extortion practices,... more